4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 65 av 292
PATIENTENS DELAKTIGHET : En förutsättning för god vård
Today patients are more aware of their rights regarding their own care. They are more informed, more engaged and have more and individual requirements, which leads to increased demands for information and participation increases. The Health Act sets out the patients´ right to participation. Participation increases patient satisfaction with care, promotes healing and increases adherence to health care advise. The patient doesn´t always experience participation in their own care to the extent they wish, which suggests that nurse?s does not always succeed in getting the patient involved.
Gränslandet mellan hem och förskola : en arena för gästfrihetens kommunikation
The purpose of this master thesis is to examine some pre-school teacher's and parent's perceptions about communication within the pre-school context and how this can be described in terms of conceptual dichotomy.The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative study, where data have been collected by interviewing two focus groups and one single parent.The main theoretical tools which the study uses as its premiss is Derridas' theory of hospitality and Habermas' theory of deliberative dialogues. The study also considers the conception of the intermediate domain as an arena for communication between parents and pre-school teachers, and further more the conception of stereotyping in social and cultural contexts.In order to explore these processes I have used the qualitative method of interpretation; Hermeneutic, also with a narrative approach to the analysis.The results and the analysis of the data show that the interviewed parent and pre-school teachers have a poor sense of knowing how much influence to give to each other. The parents were not satisfied with the level of open communication and how the pre-school teachers share information of the activities..
?Processutveckling av metod f?r tillverkning av en funktionell tibetansk mejeriprodukt?
Probiotics is a special group of health products on the market. The most common type of these is live cultures of lactic acid fermenting bacteria from raw milk . These include, among others, yogurt and various trademarks such as Hälsofil ®, Acidophilus ®, Dofilus ® and Kefir ®. Such products are often used by patients who are treated with antibiotics to combat the intestinal flora eliminated, thus causing digestive problems. The present work deals with yet another type of health product, viz.
En fallstudie om effektivisering av kosthanteringen inom Nybro kommun
In December 2008 the municipal council in Nybro, decided that the municipality shouldreduce the budget for food service. The budget should be reduced by 2 100 000 SEK.They decided that the children- and education committee, and the care committee would haveto lower their budget with 1 264 000 SEK respectively 636 000 SEK. The change have to bedone under two years, 60 % should be done under 2009 and 40 % under 2010.As a result of the decision, many kitchens have to become kitchens that only serve food, notcook it. This will result in preschool staff and nursing staff take over some of the tasks fromthe kitchen staff. The municipal council also decided that entrepreneurs could take over one(later two) cooking areas.A kitchen that serves food means that there isn?t any cooking involved.
The European Emission Trading Scheme: A Market Perspective
The purpose of this thesis is to bring insight into and understanding of how the market for emission rights in Europe currently works and what problems it is currently facing. The research can be said to be based on positive theory, in the sense that it is grounded more on empirical theory on the subject than normative theory. Furthermore, a qualitative approach to generating data has been used. This has led to a pattern mode of explanation, where understanding a unique and complex field is the focus. The theoretical perspective utilized in this thesis is mainly based on empirical research on similar market-based systems for emission control.
En europeisk identitet : en studie av Manuel Castells kriterier vid skapandet av en europeisk identitet
AbstractA European identityA study of Manuel Castells criteria?s to create a European identityC-Essay in Political Science, by Helena Saagpakk, August 2007Supervisor: Björn ÅkerbergPhilosophers and visionaries dreamt early on the idea about a united Europe. This dream was destroyed by the two world wars during the first half of the 20th century. The first community was established in 1950 after the Second World War. This was the beginning of a peaceful cooperation between the member states, and the community later developed into the European Union.
"Kristus som Antikrist - den tanken torde, och borde, tänkas ut i sina konsekvenser." : En hermeneutisk tolkning av von Triers Antichrist
With a hermeneutical method using narratology this thesis is interpreting the auteure Lars von Trier´s discussed movie Antichrist. On one hand within the limits of the hermeneutic Paul Riceours analysis of structure is used to reconstruct the narrative of the film out of the different part of discourses that I have construed in my first reading to find out a deeper comprehension of the relation between the characters and their relations to the different discourses. On the other hand the discourses which extracts out of His and Hers actions and statements are related to the clues that I´ve found out from interviews with von Trier regarding Antichrist where he, among other things, touches upon philosophical work of Friedrich Nietzsche and his own disregard about protestantism and religion. All in all this first phase of interpretation is termed the different horizons which I finally interprete and coalesce with my subjects comprehension on a metadiegetic and meta-metadiegetic level. By this a ?fusion of horizons? in the sense of Hans-Georg Gadamer can take place, which directly leads into the big scene of Relevations.
Anonymous ansikten : En undersökningar av några svenska dagstidningars konstruktioner av hackernätverket Anonymous
This study examines how a couple of Swedish daily newspapers construct the hacker network Anonymous, with an aim to discuss its possible effects. The question was: In which ways is the network Anonymous constructed in a few Swedish newspapers? 26 articles from four chosen newspaper were analysed, but because of many similarities in content, only 10 were chosen for deep analysis. With Fairclough's model of critical discourse analysis as chosen method, constructions varying from the images of heroes to villains were found as a result. The most common construction was that of Anonymous as a threat, which was most often exaggerated compared to what actions were actually described in the texts.
Personlighet och preferens : En kvantitativ studie av gymnasieelevers personlighet och deras preferens för personlighet hos lärare
Syftet men uppsatsen är att göra en kartläggning av perspektiv på graffiti i det offentliga rummet. Detta görs genom kvalitativa intervjuer av semi-strukturell karaktär med sju olika aktörer som på olika sätt spelar en roll i konflikten om graffitins existens i det offentliga. Uppsatsen präglas av ett humanistgeografisk perspektiv och undersöker även hur dessa sju aktörer upplever det offentliga rummet. Det teoretisk ramverket för uppsatsen är Doreen Massey´s Sense of place. Som också utgör det huvudsakliga källmaterialet.
Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKB
When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing.
Normativa värden för läppkraft hos barn mellan fem och tio år : Relaterat till bilabial stavelseproduktion
Lip force has been found to affect the ability to achieve satisfying speech production and swallowing. A normative value for lip force in adults has been measured to 15 Newton (N). Corresponding value for children measured with Lip Force Meter 100 (LF100) does not exist. In the current study lip force was measured in children between the ages of five and ten years. The aim of the study was to obtain normative values for children with typical development in separate age groups.
Diagnosens vara eller icke vara : En kvalitativ studie om speciallärares/specialpedagogers syn på fenomenen ADHD och DAMP
Aim & Questions at issueThe aim of our study is to study how special teachers/special educationalists in schools of Stockholm look at the phenomenon ADHD/DAMP. We have looked into their view on the diagnose, compared to the two different kinds of research visions about the diagnosis who are known in Sweden today. How do the special teacher/special educationalist work with the diagnosed children?This is our questions at issue:? Is there any optimal learning situation for children with ADHD/DAMP?? Is there something that distinguish all children with ADHD/DAMP?? What is positive and negative about giving the diagnose ADHD/DAMP to children?? Is there any external factors that influence that there is so many more children today who has been given a diagnose?? How does special teachers/special educationalists look on amfetamin-treatment?MethodWe have done qualitative interviews with special teachers/special educationalists in the city area of Stockholm. These have been worked up one by one and then been compared and evaluated together.ResultAll special teachers/special educationalists mentioned that when you educate children with ADHD/DAMP, a structured life underlies the possibility for the children to provide knowledge.
Passion & Lojalitet : En studie om varumärkeskulten Apple och dess passionerade och lojala konsumenter
Abstract Apple Computers Inc. is known for their loyal and passionate followers. This study focuses on the brand communities and brand loyalty that is frequently seen among Apple customers. It focuses on the factors that create an apparent deep-set loyalty and passion towards their computers among Mac-users. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of why some consumers feel such a strong attraction to a company, its brand and its products.
Bibliografering av tryckt skönlitteratur och musikalier : En komparativ studie
Literature and music as an expression of art have some parts in common, others can quite differ. Both are using a language, and both can exist in written representations. You can find such written or printed items in library catalogues. The aim of this two years master's thesis is to examine how cataloguing of printed fiction-literature and printed music looks like, what differences you can find in cataloguing of printed literature and printed music.This study is based on a comparative methodology and two different theories are used. The first describes the common tasks for library catalogues as they are known traditionally and recently (as FRBR-conceptual model), the other is a comparison of the two art-species literature (fiction) and music.This paper's first part is a comparison of how printed literature and printed music are catalogued in the Swedish national catalogue LIBRIS.
UNDER TV? M?NAR En semantisk kartl?ggning av m?ne som ett kigo
This essay will examine the seasonal word known as kigo ?? which mainly appears
in the japanese haiku. The purpose is to offer a suggestion of how a systematic explanation of the semantic peculiarities of kigo could be conducted. The object of this semantic analysis is the kigo tsuki ? (moon).