

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 42 av 84

EU-patent på datorrelaterade uppfinningar : en rättsekonomisk analys

Computer programs must give a technical effect that goes beyond"normal physical interaction"to be considered to belong to a technical field. The invention shall be be susceptible of industrial application, which means that it should be possible to reproduce or use in any other industrial way. The reqirement that the invention shall be new means that the technique must not be previously known because of patents, published articles, etc. That an invention shall be a contribution to the state of the art in a technical field means that the invention shall not be obvious to invent for a person skilled in the art. Patents do effect the innovation among the inventers, but in most industries most inventions would be invented independent if there was a patent system or not.

Heuristisk profilbaserad optimering av instruktionscache i en online Just-In-Time kompilator

This master?s thesis examines the possibility to heuristically optimise instruction cache performance in a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. Programs that do not fit inside the cache all at once may suffer from cache misses as a result of frequently executed code segments competing for the same cache lines. A new heuristic algorithm LHCPA was created to place frequently executed code segments to avoid cache conflicts between them, reducing the overall cache misses and reducing the performance bottlenecks. Set-associative caches are taken into consideration and not only direct mapped caches.

Undersökning av Södra-transportörernas användande av KOLA-systemet

The purpose of this study was to create a picture of Södra´s round wood transporters usage, and positive or negative experiences of the KOLA-system. The KOLA-system, owned and managed by SDC, is a program for handling timber orders and displaying their locations on digital maps. The study was conducted as a twenty-three question internet-based survey. Of those asked to complete the survey, 57 percent chose to answer the questions. The results of the study indicated that several of the transporters found the system quite good and used it to a large extent. The system also had many deficiencies however, and there was clear potential for further increasing the usage of the system.

Simulering av hydrauliska dämpare i borrslagverk

This master thesis consists of the creation of shock absorber models for percussive rock drills. A model of the rock was also developed. These models were connected to existing models of the rock drill to create a complete simulation of the rock drilling process.When the models had been created the rock model was evaluated by comparison with measured values from lab tests. The verified rock model was then used to evaluate the shock absorber models.Four new shock absorber concepts have been developed. Three of these have been modelled, while the fourth have only been sketched and described.The evaluation of the models showed the following:? Simulations of the single shock absorber don?t correlate to reality very well.

Hygienisering av torkat bioavfall

The main project Dry preservation of food waste from households includes a new technique concerning drying and storage of dried biowaste as well as a study of the sorting of household waste and further usage of the dried biowaste. A question asked in the project is, can the dried biowaste be used as a soil amendment? If organic waste is used as a soil amendment, precaution concerning hygienic safety risks has to be accounted for. The objective of this M. Sc.

Borrelia burgdorferi : metodutveckling och tillämpning avseende odling och resistensstudier mot komplement, särskilt interaktion med faktor H

The genus Borrelia is a widespread, pathogenic pest and the causative of among others borreliosis or Lyme disease. The vector for the bacteria is the hard tick, Ixodes ricinus and the infection is transferred through a bite. Untreated, Borrelia may cause arthritis, heart damage or neuroborreliosis. Infection is made possible through different strategies for avoiding the body?s complement system.

Arkeologi och den senmedeltida ödeläggelsen

This essay discusses the width of the late medieval desertion of farms in Sweden from an archaeological perspective. The object of the essay is to investigate if archaeological investigations and research during the last 10-15 years have changed the view of the late medieval desertion in relation to the Scandinavian research project on deserted farms and villages.The essay also deals with questions on causes to the desertion and when desertion occurred. An ambition of the essay is also to give a general picture of archaeological investigations during the last 10-15 years considering the late medieval desertion. The analyses-material consists mainly of reports from archaeological investigations.Most of the investigations analysed in this essay are investigations of single farms. Because of this it is natural these investigations do not say much about the width of the desertion.

Kartläggning av informationsbehov

This report is the result of a thesis carried out during the spring of 2010 at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. The purpose of this thesis has been to make an inventory and mapping of information used by flow groups that are most relevant for the day-to-day work. This mapping will then form the basis for information supplied by an automated system.The project consisted of:Identifying how the information is supplied today.Inquiring into the needs of an automated system.Which needs of information that will be provided by the system.Data collection occurred in two ways, both through observations and interviews. Observations of the participants were carried out early in the thesis, where the aim was to create a picture of the problem, and gradually develop a basis for the actual interview study. At each observation, an unstructured observation was used, which means that all activity was recorded.

Från a till b via d h och ö : Det ickelinjära berättandet i modern tid

How do we perceive literature? In our times computer games and Internet have made us grow more comfortable to the usage of non linear storylines. But how does this apply to printed literature?In this essay, called ?From a to b through d h and o. Non linear storytelling in our time? I have focused on nonlinear literature from different time periods and I have studied novels such as James Joyce?s Ulysses as well as works by William S.

Askdeponi i bergrum : Metoder för slurrytillverkning

This thesis work has been carried out at the consultant company Pöyry Sweden AB in Norrköping, whom performs the task for E.ON heating Sweden AB, Händelöverket in Norrköping. The report shows methods to manufacture slurry consisting of fly ash and water. The slurry shall be pumped into several former oil storage rock shelters that E.ON has put into operation for the specific purpose. The ash mixture also develops hydrogen gas in contact with water.The work has aimed to produce different suggestions of methods and equipment that can be used for the objective. Mixing method and security issues were in centre while working with the suggestions.

Automatisk query expansion: en komparativ studie av olika strategier för termklustring baserade på lokal analys

Automatic query expansion has long been studied in information retrieval research as a technique that deals with the fundamental issue of word mismatch between query and document. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the retrieval effectiveness of different strategies for automatic query expansion. The strategies are based on local analysis of the corpus and use statistical information from the local document set to extract terms that suppose to adapt themselves to each individual search and therefore appear to be searchonyms to the index terms. The strategies compared are: association clusters, metric cluster and scalar cluster. Baseline queries of 24 topics are expanded using terms from the different clusters and searches are made.

A comparison of methods to assess site index in young Norway spruce stands

This study investigates whether the site index curve method (SICM) and the growth intercept method (GIM) can be used for site index predictions in younger Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands than recommended by current guidelines. For SICM it was thus investigated whether the method could be used for stands younger than ten years, and for GIM it was tested whether a starting point for the intercept measurements could be used below the recommended 2.5 meter. This was tested based on measurements taken from experimental stands in Tönnersjöheden Research Forest. For GIM it was found that the method can only be used when the TH-trees of a stand have five complete intercepts above 2.5 meters. For the method to be applicable beyond this, it will be necessary to adapt the underlying equations, perhaps following the Canadian example where a 1.3 meter intercept start is used. In conclusion it is not currently possible to apply the approach beyond the current recommendations. For SICM, SI predictions are accurate for the study area already form year three.

Shamanism - Att färdas mellan de kosmiska planen : En introduktion till Mircea Eliades filosofi samt till Åke Hultkrantz och Carl Johan Gurts religionsfenomenologiska forskning.

This essay is a work on Mircea Eliades's interpretation of the religious human understood as "homo religiosus" and the role of the shaman from the Eliade perspective. In Eliade human existence consists of a dichotomy between the sacred and the profane. The question is whether one can understand the concept of Eliades ?axis mundi?, center of the universe? Can we create an understanding of human existence with Eliade? Can one use  phenomenology of religion as perspective for the exploration of ?reality?? Furthermore, this paper aims to understand the role of the shaman has religious worldviews. Shamaism  is through an ecstatic technique traveling to other cosmic plane, in order to gain knowledge that would otherwise not be reached.

Mr Chester Jester

Jag har i mitt projekt jobbat med mönsterformgivning och produktion av vävda möbeltyger, digitaltryckta tapeter- och textilier för en fiktiv hemmiljö. Mina designbeslut grundar sig på en fiktiv karaktär, Mr Chester Jester, hans estetiska preferenser och behov i samrådan med mina egna. Arbetets resultat är en gestaltning av världen han lever i, komprimerad till ett hemma hos reportage på gränsen mellan verklighet och illusion. Jag har jobbat med dubbelhet och speglingar - av mönster, av rummet, av tekniker och mig själv. Jag har undersökt illusionens verklighet och verklighetens illusion.My bachelor project is a work of pattern design and production of woven upholstery fabrics, digital prints on textile materials and wallpaper, made for a fictional home environment.

Affärsförhandlingar : en studie av relationsskapande förhandlingar avseende köp- respektive säljsituationer i företag med olika typer av affärsverksamhet

Background: The starting point of the thesis is the growing importance of negotiations that serve to establish a relationship between the parties involved as companies? business activities are getting more complex. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to find and to analyze which elements are of importance for parties, when creating a successful negotiation with regard to building long-term relationships, and if those elements differ for sales and procurement negotiations in companies with business activities of various kinds. Research method: The study was realized with the help of twelve qualitative interviews. Result: The elements of importance when creating a successful negotiation with regard to building long-term relationships were mainly elements of co-operation and to some extent elements of competition.

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