

439 Uppsatser om Concentration - Sida 12 av 30

System 348 - Rekombinator : Analys av reglerproblematik vid O2

In this project the focus has been on the system for recombination at Oskarshamn 2. The recombining systems have on several occasions switched paths due to low pressure before the last ejector that?s feeding the recombiner. Of the mentioned reason, events and several measuring points have been analyzed in this report since the installation of the recombining systems.In order to prove theories and demonstrate what may be the cause of this problem, we used heat balance calculations by the program Probera. Using the program, we can demonstrate that the catalytic process does not reach the desired temperature with the amount of combustible substance.

Fysiologi och beteende hos golden retriever i hemmiljö och under en testsituation

To fit into our society the dogs of today need a good mentality. To investigate their mentalitydifferent behavior tests have been developed. The tests are useful tools in the selection ofbreeding animals as well as for working and companion dogs. To counter the demand for atest that could be suited for all kind of dogs, regardless of their future function, the mentalitytest Beteende- och personlighetsbeskrivning hund (BPH) was developed. BPH consists ofseven subtests that expose dogs to various situations that can be found in everyday life, suchas meeting an unfamiliar person, sudden noises and suddenly appearing objects.The aim of this study was to find out if there are differences in physiological values betweenindividuals, validate the behavior observations during BPH and get aware of how the dogsexperience the situation.

Hur fungerar en glaselektrod?

To understand the glass electrode needs knowledge from more than one level. The construction ofthe glass electrode is one part, an other is the composition and structure of glass. The Nernstequation have an important role, but also the sources of errors in the analysis and the calibration ofthe glass electrode. Focus for this article is how the glass electrode really works and how Gibbs freeenergy made the potential dependent of the Concentration of H+and gives the logarithm to thefunction. Nikolskii's ion exchange theory starts to explain the question about how the potentialcreates and Baucke's dissociation mechanism made it more explicit.

The impact of platelet storage time on transfusion results

Platelets are small fragments, but they are of crucial importance for the coagulation. The risk of spontaneous bleeding increases when the level of platelets falls below a thrombocyte particle Concentration threshold value of 50 x 109/L. In those cases a platelet transfusion might be compulsory. Ongoing research tries to improve the quality of the platelets and to increase the safety of the method used. However, we still need to better understand which factors that affect how patients react upon platelet transfusion.

En fallstudie om bekräftelse i en förskola

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to answer the following questions regarding confirmation: In what ways do children seek confirmation in preschool? What are children confirmed for and how do they react to the confirmation? How is confirmation used by teachers? What do children want to receive confirmation for?The starting point for this study is based on the unique theories of Skinner, Maslow and Bronfenbrenner. The main focus with regard to Skinner?s theory (in this study) lies in reinforcement. In Maslow?s theory, the Concentration is on hierarchy of needs while in Bronfenbrenner?s theory, the study centers upon interaction.

Allanblackia stuhlmannii ? a tree under current domestication: what are the soil requirements?

Allanblackia is a genus of trees that grows in the rainforests of West, Central and Eastern Africa. Its big fruits contain seeds very rich in oil which has been used by local communities for cooking and making soaps. The native stands are threatened by overexploitation and the demand for the oil is much greater than the supply. Domestication programs, aiming at introducing the trees to small holder agroforestry systems, have been started for some of the species. The main aim of this study was to investigate the soil requirements of Allanblackia stuhlmannii in terms of chemical and physical parameters, as revealed by the soil conditions in native stands. Another aim was to see if these varied along an altitudinal transect.

Sinnesstämningens påverkan på det verbala flödet

Results from previous studies have showed that people with depression has an impaired verbal fluency. The aim of this study was to investigate whether individuals with depression also generate more words containing negative valence. Controlled Oral Word Association test were administered to a group of 13 mildly depressed individuals and a group of 20 non depressed individuals. The fluency and valence of the words produced was analyzed.The results showed no significant differences between the groups regarding either verbal fluency or negative valence. However, a significant positive relationship was found between a negative mood and negative valence.

Evaluation of a method for determinationof glutathionereductase activity inerythrocytes

Glutathione (GSH) is a molecule that consists of three amino acids: glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. GSH has several important functions: to protect cells from free radicals, reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress. GSH exists in a reduced form, GSH, and in an oxidized dimeric form, glutationdisulfid, GSSG. The enzymes glutathionereductase (GR) catalyses the reduction of GSSG back to GSH. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) is required as a coenzyme in the reaction.

Är lekarbete en effektiv metod för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter och/eller svårigheter med sociala relationer? - Is playpedagogy an effective method for children with difficulties in concentration ability and social relations?

Syftet med undersökningen var att se om lekarbetsmetoden är en effektiv metod för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter och/eller svårigheter med sociala relationer. Jag ville också få svar på om koncentrationsförmågan och förmågan till att etablera fungerande sociala relationer förbättras positivt hos barn/elever genom lekarbete. Jag undersökte pedagogers uppfattningar om och resultaten av lekarbete på några av dessa barn via intervjuer med lekpedagoger och andra pedagoger kring barnet och tog del av utvärderingar och lekschema som lekpedagoger förmedlade. Sammanfattningsvis pekade resultaten av min undersökning på att lekarbete är en effektiv metod för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter och sociala relationssvårigheter och att koncentrationsförmågan och sociala relationer i hög grad förbättrats positivt hos barnet/eleven genom lekarbete..

En gnutta läslust : Fyra lärare och deras arbetssätt för att främja de yngsta skolelevernas läslust

This project investigates how four teachers work to encourage their pupils? love of reading. The study was conducted with the focus on teachers working in grades 1?3. The teacher?s view of their own role in furthering love of reading is also considered.It is hoped that other teachers will gain inspiration and ideas about how to work to motivate their pupils to read.To ascertain the four teachers? opinions and thoughts I conducted qualitative interviews which I then analysed with the help of sentence Concentration.The study shows that the teachers work in similar ways, but what they all have in common is that they further love of reading through methods that include conversation and communication with classmates and teacher.


An inflammatory reaction is induced after release of proinflammatory mediators such asinterleukin 1 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor ?. These mediators stimulate the liver tosuppress the syntheses of albumin and endure the syntheses of acute phase protein forinstance C-reactive protein. The aim of this paper was to perform a method validation on animmune turbidimetric assay to quantify C-reactive protein in canine serum at the laboratory atSkara Animals Hospital, Skara, Sweden. The validation involved evaluation of the assaylinearity, precision, stability and recovery.The method was proved to be linear for both TruLab control and Medinor control.

?När farsan sa att han inte ville ha mig och pekade på dörren gick jag bara ut? : ? ungdomars upplevelser och erfarenheter av att rymma eller kastas ut hemifrån

This thesis has been written within the research project ?Tillfälligt Uppbrott?, which concerns youths who have run away or been thrown out of their homes. The project is based on a na-tional poll among more than 3000 high school students. Our purpose has been to study youths who have left home and their own experiences. We have looked at all the question-naires in which the youths stated they had left home and focused on their answers to five open questions.

Utvärdering av förbättrad metod för objektiv kvalitetsbedömning av spermiemotilitet hos hingst :

In this trial we used QualispermTM as an objective method of measuring stallion semen. Samples of semen were analyzed before and after centrifugation. Motility and Concentration were statistically analyzed. During the trial all the objective mesaurments were compared to a subjective method. The advantages of QualispermTM compared to older CASA- systems is it´s ability of measuring a greater amount of spermatozoa while it also grades them into different subpopulations. These subpopulations have different qualities that decides their capacity of fertilization. The results showed that this objective method might be used practically. Although, there are still some disadvantages, such as high costs and the necessarity of accurat training of the handler. If it´s possible to prove further relevant results that also are statistically correct, this could prove the usefulness of QualispermTM as an objective measurment method in the daily work at gestuts and stallion stations, thus giving the staff a reliable instrument in assisting the work for an improved horse breeding in Sweden, improving both in quality and economically..

Klimat i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar : hantering av klimatförändringar och extrema väderhändelser i MKB

There has always been global warming on earth and it is because of it that the earth is inhabitable. Without global warming the temperature on earth would be around -18 ° C instead of today's + 15 ° C. Global warming is generated by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane which trap long wave radiation in the earth's atmosphere. The problem today is that the global Concentration of green house gases has significantly increased since the 1750's as a result of human activity. Today's values widely exceed the preindustrial values.

Det medeltida Fårö : en empirisk studie av tre husgrunder på en medeltida ödegård

The aim of the study was to through empirical studies interpret the relation between three partially investigated house foundations, on an abandoned farm in Langhammars on northern Fårö. This relation focused upon two main questions; the time of use and the spatial distribution of the archaeological finds.Trough comparative analysis two of these houses can establish to have been contemporary, the third one is too roughly examined. A discussion about the hypothec idea of two or three contemporary farms was made with a negative result.In house 1 smaller processing of tools of flint has taken place near the fireplace in the larger room. A Concentration of pottery was also visible near the fireplace, likely to be connected to cooking and eating. The smallest room in the northeast part of the house could have functioned as a storeroom and/or held workshop activities.The archaeological finds and the distribution of it, strongly indicates that house 1 mostlikely consisted of a dwelling house and house 2 functioned as a workshop; linked to activities with handicrafts.

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