2759 Uppsatser om Construction materials - Sida 3 av 184
Hur påverkar byggnadsmaterial av stål en induktiv hörslingas fältstyrka samt frekvensgång?
This research analyzed differences in measurements of magnetic field strength and frequency response in five audio induction loops installed in rooms of wooden Construction materials and five audio inductive loops installed in rooms of steel reinforced concrete constructions. The inductive loops were installed at floor level and the measurements were made at the listening height of 1.2m. Measurements of background noise, field strength and frequency response were made at fifteen different measurement points across the room. The research measurements showed that there are differences in field strength and frequency response between these two conditions, whether the audio induction loop is installed in a wooden construction or the audio induction loop is installed in a reinforced concrete construction. The results had a significance level of p=0,05..
Brandsäkerhet i ett småhus
This essay includes the planning and designing of a house as well as writing a rapport about howto increase fire safety in small buildings.More than 6000 homes burn in Sweden every year (Brandskyddsföreningen, 2012c). Thedevastation and the costs are usually very high. This report examines possible measures to reduceboth personal injuries and economic losses resulting from house fires in small buildings.Swedishbuilding regulationsplay a major role when it comes to constructional fire safety. However therequirements inSwedish building regulations are very low for small buildings and this is anargument for raising the requirements.The report shows and describes possible methods to build safer with regards to fire in terms ofmaterials and different building structures. Major focus has been on fire cells but other solutionsare also examined and described.
Avsättningsmöjligheter för slaggrus från avfallsförbränning vid Åmotfors Energi
The incineration of waste is steadily increasing in Sweden and so is the production ofashes. The bottom ash has for many years been used as construction material inlandfills. Now many of the nation's landfills are closed and there is a great need to findanother beneficial use for the ash. Bottom ash is a gravel-like material and with itsmaterial properties it can replace natural gravel in parts of roads and surfaceconstructions. Today this use is only approved within landfill areas where leachate iscollected and checked.
Finanskrisens inverkan på byggbranschen
Recently there have been a lot of talk a about the financial crisis and recession. This is understandable since the crisis, which initially was limited to the U.S. now has spread its concern globally in form of bankruptcies, less investment and lots of people have lost here jobs. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the financial crisis have affected the construction industry relating to market and personnel, but also examine what measures the construction companies have taken. The examination was carried out by information received from the majority of construction-related websites which then was followed up with interviews in the various construction sectors.
Ett tillgängligt och användarvänligt boende : Anpassningsmöjligheter för människor med rörelsehinder och nedsatt rörelseförmåga
In this paper we have theoretically built a house designed for people with impaired mobility. Theessay begins with an introduction in which the purpose of the work, the methodology and thedepth-research part is presented. Then the layout that explains how we intend to adapt the housefor the demands detailed in the depth-research part is presented. In the same chapter variousstructural components, such as different floors and walls, are specified.In the selection of materials we have taken into account the criteria of our specialization andadaptation to the aesthetic aspects, where we evaluate materials based upon our wishes regardingtechnique and form. There are also other aspects that are important in the selection of materials,including that these are adapted to technical traits of the construction elements and installations.In a later chapter the technical installations such as ventilation systems, heating systems,electricity and sanitation are presented, where both technical and financial aspects are describedin detail.
Materialspill i byggnadsproduktionen : Waste of Material in the Construction Industry
This report deals with issues related to construction waste. Building material that has not been built into the project is defined as construction waste. Cost of construction waste amounts to 4-12 % of the total cost of the project. Moreover, cost of construction waste is 1-3 % of the production cost. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about the main causes of waste within the construction industry.
Sex i skolbiblioteket : Kunskap, makt och konstruktionen av sexualitet på svenska skolbibliotek
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the construction of sexuality in Swedish school libraries through the lens of Foucault?s concept of power/knowledge. Five libraries were investigated, using two kinds of method: discourse analysis of titles, classification codes and subject headings of sex education materials, and qualitative interviews with librarians working at each of the libraries. Most sex education materials were classified within the medicine section, illustrating the continued authority of medical discourse in matters concerning sexuality. Books for younger audiences were often written for either boys or girls, reproducing a binary understanding of gender.
Allergifritt boende genom val av invändiga ytmaterial
The number of people of getting allergic symptoms is increasing and the reasons are considered to be many. The human have changed their habits and spend more time indoor. In combination with new building technologies where denser housing constructions and new materials this causes bad indoor climate contributes to a higher occurrence of allergiesThere are several courses of action to deal with this problem. One action is by choosing allergy-free interior surface materials. An allergy-free material emits low concentrations of harmful substances resulting in a great indoor air quality.
Samarbete i byggprocessen : entreprenörens förväntningar på byggherren
Everywhere you look in today?s society many kinds of people are constantly interacting with each other. Especially in large groups of people working together, the phenomenon is even greater. In the construction industry there are many kinds of parts that need to come together in order to get sustainable and successful results. Therefore the relationship between the contractor and the construction client must be at its best.
Avsättningsmöjligheter för slaggrus från avfallsförbränning vid Åmotfors Energi
The incineration of waste is steadily increasing in Sweden and so is the production of ashes. The bottom ash has for many years been used as construction material in
landfills. Now many of the nation's landfills are closed and there is a great need to find another beneficial use for the ash. Bottom ash is a gravel-like material and with its material properties it can replace natural gravel in parts of roads and surface constructions. Today this use is only approved within landfill areas where leachate is
collected and checked.
Matematiska arbetsmetoder : En kvalitativ undersökning om undervisningsmetoder i förhållande till nationella matematikprov
The purpose of this study is to provide a description of how mathematics teachers in grades 3 choose to work with mathematics and how it affects of student performance in national tests. The categories I will use are outdoor education, textbooks, learning materials and problem solving. Laboratory materials can be everyday materials and educational materials in which pupils have an abstract understanding of the subject. This survey was conducted through interviews and observations. The survey was also conducted in relation to student performance in national math tests.
Market analysis for glulam within the Swedish construction sector
Glulam?s position at the Swedish market for building constructions has been established over the past decades. Factors affecting glulam demand are found both in global and national contexts as well in customer attitudes and knowledge of the material. Arguments for environmentally friendly and sustainable construction processes and energy-efficient designs are nowadays common, which is something that should motivate increased usage of wood as a renewable material. For the glulam industry to increase its sales, improve profitability and thereby gain market share in present competitive climate, reliable market information and updated market intelligence is required.
Hur påverkar logistikplaneringen byggarbetsplatsen? : En enkätundersökning om logistikkostnader i produktion
Logistics planning for a construction site is usually limited by traffic flow to and from the workplace. The geographical location of the construction site is determined by roads around the workplace and opportunities for well-functioning logistics. Inventory of material is often impossible because of the frequently small workspaces. As a result, a concern relating material handling remains . Even before the establishment of a construction site, it is required in the construction industry to eliminate errors that might arise in the planning stage.
Byggdamm : Vad krävs för att minimera spridningen på ROT-projekt under produktionsskedet
Dust that arises during the construction process is called ?construction dust?.People who are exposed for construction dust for a long period of time are atrisk to develop several forms of lung problems, allergies and cancer. Todayconstruction dust is a huge problem during the production in Skanska´srenovation projects. Every day workers are exposed of the unhealthyconstruction dust and it can cause lung problems and diseases after 10-30years. This is a problem that must be taken into account to obtain a betterworking environment on Skanska´s building sites.Skanska Sweden AB has given two students the task to investigate possibleproblems about the spreading of construction dust.
Analys av tidsåtgång vid montering av aggregat på Haldex Barnes Hydraules
Haldex Barnes Hydraulics (HBH) is a company which produces hydraulic aggregates for use in forklifts, construction equipment, and trucks. The last two years the company has expanded. This has lead to an insufficient production of aggregates. Thus wishes HBH to increase their production without making to large investments.This report includes a now-state analysis of the problems and where they are. From this a further analysis of possible improvements are made.HBH works mainly with assembling and this is made manually.