

1872 Uppsatser om Computer trust - Sida 52 av 125

CMS och UX : tekniker för hur man utformar en god användarupplevelse

The purpouse of this study is to find out how and if a Content Managment System (CMS) can benefit from applied User Experience Design (UX). A work project has been executed where a client wanted the students to create a user friendly CMS for adding content to a global hotel review site. A prototype of a CMS was created based on literature studies about UX and CMS. The prototype of the user friendly CMS was then tested through user tests and interviews with key users. After input from the key users the prototype was changed until the users were satisfied with it..

Patienters upplevelser av möten med sjuksköterskan i psykiatrisk vård : en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with mental illness experience encounters with the nurse in psychiatric care, in order to acquire increased understanding for the patients needs. A litterature study was used to analyse previously published scientific articles within psychiatric nursing care. Content analysis inspired by Graneheim and Lundman was used to perform the analysis. The result showed that the patients recovery depended on the relationship with the nurse. If the relationship was good, the patient was moore likely to regain his mental health, than if the relationship with the nurse was poor.

Modernistiska och postmodernistiska aspekter av konst i offentlig miljö : En komparativ studie

This essay is about a debate concerning the magazine Axess, feminism and antifeminism - in relation to a issue of Axess called To a new feminism. The theoretical foundation of this essay is Pierre Bourdieu and his field theories. The battles taking place in this particular field concerns the positioning of feminism and antifeminism in the way we culturally interpret these in our society. The essay shows that the magazine Axess (at least in the first edition of 2012) links feminism with a very prominent symbolic capital in a culture context. This discussion can at times seem confusing, and this is probably due to the fact that Bourdieus symbolic capital can be a very abstract concept. The journalist and author Maria Sveland writes about the development of a culture moving towards accepting antifeminism (and also xenophobia). She expresses the opinion that this, to a high degree, is due to actors in the culture domain with a big amount of trust in the public eye has moved towards expressing anti-feministic (and xenophobic) views.

Vad skrev man om barn i dagspress 1882? : en kvantitativ innehållsanalys

The purpose of my thesis has been to examine the public debate in daily newspapers about children in 1882. For material I have used newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet from the year 1882. My study is based on a regulation concerning public schools from 1882 and a labour law concerning child labour from 1881. I have also examined other articles that focused on children to get an overview of what the papers wrote about them. With the articles I found in the Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet I have made a quantitative content analysis. As a method for the content analysis, I have used text analysis as a tool. As a result of my study I found a total of 228 articles about children and of those 82 dealt with the elementary school regulation and the child labour law in various ways. The other articles concerning children discussed issues such as how to raise your children, charity questions and accidents and crimes involving children. These articles were written from a perspective where society showed concern over the children's environment. Often the articles expressed great confidence and trust in the public schools as educators and as a place for learning and supervision..

Närvaro trots frånvaro :  En studie om en projektbloggs möjliggörande av gränsöverskridande samarbeten

Denna forskningsrapport undersöker hur nya teknologier kan verka som stöd för visuellt informationsutbyte och koordination för kreativa arbeten på distans. Arbetsgruppen genomförde denna undersökning för att kunna utbyta prototyper och annat visuellt material på regelbunden basis med en beställare av ett projekt som har sitt säte i New York. Projektet använde sig av en så kallad projektblogg som kanal för att förmedla utfört arbete samt för att föra en diskussion och ge feedback på det. Eftersom detta projekt skulle genomföras inom ramen för detta examensarbete valde arbetsgruppen att även undersöka hur examensarbetet skulle kunna koordineras genom projektbloggen. Dessa två undersökningar skedde genom en fallstudie under 8 av examensarbetets totala 10 veckor.

OPAC - på Märsta folkbibliotek

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to examine how user-friendly the OPAC of the Märsta public library is considered to be.Theoretical basis are HCI and Allwoods definition of usability. Issues are: Is the OPAC suited to its task? Is the OPAC user-friendly? How well does a user accept the OPAC? and What degree of competence is shown by users of the OPAC? The source material consists of six interviews in the form of .avi files. The method I have chosen is qualitative semi-structured interview form. The result is that, based on Carl Martin Allwood?s defini-tion and with exception for the using of help-resources, the usability of Märsta?s library OPAC can be considered less good..

Riskkapital i svensk fotboll: En fallstudie om kontroll, tillit och förtroende

The aim of this paper is to examine how confidence in co-operative behaviour of partner is reached in a relationship between an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist. A case study has been conducted on a Swedish football club that has involved venture capital in order to develop the organization. The paper presents a theoretical approach which draws on a control model of interorganizational relationships developed by Dekker (2004) and a model developed by Shepherd & Zacharakis (2001) illustrating how control, trust and confidence is reached in a venture capitalist-entrepreneur relationship. The relationship between the football club and the venture capitalist can simultaneously be seen as an interorganizational relationship and a relationship between an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist. Because of the complexity of the relationship, different control problems prevail.

Molnet och dess möjligheter och  utmaningar : En kvalitativ studie i hur molnet förändrar systemutvecklingsarbetet

As companies grow, their need for computing power will increase, which traditionally resulted in companies having to invest in more IT resources. Now, with cloud computing, companies can easily hire computer power over the Internet, on-demand. Cloud computing offers a highly scalable environment where companies can store data and host their services. This paper employs a qualitative study with interviews and literature studies to explore opportunities and challenges associated with cloud computing from a system developer perspective. The aim of the paper is to find out how cloud computing changes the conditions for system development. The paper contributes with four different opportunities and challenges that the system developer must handle to succeed in the world of cloud computing.

Att bryta isoleringen - sociala faktorer i nätbaserad distansutbildning

Detta projekt fokuserar på distansstudenter och deras studiesituation i tre nätbaserade kurser. Genom en empirisk studie bestående av samtal med studenter och lärare, samt deltagande observation, har vi försökt finna lösningar för att förbättra studenternas lärandemiljö. De sociala faktorerna visade sig vara av stor betydelse i en studieform som tidigare kännetecknats av isolation mellan studenter och lärare. Projektet visar på hur en nätbaserad utbildningsplattform genom enkla tekniska lösningar kan ta hänsyn till studentens behov i fråga om att stödja kommunikation och samarbete..

Får vårdpersonalen bästa tänkbara IT-stöd? : Kartläggning och analys av informationsflödet mellan EPJ systemförvaltning och vårdpersonal

In health care today at Uppsala County Council the daily work involves spending time at the computer. IT-systems were implemented to support and aid the care givers in their work. Around these systems there is a support organization to support the users in using the system. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this organization in terms of how well it works and how successful it is in helping the users. This has been done by investigating the flow of information trough the organization and by focusing at the role of IT-coordinators with responsibility for support, process development, education and statistics.

Direktavkastningens determinanter

Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa i vilken utsträckning valda faktorer påverkar direktavkastningen i Sverige samt att klargöra huruvida investerare kan använda faktorerna i syfte att uppnå önskad utdelningsnivå. Metoden som har använts är kvantitativt baserad, den empiriska datan är företrädesvis insamlad från databasen Six Trust, tillhandahållen av LINC vid Lunds Universitet. Angreppssättet har varit deduktivt, där teorier har testats genom multipel regressionStudien visar inte på något entydigt signifikant resultat för de undersökta variablernas förklaringsgrad på direktavkastningen. Resultatet motsäger därmed ett flertal erkända forskares tidigare resultat, däriblad kan nämnas John Lintner(1956) som menade att utdelningen i mycket stor utsträckning kan förklaras av företagens vinster, något vi inte finner stöd för. Vid prognosticering av utdelningsnivån hos svenska börsföretag bör undersökta variabler inte ligga till grund för placering..

Bara en flickvän som bor långt bort : En studie av tjejers datormedierade relationspraktiker

In this study ? Just a girlfriend who lives far away? ? I interview fifteen girls about their experiences with computer mediated relationships. From a queer theoretical perspective I examine how these girls do and talk about their relationships, in relation to norms about relationships and sexuality as well as notions about online and offline.My aim is to discuss in which ways the performing of these relationships both reproduce and challenge norms about relationships and sexuality. The girls I interview attempt in different ways to show that doing relationships online is just as ?normal? as doing them offline.

BeAKKta - ett kommunikationshjälpmedel som möter behoven av djupare kommunikation hos personer med autism

A vulnerable group in society is people with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) or autism. This group seems to increase, mainly due to genetic factors but also environmental problems. Medical research has accelerated in the U.S. and Europe. The biggest problem for people with disabilities is the inability to communicate, both verbally and socially.


Den ökade psykiska ohälsan bland ungdomar ställer krav på behandlare att effektivisera olika typer av behandlingar, t.ex. samtal. Samtidigt anses det svårt att behandla ungdomar, och det finns få empiriska studier som belyser vilka aspekter som ökar möjligheten att få ett positivt resultat av samtalsbehandling (Bolton Oetzel & Scherer, 2003). Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur ungdomar, med erfarenhet av samtalsbehandling, tycker att en samtalsbehandlare ska vara. En retrospektiv intervjustudie genomfördes med 10 informanter i åldern 19?22 år som hade erfarenheter av samtalsbehandling under tonårstiden.

Livscykelkostnad för tak och fasad

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

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