

5047 Uppsatser om Comparative perspective - Sida 16 av 337

Att ljuga för konsten skull : Självframställningen i Jan Myrdals Samtida bekännelser av en europeisk intellektuell och Karl Ove Knausgårds Min kamp. Første bok.

This study is about different teacher?s ´conception of remedial classes and its function in Today´s School. ?A school for everyone? the utopia that all schools and teachers aspire for. All pupils, regardless of ethnic background, class, and religious affiliation should be able to go to school without being segregated and are seen as different.

Knut Torings värld - En ideologikritisk analys av Vilhelm Mobergs Sänkt sedebetyg

Uppsatsen studerar Vilhelm Mobergs ?Sänkt sedebetyg? ur ett ideologikritiskt perspektiv. Samhället och ?andan? (ideologin) i romanens berättelsevärld beskrivs och ställs mot huvudkaraktärens syn på den (ideologikritik). Syftet är att hitta ett nytt sätt att betrakta och angripa en så relativt välstuderad roman som ?Sänkt sedebetyg?..

ADHD from a child´s perspective and children´s perspective in school

Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer som utförts vid tre olika organisationer i en större stad i Skåne. De fem informanterna som deltagit i studien är samtliga aktiva tjejgruppsledare vid sina verksamheter. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur arbetet i tjejgrupper bedrivs samt varför behovet av tjejgrupper finns ur ledarnas perspektiv. Intressant för oss att undersöka var huruvida tjejgruppen ansågs vara ett jämställdhetsprojekt, och om dessa grupper arbetar problematiserande med könsnormativitet. Under studiens fortskridande har det framkommit att begreppet tjejgrupper och vad dessa ska innefatta är komplext.

Public Relations - Positivt, negativt eller något däremellan? : En komparativ studie av unga och äldres syn på kommunikationsformen public relations

The public relations business has grown from almost nothing to a large international industry the last decades. Throughout the history the industry has struggled with a lot of critique and public relations has become a negative symbol for manipulation of information. Because of this negative view of the industry and the medial change taking place, the purpose of this study is to investigate how two different generations think about public relations. More accurate, the study will through a qualitative interview study explore how young people from a highschool in Luleå and elder people from Luleå township thinks about pubic relations, and most imortant why they have this particular view. By creating four focus groups, two with men and two with women, this also enables a comparative study between the gender. The focus groups were later analyzed and compared to two selected groups of theories on public relations, the theories were positive and critical theories compound in two categories.

Mötet med sjukvården - En komparativ närläsning av fem svenska patografier

Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie där fem patografier, självbiografiska sjukdomsskildringar jämförs. Detta görs för att belysa hur relationerna kan se ut mellan olika karaktärer inom sjukvården, i synnerhet förhållandet mellan patient och läkare, patient och sjusköterskor, men också förhållandet mellan sjukvårdspersonalen och patientens anhöriga..

Rockens språk - Analyser av tre svenska översättningar av amerikanska rocktexter

I uppsatsen analyseras svenska översättningar av amerikanska rocktexter. Studien belyser hur texterna förändras i översättningarna gällande bildspråk, tematik och struktur. Uppsatsen undersöker också utbyten av kulturella koder och diskuterar hur stor tolkningsfrihet översättare av rocklyrik har..

Vilket synsätt styr EU:s flyktingpolitik?

People in refuge face states with a dilemma. This dilemma consists of a wish (or obligation) to help those who need a refuge, and at the same time consider domestic issues such as financial costs and security problems. Thus, there are two perspectives which are important to consider when refugee policies are made. The aim of this paper is to see which perspective the EU had when making their migration policies. The question asked is: which perspective is behind the making of European refugee policy?The theories realism and idealism are used to describe the conflicts in the making of European refugee policies.

Matriarkal matkultur: Den afrikanska kvinnans arbetsbörda i ett patriarkalt traditionssamhälle

En jämförelse mellan två östafrikanska författare, en manlig och en kvinnlig och deras gestaltande av kvinnans tunga arbetsbörda i det afrikanska samhället, med specifik betoning på arbetet som sker i anslutning till mat och måltider. Syftet är att se om kvinnans arbetsbörda gestaltas olika utifrån kön. Jämförelsen sker till största del med hjälp av feministisk teori men även tillämpning av postkolonial teori..

Förtroendet till samhällets institutioner : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Portugal

This study is about trust for public institutions and what the foundation is that builds this confidence. For this study I have used three dependent variables to define different aspects of public institutions. These are trust in the legal system, trust in political parties and state of health services nowadays.  The method that is used in the study is based on a comparative study between two countries, Sweden and Portugal.  The actual result is made up by comparing means and regressions by using 13 independent variables. Many of the independent variables that has been used is deriving from institutional theories of Putnam and Rothstein These theories points out the importance of strong traditions of civic engagement and that the success of the trust of the institutions depends in large part on the horizontal bonds that make up social capital.

Förslag till ett ramverk för att evaluera funktionalitet i eCommerce-plattformar

In this thesis we have developed a framework of features associated with eCommerce platforms and then defined them. Thanks to our interviews with eCommerce-developers, we have been able to define multiple eCommerce features with the focus on an owner?s perspective. Much of the previous research in the area, takes a user perspective when the functionality of eCommerce-platforms have been assessed and evaluated. We have therefore taken an owner?s perspective in the evaluation of eCommerce platforms and therefore produced a suggested framework with key features associated with the owner's functions.

Den goda viljan. En studie av jämställdhetsarbetet vid Örebro universitet

In this essay, we attempt to study and analyze the work towards equality between men and women at the university of Örebro, Sweden. By using discourse analysis we have the ambition to test organizational theory with a gender perspective as the explanatory model for the schools successful work. We also have the ambition to develop our theory and ad an organizational theme focusing on actors..

Barns tankar om vuxna på fritidshemmet : Intervjuer med barn från tre fritidshemsavdelningar

The aim of this study is to become aware of how the children at the after-school care perceive the adults at after-school care. The most interesting parts are to find out what they thought made a good teacher, which qualities were preferable and how the children expressed their opinions. The children often spend long time at the after-school care which means that the children?s work environment matters. The children look at adults from another perspective and see other qualities than adults see in each other.

Lärares och kulturarbetares syn på kultur, estetik och kunskap

The National Arts Council[1] has made an evaluation on obstacles and success factors for the interaction between culture and school. In the evaluation report they concluded that teachers and cultural workers have different views on culture and knowledge which creates confusion in their interaction. Thus I became interested to investigate teachers and cultural workers views on culture, aesthetics, and the knowledge that they think the students / children / young people should get from culture and aesthetics. This work is based on qualitative interviews with four teachers and four cultural workers. I compare their views with each other and link it to different research perspectives on culture and aesthetics in school to get an understanding of the similarities and differences in their approach, and what implications it can have in the school?s learning processes. In this work, from a didactic point of view, I found that when the teachers and cultural workers are talking about culture, the why-perspective differs.

?Jag vill vara där dom andra är" : Specialpedagogiska insatser ur elevperspektiv

This study was about how pupils described their school situation with special education. The specific focus was on pupils which are described as ?troubled pupils?, unconcentrated pupils?, pupils in social and emotional difficulties or characterised by similar concepts. The study was based on a sociocultural perspective and an interactional perspective. The empirical material consisted of interviews with eight pupils in age between 9 to 12 years old and who had special education.

Kosttillskott ? En måltidsform?

AimThe aim of this study has been to examine how health enhancement teachers in Montana, USA, view the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.In what way does the health enhancement teacher think the importance of physical activity from a lifelong perspective could be presented?What resources are available for teachers to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective?MethodThe issue has been answered through qualitative interviews consisting of six health enhancement teachers, four women and two men, in Montana, USA. One of the teachers worked at an elementary school (for 30 years), three teachers worked at middle schools (20, 10 and 8 years of work experience) and two of the teachers interviewed worked at a high school (30 and 3 years).  ResultsThe majority of teachers feel that a wide variety of activities, adapted to an individual level, and the understanding of a healthy lifestyle are important in order for the teacher to present the value of physical activity from a lifelong perspective.The teachers felt they had sufficient material in order to present the value of physical activity, where the school budget provided the teachers with materials every year. In addition to the budget, all the teachers had 12 hours of professional development every year where they could attend conferences or their own choice of professional development.ConclusionWith the help in forms of professional development offered by the school, conferences, meeting with other teachers, and their own choice of development, the teachers instruction techniques could increase which could help the teachers to find the pupils? interest for different kinds of physical activities.KeywordsPhysical education and health, physical activity, SOC, sense of coherence..

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