

6107 Uppsatser om Communication ways - Sida 51 av 408

Att implementera uppförandekoder ? Intern implementering av miljöriktlinjer i en organisation

In this bachelor thesis we have used a case study to examine the potential opportunities and obstacles an organization may have to internally implement a code of conduct with regard to the environmental guidelines. To succeed with the implementation of codes of conduct, companies need to ensure that what is provided to be implemented do this according to scheduled time targets, but also that is to be implemented in the organization actually is what is intended to be implemented, and that those that are involved in the implementation will be satisfied with result, this is because it is the employees who will follow the guidelines contained in the Code. Heide & Grönhaug (2002) argues that lack of communication is the main reason why the implementation in the business strategies fails. In this case study we have used primary data from interviews in the case company as well as secondary data from earlier research and information from the case company itself to develop our conclusions. The case study shows that the existing environmental awareness in an organization often is founded in common sense about how to act.

Att kommunicera eller icke kommunicera : Att utforma platscentrerade mobila sociala plattformar för att främja interaktion mellan främlingar

Communication between people who already know eachother, and who use a social online platform to do so, have been thouroghly studied for years. Thus, the majority of the people we connect with on a day to day basis are friends and acquaintances. As children we were taught not to talk to strangers, and as we grew older we learned to avoid people who act suspiciously. These and many other factors are part of the reason we avoid strangers, but are we doing so wrongfully? Studies have shown that there are many benefits in everyday interaction with strangers, some of which are an estimated increase in happiness and letting people seemingly forget about previous grievances.

Från tropisk hetta till arktisk kyla : En kvalitativ studie av Parken Zoos kriskommunikation på Facebook

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur Parken Zoo använde sig av Facebook för att kommunicera med sina intressenter under en kris som drabbade organisationen hösten 2012. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys studerade vi de Facebookinlägg som Parken Zoo hade publicerat under krisen. Därefter genomförde vi en kvalitativ intervju med marknadschefen på Parken Zoo, som var ansvarig för kommunikationen på Facebook under krisen.Med hjälp av ett analysverktyg baserat på situational crisis communication theory och image restoration theory kunde vi avgöra vilka försvarsstrategier Parken Zoo hade använt i Facebookinläggen.Resultatet visade att Parken Zoo omedvetet hade använt många olika försvarsstrategier, men att tre tydliga budskap förmedlades i Facebookinläggen. Resultatet visade också att Parken Zoos syfte var att använda Facebook som ett dialogverktyg, men att de i själva verket använde Facebook för att sprida enkelriktad kommunikation.En slutsats vi kunde dra från studen var att det är viktigt för organisationer att vårda sina kundrelationer genom att bemöta intressenternas frågor och kommentarer på sin Facebooksida under en kris. En annan slutsats var att det är viktigt för organisationer att ha en god krisberedskap och att inkludera Facebook i den..

?Hänga och må bra eller ta sin bok och dra?. Bilden av biblioteket PUNKTmedis efter ungdomsanpassningen.

The aim of this paper is to examine the youth library PUNKTmedis' work methods to adapt itself to the youth. Improved communication with this user group is the starting point for the new work methods. We have chosen to view the increased cooperation between the library and the youth as an adjustment to market demands. We have noticed the possible existence of an antagonism between on the one hand the traditional role of the public library of adult education and on the other hand an adjustment to the market demands. Adult education and the adjustment to market demands is seen as contributing to the image of PUNKTmedis.

Sociala medier ? strategier,möjligheter och risker

Social media, with its immense and continuous flow of information, has in recent years growntremendously in terms of users and content. This increase has led companies and organizations keen to be seen within these channels of communication, but do they always have a clear idea of how andwhy, and are they aware of the risks that are associated with it? Current research on social media is somewhat divided in two. The debate concerns, among other things, what value the information on social media has, and whether the media is really a good communication channel or not. This raises several questions, for example can a company really afford to remain outside of social media with allthe information it generates? This research aims at answering these questions in order to further understand how organizations discuss social media presence and strategies.

Svenskt projektledarskap i multikulturella grupper : är en anpassning nödvändig?

Background: Having chosen to take a degree in international business, we have had many opportunities to meet people from different cultures. These encounters have, we believe, made our lives richer, but they have not always been problem-free. When different cultures come together, the differences inevitably become apparent. Being among friends, one can maybe laugh at these differences or it may be a good opportunity to get people to talk to each other, taking the time to explain why they do things a certain way. Being at work and experience these differences might not at all have the same ice-breaking effect - rather the opposite sometimes.

Sexuella dysfunktioner hos kvinnliga patienter med multipel skleros. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors delaktighet i sexuell information och rådgivning till kvinnor med multipel skleros

Sexual dysfunctions concerning women with multiple sclerosis (MS) are common. Since the disease preferably affects young individuals when establishment of family occurs, the result of these problems have a great impact on the individual and her family. The purpose of this literature review is to throw light upon these problems and respond the questions if the nurse may be the right person to give sexual counselling and in which way this may be done. The theoretical framework was Antonovsky´s concept "sense of coherence". The result is presented in four themes: bodily aspects, social aspects, information/counselling, and practical implications for nurses.

Konsumentens hälsa som en del av företagets sociala ansvar : en fallstudie av två företag inom dagligvaruhandeln

We are currently more aware than ever about the impact of food on our health, but in the same time this trend put more pressure on the food retailers to do as much as possible to help their customers manage their weight and be healthy in general. This study aims to examine the corporate social responsibility for consumer health in food retailing, in which ways the companies promote healthy eating; in what extent they do it and also the motives for companies for corporate responsibility. The empirical study is limited to the market leading companies in Sweden, Coop and ICA, because the performance of the leading companies puts them in the strongest position to profit from shifting consumer trends, grow revenues and penetrate new markets and also enable them to make a strong case for the effectiveness of voluntary action, obviating the need for government intervention. A qualitative method was used in this study to get an accurate understanding how the food retailers take social responsibility for consumers health. The study is based on interviews with experts in the food retailers Coop and ICA, and the companies reporting in this area, annual reports, corporate responsibility reports and websites.

Att bryta tystnaden: kommunikation i matematikklassrummet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers approach communication in their mathematics instruction. The communication involves concepts such as teachers' mathematical language, incorrect answers, and various interaction patterns. In line with this, the study also examines how these types of communication may affect students in the classroom. Furthermore, observations and interviews were conducted with five different teachers in Sweden using an observation scheme and an interview guide. The results reveal that four out of the five teachers use both child-directed and adult-directed language when addressing students at different levels of mathematical understanding.

Jämförelseförsök mellan ogräsharvning och radhackning :

The organic farmland is increasing all the time and the goal is that 15 % of the Swedish farmland will be in organic production in year 2010. The organic production needs new and more effective ways to control weeds, and there is the row harrowing coming as a good complement to the conventional weed harrowing. In this experiment is weed harrowing whit different row spaces and row harrowing with a spacing of 25 cm compared. Then are the weed picked and the weight taken of them. The yield is compared in the 7 different ways of treatment. The results is not showing any significant differences in yield even when the row spacing is 25 cm instead of 12,5 cm. Even the spring wheat that is a sensitive crop and has bad tillering is doing well in this experiment. Now with modern technology where the row harrow is controlled by a camera that making the row harrow to follow the rows is it the soil coverage of the crop that is the limit for the speed. With wide machinery is the very good coverage even with a row harrow..

Att utmärka sig bland konkurrenter vid ett lågt produktengagemang : En fallstudie av mejeriföretaget Valio

The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how a company selling commodity products works to create interest and loyalty among customers and how to stand out relative to competition. Based upon present theories within marketing communication, a comparison is made with actual market information to understand how well the theory can predict reality. The study is applied to the dairy industry with the company Valio as the bench mark. In total four persons have been interviewed, marketing manager and category manager at Valio Sweden, and also project manager and art director from their advertising agency. The qualitative data obtained has been compared to predications given by theory.

Kunskapsbedömning i historia på gymnasienivå : En analys av fyra skolors bedömningsunderlag

As technology have continued to develop over the latest decades and become more advanced the pressure on the general citizens understanding of technology becomes a essential part to live in our society today. The transition have affected our society in great ways and have made a great impact on different groups, one of them being the elderly population in our society. The purpose of this study is to examine how the fast technological development in the latest decades have affected the elderly in our society. This from their perspective by gathering empirical data through semi-structured interviews with elderly people involved in the Agnes-project, a research project focused on improving the general quality of life for older people and increase their knowledge about technology. The study has shown that after the older peoples time involved in the Agnes-project their quality of life had improved in different areas. Areas such as increased cognitive activity, increased interest in new technology and an improvement in their communication with friends and family.

Den ortodoxa kristendomen i skolan : En analys av den ortodoxa kristendomen i svenska läromedel

This essay is about the representation of orthodox Christianity in Swedish educational material. With the help of my analytical approach inspired by Michel Foucault, I have studied material used in school for the subject Religion. I have limited the educational material in two ways. First, the main reason for this is that I am only interested in material written and produced from the year 2010 until today. Secondly, the material I have chosen to focus on is written for the grades 7-9 and for high school.

Derivativ talan och Corporate Governance. En komparativ studie ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

The world is getting smaller. Global markets, political processes and communication technology bring people together. Even though many of these processes are dynamic and constructive, they have also resulted in a need for better and more effective ways of international conflict resolution. This thesis investigates central issues connected to the concept of humanitarian interventions in relation to current and future legislation of the European Union. The overall question is whether the rapid globalization process has resulted in a change of international law towards more liberal view where authorization of the security council is not always needed? And, if there has actually been such a liberalization, how does that affect the legal possibilities for the European Union to carry out armed operations without the consent of the global community?The conclusion of the thesis is that international law has been modified mainly in two aspects: First, the concept of sovereignty is no longer seen merely as a right of the nation, but also as a responsibility.

Förnuft och känsla : En studie av kokböckers visuella kommunikation under det tidiga 90-talet och sena 00-talet

The interest for food and cooking has probably never engaged the people of Sweden as much as it does today. Especially cookbooks are selling better than ever which has been a quite constant trend since the mid 90's. This study explores the connection between visual communication in Swedish cookbooks and the post-modern values which have influenced the market climate and the visual culture. I have used a theoretical framework as reference consisting of theories of semiotics, visual rhetoric, marketing communications and postmodernism. I have been studying six cookbooks, three from the late 00's and three from the early 90's, from the two separate angles of their graphic design and photographic material.

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