

4367 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 54 av 292

Nöjd och glad : Icke - farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder i demensvård

abstractBackground: Dementia affected patients have increasing problems with memory , impaired language ability, which affects communication and behaviour is considerable. These difficulties may provide an outlet for aggression, agitation and anxiety, and are common in dementia, which is exhausting for patients and their relatives and carers. Behavioural changes are common condition in patients with dementia and affects quality of life and cause unnecessary suffering . Pharmacological treatment that is inserted to relieve these symptoms have many side effects. Printed out more knowledge about non- pharmacological nursing interventions that can facilitate care for patients , relatives and carers are great.Aim: To describe non- pharmacological nursing interventions in dementia care .Method: A general literature review of thirteen scientific papers compiled and described in a result.Results: Compilation resulted in two themes,  Music in dementia care and Stimulation in dementia care and four subthemes, Singing in the care, Listening to music, Activities and Consolation and fillip that showed a dominant positive effect on dementia affected patients and carers and there by create opportunities for caring in dementia care .Conclusion: The different nursing interventions may be useful in dementia care when they show a dominant positive effect on various behavioural changes, it seems memory stimulant and promotes communication between patients and carers which favours caring .Keywords: Agitated behaviour, dementia, non- pharmacological, literature review, nursing. .

Hjälmen under yngre järnåldern : härkomst, förekomst och bruk

Few helmets, dated to the Vendel period are known from Scandinavia and even fewer are known from the Viking age. Paradoxically, picture stones and sagas frequently tell about these objects as if they were very common, something that is contradicted by the archaeological material. The purpose of this thesis is to examine different literary sources and compare these to the archaeological materials and by doing so, gets a clearer picture about the emergence, use, function and of the late Iron Age helmets in Scandinavia..

Lärandemiljön i klassrummet : hur lärare och rektor kan bidra till en god lärandemiljö

Abstract  The purpose of this essay was to study understandings, determine the meening of a good learning environment in the school class, and how teachers and principal can contribute to it. On the basis of existing research that says: the common attitudes and standpoints between the school management and the teachers, is fundamental in case a good learning environment will occur in the classroom, the study has analyzed if the principal?s and the teacher?s attitudes in this study, are the same. The study is based on four main questions:  What is a good learning environment, according to teachers, principal and existing research?  How can teachers and principal contribute to a good learning environment, according to teachers, principal and existing research?  Do the teacher?s and principal?s attitudes concerning what defines a good learning environment, agree?   Do the teacher?s and principal?s attitudes concerning how teachers and principal can contribute to a good learning environment, agree?  To reply to the purpose of the study, five qualitative interviews were made. The interviews were done with five teachers and one principal, working in the same school. Research and litterature of interest, has been read, and these are presented in this essay. The study result shows that the existing research gives a wide definition of what a good learning environment is, and how a teacher and principal can contribute to it.

Allmänsjuksköterskans problematik kring bemötandet av den HIV-positiva patienten i den somatiska vården

The number of HIV- positive is increasing all over the world and it's very likely to meet these patients as a nurse. The interaction between the nurse and the patient is characterized by experience and knowledge and at the same time the nurse is expected to act professionally. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate the nurse's complex of problems regarding the treatment of the HIV- positive patient by exploring the attitudes against HIV among nurses and how the nurse can maintain the integrity of the HIV- positive patient. Antonovsky's salutoqenic model, sense of coherence, has been used as theoretical frame. From 14 articles five topics have been found that influence the nurse's attitudes against HIV-positive patients.

Utvecklingsarbete med inriktning på gruppsamverkan

The idea to create authentic learning situations where students are highly integrated made me want to try to develop a new method in the course Restaurant and Catering B MAKU 1208 (another field practicing cuisine). In my quest to do just the practical part as rewarding, stimulating and efficient as possible for the student, I planned for a training model with   focus on group interaction.The implementation of the model for learning was to strengthen students confidence both in themselves and in each other, stimulated to greater cooperation and it has also provided an incentive to the student's own development but not least, a growing self-confidence for many students. Several have also had an increased sense of knowing something, to have something to contribute and that their labour input actually was needed. While highlighting that further education to seek knowledge strengthens the individual's skills and consolidates and increases deeper knowledge in the professional field.In conclusion, training should be done in both individual and group basis for optimal learning process..

En studie av elektronisk mobbning : Vilka kunskaper om och erfarenheter av elektronisk mobbning har flickor med språkstörning och autismspektra

The purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon of ?electronic bullying?, and furthermore to describe how this phenomenon is perceived by teenage girls with language disorders in combination with autism spectra. The conclusions and result from this study is derived from six in-depth interviews, thereof four being with girls with autism spectra diagnosis and all but one diagnosed with language disorder in addition (referred to as main respondents). The two reminding girls neither had language disorder nor autism spectra (referred to as comparing respondents). They were added to the study for the purpose of comparing their experiences and descriptions of those with language disorder and/or autism spectra diagnosis. For interpretation and analysis of study result, I have applied the method of phenomenology.                              The study?s main respondents had own experiences in the area of electronic bullying, albeit their level of knowledge of the subject were very limited and they had problems to interpret information given.

Födosammansättning hos gråsäl (Halichoerus grypus) samt test av flotte för insamling av sälfekalier.

During the 1960´s and 1970´s the number of grey seals in the Baltic Sea was decreasing rapidly, mostly due to hunting and toxic substances like DDT and PCB. When hunting became less intense and toxic substances decreased in the environment the grey seal population started to increase. Today grey seals are found common in the Baltic Sea and have started to become a big treat and a problem to the fishing industry. The grey seal destroys and enters fishing traps and consumes large quantities of the fish that have been caught.The knowledge of the grey seal, like abundance and food preferences, is today limited. It is also important to define the position of the grey seal in the ecosystem in the Baltic Sea and to be able to predict changes that could occur if the population would rapidly decrease or increase.

Analys av webbservertrafik

ABSTRACT This essay is about traffic analysis of Web servers. The purpose is to investigate if companies analyse the traffic on the Web server and if they use this information to create more than simple statistic reports. The questions that we will answer are the following: ? How common is traffic analysis on the Web server among companies? ? Is the Web administrator limited in analysing the Web traffic, if the company has the website on a Web hotel? ? Does the company uses the results they get from analysing the traffic on the Web server for updates and changes on the Web page? To answer these questions we made a questionnaire investigation by telephone interviewing the companies? webmasters. The extent of the investigation was 20 companies in Blekinge.

Varför bestiga berg?

This essay will focus on the people using and are involved in, and have a large interest in the horror film genre. The purpose of this essay is to find what urge these people to continuously watch horror movies and how they believe to be acknowledge by the society in a modern sense. Our study is mainly based on two separate interviews and therefore, mainly from the users perspective. This essay is also complemented by earlier research on this topic. In context of stigma, violence debate, exclusion we found that the users truly can be found in a rare type of alternative sphere, besides the public sphere.

Kultur som friskvård : för ökad känsla av sammanhang

Kan kulturaktiviteter vilka erbjuds genom arbetet, resultera i ett ökat välmående för den anställde och eventuellt även en ökad känsla av sammanhang? Detta är utgångspunkten för uppsatsen, som tar sin början i Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv och KASAM, vilket mäts kvantitativt på två grupper där Grupp 1 utgjordes av anställda på arbetsplatser där kulturaktiviteter regelbundet erbjöds och Grupp 2 av anställda på en arbetsplats utan kulturaktiviteter. Genom deltagarnas resultat på KASAM formuläret, utlästes att kulturaktiviteter och ett deltagande i dessa visar ett samband med en ökad KASAM hos individen. Uppsatsen diskuterar sedermera hur kulturkonsumtion kan vara en bidragande mental hälsofaktor av lika vikt som den av arbetsplatser mer erkända uppbyggnaden av fysisk hälsa, genom träning för förebyggande av sjukdom och ohälsa..

Antropologi eller estetik? En studie av definitionen och användningen av begreppet mångkultur i svenska dagstidningar under Mångkulturåret 2006

The purpose of this study is to examine how the concept multiculture has been defined and used in selected articles, which were published during the year 2006 and the following month. The study is based on five Swedish newspapers, from which 57 single articles were chosen and divided into total seven categories and dimensions which were partly developed from the theoretical base and partly from the chosen material itself. By using a qualitative analysis I have found following: In most articles the concept multiculture is used in an anthropological sense, meaning that the presence of several anthropological cultures is claimed before the concept multiculture can be real. An anthropological culture is of varying size and contents, in the majority of the articles an anthropological culture consists of a non-western and foreign country but can also represent a region or a continent. Aesthetic culture is, for the most part, used primary as an aid to define the current anthropological culture and not to stand for its own belonging to a specific genre..

Min pappa är negerkung : En kvalitativ studie av etniska stereotyper i filmatiseringarna om Pippi Långstrump

The purpose of this paper has been to examine various ethnic stereotypes in two Swedish film adaptations of Astrid Lindgren?s character Pippi Longstocking. I have used a semiotic content analysis and postcolonial theory to investigate: 1) how the ethnic groups are represented in the different materials, 2) if there is a hegemonic relationship between the foreign group and one?s own group, 3) whether there has been a "decolonization" during the twenty years that separate the two films. This study has shown that, in the 1949 adaptation, primarily Africans were produced in a negative light and as biologically inferior in relation to the whites.

Anhörigstöd : Betydelsen av stöd och hjälp till anhöriga som vårdar en person med demenssjukdom

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine how family members perceive family support, and to gain a deeper understanding of how the relatives' part is affected by the dementia ill person. The result has been produced by semi-structured interviews with five respondents interviewed individually. The respondents who participated in the study, care for the dementia sufferer husband / wife at home, or the husband / wife has moved to a special housing. The result includes the perception of being a relative of a person with dementia, how they experience support from various parties, if there are any differences between men and women as well as the importance of communication and attitude. Overall it was shown that relatives often felt a sense of security and that they were satisfied with the support they received from the various parties.

Simulering av värmebehov för kombinerad kontors- och laboratoriebyggnad utan traditionellt värmesystem

In this Thesis the possibilities of designing a larger building that is very energy efficient in the sense that it would not need a conventional heating system are discussed. Solar radiation transmitted through the windows, internal heat from occupants, lamps and electric appliances inside the building and heat recovered from the ventilation system then have to be sufficient for the heating of the building. This study is of general interest since the property company, Akademiska Hus, plans to use this study as a first step in determining if this technique could be used in the future and thus be worth further investments. A building without a conventional heating system of the size investigated in this project has not yet been built.The energy needed for the heating of the building was simulated using VIP+.The conclusions from the study are that it is possible to build large buildings without any conventional heating system. This could be achieved in many different ways, for example by lowering the inside temperature or by using better windows and heat recovery system with higher efficiency.

?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK? : En fältstudie som undersöker turismens påverkan på balinesisk religion och kultur

[?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK?] The purpose of the following study is to examine the relationship between tourism and religion in a Balinese context. We look specifically at changes in religious practice, culture and mentality, as well as how religious philosophy is used as a tool for limiting the negative impact of tourism. The methods used are semi-structured interviews and participant observations. Central themes in the following essay are globalization in the form of tourism, westernization, subsystem theory and capitalism, which also make up the theoretical framework.

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