4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 66 av 292
Faktorer som orsakar stress bland sjuksköterskor : En litteraturstudie
Dementia may cause difficulties in communicating. People suffering from dementia are therefore often described as being unable to take part in meaningful conversation. The responsibility to create understanding in a conversation is shared by all participants. By means of different strategies, participants in conversation can construct understanding through collaboration. How these strategies are utilized in conversation where one or more of the participants suffer from dementia is relatively unknown.
Information till mjölkföretaget : vilken information behövs och hur bör den utformas när gården ska ta investeringsbeslut?
The fast developments in information and data technology during the recent years have accentuated the need for the business manager to interpret and act on information from the surrounding environment. Today we know little about what information is really used in the unique decision-making. Further, little is known about how information should be designed to fit people with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. This study is therefore about the difference between peoples approach to interpreting information and how information should be designed to fit those with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. The application is made to dairy farms in Sweden.
The literature review describes the strategic leadership, the decision-making process and the intuitive and the analytic thinking.
Kriminaljournalister och Flashback : En intervjustudie om pressetik i ett nytt medium
The aim of our study was to examine Swedish crime reporters? approach to the social medium Flashback. Our main focus was the crime reporters? use of the medium Flashback, and attitude towards their own use of media ethics in relation to the medium Flashback.Flashback as a medium is not obliged to any media ethics and lacks a legally accountable publisher. In the search for information about committed crimes people tends to visit Flashback for the information that the traditional media cannot offer.
Immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi hos hund : en retrospektiv studie
Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia (IMHA) is an immune-mediated
destruction of erythrocytes and is one of the most common haematological
diseases diagnosed in dogs. The haemolysis is a type II immunoreaction and is
initiated by IgG or IgM antibodies or complements.
This retrospective study includes 63 dogs suffering from primary IMHA. The
study was based on information from records from the Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences in Uppsala
and from the Animal Hospital in Strömsholm. The aim of the study was to
evaluate the progress of the disease, treatment and the prognostic factors in
different breeds, gender and age.
Following criteria were used for the dogs to be allowed in the study: the dogs
were diagnosed with anaemia, the anaemia was regenerative and
autoagglutination and/or spherocytes were seen in the blood.
About 50 % of the dogs in the study were diagnosed with IMHA within 2-6 years
of age. Wire-haired dachshund was remarkably one of the most common breeds in
this study together with Cocker and Springer spaniel.
Netspeak som retoriskt verktyg : Skapar elementen inom netspeak mer påträngande problem än vad de löser?
With inspiration from Bitzers situational analysis a phenomenografic method has been used, influenced by Brown & Levinsons´s theory of politeness, to find perceptions concerning constraints (in Bitzer´s sense in his model of the rhetorical situation) in Internet-based communication. Based on three qualitative interviews, this essay has found that the perceptions are closely linked to views of what constitutes formal and informal contexts, varying due to the gender or age of the informant. Netspeak is not considered appropriate, with some exceptions, in any formal situation. However, the perceptions regarding decorum in informal situations differ in nature, based mainly on what kinds of associations and connotations are produced by elements found in netspeak. Since perceptions regarding informal situations vary, there is a large risk of misunderstanding, which this essay aims to survey..
Okända vissheter. Slavoj Zizek om den ideologiska fantasin.
This essay focuses on psychoanalytic theory and its relevance for political studies. It especially draws attention to the conceptual toolkit developed by Jacques Lacan and the way that it serves as the starting point for Slavoj Zizek´s approach to the theory of ideology. One important point of this approach is that the power of an ideology is not primarily related to the ideas or worldview it expresses but rather to the enjoyment it provides the subject with. This enjoyment is obscene in the sense that it forms the necessary, but seldom acknowledged, supplement to public values. Fantasy is a major source for this kind of enjoyment.
Comparison of bird communities in stands of introduced lodgepole pine and native Scots pine in Sweden
The introduced lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) occupies more than 650 000 hectares in Sweden. There are some differences between lodgepole pine and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests which could affect bird assemblages, for example differences in canopy density and ground vegetation. Birds were surveyed in 14 localities in northern Sweden, each characterized by one middle-aged stand of lodgepole pine next to a stand of Scots pine. The two paired stands in each locality were planted by the forestry company SCA at the same time and in similar environment to evaluate the potential of lodgepole pine in Sweden. In those 14 localities, one to three point count stations were established in both the lodgepole pine and the Scots pine stand, depending on the size of the area.
Lära matematiska begrepp på sitt andraspråk : Matematikspråket - vardagsspråket
The idea to create authentic learning situations where students are highly integrated made me want to try to develop a new method in the course Restaurant and Catering B MAKU 1208 (another field practicing cuisine). In my quest to do just the practical part as rewarding, stimulating and efficient as possible for the student, I planned for a training model with focus on group interaction.The implementation of the model for learning was to strengthen students confidence both in themselves and in each other, stimulated to greater cooperation and it has also provided an incentive to the student's own development but not least, a growing self-confidence for many students. Several have also had an increased sense of knowing something, to have something to contribute and that their labour input actually was needed. While highlighting that further education to seek knowledge strengthens the individual's skills and consolidates and increases deeper knowledge in the professional field.In conclusion, training should be done in both individual and group basis for optimal learning process..
"Ibland känner jag mig som en person med flera huvuden" : En studie om hur språk och identitet samspelar.
Abstract The purpose of my essay is to understand how language and identity interact in individuals with an immigrant backgrounds? My main focus is rooted in the individual`s identity and my questions are:- How is the informants talkning about the importance of being able to make themselves understood with the language?- How do they talk about the creation of identity?- How does language and identity be linked in their discourse about language and identity? To accomplish this and to answer my questions I have chosen to use a qualitative method based of interviews. I believe that this method is the most appropriate in order to provide answers to my questions. I interviewed four people who have lived in Sweden between 3-6 years. Two of the informants are from Latvia and speak fluent swedish, the two other informants come from Chile and are currently learning swedish.
Ett samarbete om samarbete
The following is an explorative work on various forms of collaboration. The core of our exploration revolves around the idea of co-operation as a tool for examination, a collective working method, the input/output within creative practices as well as a phenomena in its own right? It is however not ?simply? about collaboration, but rather places as much focus on a highly personal search for new working methods, new approaches towards research and on the development of our relationship to graphic design. From beginning to end, the entire project has become a work whereby the term ?we? has been more important than ?me? ? a well-functioning project with a common purpose: a collaboration, between us..
Kulturen med en twist : En studie av fyra lokaler från trattbägarkulturen på Gotland.
This thesis analyses the Funnel Beaker Culture on the island of Gotland. Since no comprehensive studies of the remains of the pottery have been made, this is one of the reasons why I chose to study this topic. The purpose of this study is to analyze the pottery and to discuss the chronological and spatial implications. Four sites from the Funnel Beaker Culture on Gotland are studied; Mölner/Gullarve, Gräne, Ardags and Suderkvie. Ceramic samples are analyzed with respect to its ornament and it is discussed if the pottery found at various sites are contemporary.
En trygg bas i förskolan : En essä om två olika inskolningsmodeller ur ett anknytningsperspektiv
In our essay we examine the different introduction models that are practiced in preschool. The central question is if the different models have any importance (or consequences) for the children?s connection in preschool. In the two different cases we will present, one based upon preparatory training that was applied during the 1990s and another that is currently used today.The purpose with this essay was to get a deeper understanding for the child?s attachment to preschool and for how we, as educators should act during the preparatory training to create a secure foundation for the child.
Fritidspedagogers ochgrundskollärares föräldrakontakt : Likheter eller skillnader i den verbala kommunikationen
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are any similarities or differences between leisure-time pedagogs and primary school teachers' verbal communication with parents. Questions we ask ourselves is how the verbal contact looks like today, the desire for how it should be and the importance of verbal communication has.We chose to make a qualitative questionnaire study in the form of open questions to three leisure-time pedagogs, three primary school teachers and eleven parents were asked to answer.The results show that leisure-time pedagogs, primary school teachers and parents believe that verbal communication is important and significant. They believe that it is working well today, whether is via face to face, telephone or email. The verbal communication should be honest and straight between all parties. Parents believe it is important to know leisure-time pedagogs who take care of their children, in order to create a sense of security among parents.
The cow eye-Function and effect of light on milk yield
The purpose of this review was to study the cow eye physiology, focusing on how it registers light, and to see how light affects the cow?s milk yield. It has been showed in studies that more hours of light per day (16 hours of light a day) as opposed to about 9-12 hours of light a day, increases milk yield for dairy cows. This review contains suggestions on how this is connected with the physiology of the eye.
Vision is an important sense for many mammals, and is used to check out the animals surroundings. Sensor cells in the eyeball help in turning photons from the light into signals to the brain.
Läraren och tjänstemannauppdraget : En studie om lärarstudenters syn på sina framtida tjänstemannauppdrag
The aim of this essay is to examine how future upper secondary school teachers within social science comprehends their future proffessional role. The aim is also to see whether the education is of importance to their suspension for their future professional role. Focus will especially be on the teachers civil servant role, where the aim is to see how their identification suspends to the governmental expectations on their future civil servant misson. The essay is based on a qualitative method, which is focused conversational interviews.The result indicates that future upper secondary school teachers within social science, who are about to finish their education, have a somewhat deeper sense of identification with the teachers civil servant mission compared to those in the beginning of their education. The result also indicates that the future upper secondary school teachers identification are in line with the governmental expectations on their civil servant mission.