

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 3 av 71

Människan bakom sjukdomen : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot personer med HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS has existed officially for more than 35 years and is now seen as a global epidemic. The disease has claimed many victims and there is no indication showing decrease of the mortality rate. The disease is currently incurable, but antiretroviral drugs have good effect at slowing down the process. The persons who live with the disease are exposed to stigma and, sometimes, negative attitudes. The negative attitudes could affect the person?s willingness carry through the test.

Moral distress och dess konsekvenser för sjuksköterskans yrkesutövning : Littersturstudie

The aim of the present literature study was to describe the significant factors contributing to the development of moral distress and the Consequences of moral distress can lead to in the nurse profession. A literature search was performed in the databases Medline through PubMed and Academic Search Elite on the basis of in advanced defined criterions. A total of 19 articles was reviewed and included in the study. The main result revealed that nurses experience moral distress and that it is frequent within the nurse profession. The findings revealed that there seem to be several significant factors in the development of moral distress, such as providing life-sustaining care, competing loyalties, conflicts with the physician, communication barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers, regulation and rules and working environment that gives the nurse difficult or unsolved ethical dilemmas.

Vilka faktorer påverkar att en avvikelse rapporteras eller ej? : - en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor

What affect if an incident is reported?- an interview study with nursesABSTRACTEveryday in health care, there are incidents which can harm patients. However, reporting these incidents is not always a positive experience. The number of incident reports which are documented are a lot fewer than the number of incidents that actually occur. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that affect nurses? decisions on whether to report an incident or not.

Vilka faktorer påverkar att en avvikelse rapporteras eller ej? : - en intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor

What affect if an incident is reported?- an interview study with nursesABSTRACTEveryday in health care, there are incidents which can harm patients. However, reporting these incidents is not always a positive experience. The number of incident reports which are documented are a lot fewer than the number of incidents that actually occur. The purpose of the present study was to describe factors that affect nurses? decisions on whether to report an incident or not.

Hypotermi vid anestesi av hund

The reasons for hypothermia during general anaesthesia are many and varied. The lowered body temperature causes negative physiological effects and leads to discomfort for the animal during the recovery period. This student report is a combination of field study and literature review. In the field study the changes in ambient temperature and the rectal temperature of dogs were monitored during general anaesthesia. The purpose of the study was to see if the body temperature of dogs was reduced during general anaesthesia.

VeckoRevyn ? din bästa vän i vått och torrt? : En kvalitativ undersökning om innehåll och tilltalssätt i VeckoRevyn.

?VeckoRevyn ? your best friend in good times and bad?? is a BA thesis based on a weekly lifestyle magazine, VeckoRevyn, with a female demographic aged 18-25. Issues of the magazine, published in 2009 and on, is analyzed and dissected to better understand and be able to get answers for the questions of issue. What is said in the magazine, and how does the message reach the audience? Furthermore, the message, as well as the tone used to convey it, is reviewed as part of the discussion about consequence.

Svensk asylpolitik En studie av väntetiderna och dess konsekvenser

During the 20 century millions of people have escaped from war, threat against their human rights, economic injustices and pursuit. The great numbers of fleeing people have lead to difficulties in asylum investigation in the countries, which receive the asylum seekers. Sweden is a country, which has ratified the Genéveconvention 1954, and receives the asylum seekers. The great numbers of asylum seekers have caused among other things long time of waiting for the asylum seekers, sometimes up to 2-3 years. This implies some Consequences both for the asylum seeker and for the community.

Föräldrars missbruk och barnets bästa : en dokumentanalys av LVU-mål

The aim of this essay was to examine how the decision-making in LVU cases are motivated in the judicial decisions. How has the principle of whats in the best interest of the child been noticeable in these judicial decisions and how are the child's needs and the Consequences for the child of the drug abuse been described? When the parents have been judged to have given a non acceptable consent, how have they been described and how has the parents described the situation?Our research is of a qualitative nature, a document analysis of judicial decisions in LVU cases. We analyzed eight court cases containing decisions from County Court, Fiscal Court of Appeal and The Supreme Administrative Court.Our results showed that parents were described in the judicial argumentation as negative stereotypes and a picture of unreliability were created. What was best for the child were not expressed in words but woven into the children's needs and in most cases the Consequences of the abuse of drugs were not made clear..

Hästens, Equus caballus, termiska komfort - hur kan djurskyddskontrollanter bedöma hästens välfärd?

This review paper summaries scientific research about horse thermoregulation and the Consequences of using a blanket. Horse owners put blankets on their horses to protect them when they are clipped, to protect them from bugs, to keep them clean and so on. This can have Consequences for the horse which their owners might be unaware of. I have tried to answer following questions by searching the available scientific literature; ? How can the horse maintain thermoregulation? ? Is there a risk of suffering when horses wear a blanket? ? Is there a risk of suffering when horses do not wear a blanket? ? How can animal inspectors estimate the welfare of horses when they wear or do not wear a blanket? My result shows that horses who wear a blanket have an increased risk of becoming overheated, develop a chafing, have an increased exposure hazard and have a restrained natural behaviour.

Ung och arbetslös : -En studie om unga arbetslösas bakgrund, nuvarande situation och framtidsvision.

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the unemployed youth. To achievethat, we have investigated who the unemployed young people are, how their wellbeing isaffected and what they need for a change to take place. The study was conducted in amedium-sized Swedish city with the help of a method combination. The target population forthis study is people enrolled in ?Job-guarantee for Youth? in spring 2014.

Optisk sortering av matavfall : en jämförelse med en minskning av svinnet

The purpose of this study is to compare the energy related and environmental Consequences of implementing optical sorting as a means of waste collection with those of reducing food waste. In addition to studying the possibility of implementing optical sorting in downtown Stockholm, the yielded amounts of energy from waste collection and reduced wastage will be calculated. This is done by way of literature reviews and interviews. The amount of energy that can be generated through optical sorting and biogas production via anaerobic digestion in downtown Stockholm is 29-44 TJ/year, compared to 118 TJ/year saved by completely eliminating food waste. The generated biogas can replace fossil fuels, but the required food waste contributes to increased greenhouse gas emissions as well as reduced bio diversity and eutrophication during the wasted food?s lifecycle.

Ungdomsbrottslighet : En studie om lokala tjänstemän inom socialt och brottsförebyggande arbetes syn på brottslighet bland unga män i en svensk förort.

The purpose of this study was to examine if there are common factors that lead to young people committing crimes according to professionals in social work, crime prevention and the police. The study also aims to examine if juveniles in Swedish suburbs commit more crimes, the Consequences that follows and what actions socialworkers have for these juveniles. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews of five professionals in the area who were contacted from different units. In the analysis Goffmans (1971) theory of stigma was used and Goldberg's (2005) Conspiracy Theory. Some of the conclusions that could be drawn from the study was that there is not only one factor influencing young people to delinquency, but often combinations of different factors that lead to this.

Kampen om kunskap: Vem bestämmer vad kunskap är och vem äger den? : En textanalys av WIPOs Development Agenda och Draft Treaty on Access to Knowledge

Uppsala universitet The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate, through text analysis, the role of copyright in development, with particular interest of how the concepts knowledge and access to knowledge are used in Access to Knowledge Draft Treaty and WIPO Development Agenda. The definition of the concept knowledge, as it is used in copyright, is based in a Western historical and philosophical context and therefore excludes knowledge created in another type of society. The Consequences of this exclusion have effects on development. Further it is stated that knowledge according to the global copyright scheme will be reduced to a commodity, which will have Consequences not only in societies in the global South.

Rytmikaren och båtbyggaren - En studie om den tysta kunskapen inom rytmiken

Title: Eurythmics, and building boats -A study in tacit knowledge.The education of eurhythmics at Malmö Academy of Music, is a program where a major part of the tutoring is oral; very little written information about the method is used. This essay will examine the forms in which the current knowledge base exists, as well as the methods in which this information is transmitted from teacher to student, and in which form the knowledge about the method of eurhythmics is existing. The tools for analysis are the theories on tacit knowledge. Interviews and written surveys are used as qualitative research methods. The content of these interviews and surveys are presented in the results chapter.

Läkemedlet Oxazepam påverkar abborryngel : Exponering under embryonalutvecklingen ger effekter på tillväxt, överlevnad och beteende

Pharmaceuticals are environmental pollutants that are a major threat to aquatic ecosystems and very little is known about their ecological Consequences. In this study growth, survival and behaviour (sociability, activity and boldness) of perch fry (Perca fluviatilis) were examined in order to study the possible effects of exposure to a benzodiazepine anxiolytic drug, Oxazepam, during embryonic development. The study tested following hypotheses: (1) perch growth is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; (2) early perch survival is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; and (3) boldness and activity increases while sociability decreases in perch fry exposed during embryonic development. Embryos of naturally spawned perch were exposed to water with two different concentrations of Oxazepam. The embryos were exposed during different parts (24-hour periods) of the embryonic development, because embryos may be more vulnerable at certain times during embryonic development and/or because the exposure at different times can produce different effects.

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