

1870 Uppsatser om Computer trust - Sida 31 av 125

Kommunikation inom e-handel : En undersökning ur konsumentperspektiv

AbstractDespite that e-business nowadays is established scepsis against it amongst consumers exists. We, as consumers, suppose that this skepticism is caused by bad communication from the e-business companies. This has lead to our suggestion that some con-sumers refrain from e-business because of bad communication or deficient trust.Our purpose with this paper was to investigate factors of communication between companies and consumers within e-business (B2C) from the consumers? point of view. We thereby have drawn conclusions regarding consumers? choice of e-business company.

Klasslärarens och specialpedagogens arbete med elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Kompensatoriska hjälpmedel som redskap i undervisningen hos elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

The education in Swedish schools today should be for all children. This means that even if a pupil has reading and writing disabilities the education should be in the classroom with the rest of the pupils. The education should include every one.The aim of my study was to investigate the education with pupils that have reading and writing disabilities. I wanted to get a deeper knowledge about working methods that are used for pupils with these problems.In my study I have used qualitative research methods. I have used group interviews and observational studies.

Autentisering i programvaruapplikationer

Dagens människa är ytterst beroende av webbtjänster och med tiden har det blivit fler och viktigare tjänster som startat upp på internet. Viktiga tjänster som internetbanker. Oftast är det bara ett användarnamn och ett lösenord som krävs för att bli autentiserad så man skulle kunna tro att användarna håller hårt i sina lösenord och att de väljer starka/unika lösenord. För många verkar det dock, enligt källor, vara ett besvär. Borde man ha associeringar för att lätt komma ihåg sitt lösenord eller är det för riskabelt? Det har visat att många tycker om att använda ord som förknippas med webbsidan.

Skriftspråksutveckling i förskoleklassen

The aim of this essay was to investigate how teachers in the preschool class work with literacy. How do they justify the methods used to develop children's literacy abilities? I also wanted to know to what extent teachers enable multimodal approaches within written language practices. My study considers the impact teachers' professional identity has on working methods in the preschool class. I hope this essay will help teachers reflect on their learning approach. I gathered information by interviewing three preschool teachers and one compulsory school teacher for the early years working in three different preschool classes in three different schools.

Automatisk bedömning av reglerkretsarsprestanda

In this thesis, a computer program that in a simple way can calculate the performance of control loops at the refinery Preemraff Lysekil has been created. The computer program has been adapted to the environment at Preemraff Lysekil. Theories for evaluation has been studied in aspect of reliability and of automatic implementation. The evaluation has been carried out from data collected directly from control loops at the refinery and from simulated control loops with implemented errors. Among the studied methods are Harris index and Stattin´s oscillation index.

Vilken kommunikation smörjer börsmaskineriet: En kvalitativ studie av börsanalytikers syn på informationsinsamling och trovärdighet

Stock analysts have through the analyses they write a large impact on the expectations on the market and the direction of investors investments. This creates undesired fluctuations on the market that raises the level of uncertainty. The way that the analysts satisfy their need for information is connected to how their final analysis will be shaped. There is a large knowledge gap concerning the way that the analysts work and this gives unsatisfactory ways of communication. This thesis is set out to create a greater understanding of how optimal communication towards this target group should be brought out.

Dark Side of Wonderland - en kort 2D-animation med syfte att väcka intresse för en online serietidning

My objective for this project was to create a short but thrilling 2D-animation intended as promotion for an online comic book. The purpose of the project was to learn more about animation and graphics, to further my artistic skills and to learn how to work in Adobe After Effects. I also wanted to learn more about scheduling, project methods and how to handle stress. During the ten weeks of the project I have created the story, the storyboard, the character design, the backgrounds and the animation. The voice over was recorded with the help of a fellow student who also made the music and the sound effects.

Mötet med patienten vid klamydiasmittspårning : En kvalitativ studie om barnmorskans upplevelse av mötet

Background: Studies show that unsolved contact tracing of chlamydia increase in Uppsala County. Research shows that the meeting between patient and caregiver, when performing a contact tracing, may be crucial to the outcome of contact tracing. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate how midwives describe the encounter with the patient during contact tracing in youth clinics in Uppsala County Council. Methods: A qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews was used to collect data. Nine midwives of varying age and work experience from seven different youth clinics in Uppsala County Council were interviewed.

Användarvänlig design av bibliotekskataloger på webben.

The aim of this thesis is to study a number of standards and theories, from the two research areas human-computer interaction and psychology, about how a graphical user interface (GUI) should be composed in order to facilitate interaction between humans and computers. Special emphasis is put on how the GUI should take into consideration the strengths and limitations of human cognition and perception. A study of three web catalogues shows how these theories appear when concretised. The following questions are answered in this thesis:What guidelines and styleguides can be found that specify the design of a user-friendly GUI?How do a few library catalogues on the web match a selection of these design principles?The guidelines are extracted from literature concerning human-computer interaction, psychology, automated library systems and web design.

Interaktion i klassrummet

I den här rapporten beskrivs hur elever mellan åtta och tolv år upplever användningen av datorn och Internet i skolan. Genom att studera användningen av Internet med hjälp av intervjuer, deltagande observationer och informella samtal har författaren i den här rapporten valt att utifrån elevernas perspektiv beskriva deras situation. Utifrån den etnografiska studie och de konstruktionistiska teorier författaren gjort utnyttjas sedan erfarenheter från utbildningstiden för att försökta skapa ett koncept om hur ett framtida klassrum skulle kunna komma att se ut. Undersökningar har gjorts om hur information, kunskaper och erfarenheter utbyts i klassrummet och vilken betydelse det har för användningen av Internet. Men även hur elevernas själva utvecklas och skapar sig ett kritiskt tänkande och att lära sig sortera, för dem, relevant information. Jag har även studerat hur lärarens roll förändras och hur det påverkar undervisningskulturen.

Det kulturella arvet- en resurs i omsorgen av de äldre

The essay depicts the opposite views of the director and an actor during the filming of a specific scene in a feature film. The actor feels that he is not being listened to. This leads to unforeseen consequences for the director, as the actor no longer wishes to take part in the marketing of the film prior to its opening night. Everything is seen from the director?s point of view, she is working in a film world dominated by men.Questions are being asked if the director?s instructions are clear enough or if the actor, fearing getting lost, is mixing up his own feelings with those of the character he is portraying? What happens to the collaboration and how does it affect the rest of the team and the completion of the production? The director is also the producer.

Design av stimuligenerator för radarmålsökare

During the development of microwave based sensors such as radar target seekers, input signals are needed to verify the performance of the system. Therefore, a channel board has been developed by previous thesis projects at Saab Bofors Dynamics. It uses a technique called Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM). The purpose of this board is to sample and digitally store radio frequency signals in order to reconstruct them after a certain delay.The aim of this thesis project was to use the channel board named above to construct a portable instrument for generation of stimuli signals. This assignment has been divided into two tasks: firstly, to construct and put together the hardware components and secondly, to implement a graphical user interface for the instrument.

Agil projektmetodik - En studie av den agila metodiken och Scrums inverkan på IT-projekt

Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka och utvärdera den agila projektmetodiken med inriktning på Scrum. Vattenfallsmetoden berörs även med avsikt att tjäna som kontrast till agil projektmetodik och Scrum. Att arbeta utefter en specifik projektmetod eller anamma ett agilt förhållningssätt kan bidra till att rätt produkt utvecklas och att undvika att projektet misslyckas. Undersökningen baseras på tre grundpelare; litteraturstudie, intervjuer och undersökning av befintliga studier. Dessa ligger till grund för de resultat som presenteras och diskuteras i uppsatsen med avsikt att kartlägga förekommande fenomen i projekt bedrivna efter en agil metod. I uppsatsen redogörs för och diskuteras resultatet av bedrivna intervjuer med personer i IT-branschen samt resultatet av befintliga studier utförda på bland annat Microsoft och Adobe Systems.

Ungdomars informationssökning på Internet : Vad ungdomar tycker om sina egna kompetenser och erfarenheter

The study aims to investigate student?s attitudes and experiences of information retrieval on the Internet, as tools for learning. I have been interested of their own views about their own knowledge and experience in the subject, information seeking on the Internet. The focus is on what they perceive as problematic, what skills they consider they have and what needs they have in terms of teaching. Data were collected via questionnaires.

Se men inte röra - problemet med den performativa besökaren

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

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