4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 36 av 292
Parc de la Villette & Bulltoftaparken : en jämförelse mellan parkerna
I Malmö finns en stor park som anlades på 1980-talet och som heter Bulltoftaparken. Samtidigt i Paris anlades Parc de la Villette efter att man haft en tävling om parkens utseende och chefsarkitekt. Här någonstans började mina tankar att cirkulera runt det faktum att parkerna ser olika ut, men båda är anlagda från 1982 ungefär och framåt. Finns det några andra gemensamma nämnare från början? Hur såg deras tillkomst ut? Vad bidrog till utformningen av Parc de la Villette och vad bidrog till utformningen av Bulltoftaparken?
Genom att titta på historik, tillkomst, arkitekt och landskapsarkitekter, idéförslag och struktur, jämför jag parkerna och ser vad som skiljer dem åt och vad de har gemensamt.
"Jag vill att du tittar jag vill att du ser att jag aldrig mer ler" : En uppsats om självskadebeteende
The purpose of this thesis has been to investigaste the phenomenon of self-harm. To investigate this phenomenon, I interviewed three experts in Malmö and then compared the result with previous research on self-harm behaviour.The questions I wanted to answer were the following: How common is self-harm behaviour and how does it, according to experts, manifest itself among young men in Malmö? What can we learn from previous research about the causes of self-harm? Are there any correlations between the statements made by experts and previous research?My conclusion is that self-harm behaviour first and foremost is a mean of expression, a way of dealing with feelings that the self- harmer cannot deal with in any other way. People who suffer from self-harm behaviour often seem to have difficulties both in expressing and understanding their own feelings. Furthermore, they have often experienced abuse, abandonment, or other childhood traumas.
Utvärdering av en beslutsåterkopplad kanalestimator för tredje generationens mobiltelefonisystem
This Masters thesis work describes a comparison between two different methods for estimation of the down channel (base station to mobile subscriber) in Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The first estimation method, Optimal Feed-forward Channel Estimation (OFCE), is a conventional method that bases the estimates on data that is known to both sender and receiver, so called pilots. The second method, Decision Directed Channel Estimation (DDCE), is an elaboration of OFCE. It also uses user data for estimation. Simulations show that DDCE, in comparison to OFCE, does not attain an improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for high bit error rates (BER).
Vaccination mot Humant Papillomvirus - vem bör vaccineras?
Background: Infection with Human Papillomavirus, HPV, is one of the world's most common sexual transmitted infections. The virus causes genital warts (condyloma) but certain virus types can cause cancer. The most common cancer type caused by the virus is cancer of the cervix. Nowadays there is a screening program for women between 23 and 60 years of age where Pap smears of the cervix is taken to discover abnormalities at an early stage. Cervical cancer is very common all over the world and this screening program saves many lives, but not in the less developed countries since the screening program is too expensive.
Aortainsufficiens hos häst : patofysiologi och behandling
Aortic insufficiency is a very common valve problem in horses and most often affects older individuals, but nevertheless existent within younger ones. The root cause for aortic insufficiency can be varied, for example; endocarditis, ventricular septum defect or congenital valve disease but the most common are progressive valve degeneration or elite competition. Depending on the root cause, different changes can be observed on the aorta valves, but they do all have the same effect, the valves do not seal properly and blood leaks backwards.
Many horses can, even with this deficiency, perform highly without any visible impacts and there is therefore no need to treat those subjects. Most often the symptoms arise at a later stage in life and they are, more often than none, put down for other reasons. In the occurrence of the clinical symptoms showing, treatment guideline is to inhibit these symptoms since the valve degeneration is presently irreversible.
Integration av en CR-insprutare i enforskningsdieselmotor och undersökning avmultipelinsprutning
SammanfattningI utvecklingen av den encylindriga forsknings-diselmotorn Hatz 1H30 på TechnischeUniversität München har tidigare en ottoinsprutare använts i kombination med ettcommon rail-system som en temporär lösning. Ett common rail-system ger möjlighetenatt separera regleringen av insprutningen från de mekaniska komponenterna av motorn.En common rail-insprutare gör det möjligt att göra flera insprut varje arbetscykel ochtillhandahåller möjligheten att elektroniskt variera timingen av insprutningen.Efter att en marknadsundersökning har gjorts bland huvudtillverkarna av injektorerinköptes en Bosch CRI2 injektor från en BMW M47N-motor. Det förra cylinderhuvudetvar anpassat för en ottoinjektor och var därför tvunget att designas om. En konstruktiongjordes för att fästa injektorn och för att försluta förbränningskammaren.För att styra injektorn behövs ett flertal signaler för att utvärdera vevaxelpositionen ochbetämma insprutstimingen. Behandlingen av dessa signaler och mjukvaran för styrningvar först testade med en AFT PROtroniC motorstyrenhet för sig själv i en provrigg meden signalgenerator.
Tidernas Midsommarvaka : En studie av Hugo Alfvéns rapsodi och tre olika inspelningar som historiska källor
Rami Kangas: Tidernas Midsommarvaka. En studie av Hugo Alfvéns rapsodi och tre olika inspelningar som historiska källor. [A Midsummervigil of all times. A study of Hugo Alfvén´s rhapsody and three different recordings as historical sources.] Uppsala: Musikvetenskap, 1999. C- uppsats (60 p).This essay has two purposes.
Cutaneous Melanoma in the Grey Horse
Equine cutaneous melanomas arise much more often in horses with a grey coat color than in horses of other colors. Some scientists have in different studies come to the conclusion that the melanomas are neoplasms which can be classified by examining their histological and macroscopic features. The more defined and demarcated a tumor is, the more benign it tends to be. Other scientists believe that the skin lesions are the result of a pigmentation disorder that is linked to the greying of the coat color. According to this theory, the lesions are not malignant although they have the ability to metastasize.
Biologiska bekämpningsmetoder i hemträdgården :
Biological pest management is defined as control of pests using their natural enemies. This method has been used in Sweden since the 1970´s and it has been developed ever since. Biological pest management is today relatively common among commercial growers but there are good possibilities to apply this method in the home gardens as well.
The aim with this thesis is to compile a report from both the companies that are marketing the products and the home gardener´s point of view. This should give a better understanding of the market and how it could be improved.
We will give examples of products that represent the different kinds of organisms that are being used in biological pest management. Our hope is that this will be an introduction to all interested in biological pest management.
The legislations regarding registration of organisms are still a matter of discussion and are causing problems to producers, distributors and the market in general.
Why isn´t biological pest management more common in the home garden? The main reason appears to be the lack of knowledge in the subject.
What are the benefits using biological pest management when it requires so much knowledge and it´s more expensive than conventional pest management?
With the environmental problems we face today, we hope that every single gardener has an interest in developing an environment as clean as possible, even if only in one's own backyard..
Clinical and subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle in Kampala, Uganda
Dairy farming in Uganda provides a source of food, employment and income. Previous studies have revealed high frequencies of bovine mastitis, a costly disease for the dairy farmer. The aims of this study were to investigate the bacteriological panorama in milk from udder quarters with clinical (CM) and subclinical mastitis (SCM) and to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility in staphylococcal isolates. Further, we intended to establish the prevalence of subclinical mastitis and to investigate some environmental factors and animal properties that might influence the frequency of mastitis. For CM, farmers made contact with the members of this study when recognizing an animal with CM.
Natur på skolgård : värdet av naturlika miljöer och deras utformning för barn
As a result of my fascination for nature I have chosen to study the possibilities to introduce natural environments on schoolyards. Too many schoolyards are lacking vegetation and many of them look like sterile asphalt deserts.
The master thesis consists of two parts. The first part is based on literature studies and the second part in which findings from part one are put into practice. Five examples are presented; four schoolyards in Malmö; Kryddgårdsskolan, Kirsebergsskolan, Rörsjöskolan and Lindängeskolan and one in Kalmar; Åbyskolan. Malmö Naturskola has been working with the chosen areas on the schoolyards in Malmö.
En studie om ett bibliotekssamarbetes gemensamma arbete kring resurser : HelGe-bibliotekens resursfördelning
This bachelor thesis explores the library collaboration "HelGe-libraries" goals, guidelines and strategies for their resource sharing of library books and digital resources. The questions asked were: What does the resource sharing look like when it comes to media and services? What goals and guidelines do they have for the resource sharing? What common strategies do they have for the resource sharing? What challenges have they encountered with resource sharing and how have they dealt with them?The theoretical framework consists of Jennifer Rowleys theory of innovation strategies for libraries and Rosabeth Moss Kanters theory on the art of alliances. The method used to collect material was interviews and document analysis. Four informants were interviewed.My study concludes that the "HelGe-libraries" has formulated goals for their resource sharing and that the resource sharing is connected to their goals.
Att tala så det träffar : Om konsten att ge och ta feedback
To have a functioning organization where there is a self-development for employees them selves, as well as between managers and employees, where employees are empowered and work for the organization and its goals. Feedback seems to be the main instrument to solve problems and create that organization. At the Military Academy Karlberg and the basic officers training there is a lot of discussions about feedback and how it is supposed to be carried out. This essay discusses the matter of how well we live up to the demands set by leadership classes at the Military Academy, what the platoon leaders do think about how feedback takes its expression. The questions about how feedback is used are to be answered by interviews with five platoon leaders and their thoughts about how feedback is communicated at the Academy.
Venture Capital & Banklån : Småföretagsfinansiering
There are many different forms of financing for small businesses and two common financing options mentioned in the study, bank loans and Venture Capital.Venture Capital is a form of risk capital financing, investing in unlisted stock market. The feature of the arrangement is that those people are trying to find companies that can offer unique, attractive and in demand products on a strong growing market. Since VC-firms are taking a big risk in cooperation with the investment, the VC-company strong demands while assessments are made on the company will generate a return in the future.Bank loans are the most common form of financing for companies in the market. Requirements and assessment under the law is hard especially for small businesses because financing entails high risks. Banks require that the liquidity management in the enterprise should be stable because the bank's main objective is to repayment of debt and the interest payable on the capital.The purpose of this study is to examine the requirements and assessments VC-firms and banks make use of the financing of small businesses. .
Dom kallar det Lean? En studie om Lean i sjukvården och dess påverkan på den professionelle läkarens medicinska beslutsfattande
The purpose of this media scientific study is to contribute to a better understanding about how blind people?s empowerment and participation may affect their role in the digital society.Earlier international studies in this area have shown that blind people not only need more knowledge then the seeing population about the computer, but also about the technology behind their tools for using Internet. The results from these studies have also shown that Internet increases the blind people?s independents and that those who use Internet feel more involved in the society.A qualitative method was chosen to study the three most common categories from the earlier studies: knowledge of technology, empowerment and participation. Are there differences in the results compared to our study in Sweden 2014?Interviews with eight blind, experienced computer users have shown that knowledge of technology is essential for their use of Internet and that the Internet increases their empowerment and their participation.