

192 Uppsatser om Congress hall - Sida 3 av 13

Landet Kris : - en kvalitativ undersökning om hur Lettland framställs i svenska nyhetsmedier

The purpose of this study was to find out how swedish newspapers writes about Lettland during 2005-2009, who gets to speak in media, which key words being used, and if the news articles content changes over the years. As a basis for my discussion I?ve used Stuart Hall's theories for representation and language. In the same litterature, Hall presents theories for stereotypes and power from different researchers which I have studied for this study. I?ve also used Van Ginnekens theory about who may be heard in media.

Bland stövlar och vilddjur - en studie av vad som sker i förskolans hall vid på- och avklädningssituationer

Vårt intresse för hallen väcktes under våra praktiktillfällen. Vi har under dessa upplevt att det finns olika gränser i hallen, vissa mer synliga än andra. Hallen har dessutom karaktär av både inne och ute samt är ett gränsland mellan hemmet och förskolan. Detta kan ibland medföra att det kan bli otydligt vilka regler som gäller för stunden. Idag tillbringar de flesta barn i Sverige sina första år i förskolan.

Kulturell identitet i En halv gul sol och Atlantens mage : En postkolonial läsning av två icke-västerla?ndska romaner

This study analyses two non-western novels used in the subject of Swedish in upper secondary school: Fatou Diomes The Belly of the Atlantic and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies Half a Yellow Sun. Looking at how the books female main character relate to Stuart Halls theory of cultural identity, I come to the conclusion that they somewhat differently relate to an essential ?authentic? self. Salie talks explicit about a generic African soul that she possesses. Olanna never talks about anything ?authentic?, but her narrative and contrary subject positions can be read as a way of demasking her European ?white? self in favour of a truer Igbo self.

Användning av geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) vid studier av nötkreatur i landskapet - en pilotstudie :

The Animal Protection Agency was in 2006, commissioned by the Government to: Evaluate how free range animals in the winter, can be kept and managed with special emphasis to animal welfare. The Animal Protection Agency was closed later in 2006 and the commission moved to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The keeping of free range out wintered cattle, certain basic requirement are needed: by regulation, cattle should have access to a lying hall or other building that gives protection against aversive weather and wind and should offer a dry and clean lying area. There is a possibility for farmers that get an exemption from this regulation. But cases regarding farms which have had difficulties for this exemption has led to a discussion about if the animals can get the same protection in the nature which is comparable to a lying- hall.

O färdighet : skolan skola skolas

Hur ritar man en bra skola? Rolig, stimulerande, trivsam och trygg. Frisinnad nog att delta i skolans process av ofärdighet i idog strävan mot ständigt nya färdigheter. Som utvecklas hand i hand med eleven, läraren och pedagogiken..

Trycksättning och dimensionering av brandhiss för berganläggning

This thesis deals with the design of a combinated rescue-, personal-, and firefighting elevator for a nuclear waste storage facility to be constructed by the client SKB, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB. SKB:s mission is to dispose of all nuclear waste from all swedish nuclear power plants. The storage facility will be built in the rock 450 m under the surface and will consist of several kilometers of tunnel where capsules containing the nuclear waste will be placed. It will also hold a central area which contains spaces necessary for the operation and construction of the facility, such as elevator hall, storage hall etc. The facility will have two ways of access: a vehicle ramp and an elevator shaft.

Privat och kollektivt : Lås- och nyckelanvändning under sen järnålder i Mälardalen

The aim of this work is to give a broader and more nuanced picture of the use of locks and keys during the Iron Age, in particular the late Iron Age, in the Lake Mälaren region. This has been done by comparing two buildings: the hall on Helgö and the living quarters in the garrison on Birka. Here we can see two very different areas where locks and keys were important parts of the daily life. The study also includes a typology of padlocks based on the findings from the same places as the building study and their surroundings..

Nya förhållningssätt i den fackliga jämställdhetspolitiken? En studie av LOs Klass och kön-serie 1990-2000

At the Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) in 1991 a decision was made to reform LOs politics of gender. In the new resolution class and gender were established as equal causes of oppression. This was a giant leap from LOs traditional politics, where the dimension of class had always been considered more important than gender. The present thesis discusses how gender was constructed in LOs discourse after 1990 by analysing their official publications about gender politics called Klass och kön. The key terms in the analysis are continuity and change.

Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad : Förslag på saneringsåtgärder gällande gjuteriet och plåtverkstaden

The industrialization in Sweden has increased the large number of areas that have been contaminated with various types of pollution. One of those sites are the property Höjen 3:24 in Arboga where ?Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad? once been. The property wants to increase the use of the old former foundry building with the adjacent ?plate-workshop? and believe there are two options for the building: That the building either should be used as a warehouse/concert hall, or rebuilt into a cultural center. An environmental evaluation has shown that the levels of heavy metals are over the Swedish environmental protection agency guidelines of less sensitive land.

Size Hero : En attitydstudie om unga kvinnors inställning till tvärtomretuschering i magasin

Traditional retouching, where you make the body of a female model in a magazine thinner, has been common for a long time and is well known. Several studies indicates that showing ultra-thin images of female bodies in media can lower the body satisfaction of ?ordinary? women which in some cases can lead to dangerous eating disorders. But in 2010 Swedish female magazine VeckoRevyn introduced a new type of retouching: Making some catwalk models bodies bigger instead, which we decided to call opposite retouching. This kind of retouching is aiming to widen the ideal picture that is sent out of how the female body should look like, and therefore having the readers reach a higher body satisfaction and becoming more at peace with the own body.

StockholmsOperan, Galärvarvet : En smal sak

Galärvarvet är på många sätt en utmärkt plats för en ny och framträdande kulturbyggnad i Stockholm. Samtidigt utgöt operans komplexa och omfattande program en stor utmaning. I detta projekt löses konflikten mellan program och plats meddels en långsmal byggnad som bevarar naturvärden och rörelsemönster..

Gräfsnäs dolda skatter

This paper examines how to use different kinds of source material for building surveys. The studyexamines how to use legends, construction archaeological surveys and Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) as source material, and use them against each other to ensure the reliability they have.As a starting point I used Gräfsnäs castle ruin in Alingsås, Sweden, as an example. Gräfsnäs castlewas probably built in the Middle Ages and was rebuilt through the ages until it became a ruin in thelate 1800s. The castle ruin is today Alingsås most visited attraction.The investigation has focused on three areas which are located in the very ruin; rescue tunnels, thecellar vault and the treasure.There are legends that describe how the castle lord of Gräfsnäs fled an attack of the Danes in 1612 ina rescue tunnel which ended at the beach. At the construction archaeological surveys carried out in1935-36 they found a sewer in the courtyard that was once served as rescue tunnel and ended in themoat.

Kulthus och deras hallar : Ett arbete om förhållandet dem emellan

This is a work about the relationship between cult houses and halls. In my essay I will go through four different places were cult houses and halls both exist. I will look at the findings and the landscapes were the settlements are located in. The places I have chosen are Lunda in Södermanland, Slöinge in Halland, Uppåkra in western Skåne and Järrestad in southeast Skåne. Because of that the cult houses and halls are occurring during the late Iron Age, it is during this time period that I will work in.

Summers of love- Hur New Hollywood gav filmen nytt perspektiv : En genusanalys av Bonnie and Clyde, Cabaret och Annie Hall

Under ungefär en tioårsperiod, från den senare hälften av 1960-talet till den senare hälften av 1970-talet, producerade Hollywood filmer som inte bara tilltalade kritiker, utan även publiken. Dessa filmer var kreativa såväl produktionsmässigt som narrativt, och bröt ofta mot gamla traditioner samtidigt som man byggde vidare på formler för berättande som grundats under studioeran.Frågeställningarna var dessa: Vilka händelser skiljer den här perioden från andra perioder i filmhistorien? Hur skedde förändringarna på olika plan? Och hur såg skildringen av kvinnor på film ut, jämfört med tidigare? För att söka svar användes olika böcker inom såväl filmhistoria som genusstudier, samt läste texter som hittades på internet. Dessutom gjordes en närstudie av tre filmer från denna period, ur ett genusperspektiv:Bonnie and Clyde, Cabaret, och Annie Hall. Dessa år var även mycket händelserika i samhället i stort, och de olika händelserna färgade av sig i filmproduktionen på två olika sätt.

Hackern som skurk och hjälte : Bilden av nätaktivistgruppen Anonymous i Dagens Nyheter, New York Times och The Guardian

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur gestaltningen kring nätaktivistgruppen Anonymous rapporterades kring i Dagens Nyheter, The New York Times, och The Guardian mellan 2008-01-16 och 2015-03-30. Studien bygger främst på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys men har även en mindre kvalitativ del där en exempeltext från varje tidning har analyserats. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur medier rapporterar kring, och gestaltar grupper som saknar traditionell hierarki. De frågeställningar som besvaras är följande: Hur tenderar artiklarna att gestaltas i form av språk och valens, och skiljer det sig mellan tidningarna? Vilka källor och aktörer tas med i artiklarna? Är artiklarna skrivna av egna reportrar eller externa nyhetsbyråer och skiljer det sig något mellan tidningarna?Studien utgår från den sociala konstruktionsteorin som Stuart Hall definierade den.

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