

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 43 av 84

En komparativ litteraturstudie av olika termkällor för query expansion

The purpose of this thesis is to make a comparative literary study of ten laboratory experiments with different kind of sources for query expansion terms. The experiments are grouped according to categories of term sources, which are: search results, collection dependent knowledge structures, collection independent knowledge structures and one that combines the two last mentioned sources into one. To enable a comparison all other variables were held as constant as possible. There is the improvement measured in mean average precision, which is used to measure the various sources potential. The result from the study shows a strong connection between the kind of source for the expansion term and improvement of the result.

Pitch Correction - ett måste? En intervjuundersökning om åsikter kring användning av pitch correction i dagens musikskapande.

Pitch Correction - is it a must? An interview inquiry about opinions concerning pitch correction in music making today. This work intends to find out what music producers, singers and those with a great interest in music really think about the use of pitch correction programs, both in the studio and live. The thoughts concerning this came when I began to work with these programs in a studio, mostly for vocal use. I realized that the thoughts and opinions about the use of pitch correction varies a lot.

Kunskapsorganisation av ämnesområdet arktektur : Klassifikation eller indexering av samlingarna på en arkitekthögskola?

This thesis analyses the problem of how to organise a multidisciplinary domain of knowledge like architecture. The study is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part include discussions of theories of knowledge organisation. Two different principles of classification were examined in relation to the domain itself, as well as in relation to the educational programme at the School of Architecture at Lund University and comparable schools in Sweden. The empirical part is a case study carried out at the School of Architecture at Lund University.

Visual User Interface for PDAs

This report is a part of a diploma work, conducted as a part of a Master of Science degree. The diploma work consists of a preliminary study, two case studies, a user study, a paper and this report. It was created at the Linköping University for the department of Science and Technology, in cooperation with Unilever Research in the UK, and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. Hand-held, mobile devices like Personal Digital Assistances (PDAs) are becoming increasingly popular in today?s wireless world.

Konstruktion och design av arbetsplats - för kablagemontör

This degree project has been performed with Mega Teknik AB in Landskrona. The project has resulted in a workplace for the cable installers of Mega Teknik. The workplace contains a workbench and a cart.The first stage in this project was to make an analysis of the current workplace to identify the needs the installers had.The different principle construction proposals of how the workbench would look like and which functions it would have was made during brainstorming, in groups and alone. These proposals were compared against each other using a functional analysis that has been put up to get the principle construction that fulfilled most points in this analysis.The proposal chose for further work was a cart and a bench with a module intends, the table got a formulation that creates a better reach for the installers.This proposal was generated in Catia V5 to get a better overview of the suggested proposal.During the primary structure phase drawings over all the products were made and the components were chosen. Calculations were made and the product got the dimension required.

Behavior Cards - ett programmeringsverktyg för barn

This thesis presents the work of developing and testing a programming tool specially designed for children. The purpose of this tool is to make children capable of creating visual simulations and games that consist of actors interacting in a virtual world. The name of the programming tool is Behavior Cards, which comes from the fact that actors are programmed by giving them cards representing different kinds of behaviors. Behaviors are to some extent pre-programmed and can include general events specifying how the actors should act in different situations, in contrast to specifying every possible situation that can occur. The idea is that Behavior Cards should be easier to use than a more traditional text based programming tool, but it should also be expressive within the domain of visual games.

Miljöbedömning av olika behandlingsmetoder för organiskt hushållsavfall, slakteriavfall och flytgödsel

Organic material used for biogas production can also undergo other treatments. The emissions and impact from the different treatments are evaluated in this environmental assessment, with a focus on energy and climate. The materials included in the study are organic household waste, slaughterhouse waste and liquid manure. Other than biogas production, the possible treatments for organic household waste and slaughterhouse waste are incineration and composting, and for liquid manure storing and spreading. The analysis is based on data and information from current and relevant literature, and relates to the conditions in the Swedish energy system.

Marknadsföring av folkbibliotek ? om fyra folkbibliotek i Kalmar län på väg mot visionen att bli Sveriges bästa biblioteksregion år 2010

The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to describe the phenomenon ofmarketing. Four public libraries in the County of Kalmar have beenstudied in the aim to obtain information on their current marketingin the autumn of 2004, as well as their view of marketing and itssignification in connection to a vision that the Regional Library inKalmar has established. The vision is that the County of Kalmar isgoing to be the best Region of Libraries in Sweden in the year of2010. Target markets for the vision is the general public, studentsand entrepreneurs. The study has done a landing at an early stage ofthe vision, the starting point of which was in the year of 2001.

Bibliometri och humaniora : exemplet Slavoj ?i?ek

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis is to explore the useability of bibliometric analysis on scientists of the humanities. This is accomplished by doing a case study on philosopher Slavoj ?i?ek. The work process and the results the case study is able to produce and the limits of these results are then analysed and discussed.In the case study all scientific articles in English published 1987-2010 citing ?i?ek were analysed.

Produktivitetsmodellen : Hur kan detaljhandelsbutiker arbeta med produktivitet och lönsamhet med hjälp av denna modell

The store manager can make great benefits of having an eye on how the staff works towards the customer, because the personnel is an important tool when competing with other stores. This paper is focusing on the part that relates to the staff in the store, which is one of the key tools in the competition for customers after the customer made it to the store. Many stores have guidelines which the staff should follow when they meet with customers. If the staff is too tightly controlled by these guidelines, customers can perceive the first encounter with the staff as artificial and as if the genuine friendliness does not exist. It is important that the staff looks at the individual customer and treat every customer in a personal way and that the staff can see the customer?s needs.

Svininfluensan : en kritisk diskursanalys av medias rapportering

Media has the power to influences society. Some call them the third power of a state. Through amongst others, the agenda setting theory and the framing theory, this report seeks to understand how media describes the swine influenza and how it uses its power to influence people to vaccinate. As this report will show, there is no doubt that media has had an impact on the Swedish population of which 60 per cent followed through with the vaccination. Media used an information discourse and attempted to present its articles in an impartial manner and used governmental authorities and experts to support its arguments.

Koncerngemensamma kostnaders roll för spärrbeloppet : En studie av Avräkningslagen

The subsidiary company of Swedish Match AB called Intermatch Sweden AB has submitted a claim to RegR for them to change the notification of SRN, regarding the company?s settlement of foreign tax. To make the matter clear Intermatch Sweden AB has pointed out that they consider deductions for depreciations not to have an effect on the foreign income when the amount to settle is calculated. The intention with this study is to analyse the legal situation regarding how the level of the settlement is affected by the consolidated costs. Such as additional depreciations regulated in the law ?Settlements of foreign tax?.

Dermoid sinus hos Rhodesian ridgeback :

Rhodesian ridgeback is a dog breed that originates from southern Africa. The characteristic ridge (a dorsal ridge where the hair grows in the opposite direction to the general coat) is shared with an Asian breed, Thai ridgeback. The origin and inheritance of the ridge has been examined and defined. The ridge-mutation is a duplication that contains four complete genes, FGF3, FGF4, FGF19 and ORAOV1 and the 3´-end of CCND1. The ridge is inherited as an autosomal, dominant trait and predisposes for Dermoid sinus (DS), a disease that develops during embryogenesis.

''Jag lever i ett förhållande där min kvinna slår mig'' : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnors våld mot män i nära relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of women's violence against men in intimate relationships, get an idea of ??what forms of expression that this type of violence has and to highlight the men's experiences of violence.There is little scientific research in the field in Sweden. Crime Prevention Council has determined that eight percent of all complaints involving domestic violence in 2010, reported by men over 18 years. You can only speculate on how large number of unreported cases is among abused men. The international studies highlight that the abused men feel ashamed of having been subjected to violence by a female partner.I have been based this essay on two theoretical premises, Per Isdal theory of "violence perspective" and Elaine Bergqvist's definition of the suppression technique.The study was conducted through a qualitative content analysis.

Bankers identifieringsmetoder : Nu och i framtiden

Keywords: ID-method, internet, security, digitzing, bank Background: The digitizing of our society continues to grow and more parts of our lives is spent on the internet. The banks are one of the institutions that is at the forefront of this development since they established themselves on a early basis. The banks meeting points have since this establishment moved from the regular bank office out on the internet. A problem that has occurred during this transfer is the possibility to positive ID a customer in a virtual world. It is essential to offer the customer methods to identify themselves that are both safe and easy to use.

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