

439 Uppsatser om Concentration - Sida 26 av 30

Trädföryngring i låga gropar uppkomna vid brand i boreal naturskog :

This study was conducted in the "Kåtaberget" forest reserve in Västerbotten in the summer of 1999. In the summer of 1995, a prescribed burning was performed in the reserve. In some places where coarse dry woody debris (logs and stumps) was present, the fire consumed the wood, as well as parts of the humus layer, creating deep-burned patches. The low intensity ground fire also created dead woody debris by burning off living trees with open fire scars, as well as standing dead trees. In this study, the post-fire tree seedling establishment was examined, with special attention given to the former presence of woody debris. The study also includes a survey of the areal extent of deep-burned patches, as well as an examination of tree seedling establishment in these patches, compared to other burnt ground.

Energieffektivisering av luftningssteget på Käppalaverket, Lidingö

This master thesis in energy optimization was made during the autumn of 2006 at Käppala wastewater treatment plant in Lidingö, Stockholm. A preceding thesis, where all electricity consumption was mapped, showed that the aeration in the biological treatment is the single largest consumer in the plant, and it is therefore of interest to reduce this cost. The oxygen control strategy used at Käppala WWTP is working well from a nutrient removal point of view, but not from an economic one. The last aerobic zones have a very low oxygen consumption during low loading periods which give rise to enhanced dissolved oxygen Concentrations with excessive costs and reduced denitrification as a result. But also during periods of normal loading unnecessary high oxygen Concentration are sometimes given.By modifying the aeration control strategy three full-scale experiments have been made, with the intention to reduce the air consumption.

Språkutveckling och matematiska kunskaper hos andra språkiga elever i ett IV program.

Our work is based on a mathematics test which the students accomplished, interviews with student and teachers who are working on this program and the current literatures. The purposes of this work are to search the importance and the effect of the languages understanding in students learning of mathematic in the Individual high school curriculum. In total, sex students and three teachers took part in our study. Tow of the students is mother tongue language student and the remains are second language student. Our study should answer tow important questions:? Do the student in the Individual high school curriculum have the fundamental knowledge in mathematic?? How does the understanding of Swedish language effect in the understanding of the mathematic problems and in the students results in mathematic test?In order to answer those questions, the students have to complete a mathematic test that consists of four parts.

Hur effektivt är finasteridbehandling mot ärftligt manligt håravfall?

The most common form of hair loss in young and old people is androgenic alopecia. Hereditary hair loss affects both men and women. Hereditary hair loss in some women begins at the age of 30, but as a rule hair loss begins in post-menopausal women. In women the hair thins out in an oval portion of the front part of the scalp. In men, hair loss can start as early as at the age of 20.

Magnesiumstatus hos mjölkkor : en fältstudie

Magnesium is an essential mineral that is important for several physiologic and biochemical processes in the body. Deficiency of magnesium is mainly associated with grass tetany, but can also appear in cows during the indoor period. Since long it is known that potassium has a negative effect on the absorption of magnesium. Due to the fact that potassium fertilisation leads to a higher potassium content in forage, it is of interest to study interactions of potassium on the magnesium balance in dairy cows. There are few studies about magnesium feeding to dairy cows in Sweden and the purpose of this study was to investigate how much magnesium and from which feed-sources dairy cows in Sweden get their magnesium. Data was collected from seven farms in the northern part of Uppland and from seven farms in Skaraborg in Sweden.

Åkerböna i samodling med vårvete som helgrödesensilage till mjölkkor :

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to formulate advices regarding the use of field beans, cultivated together with spring wheat, as whole-crop silage in feeding to dairy cows. In the thesis, optimal harvest time of the field bean/spring wheat crop, as well as the feeding value and the fermentation quality, was studied. On the research station at Röbäcksdalen in Umeå field bean/spring wheat (70 % respective 30 % of normal seed rate for the pure crop) and pea/oat (70/30) was grown in field experiments both 2002 and 2003. The following year, 2004, the pea/oat crop was excluded and instead field bean and spring wheat was cultivated in three different mixed ratios (field bean/spring wheat; 100:0, 70:30, 30:70). Every year the crops were harvested at four different development stages and the green forages were used in ensiling experiments.

Mineraliska material som reaktiva filter för avskiljning av tungmetaller från dagvatten

Highly polluted urban storm water from e.g. highways can contain large amounts of heavy metals that may cause harm if they are discharged into recipients. To remove the heavy metals a possible low-cost method that does not require much maintenance, could be the use of reactive filters with filter materials consisting of industrial residues or other cheap mineral based materials. Dissolved metal ions are removed by reactive filters through the processes of ions binding to active sites on the surface of the filter materials, or by formation of insoluble precipitates.The ability of CaO-treated granulated blast-furnace slag, iron oxide coated sand, olivine and nepheline to remove seven heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb and Hg) from urban storm water was studied. Initially batch experiments were performed where the effect of pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved ions on the adsorption efficiency was studied.

Smart seed : fördröjd groning hos raps : försök med frö-coating samt litteraturgenomgång om frögroning, coating och praktisk tillämpning i reläodling

Oilseed rape constitutes a good break crop within a cereal dominated cropping system. The normal sowing time for winter rape in Sweden is August. It's a time in the cropping year characterized by a heavy work load, such as harvest and soil management. In addition, it is often a period with large precipitation. Thus, it is sometimes problematic for the farmer to do the sowing of winter rape at the optimal time.

Användarfokuserad utveckling av en mellanmålsdryck för skolelever

Examensarbetets syfte var att undersöka preferenser för olika mellanmålsdrycker, avsedda för skolbarn och som enbart var tillverkad av skånska vegetabilier. Ett ytterligare syfte var att studera lärares uppfattningar av elevernas koncentrationsförmåga under lektionstiden innan lunch.Som ett första led i att utse tre mellanmålsdrycker till ett preferenstest bland skolelever utfördes två konsensusprofileringar. Första profileringen utfördes med experter inom produktutvecklingsområdet där fyra dryckesprototyper profilerades och den andra profileringen utfördes med en studentpanel där 3 vidareutvecklade prototyper profilerades.Preferenstestet utfördes med barn som deltagare för att utse vilken av de tre prototypdryckerna som barnen ansåg som favorit. Favoriten skulle användas till ett projekt vid namn Skolskjutsen.För att ta reda på lärares uppfattning kring elevernas koncentrationsförmåga innan lunch utfördes en kvalitativ mailundersökning med sex deltagande lärare.Resultatet från profileringarna visade att prototyperna skiljde sig från varandra i fråga om egenskaperna utseende, doft, smak och konsistens. De två utvalda mellanmålsdryckerna från profilering 1 var båda söta och mindre sura, den nya framtagna prototypen som profilerades i profilering 2 ansågs både vara för sur och mindre söt i smaken.Preferenstestet visade att barnen signifikant föredrog svartvinbärsdrycken framför mixdrycken i smak, utseende och i helhet.

On the hunt for improvements : possibilities of increasing welfare in captive cheetahs through hunting enrichment

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is one of the big feline species kept in zoos worldwide. The wild populations are quite small and therefore the captive population make up an important part of the total population of the world. Although life in the wild is not always easy and a captive environment provides shelter and food it does not come without problems. In captivity cheetahs become chronically ill and also develop stereotypic behaviours. Neither of these are problems in wild populations and both can be linked to stress in captivity.

Hållfasthetsegenskaper i gjutjärn : tensile properties of cast iron

In the last few years people have become more and more aware of how humanity is affecting the climate. In the direction of reducing the greenhouse gases is to design engines with higher tensile properties and reduced weight, in order to achieve lower fuel consumption and cleaner fuel incineration in today's truck engines.In order to achieve these requirements it?s necessary to increase the combustion pressure in the engine. This requires higher tensile properties and high thermal conductivity of the engine material. The department of Component Technology at the University of Jönköping in collaboration with Volvo Powertrain AB, Scania CV AB and DAROS Piston Rings AB has been commissioned to develop this material and to find knowledge of material properties used in truck engines and piston rings used for marine applications.The purpose with this work is to analyze the tensile properties of a series of cast iron, cast under different metallurgical conditions.Four different series of cast irons have been analyzed from four points of view, carbon Concentration, nodularity, amount inoculation and cooling rate.After the tensile test all specimen data was analyzed in a mathematic calculation program called Matlab 2006a.

Metod för användning av Geografiska Informations System vid långsiktig vägplanering : en studie genomförd på Sveaskogs marker i Norrbotten

The forest industry is one of the most important industry branches in Sweden. Since the demand of high precision wood deliveries has increased, the demand on a well constructed forest road net also has increased. A good road net gives the wood-supplier competition advantages and also increases its service level towards its customers, lumber-mills and pulp-mills. In some parts of Norrbotten, the road net is still insufficient and not yet built out enough, and that is why it is important to know how to act and where to improve the road net in these areas. The purpose of this thesis was to create a work-model for long term road planning in areas with no road net or a not yet complete road net. The model has been created in an ArcGis environment, where a long chain of tools has been tied together with the program ?Model builder?.

Tungmetaller i lakvatten : avskiljning med mineraliska filtermaterial

Four different kinds of filter-materials with reactive surfaces have been studied concerning their capacity to absorb heavy metals in leachate from a municipal waste deposit. The heavy metals studied were: lead, cadmium, copper, mercury, chromium, nickel and zinc. The leachate contains high levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and has a high pH-value along with a high buffer capacity. These characteristics of the leachate make it difficult to remove pollutants and require efficient filters. The filters that were examined in the report are blast-furnace slag with CaO, sand covered with iron oxides, olivine and nepheline.

Kväve i Östra Mälaren : hur kunskap förvaltas och används i tillståndsprocesser

The nitrogen cycle in freshwater bodies is complex and consists of many separate processes affected by a number of important factors for example oxygen Concentration in the water, temperature and circulation. Knowledge of the different components of the nitrogen cycle exists; however, a complete and comprehensive picture is difficult conceptually as well as theoretically. The available literature illustrates that the research on nitrogen and the related freshwater processes is still associated with high uncertainty of how much of the supplied nitrogen from the catchment is transported with the water versus and how much is lost due to denitrification, sedimentation or uptake by plants. This report is an interdisciplinary survey of Nitrogen discharge permitting. The research focuses in particular on the decision-making process, the levels of scientific standard and the administrative framework.Application for Nitrogen discharge permits are decided by the Environmental Court with council from their own experts as well as relevant government authorities and organisations.

Metadon till hund : klinisk farmakologi

Methadone is frequently used as an analgesic drug for dogs although there are very few studies describing the pharmacokinetics of methadone in this species. In man methadone has a long half-life and there are considerable differences in pharmacokinetics between individuals. The dose interval is lengthened when the drug is used fore longer periods of time due to prolonged half-life. Therefore the drug dose must be adjusted individually. The purpose of this study was to study the fundamental pharmacokinetics of methadone in dogs, and to find an optimal drug dosage.

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