

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 63 av 71

Scenarier för rekrytering av ridskolehästar år 2020

It is important to ensure and develop the Swedish model for riding schools, since the pupils at a Swedish riding school learn both to ride and to handle horses. There is a pronounced problem of stagnation and in some cases a reduced demand in several of the equine industry sectors including breeding with decreased coverings. The aim of this study was to cast light on how representatives from the horse industry looks at riding schools and their recruitment of horses in the next five years. The research issue was ?Will there be difficulties regarding horse recruitment in 2020 and in that case, what are the Consequences?? The results of this work consist mostly of material from a workshop on how the riding school will be affected by reduced breeding in the future.

Riskmodell för kabelsträckningar i mellanspänningsnätet i Sverige

The society of today is largely dependent on electricity and the dependence does not show any signs of declining. Reliability of supply will become increasingly important in the future and it is therefore important to investigate factors affecting the failure rates in electrical components.Sweden was hit by several severe storms during the 00?s. As a result of this many overhead lines in forests were cablified. In urban areas underground cable systems have been the norm for many years.

Populärmusik på folkbibliotek en studie kring urval.

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine different factors that may influence the librarian in the selection of popular music. The study is conducted through a qualitative method, influenced by grounded theory. The results are based on patterns drawn from both interviews with six libraries and from literature. The literature review concerns foremost cultural politics, music aesthetics, the sphere of popular music in Sweden today and the impact of commercialism. Also the purposes of popular music in a library, aspects of values of popular music and assortment policies are being discussed.

Datorn i bildundervisning : En studie på tre elevgrupper med fokus på samarbetet

The purpose of this paper was to carry out and evaluate a pedagogic ICT-project, where the computer was implemented in art class. Focus was on the Consequences of collaboration and also on the students? understanding of their own performance, compared to techniques in traditional art class.The study was qualitative and began with studies in literature. The contents of the literature are the foundation of the discussion, especially theories concerning the learning process, IT and computer-based learning. In the project, three different groups of students from upper secondary school attended and they where given tasks to solve in the image editing program Paint Shop Pro.

Fjärrvärme, vad annars? : Fjärrvärme och dess alternativ

AbstractBackgroundThe Swedish district heat market of today is a subject being discussed regarding the reasonableness of the heat district supplier?s price settings. The issue is currently on a government level where a new investigation is being executed at the time of writing. Many real estate owners are growing tired of the situation where the heat district suppliers are taking advantage of their monopoly position, thus feeling that the price of district heating has been increasing far too much for many years. The market can be described as a natural monopoly because the real estate owner has no possibility to choose another supplier if they are unsatisfied with the present.

Potentiella virala zoonoser hos apor på svenska djurparker år 2008

This paper is a compilation of some of the important viral zoonosis that can be passed from apes and simians (simian and prosimian) to man. Viral zoonoses are viral diseases that can be passed from animals to humans. The paper will also provide a better insight of the risks workers and visitors to the zoo can be exposed to. The viruses that this paper is focused on is herpes Bvirus, simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (STLV), simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), Ebola virus, Marburg virus, yellowfever virus, monkeypoxvirus and hepatitis B virus. The choice of viruses is based on how infectious they are and how pathogenic they are.

Ingenmansland? : En studie av medarbetarnas uppfattning om sin tillhörighet och roll inom ett personaluthyrningsföretag

SummaryThe purpose with this study is to give a view of how employees understand their belonging and role in a temporary work agency and its clients. This study describes the employees´ relation towards the temporary work agency and the client. The study should be interesting for temporary work agencies and those who have considered of working in the temporary work agency business.The agency in this study is Manpower AB and has existed in Skövde for five years and has appreciated 200 employees. The company offers fast, worth its prizes and flexible employment agency solutions no matter if it affects a few persons or more complicated solutions. You can find specialists and generalists within the most fields, for example administration, sales, market, telemarketing, technology, and logistics.

Konsekvensredovisning vid detaljplanering : En studie av planer enligt nya PBL

Till stor del bygger samhällsplanering på förändring och utveckling av den fysiska miljön, vilket närboende kan ha olika synpunkter på. För att uppnå acceptans vid en förändring är det viktigt att berörda känner delaktighet i processen samt att informationen är tydlig och begriplig även för den som inte är kunnig inom området. Vid framtagande av en detaljplan ska planbeskrivningen ange de organisatoriska, tekniska, ekonomiska och fastighetsrättsliga åtgärder som krävs för dess tänkta genomförande. För att de berörda fastighetsägarna ska kunna läsa och förstå hur de påverkas av en detaljplan måste planbeskrivningen tydligt och begripligt redovisa det tänkta genomförandets konsekvenser.Syftet med studien är att få svar på i vilken omfattning konsekvensredovisning av genomförandefrågor förekommer och om kraven i 2011 års Plan- och bygglag (PBL) kan anses vara uppfyllda. PBL-kommittén konstaterar år 2005 att beskrivningarna av genomförandet av detaljplaner många gånger är bristfälliga eller saknas helt.

Risks Related to the Maritime Transportation of Oil and Gas (mainly Crude oil, LPG, and LNG) -A Conceptual Study and Empirical Outlook on the Baltic Sea and UK Territorial Waters to Mitigate Risks

Transportation of oil and gas by the Sea characterizes challenges from a safety viewpoint. In this type of transportation, different sizes of special tankers carrying oil and gas. The marine transportation of these scarce natural riches is involved with risks and hazards, which may lead to many losses; for instance, wasting oil and gas, injuries of people, damaging ships and properties, and damaging environment. The main purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the risks, hazards, and accidents during transportation of oil and gas (mainly Crude Oil, liquefied petroleum gas, and Liquefied natural gas) by the Sea with concentrating on transport safety. Hence, a better understanding of these risks and hazards can contribute to decrease of addressed losses.This study is carried out on risks associated with maritime transportation of oil and gas starting with describing the general casual chain (dealing with causes, incidents, accidents and Consequences/causalities), continuing with describing risk analysis techniques (including event tree analysis and fault tree analysis) and risk control measures/options, and finally implementing aforesaid investigations on real data from two areas; namely UK territorial waters and the Baltic Sea.In this study, the results of analyzing data from 1991 to 2010 in UK territorial waters revealed that collision and grounding were two most common accidents in terms of crude oil tankers, LPG and LNG carriers in which 44% of all accidents were equally divided between collision and grounding.

Projekt Sunbaker : Utveckling av en solugn för bakning, en fältstudie i Namibia

Namibia, southern Africa, suffers from an energy shortage and is therefore facing severalchallenging problems. The use of firewood as fuel for cooking is common in the whole countryand has negative Consequences for health and the environment. This work have focused ondeveloping a solar baking oven, calledSunbaker, adapted for Namibian families needs forbaking. The development was based on classic solar cooking limitations, specific needs forNamibia and to have a feasible manufacturability.The project started with a theoretical study in Sweden where different solar cookers, informationregarding Namibia, technical aspects and end user aspects were studied. To assess the need for asolar baking oven aMinor Field Study took place in Namibia during eight weeks in July toSeptember 2009 and resulted in a product design specification.

Alkoholmissbruk hos föräldrar och dess konsekvenser på kommunikationen med barnet och barnets utveckling.

Abstrakt Barnen med alkoholmissbrukande föräldrar lever i svåra förhållanden och de är noggranna med att bevara hemligheten om alkoholmissbruket. Barnets liv påverkas mycket negativt och det orsakar destruktiva konsekvenser i barnets framtid. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur förälderns alkoholmissbruk påverkar kommunikationen med barnet och hur barnets utveckling påverkas. Syftet besvarades genom öppna frågor till barn till föräldrar med alkoholmissbruk. Deltagarna i studien är fyra barn mellan 14 och 15 år gamla och en mamma till två barn på 11 och 14 år.

Horisonter för samverkan. Om föräldrasamverkan i ett mångkulturellt område

In focus of this study lie students of an upper secondary school in a multicultural district, where more than 60 % of the students fail to reach the national goals for education. Since this particularly exposed group of students receives little attention during my studies in the Special Educational Teacher Programme, I have felt an ever growing urge to examine this group closer. As a basis for this study stands theories on how children and youths, in particular those of immigrant background, need holistic consistency and continuity in order to be able to build a positive development of identity. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of developing parent cooperation in a multicultural district, through finding out what teachers and parents expect and desire from parent cooperation. I also want to find out how parents and teachers think that a working parent cooperation affects the student.

Hållbarhetsredovisning- För Vem? : centrala intressenters möjliga påverkan på icke-statliga företags hållbarhetsredovisning

Companies today face more and more demands from society and stakeholders. It is no longer about just satisfying shareholders, sales and making a profit. Consumers are becoming more aware of products effects and the Consequences it has on humans, our environment and the generation ahead of us. NGO:s and society request that companies take responsibility and actions toward a more sustainable business. Many investors analyze companies? sustainability regarding social and environmental issues when it comes to choosing a company to invest in.

Alkoholmissbruk hos föräldrar och dess konsekvenser på kommunikationen med barnet och barnets utveckling.

Abstrakt Barnen med alkoholmissbrukande föräldrar lever i svåra förhållanden och de är noggranna med att bevara hemligheten om alkoholmissbruket. Barnets liv påverkas mycket negativt och det orsakar destruktiva konsekvenser i barnets framtid. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur förälderns alkoholmissbruk påverkar kommunikationen med barnet och hur barnets utveckling påverkas. Syftet besvarades genom öppna frågor till barn till föräldrar med alkoholmissbruk. Deltagarna i studien är fyra barn mellan 14 och 15 år gamla och en mamma till två barn på 11 och 14 år.

Flerpartslogistik med fokus på rutter, fyllnadsgrad och miljö

The globalization has increased the trade between different places and countries. Products are now available from all over the world, but this requires transports that have Consequences in the environment as well as the economy. New professions are creates that do formality, organize, administrate and implement other businesses transports. Their operations are between the business and customer and they are called logistics companies. The purpose of this report was to study third-party logistics and why more and more companies use this logistics services.

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