

439 Uppsatser om Concentration - Sida 24 av 30

Smartphone och inlärande : En undersökning av uppfattningar och användande

Idag har ma?nniskor friheten att va?lja var, na?r och pa? vilket sa?tt de vill anva?nda sina smartphones och dess funktioner, oavsett a?ndama?l. Hur ga?r den anva?ndarmo?jligheten ihop med inla?rning? Hur mycket av koncentrationen kan beha?llas under en inla?rningsprocess med en smartphone na?rvarande och anva?ndandes? Pa?verkar na?rvaron och anva?ndningen av smartphones anva?ndarnas fo?rma?ga att skilja och bearbeta information fra?n olika ka?llor? Den ha?r studien syftar till att underso?ka deltagarnas fo?rma?ga och uppfattning att kunna sa?rskilja och bearbeta information ifra?n olika ka?llor genom diagnosiska prov, baserade pa? fo?rela?sningarnas inneha?ll som deltagarna fick ta del av under tva? fo?rela?sningstillfa?llen. Deltagarna delades in i tva? grupper da?r den ena gruppen fick beha?lla sina smartphones under fo?rsta fo?rela?sningen medan den andra gruppen ombads la?gga undan sina smartphones.

"The Never Ending Story" : Sårbarhet och kamp för överlevnad i Olofströms kommun

The world around us is shrinking and globalization and capitalism are processes affecting the world. Global trends, like outsourcing and relocation of firms to low-cost countries, have become more common. This creates a huge vulnerability in the municipalities that today are concentrated around a single large company. One of these is Olofström which today is one of the most vulnerable municipalities in Sweden and whose survival today lies in the hand of the company ?Volvo Cars Corporation?.

Om sambandet mellan psykisk ohälsa hos gymnasieungdomar, deras sömnvanor och uppkoppling på sociala media.

I dag lider ca 25-35 % av skolungdomar av psykisk ohälsa. Tidigare forskning har visat att denna ohälsa beror på att ungdomar sover alltför lite, vilket i sin tur associerats till en ökad användning av sociala media. Orsakssambanden är emellertid oklara och varierar mellan studier. Av den anledningen genomfördes en enkätstudie på gymnasielever, för att ytterligare belysa hur sambanden ser hos svenska ungdomar.I undersökningen användes två frågeformulär bestående av en reducerad version av KASAM, ett sömnformulär, samt frågor angående sociala media.I studien deltog 51 elever (M: 18.0 år, SD 0.35), varav 22 kvinnliga och 28 manliga elever i ÅK 3. Resultatet visade att cirka hälften av eleverna (49 %) ansåg sig sova signifikant kortare tid än vad de önskade (p<0.0001).

Enterobacteriaceae och amoxicillin-klavulansyra : Effekt av bestämt förhållande respektive bestämd koncentration av klavulansyra på MIC-värden och zon/MIC-korrelation

Förekomsten av bakterier med olika typer av resistensmekanismer ökar globalt. De varianter som på engelska benämns ?Extended spectrum ?-lactamases? (ESBL) är en heterogen grupp ?- laktamaser som genom hydrolys inaktiverar ?-laktamantibiotika och därigenom ger resistens mot bland annat ? -laktamantibiotika som penicilliner och cefalosporiner. Resistensbestämning på kliniska laboratorier utförs huvudsakligen med lappdiffusion eller Minimum Inhibiting Concentration (MIC)-bestämning med gradienttester. Infektioner orsakade av ESBL-producerande organismer kan behandlas med ?-laktamantibiotika kombinerat med en ?-laktamasinhibitor.

Optimering av sintrade kugghjul

Powder Metal (PM) gears are machine element components which operate under the same principle as conventional gears, but, due to their intrinsic material characteristic need to be designed slightly different, and its manufacturing process offers advantages previously unobtainable by conventional steel gear manufacturing methods. The use of PM in similar applications, such as synchronous hubs, makes them a suitable candidate for production in such material. The current master thesis work focuses on gear design using PM by utilizing finite element method (FEM) to reduce weight and inertia taking into account root bending strength and tooth deflection.First a topological optimization is used to determine feasible candidates for different web designs which have as objective to reduce volume, similar topologies were shown during different loading conditions; and hence, this topology was chosen as a suitable candidate. A shape optimization of the topological candidate was performed having as state variables root bending strength, independent for compressive and tensile side of the tooth loading; and tooth deflection, which in concept can be correlated to static transmission error (TE).Another aspect in this thesis analysed is the possibility to incorporate non-trochoid root geometry, a trochoid root is always present when machining with a hob, into the gear root and hence reduce the stress Concentration here. Due to the use of PM, a non-symmetric optimized root can be achieved and hence be optimizing compression and tension.Results showed significantly lower inertia, for example certain results showed 40% reduced when compared to solid gear, with adverse effects as increase in tooth deformation and increase in maximum principal stress.

Småvatten då och nu : en förändringsstudie av småvatten i Skåne och deras kväveretentionsförmåga

Wetlands play an important role in the ecosystem. They reduce the impact of flow flux in the drainage area, acts as upholder of biodiversity, as an esthetic and recreational component in the landscape and they have the ability to reduce nutrients such as nitrogen, and help preventing eutrophication in costal areas.The number of wetlands in Scania have, due to the intensified agriculture been reduced to maximize the area suitable for crops.However since the mid 80th the consequences of this has been acknowledged, and many wetlands have been restored.This master?s thesis aim to see what impact this development have had on wetlands in Scania over the last 60 years. And also look at some of those factors important for the efficiency of nitrogen removal in wetlands. During the process a detailed manual for inventories of this sort was created.The material used to execute the inventory of wetlands where aerial photographs over Scania from the 1940th, 1980th and 2000.

In vitro potens i förhållande till terapeutisk plasmakoncentration för nio etablerade läkemedel

Antalet läkemedel som lanseras på marknaden har minskat under mer än ett decennium, vilket väcker frågan om huruvida det finns brister i de metoder och resonemang som används vid utvecklingen av ett nytt läkemedel. Syftet i den här litteraturstudien var att utreda delar av frågan kring eventuella brister med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: Vilka in vitro potenser kan man hitta vid en litteratursökning för några på marknaden etablerade humana och/eller veterinära läkemedelssubstanser? Hur förhåller sig in vitro potensen för dessa substanser till den terapeutiska plasmakoncentrationen/det terapeutiska intervallet som har fastställts för dem? Vad finns det i dagsläget för teorier kring eventuella brister i den rådande läkemedelsutvecklingsprocessen? In vitro potens-data för nio etablerade läkemedelssubstanser samlades in och jämfördes med respektive substans terapeutiska plasmakoncentration och en kvot erhölls som sedan relaterades till det resultat som presenterades i en mastersuppsats i farmaci av Fabian Göransson där motsvarande kvot genererades för 150 etablerade läkemedelssubstanser. Det sammanvägda resultatet, med tyngdpunkt på Fabians Göranssons resultat, visar att antagandet att den terapeutiska plasmakoncentrationen är minst tre gånger högre än in vitro potensen kan leda till främst överestimering men också underestimering av den terapeutiska plasmakoncentrationen och att substanser tenderar att vara mer potenta in vivo än in vitro. Därför behövs en högre grad av flexibilitet när ovan nämnda antagande praktiseras under läkemedelsutvecklingsprocessen. Efter en kortare utblick över några teorier kring brister i dagens läkemedelsutvecklingsprocess verkar det som att läkemedelsindustrin behöver revidera samt ifrågasätta lämpligheten hos de principer som idag praktiseras inom området. .

Hårdhetsvariation i grundvatten längs Badelundaåsen mellan Leksand och Avesta

Water hardness indicates the Concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in water. Water with high Concentrations of these ions is described as hard water and water with low Concentrations is described as soft water. Water that is too hard or too soft can lead to technical and economical problems. In collaboration with Midvatten AB, groundwater hardness in the Badelunda esker between Leksand and Avesta has been mapped, and an attempt has been made to explain the variations. For this purpose, different GIS programs, such as ArcView, ArcInfo, IDIRISI, and one geochemical modelling program, PHREEQC, has been used.

Är kolrika jordar en källa till fosforläckage? : en sammanställning av data från 130 åkerjordar

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient but a surplus could lead to eutrophication. Furthermore, the minerals used to produce the mineral phosphate is a non renewable resource. There are in other words several reasons to reduce the leakage of P and the agriculture is one important area to attend. The aim of this work has been to investigate if carbon-rich arable soils content contain more P than arable soils with low carbon content. Moreover it has been calculated if the carbon-rich soils could pose a risk of P leakage by comparing their delivery of P with the plant uptake. The work has consisted of compiling the results from former gathered and analysed soil samples of 130 Swedish arable soils. The fractions of P considered are water soluble P (Pw), ammonium lactate-extractable P (P-AL), hydrochloric acid-soluble P (P-HCl), organic ammonium lactate-extractable P (Porg-AL) and inorganic ammonium lactate-extractable P (Porg-HCl).

Fertility before and after installation of Herd Navigator?

The fertility of dairy cows is of great importance in order to maintain high production. The decline in fertility of dairy cows the latest decades can have several explanations. The large emphasis on high yielding cows and the negative genetic correlation between milk production and fertility traits could be one of the main factors for impaired fertility. To find heats and inseminate the cow at the right time is crucial to receive high conception rate. Delaval has, in corporation with FOSS, developed Herd Navigator which is a management program that measure four biological parameters in the milk; progesterone, betahydroxybutyrate, lactate dehydrogenase and urea.

Kontinuerlig glukosmätning : en möjlighet för den svenska djursjukvården?

The purpose of this scientific essay is to evaluate if a continuous glucose monitoring system is something that can benefit Swedish animal health care. The study investigates if it is medically possible to use continuous glucose monitoring systems on dogs with an apparatus attached to their bodies. Furthermore, I try to establish whether this is possible in practice and how it could be done. The keywords used were diabetes mellitus, insulin, continuous glucose monitoring, blood glucose monitoring, dog, pet owner and animal nursing care. Furthermore, I wanted to find out if this system could be an alternative to currently established methods to measure the patient?s blood glucose level.

"DET DU LÄR MED KROPPEN FASTNAR I KNOPPEN" : Lärares uppfattningar om betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet i undervisningen

Fysisk aktivitet i undervisningen och dess inverkan på elevers kognitiva förmågor upplever vi som ett väsentligt inslag i grundskolans tidigare år. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka omfattningen av lärares uppfattningar kring denna inverkan samt deras åsikter kring detta arbetssätt och dess effekter. Metoden som använts har varit kvantitativ med en kvalitativ del och har utgått från en enkät med såväl kvantitativa som kvalitativa frågor. Enkäten delades ut till lärare i nio olika grundskolor i två kommuner i Västra Götalands län. Genom enkäten har vi undersökt utbredningen av lärarnas åsikter kring fysisk aktivitet i undervisningen och även gett dem utrymme att motivera och förklara sina åsikter.Resultatet av studien visar att majoriteten av lärarna anser att fysisk aktivitet i undervisningen har en positiv inverkan på elevers kognitiva förmågor såsom koncentration, minne och lärande.

Den nyliberala staden : -Ett Kalmarperspektiv

Abstract Contemporary cities find themselves today in a fierce competition against other cities over company establishment and in -migration. In this competition, the city?s main objective is to become an attractive site of capital accumulation.  As this happens, the pressure on the vulnerable groups in society increases, leading to a social geographic polarization. I have examined how the shift towards neoliberalism has affected a city on the fringe as Kalmar. How is the postindustrial urban space constructed? I found this important to analyze since it put two important questions in the light: For whom, and for which purpose do we build the city today? My questions have been:v  What are Kalmar municipality?s strategies to develop Kalmar?v  What are the results of this strategy in the urban space?v  What are the consequences of this strategy?The research has been a case study of the city of Kalmar with a qualitative deductive approach where David Harvey?s theories about the city in a capitalist system have been the underpinning structure.

Investeringsförslag till slipstation för servicearbete av skruvmatare

The project ?Investment proposal for grinding station for service work of screw feeders? has been performed during the spring semester 2014 for the course Bachelor?s thesis for degree of  Bachelor of science in machine engineering at Karlstad?s University. The project has been performed in cooperation with Fiber Workshop which is a service department in the company Valmet AB. Valmet AB is a company that develops and manufacture soft paper tissue machines. The screw feeder is a part that is used to feed, and squeeze out the water out of woodchips.

En validitetsstudie på beeptestet : avseende maximal aerob kapacitet för elitishockeyspelare

Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the 20m multistage shuttle run test (MST) for elite ice hockey players as a predictor of the maximal aerobic capacity and the how the result is affected by the players age, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, body composition and test surface. The purpose of this was to find out the potential of the 20-m shuttle run test as a measuringtool for the maximal aerobic capacity in frequent testing periods during the season. It is very interesting to be able to administer this easily because the competative phase of the season is very long compared to the pre-seasonal phase and earlier studies have shown that the aerobic capacity is being lowered during this competative phase of the season for elite icehockey players.Methods: 34 elite ice hockey players participated in this study (20.0±3.6 yrs, BMI 24.2±1.6 and VO2-max 58.0±4.8 ml O2?kg-1?min-1). During 3-5 days they underwent 2 MST tests (wood and rubber surface), treadmill running with VO2-max assessed with open-circuit technique, Wingate10% and FFM-assessment with underwater-technique.

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