

5047 Uppsatser om Comparative perspective - Sida 12 av 337

Att integrera trygghet i planeringen : En fallstudie av Örebro kommuns trygghetsarbete i Vivalla

The aim of this study is to make a comparative study between the grievances during the Dacke Warand the German Peasant´s War. These two conflicts may have occurred separately, regarding bothgeographical and chronological distances but also share common issues for this comparative study.Less than two decades separates these two conflicts and they were all by their own serious insurrectionsduring their time. While the German Peasant´s War was the greatest uprising in Europe up tothe French Revolution, the Dacke War was the biggest Peasant Rebellion in Scandinavian history.While the German Peasant War has been studied and researched by historians for a relative longtime, the Dacke War has been neglected in research history. If it were not for the Swedish professorLars-Olof Larsson?s studies during foremost in the 1960s, the Dacke War would have been a historicallyuncharted territory of research indeed.

Barnperspektiv, betyder barnrelaterat? : En kritisk diskursanalys av barnperspektivet i tjugosex kulturmyndigheters och -institutioners strategier fo?r barn- och ungaverksamhet (2012-2014)

Today the right of the child to participate freely in cultural life and the arts is a goal on the political agenda. As a consequence, in 2011, twenty-six government agencies and institutions of culture were assigned to formulate strategies for activities for children and young people. These strategies are the empirical basis of this thesis. The aim of the study is to elaborate and problematize three issues concerning children?s culture from the viewpoint of a social constructionist understanding of childhood as constructed in various, often political, practices.

Självpresentation vid nätdejting : ur ett genus- och åldersperspektiv

AbstractTitel: Self-presentation at online dating ? through a gender perspective and an age perspective.Number of pages: 44Author: Karin WestlundTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2009-12-21University: Division of Media and Communications, Informatics and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to examine the phenomenon Internet dating through a gender perspective and to some extent through an age perspective. What do the members? presentations look like? Do men and women select different ways to present themselves, and how does it look between the different age groups?Material/Method: Qualitative method with 42 presentation texts, half men, and half women in three different age groups collected from a Swedish dating site.Main results: The study shows that men and women choose to highlight their good points at self presentation in the student forum. The differences between the various age groups proved not to be significantly large.

"Watchman and reporter" : En kvalitativ studie om rektorers inställning till ledarskap

Aim The aim of the study is to, from a Comparative perspective, examine principals? view of leadership in successful schools. Questions: How do the principals describe their own leadership? What subject positions do the principals take? Method Three principals were interviewed in the study. The interviews lasted for about 60 minutes.

Kvinnor i en mansdominerad värld : En jämförande studie om kvinnors representation i de etablerade demokratiernas parlament

The purpose of this study is to map out and to analyze the spatial variation of female representation at the national level in established democracies. The aim is also to explain the variation in the female representation. The main questions that the paper tries to answer are:1.How does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?2.Why does women representation in established democratic parliaments vary?This study is a comparative and statistic study, i.e. a study that includes a bigger number of countries and where quantitative analysis methods are used in order to achieve comparative analyses.

Biblioteket för barn av vuxna : en undersökning av barnbibliotekariers förförståelse av barns förutsättningar

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the understanding of children's librari-ans regarding children's needs and preconditions in a library context and based on devel-opmental psychology and information seeking theories. The children's perspective is said to be the guiding star in the children's library and the thesis also aims to study the chil-dren's perspective as defined by children's librarians.The master thesis is a qualitative study based on interviews with children's librarians working at major public libraries. Observations of the children's libraries in the study have to some extent been performed.The study reveals that children's librarians are fairly knowledgeable about children but do not to a full extent use that knowledge into adapting the library to children and their needs. The children are not contributing to the adaptation of the library to any extent as there are few routines for that matter. In society in general children are on a regular basis represented by adults and their perspective on children and children's needs, which may differ from the perspective children have on their own lives, and the same is applicable for the children's library.

Modernismens inre tragik: en ekokritisk studie i Harry Martinsons prosa 1932-1940

En karakteristik över Harry Martinsons författarskap. Idéer som korsas. Idéer som lever kvar. Vad hände med den framtidsoptimistiske värdsnomaden, som blev den förbittrade bakåtsträvaren Holger Tideman? Och vad handlar Nässlorna blomma egentligen om?.

Krisen på Wall Street : En analys av sju artiklar från tidningen Affärsvärlden och fem artiklar från tidningen XINHUA om banken Lehman Brothers konkurs 17 september 2008

The crisis on Wall Street. This essay is a comparative study of how two business newspapers report on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings in September 2008. Seven articles from the Swedish European financial newspaper Affärsvärlden (Business World) and five articles from the Chinese-Asian news agency XINHUA FINANCE are examined. The aim is to analyze, understand and evaluate from a rhetorical perspective. My thesis is that rhetors storytelling can tell us more about how we cope with crisis in the global economic discourse. The texts can portray man as a narrative creature when identification as a rational actor is not enough. The analytical methods used are linguistic analysis with an emphasis on metaphor analysis, narrative analysis based on pentad - Critical dramatism, and discourse analysis with doxological outlook. The results show that both newspapers seek to defend the global economic discourse, but they do so in different ways. Affärsvärlden advocates calmness and conveys a cautious attitude. The heart of the crisis, as well as its solution, is on Wall Street. XINHUA advocates control and expresses confidence in authorities and the system. Asia is presented as Wall Street's savior..

Hur förhåller sig kenyanska lärare till föreställningen om barn som besatta av demoner? : Hur några lärare i Kenya resonerar kring barn i behov av särskilt stöd

The purpose of the study is to find out how some teachers in Kenya reason about children in need of special support. To undertake the study the following question are used:How do some teachers in Kenya reason about children in need of special support?The study has been made with qualitative interviews in Kenya. A total of four teachers at primary school level have been interviewed. The decision to do qualitative interviews is made by the opportunity to get as comprehensive answers as possible from the respondents' reason about children in need of special support.Three different kinds of special education perspectives have been used in this study.

Vad styr den kommunala integrationspolitiken? En jämförande studie i fem skånska kommuner

This paper analyzes governance of cultural and ethnic integration. The study has a Comparative perspective between five municipalities in Skåne. One aim in this thesis is to clearify the ratio between the state and municipal authority and how municipalities exercise their autonomy. I analyze the advantages and disadvantages in different governance methods linked to how the municipalities are working in practice and what problem the integration policy is intended to eliminate. I also resolve the influence of officials and citizens in the policy process.My conclusion is that direct ruling to a large extent is limited by indirect control.

Vad efterfrågas av den : En jämförande studie mellan Socialförvaltningen, Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this c-level essay shall try to illustrate how a good leader is formed. We have investigated what influences leadership style, personal characteristics or individual competence have when recruiting a new manager. This study has been carried out with comparative applications because we wanted to study the similarities and differences between the Unemployment Office, the Social Insurance Office and the Social Welfare Administration.We have used a qualitative method in interviews both with employers as well as the from the trade union representative?s perspective. Part of our results indicates that the trade union representatives and the employers are not always unanimous and do not request equivalent characteristics and knowledge at recruitment.

Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"

The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette?s narratology and Andrew Gibson?s narrative ethics this study seeks to examine through what means the relationship is being told and with what ethical consequences different strategies are used to tell one?s experiences from life. The narrative analysis focuses on how the narrator is engaged in the narrative, how the bond between narrator and characters can be described, what is known to whom and how, and what is beyond the narrative?s limits.

Clemens en August - A Network Perspective

The purpose of the paper is to explore of what importance network relations are to the small fashion company Clemens en August. Clemens en August is a new German fashion label, which has the goal to become established in the high-end segment. The company uses an innovative sales strategy, directly distributing its products to the end costumer. The theories used will serve as a tool to analyze Clemens en August 's strategy from a network perspective. As the Bachelors thesis nr: 12464 ?Clemens en August ? A Network Perspective?, authors; Malin Elmlid, Biancastella De Angelis and Carsten Juldorf, date of approval 2006-01-11, contains delicate data about the studied company we have decided to classify it as secret.

Att väga frånvaro på våg: en jämförande studie av Magnus Hedlunds "Snittet" och Samuel Becketts "Malone dör"

This is a comparative study of Magnus Hedlunds Snittet and Samuel Becketts Malone dies. My purpose has been to show the relation between the two novels, regarding prominent themes such as the main charachters? attitudes towards their egos and their identities, and also towards death, language and the theme of nothingness. (In swedish) .

Ett folkstyre i förvittring eller fortsatt demokratisk livskraft? En studie av de norska och danska maktutredningarnas slutrapporter

AbstractThis paper is a comparative study of the final reports of the Norwegian and Danish power studies performed in 2003. While the Danish study found that democracy is thriving, the conclusion of the Norwegian power study was that democracy is in a crisis. The purpose of this paper is to find explanations to why the studies in two Nordic countries arrived at such different results.Methodologically, the paper consists of an ideological text analysis and critical analyses of the discourse. In order to study how the results of the power studies can differ so considerably, the following aspects have been surveyed; 1) external contexts (government inquiries); 2) work process (the researchers? background, role and co-operation); 3) the problem areas and themes studied; and 4) power perspectives.

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