4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 37 av 292
Tillväxt i gränslandet mellan det privata och offentliga: En fallstudie av två växande företag som konkurrerar med offentlig sektor
A too large public sector impedes the economic development of Sweden and more privatization could increase the efficiency, quality and diversity of the services offered. It is therefore important that firms operating in traditionally public sectors are given the opportunity to grow. We have through a case study examined two mid-size firms that offer services to, and compete with, the public sector. This thesis aims to describe the growth strategies these firms are using and if competing with the public sector implies any differences in possibilities or barriers when it comes to the firms? growth.
Att leva med stomi. En litteraturstudie om hur stomiopererade personer upplever sin nya livssituation och den omvårdnaden de får av sjuksköterskan
The purpose of this study was to find knowledge about ostomy patients experience with a focus on overall life situation and the care they receive from the nurse. The method used was a systematic literature review according to Polit, Beck & Hungler. Six scientific research reports have been used as foundation of the result in this study. The articles have been reviewed according to Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence (SOC).The result shows that experiences of having ostomy are individual. Adapting to their new life situation varies depending on the reason for having an ostomy.
Utvärdering av en beslutsåterkopplad kanalestimator för tredje generationens mobiltelefonisystem
This Masters thesis work describes a comparison between two different methods
for estimation of the down channel (base station to mobile subscriber) in
Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA).
The first estimation method, Optimal Feed-forward Channel Estimation (OFCE), is
a conventional method that bases the estimates on data that is known to both
sender and receiver, so called pilots. The second method, Decision Directed
Channel Estimation (DDCE), is an elaboration of OFCE. It also uses user data
for estimation.
Simulations show that DDCE, in comparison to OFCE, does not attain an
improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for high bit error rates (BER). An
improvement is only seen when the BER becomes much lower than what is common in
real situations.
In conclusion DDCE is complicated, involves many mathematical operations and
gives insignificant improvement of SNR when BER takes common values. It is
legitimate to question if it is possible to use the method in a real mobile
phone system..
Kungliga bibliotekets klassifikationssystem över den svenska samlingen år 1887
We have carried out a study of a classification system for the Swedish collection at The Royal Library in Stockholm from 1887. It was printed in 50 copies. The constructor, Bernhard Lundstedt, and his colleagues used it as guidance in lack of a catalogue. We regard it a local classification system. Little research has been done on old classification systems, but Francis Miksa points out the importance of examining them.
Ytbehandling baserad på hampolja
The varieties of paint are today very big, but many of the more popular paints are less than environmental friendly. The uses of fossilized fuel in paints are common because these paints dry fast and are color true. It would be beneficial for the environment if more renewable source were used to produce paint. Linseed oil is an old base for oil paints. It is renewable and easily procured.
Vad påverkar en travhästs hållbarhet? : en undersökning med fokus på djurskyddsaspekten gällande träningsrutiner och behandlingsmetoder för träningsrelaterade skador bland svenska travtränare
The harness racing industry has roots hundreds of years back in time and breeders through time have changed the horses to a mix of potential, harmony and speed. Breeding has changed the conditions and created a horse that perform better and better. A risk with high-performance horses is that injuries related to training and racing may occur more often. In training and racing situations, lameness is the most common injury. There are many factors affecting the occurrence of injuries and lameness of the trotter horses, such as how the horse is trained and raced, the surface condition of the racetrack, banking and angle of the curves of the racetrack and how fast injuries are discovered and treated.
Elektronisk publicering: vetenskapliga dokument med åtkomst via webben
The aim of this master thesis is to study electronic publishing, and our main purpose is to examine different strategies of publishing such as: markup languages and page description formats. We examine in what context these strategies are used for publishing, when it comes to scholarly documents produced by Swedish universities and university colleges during the spring of 2002. We apply a sociological perspective as the theoretical framework for to identify the main purposes for scientists to publish their work. We also discuss properties belonging to the different formats: XML, HTML, PDF and PostScript. By doing a content based survey of the websites at Borås University College and at Gothenburg University, we have found that the most common form of electronic publishing, regarding scholarly documents, are lists with bibliographical information on publications and presentations of current research.
Kändisen, vinet och konsumenten : Ett konsumentperspektiv på kändisvarumärken och kändisvin
It is important that the language in textbooks for foreign language learners reflects the language that the learners would encounter in real life. For this reason, the presence of the thousand most common nouns in two Swedish textbooks in Spanish for upper secondary school is observed in this study. Furthermore, this study aims to examine how these nouns occur in order to determine if their pattern of occurence favours the learning and consolidation of words. The main materials that have been used are A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish by Davies (2006) and the word search program available in the digital versions of the textbooks. The results show that the presence of the thousand most common Spanish nouns does reflect the frequency information presented in the frequency dictionary but not all thousand nouns are included.
Legitimitet som en nyckel till acceptans : En studie om legitimitetsskapande
It is important that the language in textbooks for foreign language learners reflects the language that the learners would encounter in real life. For this reason, the presence of the thousand most common nouns in two Swedish textbooks in Spanish for upper secondary school is observed in this study. Furthermore, this study aims to examine how these nouns occur in order to determine if their pattern of occurence favours the learning and consolidation of words. The main materials that have been used are A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish by Davies (2006) and the word search program available in the digital versions of the textbooks. The results show that the presence of the thousand most common Spanish nouns does reflect the frequency information presented in the frequency dictionary but not all thousand nouns are included.
Relationsskapande processer inom den svenska politiken : Ett relationsmarknadsföringsperspektiv
It is important that the language in textbooks for foreign language learners reflects the language that the learners would encounter in real life. For this reason, the presence of the thousand most common nouns in two Swedish textbooks in Spanish for upper secondary school is observed in this study. Furthermore, this study aims to examine how these nouns occur in order to determine if their pattern of occurence favours the learning and consolidation of words. The main materials that have been used are A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish by Davies (2006) and the word search program available in the digital versions of the textbooks. The results show that the presence of the thousand most common Spanish nouns does reflect the frequency information presented in the frequency dictionary but not all thousand nouns are included.
Berättelser om hjälpsamma samtal En narrativ studie om verksamma processer I terapi och behandling
The title of the study is: "Stories about helpful conversations - a narrative study of active processes in therapy and treatment." The purpose of this study was to examine clients' stories of what has been helpful to them in therapy / treatment. The study has been made in light of the ongoing discussion in society about the requirements for empirical studies within welfare areas. The choice to make a narrative study comes from the desire to have clients' own stories at the centre of what has been helpful in the therapeutic process. The author has interviewed and talked with four people (clients) who told us about their experiences of therapy / treatment. Narrative research methodology is based on people's life stories.
Implementering av en va?rdegrund : - En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares uppfattning om en organisations va?rdegrundsarbete
Based on last years events that have taken place, events on the school Lundbergs and the police values of work, has the meaning of having a set of values been questioned. This study aimed to investigate and answer the fundamental values based on the common value basis for the government employees within an organization and how it perceived by employees. The new institutional theory was the framework for this qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents were employees within the organization. Ethnographic qualitative methodology was the basis for our methodology and we used a thematic model of theme interpretation, communication and knowledge in our analysis.
Jag är här för att jobba med människor, inte för att skriva om dem : En kvantitativ undersökning om omsorgspersonals inställning till social dokumentation inom äldreomsorgen
The aim of the thesis was to explore the attitudes toward social documentation held by care personnel, as well as factors that could have an impact on the process of social documentation. The study is based on a survey encompassing 100 respondents working as care personnel at six different eldercare units at Kungsholmen in Stockholm. The data was analyzed by quantitative methods, using a statistical software package (SPSS). The main questions in the study are whether the respondents know how, what and why they should document, what obstacles they experience and what they would need in order to document more or better, as well as whether there are factors that influence their attitudes and knowledge regarding documentation. The key results show that more time is the most common need, and lack of time the most common obstacle to social documentation reported by the respondents. Furthermore, the results show that those who report that they are satisfied with their working conditions are most likely to also report that they know how and why social documentation should be conducted. These results suggest that it is urgent for organizations to create good working conditions in order to increase motivation for social documentation. The results are analyzed using organizational theories.
"Scener ur ett Äktenskap" En uppsats om EG och WTO
EC and WTO have been prosecuting collaboration for some time, which purpose is to liberalize the global market for commerce. There have been some alterations under the last decades. Establishing in other countries than their own is far easier, nevertheless it is getting more difficult. The enterprises demand equal treatment and the countries want to have the most favourable legislation. This has resulted in conflicts between different countries and even between the companies.
Lokalisationen av osteochondrosförändringar hos svenska halvblodshästar :
The aetiology of osteochondrosis (OC) is known to be complex and multifactorial. The occurrence of bone fragments in joints and their connection to osteochondral disease are no exception. In the hock and stifle joint of the horse this type of lesion has generally been considered to be of osteochondral origin, while the process behind these fragments in the fetlock joint has been up for discussion.
The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and the localisation of OC in Swedish warmblooded horses. In order to do so all radiographs of stifle, hock and fetlock joints performed on Swedish warmblooded horses during the period of 1992-1999 at Regiondjursjukhuset in Helsingborg were examined and the material was divided into two groups.