4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 53 av 292
CAVE CANEM : En undersökning av hundmosaiker i Pompeji
The aim of this essay is to examine four floor mosaics from private dwellings in Pompeii. These 1st century floor mosaics decorate the fauces of the houses and they all depict watchdogs. The first question to be asked is if there are other common features between the houses that can explain why these house owners chose this figure. The second question is if you can reveal, from the existing knowledge about the house owners, the same information. The third question to be asked is if the watchdog mosaics have anything to do with the location of the houses in Pompeii.
Den framtida va?gen fo?r EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the European Union (EU) is one of the oldest fields of cooperation within the European Union. During the past decades the different Commissioners have made several proposals about changes in the CAP and many of them have not been passed but renegotiated. The present Commission has however published a report in 2011, which emphasizes that the CAP has three alternative ways to go in the future. This study aims to predict which one of these three alternative ways it is most likely that the CAP will take according to the historical institutionalist theory. When to be able to predict this text analysis is used.
Hur en okontrollerad expansion av IT-projekts omfattning undviks
Today there is an even higher demand on IT-projects success rate compared to a few years ago. IT-projects must be handled more efficiently and result in a more profitable investment. In order to make the handling of IT-projects more efficient and create profitability the developers must have a broad understanding of the IT-projects characteristics and which factors that affect the result of the projects. Changes within IT-projects are often carried out through the development of a system. Since this change is more common when it comes to IT-projects it is important to handle risk and change within these kinds of projects in order to prevent and avoid uncontrolled changes.
Arkeologihund : En studie i experimentell arkeologi om möjligheten att använda hund som arkeologisk prospekteringsmetod för att lokalisera humanosteologiskt material.
In today?s archaeology there?s a growing need for non-invasive prospection methods. However there?s a methodological gap and what?s missing is a method for locating human bones. In this study a specially trained German shepherd is put through scientific tests determining how good the dog is at telling the different between the scent of human and animal bones.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld inom akutsjukvård
Background: An indisputable right for nurses is to have a safe and secure work environment so they can deliver a high quality care. To bring a clear definition of what threat and violence are, is an important part in the work to prevent threat and violence. One part of the problem is that the experience and understanding of threat and violence can be different from one person to another. Aim: The aim of this quality study was to emphasize Nurses experience of threat and violence at workplace. Method: The method used in this study was qualitative interviews in the sense to bring out the nurses experience.
Kvaliteten hos charkprodukter efter borttagandet av namnskydd, samt införandet av EU:s köttdefinition
Until the 1st of January 2003 there were thirteen processed meat products provided with name protection in Sweden. These products had to contain a certain amount of meat and/or a certain amount of fat to be allowed to carry a recognized name. Among these thirteen products, one could find, for example, meat balls (köttbullar), liver pâté (leverpastej), and Falun sausage (Falukorv). While imports of these products started to increase, the system with name protection lost its ability to guarantee a certain quality for all products sold in Sweden and the legislation was removed on December 31st 2002. At the same time, a common definition of meat was adopted in the European Union.
Trygghetskänslan hos mammor som går på tidig hemgång efter förlossningen
Vårdtiden för mammor efter förlossningen har minskat markant de sista decennierna. Det är därför av vikt att undersöka hur nyblivna mammor upplever den första tiden efter de har fött barn. Syftet med studien var att undersöka känslan av trygghet som mammor, med tidig hemgång, kände under den första veckan efter förlossningen. Metod: Enkäten Parents Postnatal Sense of Security (PPSS) med 18 frågor plus tre tilläggsfrågor användes. Enkäten skickades till 100 nyförlösta svensktalande mammor med normala förlossningar och tidigt hemgång.
Kommunikationsproblem på Apotek
The origin of the word ?communication? is the Latin word communicare, meaning to make common. The reason for our communication is to share thoughts, feelings and information, we want to affect and confirm.We are used to interpersonal communication, but even if we have had a lot of practice at it during our lives, we still find our selves facing misunderstandings and conflicts. The more people we meet during a day, the greater the chance is for interruptions in the communication.In pharmacy practice, good communication is vital for the client?s health and quality of life.
Utmattningssyndrom och KASAM. En möjlighet till en ökad känsla av sammanhang?
Some people who recovered from exhaustion disorder report that their lives feel more meaningful after the disease than before, despite residual symptoms and difficulties. This experience of increased meaningfulness has been linked to sense of coherence, SOC. The research question was whether individuals with exhaustion disorder at onset has a weak SOC, and if there is a general increase towards a higher SOC value ??during the recovery process. In a cross-sectional study, data were gathered on the SOC value via the SOC 29 form.
Rosenlunds bankar : Erosion och förändring sedan 1960
During the 1960´s and 1970´s the number of grey seals in the Baltic Sea was decreasing rapidly, mostly due to hunting and toxic substances like DDT and PCB. When hunting became less intense and toxic substances decreased in the environment the grey seal population started to increase. Today grey seals are found common in the Baltic Sea and have started to become a big treat and a problem to the fishing industry. The grey seal destroys and enters fishing traps and consumes large quantities of the fish that have been caught.The knowledge of the grey seal, like abundance and food preferences, is today limited. It is also important to define the position of the grey seal in the ecosystem in the Baltic Sea and to be able to predict changes that could occur if the population would rapidly decrease or increase.
Advantages and disadvantages of different observation methods on a troop of wild olive baboons at a river in Southern Kenya
Every observation method has its advantages and disadvantages and a well-adopted method gives more reliable results. Factors affecting the choice of the most appropriate methods for recording foraging behaviours include species, group size, environment, seasons and age. The focus for this study was to determine which method is most appropriate for studying the foraging behaviour of a troop of 89 olive baboons (Papio anubis) living in a riverine forest by the Southern Ewaso Ng'iro River by Lale'enok Resource Centre in Kenya. To determine this, a literature study was carried out to compare methods from monkeys and apes. I found instantaneous sampling was the most common method with intervals of 5 minutes in most cited studies.
Folkbiblioteket och marknaden - En diskursanalys av ideologiska konflikter i diskussionen om marknadsanpassning av folkbibliotek
The recent decades have been characterised by a trend where the public sector's been inspired by several methods and strategies from the private sector. The public library is in this case no exception. In this context there are different perspectives on whether or not this will lead to a dramatic change of the role and values of the traditional public library. The aim of this master's thesis is to make a contribution to a deeper understanding of the ideological conflicts within the Swedish public library and its relation to the market. In the literature of library and information science I have identified two separate discourses representing two contradictory systems of meaning concerning this relation.
Regional utvecklingsplanering och grönstruktur : en studie av de gröna kilarna i Stockholms län
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the role of regional development planning concerning a regional perspective of green structure and to reflect on its future role. The target group of the study is foremost practitioners but also students of regional planning and development.
Three questions are examined. 1) What view concerning green structure has the regional planning body of Stockholm County Council (RTK) communicated through the years? 2) Has this view contributed to generating a common understanding concerning green structure among the actors in the county? 3) Has this common understanding been referred to by actors in discussions concerning how this green structure should develop?
The empirical material consists of documents from rtk, the County Administrative Board, the municipalities of the county, a network of ngo:s, as well as interviews with representatives from the above mentioned organizations.
Filmmusikens betydelse : En receptionsstudie om hur musik i film bidrar till förståelse
This essay is about film music and how people react in a study where the music and picture comes from two different genres that both has unique conventions, of how the ?standard? music ought to be composed. The purpose of this essay is mainly to try and get an understanding of film music?s importance in the movies dramatic structure, and how people react when the conventions of music is broken and two genres are combined into one.The questions that are to be answered in this essay are: *how could music as a tool change the character of a film? *How does the participants, of this inquire, experience the film depending on what music they hear? *And what is it that the participants think that the music brings to the movies narration?The method of this survey is based on a number of participants that have responded on questions of how they experienced the movie, both with music and without. This study has shown that when music and picture, which comes from different genres, interact with each other it tends to create comical features and a sense of that the music has an advantage in terms of the genre that people feel that the film has..
"Aspergers syndrom är jag" En kvalitativ studie om hur det kan vara att leva med Aspergers syndrom
Asperger´s syndrome is a state with certain difficulties in social relations, communication and perception. People with Asperger´s syndrome often have a special interest for a certain topic. The main purpose of this study was to describe how grown people with Asperger´s syndrome make sense of living with Asperger´s syndrome. The inquiry was based on semi-structured interviews with eight persons with Asperger´s syndrome. We reached those subjects trough interest organisations for people with Asperger´s syndrome.