

439 Uppsatser om Concentration - Sida 11 av 30

Kvalitet i brödvete :

The quality of bread wheat is a large subject to study. The quality rests on two legs. The first one is the inheritance of specific characters, which can be influenced through plant breeding and type of cultivar. The other one is the environmental influences, such as crop rotation, nutrition, harvest and storage. The latter factors are possibly to affect through cultivation practices, while other factors are not possible to influence on for the grower, such as seasonal changes of weather and the soil content.

Implementering av Patientsimulator för Anestesimaskiner

In order to facilitate testing of anesthesia machines a patient simulator has been required by Maquet Critical Care AB. A patient simulator has been developed to reduce expensive and time consuming animal experiments and temporary lab arrangements. The patient simulator has been developed and designed to simulate human lungs with regards to anesthetic uptake, production of carbon dioxide and heating and moisturizing exhaled air.The system comprises a container and a test lung to simulate the volume and the dynamic of the human lung. The simulation of uptake of anesthetics has been implemented by pumping a fraction of the gas from the container through a bypass circuit with an active charcoal filter that adsorbs volatile anesthetics. The flow through the bypass circuit is generated by a pump and is controlled by a linear valve.The resulting performance of the patient simulator has fulfilled the requirements.

Naturlig förekomst av arsenik och avskiljning av arsenik från grundvatten : test av olika filtertekniker avsedda för enskilda brunnar

During the last few years the presence of high arsenic (As) Concentrations in ground water has been of major concern both internationally and in Sweden. Much evidence has been reported about toxic effects caused by arsenic. The carcinogenic effects and the possibility to measure the toxic impacts at low Concentrations made the World Health Organisation (WHO) to reduce the guideline value from 50 to 10 ?g l-1 in 1993. In Sweden the corresponding reduction was implemented in 2003. Several surveys in Sweden have shown that high arsenic Concentrations may occur in ground water.

Är det möjligt att använda SCR-rening av rökgaserna vid inblandning av avfall i biobränslet?

Waste appears to be a low-cost fuel compared to biofuel. This Masters thesis was conducted for Vattenfall Utveckling AB and deals with how waste in the fuel affects the performance of a SCR-catalyst. Different mechanisms of deactivation were surveyed, focusing on the poisoning mechanism. A literature study was carried out, which was used as a reference when analysing the results.Small samples (9x2x2 cm, 64 pieces) cut out from a full-scale unused honeycomb catalyst were exposed up to 1500h in two different combustion plants, Johannes in Gävle (co-combustion) and Högdalen in Stockholm (waste-combustion). The activity was measured mainly at 300°C but also at 250, 350, 375 and 400°C.

Stem injection of different nitrogen forms into young Norway spruce

This master thesis has been a pilot study preceding a forthcoming project of a larger scale with the long term objective to separate the direct effect of added nitrogen on soil processes from indirect effects via trees. The aim of this study has been to investigate the allocation of nitrogen following direct injection of liquid solutions into the xylem of 40 year old Norway spruce. The field site is located at Flakaliden (64°07?N, 19°27?E), approximately 60 km northwest of Umeå, Sweden. A total of 18 trees were selected for treatment, equally divided between three treatments, potassium nitrate, glutamine and water (control).

Dagvattendammars reningseffekt : påverkande faktorer och metodik för statistisk modellering

Storm water is defined as runoff from precipitation such as rain or snow. It is collected in sewage disposal systems and since it mainly originates from urban areas it can contain high levels of heavy metals, nutrients and oil etc. Polluted storm water is currently treated by different methods such as wet ponds, constructed wetlands and filter strips. This study investigates these methods, which in earlier studies have shown to give varying results regarding their treatment efficiency.This thesis has been written on commission of SWECO VIAK and was aimed at studying those parameters that may affect the treatment efficiency of nutrients and heavy metals in storm water treatment facilities (STF:s). Through literature studies the dominating treatment processes in ponds and wetlands were examined.

Mätning av partikelmassa i avgaser från en dieselmotor

This master thesis was a continuation of a previous study in the diesel exhaust characterization, which is part of the academical work embedded in the EMIR-1 project. The main objective of this thesis work was to finish the installation and make the proper modifications of the particulate mass measuring system located in one of the engine test cells at KTH, in order to be able to measure the mass of the particles from the exhaust of diesel engines.This experiment requires a diluted flow sample from the exhaust that should be sent to the device that makes possible the measurement of particle mass, called TEOM. In the first stage of this project, the objective was to study and make the proper modifications in the existing KTH diluter because there were several problems to obtain a constant dilution ratio from it during tests.This modifications were made and it resulted in a great improvement in the maximum inlet and outlet flow that this diluter can handle. Therefore another modification is proposed for controlling the inlet exhaust flow so it will be possible to regulate the dilution ratio and make it constant along a wide range of engine loads and speeds.The second and most important stage was to make particulate mass measurements possible by analyzing the frequency signal from the TEOM device. The idea was to obtain the frequency of oscillation from the tapered element in the TEOM, and therefore with the proper correlations, be able to predict the particulate mass Concentration in the exhaust flow from the engine.An electrical problem in the TEOM circuit was detected and corrected, so the signal that carries the frequency from the TEOM can be analyzed properly.

Våtmarken som renare av dagvatten

Eight healthy 3-day-old foals were given repeated injections of trimethoprim-sulfadiazine intravenously for 3 days, at a dosage of 15 mg/kg bodyweight (2,5 mg trimethoprim and 12,5 mg sulfadiazine). Blood samples were collected prior to each administration and for the following 24 hours after last administration. Serum Concentrations of trimethoprim and sulfadiazine were measured and the pharmacokinetics for the substances were studied. The elimination half time (t½) and clearance (ClB) for trimethoprim and sulfadiazine for the foals did not diverge from adult horses. According to these data it is possible to assume that the same dose interval and dose can be used for foals as for adult horses.

Asymmetrier i travhästars rörelsemönster vid långsam och snabb trav

Eight healthy 3-day-old foals were given repeated injections of trimethoprim-sulfadiazine intravenously for 3 days, at a dosage of 15 mg/kg bodyweight (2,5 mg trimethoprim and 12,5 mg sulfadiazine). Blood samples were collected prior to each administration and for the following 24 hours after last administration. Serum Concentrations of trimethoprim and sulfadiazine were measured and the pharmacokinetics for the substances were studied. The elimination half time (t½) and clearance (ClB) for trimethoprim and sulfadiazine for the foals did not diverge from adult horses. According to these data it is possible to assume that the same dose interval and dose can be used for foals as for adult horses.

Removal efficiency of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water : evaluation of granular activated carbon (GAC) and anion exchange (AE) using column tests, and the effect of dissolved organic carbon

Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a group of environmental contaminants that have gained increasing attention due to their potential to bioaccumulate, environmental persistence and potential toxicity. PFASs have been found in surface water, sediment, air, soil, sludge and ice caps globally, as well as in wildlife and humans. Furthermore, PFASs have also been detected in drinking water, leading to raised concerns for human health, since drinking water is one of the most significant sources of PFASs for the general population. Conventional water treatment techniques have shown to be ineffective removing PFASs, highlighting the importance for further research to develop efficient removal techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal efficiency of PFASs in water using two treatment techniques; granular activated carbon (GAC), type Filtrasorb 400®, and anion exchange (AE), type Purolite A-600. Additionally, the effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on removal efficiency was studied.

Megalitgravarna i öst : Megalitgravar i förhållande till bopats och landskap på Öland

The aim of this essay is to see if there are any relationship between the four Megalithic graves, and the newly excavated dwelling site in Resmo socken on Öland. The Megalithic graves on Öland consist of one dolmen and three passage graves. Is the excavated site a settlement? Since there are no signs of housing constructions, I will also explore other possible purposes of the site. What surprised the excavators was the Concentration of pits that contained ceramics, flints and burned bones.

Upprepad intravenös administrering av trimetoprim-sulfadiazin hos neonatala föl

Eight healthy 3-day-old foals were given repeated injections of trimethoprim-sulfadiazine intravenously for 3 days, at a dosage of 15 mg/kg bodyweight (2,5 mg trimethoprim and 12,5 mg sulfadiazine). Blood samples were collected prior to each administration and for the following 24 hours after last administration. Serum Concentrations of trimethoprim and sulfadiazine were measured and the pharmacokinetics for the substances were studied. The elimination half time (t½) and clearance (ClB) for trimethoprim and sulfadiazine for the foals did not diverge from adult horses. According to these data it is possible to assume that the same dose interval and dose can be used for foals as for adult horses.

Effekter av tidiga reflektioner vid musikreproduktion

In this project the focus has been on the system for recombination at Oskarshamn 2. The recombining systems have on several occasions switched paths due to low pressure before the last ejector that?s feeding the recombiner. Of the mentioned reason, events and several measuring points have been analyzed in this report since the installation of the recombining systems.In order to prove theories and demonstrate what may be the cause of this problem, we used heat balance calculations by the program Probera. Using the program, we can demonstrate that the catalytic process does not reach the desired temperature with the amount of combustible substance.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och ledarskap: en kvalitativ studie om anställdas upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön med fokus på ledarskap

Previous research has shown that the psychosocial work environment and leadership have a significant influence on the employees work satisfaction. Still there is much to explore regarding the employees experiences about these two subjects. A qualitative approach was used in this study to increase the understanding of the employee´s experience of psychosocial work environment and leaders role affecting it. Eight semi structured interviews were carried out at two organizations with four interviews in each place. The data was transcribed and a meaning Concentration analysis was conducted.

En udda fågel i den för övrigt homogena bankflocken : En fallstudie av Oktogonen

The purpose is to describe and analyze Handelsbanken?s proftit share system Oktogonen and to investigate how it affects the motivation among the employees and management.The method qualitative case-study has been used. Both primary and secondary sources act as a foundation for the thesis. The primary sources are based on eight qualitative interviews. The empirical material is completed with appropriate theories.

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