

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 64 av 71

Konsekvenser av oplanerade verksamhetsavbrott orsakat av fel på medicinteknisk utrustning : En studie inom Länssjukhuset i Kalmar med fokus på drift, säkerhet och kvalitet

Title:The issue of unplanned stoppages caused by failure in medical technology equipment ? A study within the hospital of Kalmar with a focus on manage-ment, security and quality Author:Anna Förster, Ambika Linder, Sandra Nyqvist Tutor:Thomas Karlsson Institution:Linnaeus School of Business and Economics - Linnaeus University Kalmar Date:2011-01-14 Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine unplanned stoppages caused by medical technology equipment failure in the healthcare operation within the hospital of Kalmar. Our study is based on a number of specifically selected incidents which show the Consequences these disruptions cause in management, security and quality within the operation. Our intention was also to examine what role the medical technology department of the hospital plays in the care production operation during these unplanned stoppages. Method:Through a qualitative study we have generated material from a number of interviews with staff working in the hospital of Kalmar.

Hur påverkar naturvårdsåtgärder mängden av vedlevande insekter : Manuellt dödade träd vs självdöda

Today?s forest managers implement a large number of methods to increase the amount of dead wood in Swedish forests. They use everything from high cutting of trees to girdling trees and burning forests. However, implementation of these measures without proper knowledge of their Consequences is a common problem. This study has been performed to increase knowledge about two of these measures, girdling and high cutting, and how these actions affect the number of wood-living insects living on dead trees.

Utbilda och forska är vi bra på - men att samverka? : En kritisk studie av Högskolan i Gävle och den tredje uppgiften

The cooperation between university and industry life in the region of Gävle is always a topic of importance. University and High schools have various roles to fulfill: except administrating the training and supporting research they should also - as a third role - contribute to cooperation between organizations, business companies and other associations. In addition to that, they should support individuals by local as well as regional development. The purpose of our paper is to make a critical review of the cooperation between the University of Gävle (HiG) and industry life until today and the Consequences in order to encourage students to stay in the Gävle region during and after their period of studies.Initial we started with a preliminary inquiry with a questionnaire as a base for students in three programs at the Department of Economy; the program for Bachelor of Science, the program for estate agent and another economy program with direction estate economy. From this preliminary inquiry we got the picture of the way the students looked at the problem.

Att ha en förälder med cancer : En litteraturstudie om ungdomars reaktioner. / To have a parent with cancer: A literature review about adolescents reactions

För ungdomar som är mitt uppe i frigörelseprocessen från föräldrarna kan det vara en känslomässig balansgång när en förälder insjuknar i cancer. Det är viktigt att denna oro uppmärksammas och bekräftas för att inte ge långsiktiga negativa konsekvenser. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa ungdomars reaktioner när en förälder har cancer. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. Nio vetenskapliga studier inkluderades i resultatet.

IAS/IFRS : ett regelverk för alla?

Background: In 2001 the European Commission presented legislation to require use of IASB standards named IAS/IFRS for all listed parent companies within the EU no later than 2005, to improve an internal market for financial services within the EU. This harmonisation of the accounting regulations answers to the social development of today with land-frontiers easier to cross, increased demands on an open financial market and the companies searching for risk capital outside the boundaries of the own country. International comparisons within accounting have consequently become more of current interest and necessary. When the requirement to use the IASB standards only is intended for the group accounting the remaining question is according to which regulations the parent companies will set up their annual financial reports. In Statens Offentliga Utredningar 2003:71(Swedish Government Official Reports) the parent companies are suggested to be given an opportunity to apply IAS/IFRS also in the annual financial report.

Den bäcknära zonen vid små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland : generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt kvicksilverhalter i körpåverkat ytvatten

Forest streams and the associated riparian zones are sensitive to disturbances and changes that occur within these riparian areas. Particularly sensitive are small streams of low order, which will have large impacts down-stream. The disturbances that occur in the riparian zones are reflected quickly in the stream. Driving with forestry machines in the riparian zone will have detrimental effects to the soil and water. Driving the machines will lead to changes in the mineral soil composition, resulting in the reduction of porosity, less infiltration, compaction, and an increased bulk density.

Jobba hårt och var fokuserad : En studie om elevers upplevelse av IUP och skriftliga omdömen

Violence is put in a specific context when the police are the perpetrator of violence rendering violence possibly legitimate through sovereignty. The possibility of legitimization of police violence raises important questions of how such violence is legitimized and how resistance is conceived of and defined. I have interviewed seven people in Sweden from different backgrounds, all of whom share the experience of having been subjugated to police violence, including threats, harassments and physical violence.This paper analyzes the performativity of police violence through the relations between police violence, power, sovereignty, subjectstatus and resistance, in order to understand how police violence is being legitimized and to understand its consequenses with respect to those subjugated to it. I?ve also analyzed if this violence is being politicized and, in that case, how politicization is made possible.

Läsa spel. En analys av Alice-böckernas adaptation till spelformatet

The purpose of this essay is to examine the Consequences following an adaptation from literature to video game formatby comparing Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass with American McGee's Alice and,primarily, Alice: Madness Returns. In order to answer this, aspects of both game theory and literary critique are takeninto consideration, regarding for example the narrative potential of the game medium and the gameplay's possibleresemblance with Wolfgang Iser's theory of the reading process.The analysis shows in what ways the original narrative has been altered in order to fit its new medium. Some of thebooks' main ingredients are simply retold in the games' so called information spaces, i.e. text and video sequenceswhere the otherwise playable character is not controlled. Others, instead, have undergone a ludolization or ergodizationwhere the story events are experienced as playable elements in the games' action spaces.

Factors affecting crop insurance decision : a survey among Swedish farmers

Farmers are constantly facing changes, and the exposure to risk requires monitoring these changes. Financial risks, institutional risks, market risks and production risks are the different risk categories that the farmers face. Production risks stems from factors the farmer cannot affect or is beyond his control. The crop?s output is the basis for the primary income of agricultural operations, which is why it is important for farmer to manage their production risk. A tool to reduce the Consequences of production risks is crop insurance.

Aktiv lastbilsstol för bättre förarergonomi och hälsa

The project concerns a predevelopment work for Scania AB, a leading manufacturer of heavytrucks, and was performed as a master thesis work for the program Design and ProductDevelopment at KTH. The purpose of this work was to examine how the work situation of truckdrivers, especially long-haulage drivers, can be improved with respect to prolonged sedentaryoccupation. Mental fatigue and under-stimulation due to low cognitive load during long drivescan be major risk factors for traffic accidents. Physical strain injuries to both the skeleton andmuscles are common for this working group and minimal opportunity for daily exercise alsoincreases the risk of developing blood clots in the legs, which can have serious Consequences forthe driver's health.An extensive background study, both theoretical and exploratory, was performed to identify thedrivers' concerns and comfort needs. Various treatments such as massage and active sitting wereinvestigated and existing products within the area studied.

Declaration of energy ? Which consequences are there for the consumer, the real estate agent and the conveyance of real estate?

Uppsatsen fokuserar på energideklaration i samband med överlåtelse, och vad den innebär för konsumenten, fastighetsmäklaren och förmedlingsprocessen, av småhus. Därför har två fastighetsmäklare samt representant från Boverket intervjuats, för att ge sin åsikt om ämnet. En representant för energiexperterna skulle även ge sin syn på ämnet, men försvann under tider för intervjuerna. Från och med 1 januari, 2009 är det krav på att alla byggnader, som tillhör en fastighet vilken säljs, skall energideklareras. Detta krav framförs i Lagen om energideklaration för byggnader, som i sin tur grundar sig i ett EG-direktiv från 2002.

Tillståndsprövning - för lantbruk med djurhållning : en intervju undersökning med länsstyrelserna i Kalmar- och Hallands län.

The task of making a correct application for B- activities is the foundry time consuming task. Information and facts concerning your entire business activity shall be attached into a description of environmental Consequences, which will be the basis for the decision making whether the activities shall be granted a permission to practise environmentally hazardous actions or not. When the Environmental Act were established 1999, the permission process became more extensor. With this study I want to give an insight about how these applications are made. The methods I have used to collect information are a study literature where the Environmental Act has been the focus, and qualitative interviews with two County Administrative Board. I used the Environmental Act to understand why permission is needed and the interviews to give me insight in how the work is done. My conclusion is that it is very unusual that an application is granted without complements.

NÄR VÅLD FÖRSTÅS SOM LEGITIMT. : En maktanalys av polisvåldets performativitet utifrån erfarenheter hos våldsutsatta.

Violence is put in a specific context when the police are the perpetrator of violence rendering violence possibly legitimate through sovereignty. The possibility of legitimization of police violence raises important questions of how such violence is legitimized and how resistance is conceived of and defined. I have interviewed seven people in Sweden from different backgrounds, all of whom share the experience of having been subjugated to police violence, including threats, harassments and physical violence.This paper analyzes the performativity of police violence through the relations between police violence, power, sovereignty, subjectstatus and resistance, in order to understand how police violence is being legitimized and to understand its consequenses with respect to those subjugated to it. I?ve also analyzed if this violence is being politicized and, in that case, how politicization is made possible.

Irlands ekonomiska uppgång och fall.

Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the Consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.

Att kommunicera etik : - En analys av de svenska storbankernas etiska riktlinjer

AbstractTitle: Communicating Ethics ? An Analysis of Ethical Codes in Sweden?s Largest Banks( Att kommunicera etik ? en analys av de svenska storbankernas etiska riktlinjer)Number of pages: 49 (without enclosures)Author: Karolina SvenssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The main purpose it to answer the main question how Sweden?s largest banks are communicating ethics externally? This question generates a number of questions with relevance to the purpose and subject of this thesis. The ambition is to answer all of these questions in order to achieve the main purpose.Material/Method: The method used for this study is a qualitative text analysis. Applying this method is also done through using a model presented by Norman Fairclough. This model belongs to the tradition of critical discourse analysis.

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