1980 Uppsatser om Construction moisture - Sida 38 av 132
Logistiska lösningar för en lönsam byggprocess
This is a study, the purpose of which is to investigate how the construction company Sefab Bygg AB is able to increase its profitability and render a more efficient production process through logistic solutions. The study is made during one of Sefab´s present projects. The project includes sanitary renovation of 650 apartments in the co-operative Opalen in Norrköping.To find out whether changes of logistic routines are profitable or not, it?s necessary to evaluate the total cost of the changes. A total cost analysis is a mapping of all the costs for a particular material, on one hand for the present situation and on the other after the change.
Miljöcertifierade byggnader Värde för investeraren
This bachelor thesis describes why investors should invest in environmentally certified buildings instead of non certified buildings. The report provides an overview of possible factors influencing an investor in the investment process of an environmentally certified building. The report explains why building companies find incentive to build green buildings and how a cash flow method can be adapted so it can be used in the valuation process of an environmentally certified building. Environmentally certified buildings are used as a strategy to reduce emissions that threaten the environment as well as a strategy to obtain market shares for the building companies. This report focuses on the economic advantages of an environmentally certified building.The construction- and real estate industry stands for approximately 40 percent of the energy consumption in the world.
En montörs vardag : Bravida ventilation Uppsala
Bravida is one of Scandinavia's leading suppliers of technical installations and services. According to Bravida an installer loses around 35 per cent of their daily work. It?s the time aspect that?s going to be examined in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is that the student in question is to investigate the activities of the installers that works with this project, identifying where and how time losses occur and come up with suggestions for improvement.Methods used in this work is literature studies, observational studies and interviews.
De leende kvinnorna : en jämställdhetsutredning av en mandominerad arbetsplats
This essay is part of a project between Södertörn University College and Stockholm Academic Forum. The focus of the project is gender equality in small- and medium sized companies. I have worked with a construction company called Activa . The majority of the employees at the company were male and I was interested in the consequences of gender construction in such an environment. I think that the basic condition for equality work is an understanding of gender and the male norm.
Kvinna, chef, bibliotekarie. Triss i stereotyper?
Public libraries are mainly employing women and have female managers. According to theories based upon so-cial construction we create our roles together in our society. The role of a manager has for a long time been viewed as the role of a man. The objective of my thesis is to gain knowledge on how a few women that work as managers in public libraries perceive and describe their roles. A parallel aim is to let a few future librarians de-scribe their managers and their own views on leadership, with a focus on gender issues.
Hägn i skogsbruket :
This survey was made during the autumn of 2002 and the beginning of 2003, on commission
from the National Board of Forestry. The purpose with the survey was to gather experience
and knowledge in the organisation about fencing and this was made through interviews. The
ambition was also to get knowledge from people outside the organisation that have great
experience of forestry and fencing.
The interviews were based on questions that have been composed by the author with help
from the supervisors. The questions were the same to both the personal from the National
Board of Forestry and to the foresters. Interviews were also made with private landowners, gamekeepers, game researcher, the County Administrative Board, the National Road Administration, pole and net retailers and contractors.
The target group for this work is the National Board of Forestry to be forwarded to persons interested in forestry with the ambition to spread knowledge about how to prevent damage on the forest by browsing animals.
The deer populations are big in the south of Sweden and growing populations have increased the damage on plantations of broadleaves of the most species.
Våtmarker i urbana miljöer : växtgestaltning och planering
The practice of landscape architectural involves forming the space in our cities and suburbs, as well as the landscape surrounding. The need of exploiting green environment leads up to, among other issues, flood problem during heavy rain and overfed water environments. The problem is partially caused by the shortage of knowledge, how the environment is responding of the innovations made by the city- urban planning and how to get sustainability.
Research and knowledge how to take care of our environment, in a natural way, is increasing. The object of the thesis is to propose control and balance in urban wetlands, and discuss the difference a plant design can do.
The thesis deals with discourses in the field of landscape architecture, biological diversity, dam construction, limnology, planting design and management, pollution of the environment and urban design practice.
Professionell garantihantering : Ett arbete inom byggnadsbranschen
A business is always dependent on its customers. It is therefore important to ensurethat customers are satisfied with the product and the warranty included.The study was conducted in cooperation with the building contacting companySkanska Sweden. The aim is to use interviews to collect and process experiences in order to answer the question: How should the recovery process in the construction industry be performed to ensure a professional handling of warranty? The results have shaped my conclusions and I have turned them into a proposal that companies in the industry can benefit from. The study indicates that the industry is not geared for a five year warranty, which was introduced in 2004 and 2006.
Framtagning av en rörväxlaretill sopsugsystem
The main goal of this project was to develop some sort of a diverter for pipestransporting waste in a vacuum system. This unit was supposed to be both cheap andeasy to serve/exchange worn out parts. With a limited space to install the pipeexchanger, the challenge was to keep it as compact as possible without constructingbends with to small radius or to sharp angles as this would wear out the system a lotfaster than planned. The system was also supposed to be able to handle clothes andscrubs from hospitals. Having too much sharp edges or angles would tear the clothesapart.
Olika metoder och tekniska hjälpmedel för att bestämma bevattningstidpunkt :
This examination work on studies and research in articles is mostly from other countries. The purpose of the examination work have been to find out if there are any means you can work with to find out when its time to start irrigation, how they works and if they are credible. In Sweden there is not many means for decide when it?s time to irrigate and how much water you should appear. Swedish farmers think they have so much experience that they don?t need techniques like this.
Förlustsänkning i drivlina : En simuleringsmodell av hjulaxel till anläggningsmaskiner
Med ökad fokus på miljöpåverkan och bränsleekonomi vill Volvo Construction Equipment öka verkningsgraden på sina anläggningsmaskiner. På avdelningen för drivlineutveckling jobbar man bland annat med att sänka förlusterna i växellåda och hjulaxel på hjullastare och dumper. För att underlätta detta arbete har en simuleringsmodell som beskriver förluster i hjulaxlar tagits fram. Denna rapport beskriver framtagning av modellen, verifiering av modellen och vilka framtida användningsområden modellen lämpar sig för.Simuleringsmodellen är uppbyggd av ett antal komponentmodeller. Komponentmodellerna innehåller formler för respektive komponent i hjulaxeln.
Analys av miljömedvetenhet under produktionsprocessen
NCC Construction är en del av NCC koncernen och är ett av de största byggföretagen i Sverige idag. Detta examensarbete är utfört i samarbete med NCC Construction i Karlstad och behandlar ämnet miljömedvetenhet. Uppgiften var att studera och analysera de anställda med hänsyn till deras miljöpolicy samt att uppskatta hur väl företaget når ut med sin information, samt att ta fram olika förslag på förbättringar i NCCs pågående miljöarbete.NCCs miljöpolicy har fyra övergripande mål och det finns klart och tydligt nerskrivet vad den anställde är skyldig att bidra med i sitt arbete med hänsyn till företagets strävan mot en bättre miljö. Behovet av en väl formulerad miljöpolicy är väsentligt då det är denna som beskriver vilka mål som finns och hur dessa ska uppnås.För att få fram svar på min frågeställning utfördes en enkätundersökning där arbetsledning, byggnadsarbetare samt underentreprenörer var målgruppen. Denna undersökning var anonym och analyserades med hänsyn till position, ålder och antal år i företaget.Resultatet i denna undersökning visar på stor förståelse hos de anställda inför miljöfrågor.
Gåpall : Ett produktkoncept
This master thesis has been a product realization process. Having BRIO:s walking cart as thestaring point the purpose was to further develop the principle of such products and at the sametime broaden their sector of use. The final result is to be regarded as a complete solutionmeant as a foundation for further development at the BRIO Company. The product aims tosatisfy the demands and needs of the target group called theon the go parent. Trends, qualityand purchase power are features that characterize this particular target group.The project resulted in a walking stool namedBRIO Circus after its source of inspiration.
Metodik för fastställande av bärförmåga på befintliga betongkonstruktioner
Many buildings are now nearing the end of their service life. This applies to both the older houses from the 40's and 50's to the million project houses that did not prove to be as sustainable in the long run. Often there is a desire to extend the service lifetime, but to do that you need to make detailed inspections. The Folkets hus in Gävle is one of those buildings that is in need of renovation and to fulfill the new requirements that must be met in today's buildings. It is desired to make the buildings rentable space more attractive and to extend the building with two more floors.
Target Costing i produktutvecklingsprocessen : En studie på Volvo Construction Equipment i Braås
Bakgrund: Produktutvecklingsprocessen har på senare tid kommit att ses som en strategisk aktivitet som är avgörande för företagets överlevnad eftersom produktens utförande och kostnader till stor del fastställs innan tillverkning påbörjas. ?Target Costing? har sitt ursprung från Toyota i Japan och är en metod för strategisk kostnadsstyrning som har vuxit fram för att tidigt styra kostnader. Metoden används för att integrera kostnadsstyrning i produktutvecklingsprocessen i samstämmighet med kundkrav och företagets egna vinstkrav.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera hur ?Target Costing? används i produktutvecklingsprocessen på Volvo Construction Equipment i Braås för att ge kunskap till nya potentiella användare.