1980 Uppsatser om Construction moisture - Sida 15 av 132
Praxis och praktik i flerspråkiga tesaurer
A prerequisite of an international exchange of information is multilingual tools for information retrieval, such as the multilingual thesaurus. There is an ongoing discussion about the construction of, and the guidelines for, multilingual thesauri. In recent years the praxis as defined in ISO 5964 Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri 1985 has been the topic of a scientific discussion. It has been about how equivalence across languages is to be established when it comes to concepts, terms and relational structures. This masters thesis treats the praxis and practice of multilingual thesaurus construction.
Ombyggnation av operation gentemot alternativa byggmetoder : En konsekvensutredning för ombyggnad vid Löwenströmska sjukhuset
Over the next few years, major investments in healthcare buildings is to be performed. Most surgical theaters are in need of technological upgrades as the technology is outdated. In most cases not only a refurbishment is performed but also an expansion. The basis for expansion, is due to a large increased number of patients, but also to the complexity of the refitment. Partly it's because evacuations are difficult to implement and the disturbance that occurs in conjunction with the refitment.Löwenströmska hospital undergoing a technical upgrad.
Förekomst av törskate (Cronartium flaccidum, Peridermium pini) på tall (Pinus sylvestris) i relation till markfuktighet och fältskikt : en studie om 2000-talets törskateepidemi i norra Sverige
Resin-top disease is a rust fungi that occurs both as a host alternating form, Cronartium flaccidum G. Winter., and as a non-host alternating form, Peridermium pini Pers. The host alternating form can use a variety of hosts but the most commonly used species in the boreal forest is Melampyrum sylvaticum. In Scandinavia the Resin-top disease infect Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L. The fungus infects the needles through the stomata and then grows through the branch to the stem where it strangulates the vessels transporting water and nutrition to the treetop, which kills the top.
Kommunikations- besluts- och informationsflöden i byggprocessen
Construction projects are organized in different shapes and disturbances in the information flow in these processes can lead to problems, such as delays and/or a lower quality. Therefore, a well-functioning interaction between actors and a well thought out-communication at an early stage is of crucial importance. The main question is "How does the communication of decision and information flow in the building process and what barriers and opportunities can be observed?". This diploma work has been written with guidance from Bjerking AB and to answer this question, a collection of empirical data conducted via semi-structured interviews.
Byggnationsskillnader i Sverige, Finland och Tyskland
This paper is written as an examination paper at the University of Jönköping. The subject is chosen by Peab Sweden in Jönköping with whom further cooperation has been hold. The aim is to compare building methods and building materials in Sweden, Finland and Germany for further inspiration for Peab?s own market.BackgroundThe development of the construction industry develops new materials and methods to the market which has been forced by shorter construction times and the environment aspect. To pursue the development, further knowledge exchange should exist between the countries.
Avfallshantering på byggarbetsplatser : Potential för en miljöeffektiv avfallshantering
This thesis concerns waste management on construction sites and was conducted on behalf of ICA Fastigheter.Areas of concern:How can an environmentally-efficient waste management system on construction sites be defined? What potential exists for exploiting the waste resources that are generated?How can the waste management be optimised by reducing the quantity of waste and by optimal sorting?How can the client of a project influence the waste management?The purpose of the work was to investigate sustainable waste management in the building and construction sector and to highlight waste as a resource from an environmental and economic perspective.The aim of the work was to define an environmentally-efficient waste management system, to analyse the potential that exists in waste management and to draw up guidelines for optimal waste management.The method consisted of a literature study, two visits to construction sites and four interviews.An environmentally-efficient waste management system means that the waste is managed in the following order of priority:Prevention Reuse Recycling Energy recoveryLandfill The prevention of waste is an important area that has not been adequately explored by the building and construction industry. The quantities of waste could decrease with the implementation of measures such as ordering materials in the dimensions required, prefabricated components, logistics centres with Just-In-Time deliveries, less and improved packaging and less wrapping. The reuse of waste materials and temporary apparatus as well as the use of a return pallet system are examples of reuse that reduces the quantities of waste.In most cases the source sorting work is a matter of course and the proportion going to landfill is down at a low level. The source sorting can be optimised by sorting all materials that can be reused and recycled to use them as a resource.
Low-performing pupils at the construction programme
Low- performing pupils at the construction programme.
Analys av fuktomlagring i välisolerad parallelltak : Analys med simuleringsprogrammet Wufi 2D
Idag ökar man isoleringen alltmer i takkonstruktion för att spara energi. Ökad mängd isolering minskar temperaturen över takets yttre delar och höjer den relativa fuktigheten där. Dessutom finns risk att fuktigt material byggs in mellan alltmer täta skikt vilket leder till att det tar längre tid för byggfukten att torka. Detta resulterar i en ogynnsam fuktfördelning med höga relativa fuktigheter över konstruktionen där risken för mikrobiell påväxt ökar. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda hur fuktomlagring sker baserad på inbyggnadsfuktkvoten i välisolerade parallelltak.
Produktivitetsstudie Brobyggnad
The development of productivity in the construction industry has long been at a steady state compared to the manufacturing industry. Studies have shown that, amongst other things, waste on construction sites can reach up to one third of the total production cost. This has been observed from different aspects, and change is forthcoming.This thesis aims to provide a foundation for an increased productivity at production sites of building bridges. It is primarily based on a field study at Skanska, at a bridge construction site near Grängesberg. Via continuous interviews with the whole production crew, construction workers and management, information on interference and possibilities of improvement at the work site has been documented.
Today´s roofing of dwelling houses is a very time consuming procedure, which includes a lot of different steps on the construction site. Not only does it cost a lot of money, but often do problems with rot and mold occur in the attics of houses today. The use of prefabricated modules has seen a great breakthrough in the field of construction of dwelling houses; at least when it comes to foundations and walls, where this type of approach makes the construction process way more efficient. What no one previous has succeeded to develop is a corresponding system for roofs that meets the demands of a dwelling house. Accordingly the goal of PlusTak has been to come up with a proper module system for roofing of dwelling houses, where the roofing is completed to meet the demands of the Scandinavian market. During the project a lot of effort has been put into customer contacts and the usability of the product, as well in the manufacturing process as on the construction site. This development has gone hand in hand with several practical tests and tryouts.
Implementering av konstruktionsändringar inom ett globalt företag : En fallstudie på en indisk produktionsenhet
Långtidsbehandling med ventilator utan tillräcklig befuktning kan torka ut en patients luftvägarmed olika komplikationer som följd. Målet för detta examensarbete var att utveckla en ny teknikför att befukta och värma inandningsgasen. Ett fungerande koncept och en prototyp som styrkerkonceptet skulle tas fram.Marknaden för befuktare studerades och de vanligast använda befuktningsmetoderna granskadesför att hitta svagheter som behövde åtgärdas. De två vanligaste befuktartyperna är HeatedHumidifier och Heat and Moisture Exchanger. Den främsta nackdelen med Heated Humidifiervar dess tendens att övermätta luften med kondensutfällning som följd, och med Heat andMoisture Exhanger att inte tillräckliga fukt- och temperaturnivåer nåddes.Därför togs en ny design fram med målet att kunna styra fukt och temperatur oberoende avvarandra.
Light Explosion : rekonstruktion av en akrylarmatur
This report presents thesis of Liisa Kokkonen in collaboration with Muovikilpi Oy.The project?s goal is to find a new construction for an existing lamp made of acrylic. Form and design retains and the manufacturing occurs at Muovikilpi Oy. The project contains the new construction and manufacturing of the lamp and also a proposition for a set with floor and wall lamp. The paper gives an outline of acrylic as material and how it reacts with light.
Att konstruera en gemenskap -teori och konstruktion av virtuella samhällen
Virtual communities are a phenomenon that is becoming more common as the information technology comes with in reach for the general public. This report will bring the theories and construction of a virtual community together. The purpose of this report is to describe the different theories that have emerged from the research within this field and to examine the work procedures that have been used during the development of a site for a MDA-community. The MDA-website is a homepage on the Internet that was developed to bring the students closer together. The report describes the work of the project group, why the website was not completed and at the end the theories are looked at on the basis of the construction of the website..
Investering i spannmålstorkning och lagring på gårdsnivå : en jämförelse av ett silotorksystem med omrörare och en konventionell anläggning
The current situation for Swedish grain farmers facing a situation with decreasing profitability makes it necessary for the farmers to find ways of increasing the margins in their grain growing. Decreasing profitabilities along with Lantmännens closing of grain elevators contribute to the necessity for farmers to invest in grain storing and drying at the farm. By investing in capacity for drying and storage of grain on the farm it is possible to recieve a higher price on the grain sold due to the possibility to sell when the price is higher compared to the harvesting season.
An investment in grain drying and storage with a relatively low investment cost that recently has appeared on the Swedish market is the grain stir drying system. This study contains a comparison of an investment in a grain stir drying system where the grain is dried and stored in the same silo and a conventional drying and storage system.
Hur påverkar byggnadsmaterial av stål en induktiv hörslingas fältstyrka samt frekvensgång?
This research analyzed differences in measurements of magnetic field strength and frequency response in five audio induction loops installed in rooms of wooden construction materials and five audio inductive loops installed in rooms of steel reinforced concrete constructions. The inductive loops were installed at floor level and the measurements were made at the listening height of 1.2m. Measurements of background noise, field strength and frequency response were made at fifteen different measurement points across the room. The research measurements showed that there are differences in field strength and frequency response between these two conditions, whether the audio induction loop is installed in a wooden construction or the audio induction loop is installed in a reinforced concrete construction. The results had a significance level of p=0,05..