

13977 Uppsatser om Consumer social responsibility - Sida 28 av 932

Corporate Social Responsibility : A brilliant term: but what is the point?

SyfteDenna uppsats syftar till att kartlägga begreppet CSR och redogöra för dess innebörd. Uppsatsen syftar även till att förklara varför företag arbetar med CSR samt hur kunder förhåller sig till detta.MetodVi har gjort en multipel fallstudie på företagen Electrolux AB, Swedbank AB och Swedish Match AB. Vi har genomfört telefonintervjuer med respektive företag samt gjort en kundundersökning för att se vad kunderna anser om företagens samhällsansvar. Uppsatsen bygger på en abduktiv forskningsansats och en kvalitativ undersökningsdesign.Teoretisk referensramI den teoretiska referensramen har vi kartlagt vad begreppet CSR betyder och vilka ansvarsområden som omfattas av begreppet. Vidare har vi lyft fram olika åsikter om CSR och beskrivit redovisningen av CSR samt redogjort för kopplingen mellan CSR och ekonomisk lönsamhet.

Tsunamikatastrofens politiska efterspel - En fallstudie av ansvarsutkrävandets värde i demokratin

The Swedish society woke up Boxing Day 2004 to the greatest disaster in modern times. As a result of a strong earthquake in the Indian Ocean tsunamis occurred that devastated resorts where thousands of Swedes were. In the disasters tracks were uncovered government paralysis and shortcomings of the systems control. The purpose of this study is to examine the capacity and means to demand accountability of politicians and officials of the Swedish political system. Extensive studies and the report from the commission of disasters will form the basis for the study.

CSR ur personalens perspektiv : hur inverkar organisationers arbete med CSR på personalens identifiering?

Organisationers engagemang i Corporate social responsibility (CSR) är betydelsefullt för dess intressentgrupper. För att undersöka vilken inverkan arbete med CSR har på intressenterna har vi valt att fokusera på anställda, och hur deras identifiering påverkas av organisationers arbete med CSR. Detta är också studiens syfte som vidare även behandlar vilka av CSR-aspekterna ekonomi, etik och filantropi som är väsentliga för anställda. Frågeställningarna som studien besvarar är följande: Hur påverkas de anställdas identifiering med organisationen av uppfattningen om dess arbete med CSR? Vilka specifika CSR-aspekter influerar en anställds identifiering med en organisation?För att ge svar på studiens frågeställningar användes en kvantitativ metod bestående av en webbaserad enkätundersökning.

Design and performance of Small scale sensory consumer tests

Small scale internal consumer tests provide a company with a cheap way to get valuable information regarding their products advantages and flaws. Therefore the demand for possibilities to do this kind of test has increased. This report is part of a new sensory project at Unilever. It presents a method for sensory comparison of the company?s own products with the corresponding competitor products.

"Inte mitt arbete...men det hänger på mig" : Hemtjänstpersonalens uppfattningar av sitt arbete i hemsjukvården

The proportion of elderly people in Sweden is increasing. Many of these live at home and as their age increases so does the likelihood of health problems and the need for support, medical attention and care. Personnel working with home help provide a large part of this care, including areas of home-based care that are the responsibility of the district nurse. The purpose of this paper is to describe how home-help personnel perceive their work in the area of home-based care, as their views are an important factor in the ability to provide a care system that funktions successfully. The method employed here is phenomenografic and nine subjects from a home-help group have been interviewed.

?Vi fixar och trixar oss fram till att hjälpa människor?: En studie med fokus på det sociala arbetet med köpare och säljare av sexuella tjänster i Sverige i relation till mänskliga rättigheter.

The thesis ?Vi fixar och trixar oss fram till att hjälpa människor? focuses on social work in the field of prostitution and human trafficking in Sweden. Through semi-structured interviews with social workers in the municipalities of Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö working with persons selling and buying sex, and through discourse analysis, the author analyses the perceptions among these social workers of the relation between human rights, prostitution and human trafficking, and the social work which they conduct.The thesis concludes that although the social workers perceive prostitution and human trafficking and social work in this field as human rights related, they are not explicitly using a human rights based approach in their work.The thesis concludes that the social workers identify several aspects that infringe on the rights of their clients in relation to the human rights principles of Universality, Non-discrimination, Accountability and Rule of law and the principle of Participation and Inclusion. They portray the human rights situation of street based sellers, especially those not being Swedish citizens and those affected by human trafficking, as severe.The thesis concludes that the social workers find several obstacles (legal as well as structural) that diminish their ability to strengthen their clients? human rights situation.

CSR-orientering i en facklig miljö : Socialt ansvar som strategi

Sveriges fackfo?rbund har sedan 2000-talet fo?rlorat medlemmar och allma?nhetens syn pa? fackfo?rbund a?r att de har fo?rlegade arbetssa?tt. Problematiken fo?r fackfo?rbunden a?r att de tvingas fo?ra?ndra sitt arbetssa?tt fo?r att vinna tillbaka medlemmar. Fo?ra?ndringsprocessen har inneburit att nya strategier kunnat anva?ndas fo?r att sta?rka fo?rbundens roll mot na?ringslivet och arbetsmarknaden.

Försäljning under ansvar; en kvantitativ studie om hur skrämselpropaganda i butiksmiljö kan påverka kunders attityd

Warning-labels as a mean of communicating social responsibility in the store. Previous studies have shown conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of warnings-labels as a way of communicating health hazards to customers and making them more conscious about the risks and changing their behavioural intentions. The focus of this study is to shed some light on how the customers react to warning-labels with different levels of fear in the store atmosphere. The results of this study tells us that liking of the retailer and its image as being socially responsible is not enhanced by the usage of a warning-label. If the retailer decides to use a warning-label, in spite of this fact, the recommendation is to use a high level of fear if the purpose is to make the category seem more risky and make the customers want to change their behaviour.

Var går gränsen? : En argumentationsanalys om den regionala identitetens betydelse i den nya regionindelningen

The aim of the study is to examine different statements for and against regional identity in the research of the new organisation of the Swedish society. The aim is also to observe in what extend the Swedish committee of responsibility has had an awareness of the identity politics in its effort to improve the presumptions for the new, successful regional division.The questions are:1. In which ways do the opinions of the participant of the work of the committee of responsibility, coincide and differ when it comes to the importance of the regional identity in the case of a new regional division?2. How has the committee of responsibility worked on development of consciousness and mobilisation for the creation of the regional identity in its final report?A method called the argumentation analysis was used in this study.

Arbetsmiljöansvar på en gemensam arbetsplats : En studie över hur arbetsmiljön samordnas på en byggarbetsplats med flera entreprenörer

This essay describes coordination of the work environment on construction sites where many entrepreneurs share workplace. As employer, the entrepreneur has main responsibility for the workers safety on the construction site, the project supervisor is responsible for the work environment, and to coordinate the work environment a coordinator of the construction work environment is appointed. The purpose of this essay is to describe how the work environment is ensured on a shared workplace. In order to answer the essays questions I?ve used a juridical method to interpret the law.

Etik - en lyxvara i reklambranschen? : En studie av reklametik i teori och praktik

In this interview study I have examined eleven Swedish advertisers and professional communicators and their view of ethics in the advertising industry. The purpose of the study was to shed light on how they see their ethical responsibilites, as well as trying to understand how they reason in regard to ethics as a whole. The main research questions regard the distinction between business and economic responsibilities towards their clients and societal ethical responsibilities, which ethical questions are of importance to them, and how they believe the industry should be regulated.The theoretical framework of the study uses media ethics, social responsibility theory, media accountability theory, and stockholder and stakeholder theory as its base. The study was performed using a qualitative method through interviews and the interpretation of these. The results of the study finds that the consulted advertisers have set opinions of what they themselves would decline to work with for ethical reasons, and has also been able to identify five main categories of ethical issues that they attach great importance to.

Etiskt ansvarstagande : Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppstå mellan ett företags uppförandekod och en underleverantörs arbetssätt

Kurs: A?mnesfo?rdjupande arbete i logistik och ekonomistyrning, 2FE02E, 2FE20E Fo?rfattare: Therese Jakobsen och Matilda Magnussen Handledare: Petra Andersson Titel: Etiskt ansvarstagande ? Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppsta? mellan ett fo?retags uppfo?randekod och en underleveranto?rs arbetssa?ttBakgrund: I dagens samha?lle kra?vs det att fo?retag tar ett sto?rre etiskt ansvar och verkar fo?r en ha?llbar utveckling. Det ansvarsfulla fo?retaget a?r ett uttryck fo?r det fo?retag som aktivt arbetar med Corporate Social Responsibility. Ett verktyg i arbetet med det a?r att utveckla en uppfo?randekod, a?ven kallat Code of Conduct som dikterar riktlinjer och normer fo?retagets verksamhet ska genomsyras av.

Service till alla? : Folkbibliotekens roll i de små och medelstora företagens informationsförsörjning - en granskning av tre företagsserviceprojekt

The purpose of this study is to examine and explain why three Swedish public libraries failedin their ambition to act as information services for small and medium-sized firms (SMF). To support this purpose two major assumptions are made:1) Public libraries who plan to run this kind of "business" must act with the same means as "professional" services.2) The service must be adjusted to the information needs of the customer.Based on these assumptions sixteen factors which are crucial to the "success" for this kind of service are presented.Applied to the information services of Lidkoping, Sölvesborg and Västervik, these factors reveal a number of shortcomings and mistakes made by the libraries.To understand this result these information services are seen as parts of a traditional Swedish public "library-thought". It is shown that, fundamental ideas in the way the public libraries are defined, like the responsibility to act in a neutral and democratic way, also characterised the three information services.These ideas together with the opinion of SMF as a "rational" information-consumer resulted in information services who did not meet the information-needs and information-behaviour of SMF..


Through the different stages of life people have different requirements for their homes. The requirements changes depending on people?s life situation, lifestyleand age. Depending on where people are in life they live in different place, often in areas with other people who are in the same stage of life. In Sweden, this separation has always been noticeable, sometimes more than other.

Köp av bostad efter införandet av bolånetaket : Hur påverkar konsumentens förutsättningar valet av finansieringsalternativ?

Introduction: A general guideline was introduced on October first 2010 regarding a mortgage cap, limiting the degree of leverage of housing as collateral. Through the new guidelines the marked conditions concerning consumers? choice of mortgage has changed. The consumers are limited in the sense that they can?t only use mortgage when purchasing a house.

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