

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 34 av 71

"De kom, de var här och de försvann" - En fallstudie angående stereotypa bilder av asylsökande i Laxå kommun.

In order for any society to exist there must be a sense of belonging. In other words "We" need to be made distinctive and differentiated from "the Others". The aim of this thesis is to examine the processes behind the making and upholding of collective identities and the Consequences of doing so. Theories regarding stereotypes, enemy images, power over the discourse and glocalization have therefore been applied to an empirical example in the form of a case study.The study is made on the municipality of Laxå in Sweden. Representatives on assumed key positions have been interviewed on their and Laxå's inhabitants views on the asylum seekers in the community between the years 1986 and 2005.Yet another aim of the thesis is to examine the possible connection between the perceived collective identity and the decision to close down the asylum facility in Laxå.

Identifiering och uppföljning av kvinnor med postpartumdepression : Distriktssköterskors och barnmorskors uppfattning

ABSTRACTBackgroundPostpartum depression (PPD) occurs in 10% of women who have recently given birth. Postpartum depression is treatable but unidentified and untreated it could lead to serious Consequences. There are multiple instruments for screening available. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is the most frequently used and is regarded as the best instrument. AimThe aim of this study was to analyze to what extent and how midwifes and primary care nurses identify mothers with symptoms of depression respectively PPD.

Jobbgarantin för ungdomar : En studie kring deltagarnas upplevelse av jobbgarantin för ungdomar

Abstract"The Care of Work" is a study whose background comes from the problems surrounding work-life balance and equality that permeates social debates today. The problematic work-life-balance and gender equality are just as relevant today as they were 35 years ago. The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not men and women have a satisfactory work-life balance and if the organization they work for is doing something to make their life puzzles function. Last, but not least, the purpose is to see if gender equality is in the interest of the individual or the state.The study is based on work-life balance, gender equality and gender as the theoretical frames of reference. Eight respondents, four men and four women, from established IT companies were interviewed.

Unga vuxnas skuldsatthet : En kvalitativ studie om handläggares upplevelser av unga vuxnas skuldsättning

Studien handlar om unga vuxnas skuldsättning. Med unga vuxna menas individer mellan 20 ? 30 år. Syftet har varit att undersöka myndighets- och verksamhetshandläggares upplevelser av skuldsatta unga vuxnas inställning till sin ekonomi samt hur dessa verksamheter arbetar för att hjälpa dem. Studiens empiri bygger på data från sex semistrukurerade intervjuer som har analyserats och tolkats med hjälp av tematisk analys.

Vet alla vart vi är på väg? : -Studie av internkommunikation i en komplex organisation

Internal communication exists in all organizations and is ongoing. It is of great importanceto communicate effectively when deficiencies can have serious Consequences. The tsunamithat swept over South East Asia's coast in 2004 is indicative of this. At that time the Consequenceswere loss of efficiency and productivity of businesses, health care, police and themilitary. All because of the lack of information.Employees in an organization take many decisions that affect the entire organization.

Biblioteket som en språkplanerande institution: En studie av språkplanering på färöiska bibliotek.

This thesis is about language planning in Faeroese libraries as seen from the countrys specific situation, with Faeroese as a mothers tongue, but with great dominance of the Danish language within media. The purpose of my thesis is to examine language planning activities within the library, and the Consequences this planning has for the system. Different theories about language planning provides a framework for my model of the library as a linguistic eco-system with actors performing status planning, represented by the government with its influence in cultural politics, the librarian with his or her library tasks and the user with his or her needs. The thesis has a qualitative attempt, and the empirical material consists of different documents about the country and materials from interviews made with seven qualified librarians, employed within general libraries in the Faeroe Islands. The analysis shows that the librarian in different ways promotes the Faeroese language within library activities, and because of the attention paid to the user in the public library he/she influences the librarians planning.

Grönområde kontra bebyggelse : grönområdenas förändring i Älta, Nacka kommun

This essay shows how natural areas in Älta, a part of Nacka municipality southeast from Stockholm, been changed quantitatively and qualitative as a result of the increased housing construction in the area. Three issues are discussed. Namely: how has Ältas green areas been changed in sizes and quality in line with the settlement's expansion, what is the reason or the reasons to building of different types of accommodations, what has been and is the operators in connection with building of the different types of accommodations?The essay shows that the green areas has been decreased with over 2 km from 1901 to 2000 and in addition to these areas of approximately 1,1km been converted to a planned green structure. Älta has during the years gone through four eras of building types an era of small family houses ? an era of building one million houses on a national scale ? an era of terrace houses ? an era of sporadic building of different housing types (one family houses, pair houses, terrace houses and small blocks of flats).

Utvärderande bibliometri: en jämförelse mellan två kvalitetsindikatorer

This master's thesis aims to explore the field of evaluative bibliometrics. In short, this field of research uses bibliometrics - i.e. the application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication - as a research assessment tool. In recent years, evaluative bibliometrics has been an increasingly used method in research evaluation and is today used and implemented in many countries worldwide. Today, in Sweden, we can also see that evaluative bibliometrics is highly recognised and, in some cases, used in practice.

Relationen mellan universitetsstudenters alkoholkonsumtion, personlighet och boendesituation. : En studie om universitetsstudenters alkoholkonsumtion och relationen till neuroticism, extraversion, samvetsgrannhet samt boendesituation.

It is important to identify the Consequences of alcohol consumption among university students since over-consumption can lead to health problems and poorer academic performance. The following personality factors, neuroticism, conscientiousness and extraversion, have in previous studies shown to be related to alcohol consumption  and shown to be associated with the university students' alcohol use and living arrangements. This study examines the following question; Is there a link between university students' alcohol consumption, and;1) the personality factors neuroticism, conscientiousness, extraversion?2) their living situation?3) personality factors and living situation together?Participating in this survey was one hundred university students with a mean age of 23.4 years (SD = 2.6). To examine participants' personality, alcohol consumption and living arrangements, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Costa, McCrae, 2003) questionnaire was used and the questionnaire also contained self-constructed questions about drinking habits, living arrangements and demographic questions. This study's results indicate that neuroticism, conscientiousness, living situation and extraversion predicts alcohol consumption (R2 = .354, p <.001). Thus, students who have these personality traits and circumstances one by one or together have a increased risk for alcohol over-consumption..

Statskontoret, EU och statsförvaltningen En idéanalys av Statskontorets tankeföreställning rörande en europeiserad statsförvaltning

The purpose in this thesis is to explore the underlying conceptions concerningeuropeanization and public administration that Statskontoret is expressing in itspublications. Statskontoret is an agency in the service of the Swedish State whichprovides the Government and the Ministries with investigations and surveys. Themethodological choice in this thesis is to perform an idea analysis containing twoideal types which correspond with two polar theories, transnationalism andnation-state logic, concerning how a state will react on increasing european-ization. Initially, the theoretical framework is presented, and is followed by apresentation of the content in the relevant publications of Statskontoret. The idealtypes and the publications are examined from six different dimensions with theambition to explore the underlying conception in the publications.

Barn som far illa : Hur BVC-sjuksköterskor definierar begreppet "barn som far illa" samt hur de förhåller sig till anmälningsskyldigheten

The purpose of this work was to research how baby nurses define the concept child maltreatment and how they conduct themselves to mandatory reporting.The central questions were; How do the baby nurses interpret the concept child maltreatment and which children do they consider comprehending the concept?What are the reasons that children are maltreated according to the baby nurses opinions?Do the baby nurses apprehend that they meet children that are maltreated in their work?How do the baby nurses interpret the mandatory reporting and what course of action do they use when they suspect child maltreatment?Nine baby nurses were interviewed. The material was analyzed with the help of a phenomenological method.The participators idea of the concept child maltreatment was focused on observing signs from the child and concrete actions from the parents. The outcome of this concept is that the participators categorization is neither or nor. The participators knew about the mandatory reporting and they did a further interpretation because they focused on the risk of the child.

Följsamhet till handhygien : En litteraturstudie

Background Nightingale attention that hygiene was an important task to prevent health- related infection. Today there are guidelines how hand hygiene should be followed, to prevent health- related infection. Good knowledge and education in hand hygiene and its Consequences if it?s not followed is of great importance. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after the clean and the unclean work with patients and materials.

SAS EuroBonus ? Tillgång eller skuld?: En fallstudie av hur värdet av ett lojalitetsprogram påverkar internprissättningen

This paper presents a study of Scandinavian Airlines? (SAS) frequent flyer program, EuroBonus. The study describes the transfer pricing of award seats between EuroBonus and the airlines within SAS. Furthermore, it aims to determine what effects market-based transfer pricing would have on EuroBonus, the airlines within SAS and consequently on the SAS Group. We have found that the existing transfer pricing does not provide incentives for the airlines within SAS to satisfy EuroBonus? demand for award seats.

Litteraturstudie : Prevalens, tänkbara orsaker och konsekvenser till ätstörningar

The present work has been implemented as a literature study aimed to investigate the prevalence, possibly causes and Consequences of an eating disorder. In today's modern society individuals are living with a constant reminder from the media about how a person should look and act to blend into the social norms and expectations of the modern society. This literature review has been analysed on the basis of concepts such as identity, gender identity and gender. In addition previous research has been analysed in terms of themes, history, possible causes/risk factors, media, body image and control, depression, shame and guilt as well as culture. The above themes were analysed on the basis of behaviouristic theory and role theory.

Hugo Chávez Venezuela - en demokrati i praktiken eller bara på pappret?

AbstractIn this bachelor thesis I discuss and analyse the current situation of the Venezuelan democracy. By using a theoretical framework based on the theory of horizontal accountability, I focus on the interaction between different institutions and branches within the state of Venezuela. The analysis focuses on the strenghts and flaws of the newly accepted constitution, and to what extent the institutions of checks and balances remain true to the laws and the constitution of 1999. My conclusions are that in terms of vertical accountability, the Chávez-regime acknowledges a wide popular support for their governmental actions. In contrast, the incumbent administration shows almost no respect for horizontal accountability.

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