1980 Uppsatser om Construction moisture - Sida 14 av 132
Hjälpmedel för fuktsäkert byggande : Utvärdering av ByggaF
För att efterleva Regeringens miljöpolitik har Boverket tilldelats ansvaret för miljömålet God bebyggd miljö. Boverket är en myndighet som arbetar för Riksdagens miljömål och skall vid behov förslå åtgärder för miljöarbetets utveckling. I Boverkets Byggregler finns krav som måste följas för att uppnå ett fuktsäkert byggande. Som förslag på hur dessa krav ska uppnås nämns Svensk Byggindustriers metod ByggaF ? Metod för fuktsäkert byggande.ByggaF är en dokumentsamling med mallar, checklistor, kontrollpunkter och rutiner.
Påverkad strukturerad produktion produktiviteten? : Analys av mätningar från byggbranschen
The cost of construction projects have increased during the past few years. Different actors in the construction industry work together to advocate various measures to mitigate these cost increases. One of these measures is to try to improve the efficiency in the phase of production. By striving for a kind of standardization with a constant quest for improvement, the productivity can increase while the costs of production fall.For this thesis has a case study been conducted at the construction company JM AB which is seeking this. They call the approach structured production and have implemented various measures to achieve a more productive output.Based on information from reconciliations, the cost and the spent hours of craftsmen have been analyzed at the company where the case study took place.
Det är ingen slump, det handlar om klass : Om klasstillhörighetens relevans för klientens möjligheter och begränsningar i den svenska socialtjänsten
The aim of this study is to illuminate social worker?s perception of social class within the Swedish social service system. This study therefor examine if social class contributes to the production and reproduction of the client and what impact social class has on the interaction between client and social workers. The study was conducted with qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers from three different departments of social service. The theoretical approach is Yeheskel Hasenfeld?s theory about moral practices in welfare organisations, Michael Lipsky and Roine Johansson?s theories about client construction and Pierre Bourdieu?s class theory.
Biologisk reducering av nitrat och nitrit i vatten
During the summer 2007 was a scrubber tested at Gruvön papper mill in Grums. The scrubber reduced NOx with 90 % in flue gas. NOx was transferred from the flue gas to a scrubber liquid as nitrate and nitrite. The scrubber liquid needs to be purified from nitrate and nitrite. One possible solution is to clean the scrubber liquid in Gruvön biologic cleaning construction.Microorganisms in the biologic cleaning construction need to assimilate nitrogen. There are environments free from oxygen in the cleaning construction.
EU:s tjänstedirektiv - ursprungsprincipen eller destinationsprincipen?
The Vaxholm conflict was initiated when the Swedish Trade Union for Construction Workers shut down a construction site in order to prevent a Latvian construction company to build a school after the two parties had failed to agree upon a collective agreement in compliance with Swedish regulations. An emotional public debate followed that resulted in a discussion of the proposal for the Services Directive of the EU, based upon the country-of-origin principle. In this thesis we will analyze whether the country-of-origin principle or the country-of-destination principle is best suited to capture the gains-of-trade that the common market hoards and improve welfare within the EU. We conclude that the country-of-origin principle is the more apt of the two, though it leads to some short-run costs such as structural unemployment. But these will be more than outweighed by the gains in aggregate welfare for the EU in the long run..
Äldre och rädslans paradox : Konstruktionen av hotets och rädslans samhälle
The aim of this thesis is to examine the fear of crime in old peoples lives. Notwithstanding that the age category is exposed to crime to a low degree, old people are experiencing a great fear of crime relative younger people. This is the paradox of fear, also recognized in gender studies. The question is how this paradox can be understood. To answer this, twelve elderly men and women have been interviewed and the reports about crime in the local newspaper, Norrköpings Tidningar, has been analyzed, through discourse analysis.The discursive construction of fear is here discussed in terms of discourses of a fearful society, and stereotypes of old age.
Tillval och anpassning : kundens valmöjligheter vid köp av nyproducerad bostadsrätt
Background: The real estate market has previously been subsidized by the government. The construction has been characterized by standardization and large scale complex. In the current situation there are other conditions on the real estate market, subsidies do not occur at the same degree and the market is more competitive. Customer influence has also changed. Today the customers want to customize their apartment by personal needs and lifestyle.
Finns det något samband mellan skuldsättningsgrad och P/B tal? : En studie av svenska börsnoterade bygg- och fastighetsbolag före, under och efter finanskrisen
Background: The real estate market has previously been subsidized by the government. The construction has been characterized by standardization and large scale complex. In the current situation there are other conditions on the real estate market, subsidies do not occur at the same degree and the market is more competitive. Customer influence has also changed. Today the customers want to customize their apartment by personal needs and lifestyle.
Felaktig Ritningshantering : Kartla?ggning av dolda kostnader kopplade till ineffektiv ritningshantering inom byggindustrin
This report, written by Ma?ns Ridze?n and Jonas Stenberg, presents the thesis carried out the spring of 2012. The authors met the first time in 2008, when they started their studies at Uppsala University. Since then they have completed various projects, both within and without the university. This study is based on a theory that was first conceived when Jonas Stenberg did his internship in the summer of 2010.
Kvinnlig chef i byggbranchen : faktorer som utgör hinder till avancemang
Background: Studies that have been made in male-dominated organisations shows that only few women have succeeded in advancing to the higher positions in all businesses. Statistics shows that merely 4 % of the managers in all building companies are female. The manager role has earlier always been classified as most suitable for men resulting in barriers for women who strive for management positions. This problem is now very renowned and is called the glass ceiling. To improve the current situation, both the organization's structure and culture, have to be modernized for more women to succeed and get the courage to get into the industry.
Befuktning av inandningsgas i en ventilator
Långtidsbehandling med ventilator utan tillräcklig befuktning kan torka ut en patients luftvägarmed olika komplikationer som följd. Målet för detta examensarbete var att utveckla en ny teknikför att befukta och värma inandningsgasen. Ett fungerande koncept och en prototyp som styrkerkonceptet skulle tas fram.Marknaden för befuktare studerades och de vanligast använda befuktningsmetoderna granskadesför att hitta svagheter som behövde åtgärdas. De två vanligaste befuktartyperna är HeatedHumidifier och Heat and Moisture Exchanger. Den främsta nackdelen med Heated Humidifiervar dess tendens att övermätta luften med kondensutfällning som följd, och med Heat andMoisture Exhanger att inte tillräckliga fukt- och temperaturnivåer nåddes.Därför togs en ny design fram med målet att kunna styra fukt och temperatur oberoende avvarandra.
Kartläggning och analys av tjänsteprocessen i IKEA-varuhus ur kundens perspektiv
This thesis has been done in collaboration with Peab Stockholm Building 3, which is a region within the Peab Sverige AB. The report is based on a survey and studies of Peab business management systems and production literature. For general information gathering has literature from well-known sources collected in libraries and through the Internet. It shows through the work that Peab has routines for experience feedback in the construction process, but that these procedures work in a small scale and the practical work experience feedback does not work at all. This is also something the construction industry in general also perceived as problematic. The questions in the report are of a wide scale and concerns construction errors cost, how the employees perceive that the company takes advantage of the skills and the mental stress in production line. The goal is to find how Peab Stockholm Building 3 will work on the experience feedback to allow for better productivity. In conclusion, the report author tries to demonstrate what can lead to increased productivity and improved work experience..
Arbetsmiljöutredning av fallskydd på byggarbetsplatser
Fall accidents are a big problem in the construction industry today and stand forapproximately 23% of all accidents. Skanska is a construction company that has avision toachieve zero accidents. Eliminating fall accidents is one step on the way towards theirvision. The state of Skanskas fall safety has been analyzed in this thesis to show whichimprovements are possible in fall safety.A literature study has been performed in which Arbetsmiljöverkets (The Swedishwork environment authority?s) laws and rules, together with Skanskas own rules havebeen studied.
Elektromagnetisk skärmning genom mekanisk omkonstruktion
This is a master degree thesis at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) betweenÅngpanneföreningen and Programma. KTH is the examiner, Programma is the client andÅngpanneföreningen is mentor for this project.Programma has a product called TM1800 that has problems with EMC; the problem is thatthis product does only pass the CE-check with a small safety margin. This problem can besolved by reducing the radiation from the electric components in the product or by reducing offix base frame. In this degree thesis the focus is only on mechanical redesign.The main problems right now depends on the long distance between the screws, there is anisolating layer on most of the parts and the forces between the joints are too small. The mainfocus is to solve these three problems.The best solutions are when the whole base frame is more or less redesigned instead of onlyredesigning some of the connection points.
In order to accomplish that a construction is correctly built, it is critical to obtain a well functioning control mechanism throughout the project. The way to enable this is not by having an independent inspector constantly at your side. Today it is praxis to use check lists and have people responsible of quality to make sure that these are followed. This is where discretionary inspections play their part. These among others are documents needed to com-plete the check list.