4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 35 av 292
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Zoos currently aim at keeping animals in as natural habitats as possible, since they havegone from displaying exotic animals to working with conservation of endangered species.It is therefore more common that zoos keep groups composed of two or more species in thesame enclosure. The aim of this report is to study why and how different species are held atzoos. Species in the wild can interact in different degrees depending on season andresources. When species are held together at zoos the space can be more effectively used,the animals increase their activity and the visitors increase their learning. Mixed speciesenclosures involve more work and risks of injury.
Upplevelser av livskvalitet i samband med en pacemakeroperation : En litteraturstudie
The purpose of this literature study was to describe how patients experience their quality of life while undergoing a pacemaker implantation. Searches were carried out in the databases Academic Search Elite, Ebsco Host, Pub Med, Pub Med Central, Science Direct and manually. Keywords used were quality of life, treatment outcomes, emotions, pacing and life. This resulted in nineteen peer rewieved articles that were selected for the study results. The results showed that patients undergoing a pacemaker implantation experienced an improvement in their physical health with increased functional status, more energy and strength.
Katalogisering och klassificering av sagor och folklore ? en historisk översikt
This essay is dealing with the difficulties of cataloging and classifying anonymi and other kinds of literature without the components which have set the norm for bibliographic cataloging, i.e. a defined author, a standardized title etc. A typical example of this kind of literature is folklore and folktales, which are dealt with thoroughly here. The character of and the society's historical view upon the folk literature, as literature considered, are being described, as is the evolution of rules for cataloging in general. The folk literature is mostly systematized after a different pattern from other literature, since bibliographical facts are often missing.
Nyckeln till arkiven : En kritisk diskursanalytisk studie om interoperabilitet och kollektivt minne
In the democratic process, of discussion and decision making, there is a need of reliable and authentic information. Archives are authentic and reliable information and also provides long term accessibility. But the public archives potential isn´t utilized enough at a societal level. The public archives are organized in a decentralised manner, and there are no common accesspoint at a national level. In the thesis this issue of accessibility and use at a societal level, is discussed in terms of collective memory.
Invandrarkvinnors syn på fördelar och nackdelar med arrangerade äktenskap : en kvalitativ studie
The study?s purpose was to gain comprehension and knowledge about immigrate women?s vision on benefits respective disadvantages with arranged marriages.The study?s question at issues was:(1) How do the women consider that the ideal marriage is suppose to be?(2) How do the women experience that their vision on marriage has changed in a new culture?(3) How do the women consider that parents reasons, around the choice of a partner at arranged marriages?To be able to answer these questions at issues we used a qualitative method where interviews carried out with four immigrated women from four different countries where Islam is widespread religion. Common for these women is that they all are Muslims and that they come from countries where arranged marriages are practiced. They also have concrete experience of arranged marriages, either through themselves or someone they know.Material from interviews was analysed with a help of patriarchal theory and social constructivism. We have also analysed the material with a theory about culture and a theory about groups.
Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv
Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind
of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the
pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive
goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student
should have for the fifth grade.
Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the
phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in
south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has
been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of
school readiness.
Effects of rubber alley flooring on cow locomotion and welfare
This study investigated the effects of rubber alley flooring on cow locomotion, claw and leg health, production, cleanliness, grooming behaviour and cow exclusion rate in a free stall herd. The study was conducted in a new dairy house with a rotary milking system, with a matched group of cows on traditional scraped concrete alleys used for comparison. All claws were trimmed and lesions recorded at the beginning and end of the 4-month study. Locomotion, claw and leg health, behaviour and hygiene were observed and scored at regular intervals during the study. The results showed that cows on rubber alley floors displayed significantly (p.
Laget före jaget - de stora sporternas dominans hos TT : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av innehållet i TT Nyhetsbyråns sportmaterial
The purpose of this study is to show which content that is most common in the Swedish News Agency TT Nyhetsbyrån?s sports coverage. It also shows if the coverage is concentrated to for example any special sports, clubs, people or topics.This study uses a quantitative content analysis and the result is based on texts from 28 systematically selected days during one year. In total, the study includes 906 texts.The result of this study shows that the sports content of TT Nyhetsbyrån?s news feed is mainly concentrated to two sports, football/soccer and ice hockey.
Gemensamma strukturer i isländska sagor
This paper is a morphological structure-analysis of icelandic tales to determine their common and distinguishable components in relation to one another and to the russian folktale with Vladimir Propp?s book Morphology of the Folktale (1968) as theoretical basis. The paper looks at the Poetic Edda and Njals saga and the functions of the actions for each other and for the story as a whole. Although the icelandic tales shows great similarities with the russian folktale in general, it also shows deviations. The functions have sometimes appeared on inverted positions, and in a full third of the stories the evil has won over the good in a crucial struggle, but has in 90 % of these stories still been punished before the end.
Informationslogistisk modell : Hur ska tillverkande företag tillgodose informationsbehoven?
This essay answers the question: How can a manufacturing business fulfill the information demand in the processes; purchasing, production, warehousing, order and delivery?The question has been answered through different kind of studies, such as literature, documents, Internet search, interviews and observations. The essay is written from a hermeneutic point of view and by using qualitative research. The result has been validated by two different manufacturing businesses.A simple information logistic model is the result of a comparison made between theory and empery. The aim of the model is to describe how a manufacturing business can fulfill the information demand by using different methods.
Att mäta bibliotek: en studie av två biblioteks verksamhetsberättelser.
During the late twentieth century, political and societal changes gave rise to an increased interest in performance evaluation in public organizations. This development also affected libraries in the public sector. The main concern for this master thesis is performance measurement in libraries. In this study two different types of libraries are investigated, one public and the other academic. My aim is to find out if and how performance measurement appears in the libraries annual activity reports.
Barn med språkstörning möter svenskämnet i skolan : föräldrars berättelser
The overall aim of this study is to clarify the situation in school for children with language disorder from the parents? perspective.Data were collected through five interviews with parents who have children of different ages and with various diagnosis within the language disorder spectra. A qualitative method based on a narrative inquiry was used and each interview was based on a interview guide with the following themes: the child?s difficulties, starting school, the school?s pedagogy, homework, action plans, participation and the future.Each story has its own themes, but there are also themes that are common in all interviews. One common theme in the parents? stories is that school has a lack of knowledge when it comes to language disorder.
Gömt bakom symbolen : en studie om gropkeramisk dekor på Gotland
This thesis analyses the decoration on the pots of the Pitted Ware Culture on Gotland. The pottery from this period is richly decorated with various ornaments, the most common are the pits but other types of decoration occur. The purpose of this study is to get an insight into what the patterns meant to the people that made and used them and what role these may have played in their lives. The author will analyse the decoration on potsherds found from the three Pitted Ware sites of Visby, Ajvide and Hemmor on Gotland. This will be used in a comparative analysis to investigate if differences and/or similarities of the pattern occur between and among the sites.
Effektivare hantering av foderspannmål : en fallstudie
The purpose with this work was to investigate some alternatives for an effective handling with grain, to find the most economic alternative.
It is not common that moisture content is below 14% when harvesting grain in Sweden. To store the grain safe it has to be preserved in some way. I have described some of the most common systems for preserving grain in this paper. I have used the systems as a basis when I made calculations in handling the grain for a company.
I have chosen a company placed in south of Sweden. The productions are crop farming and pork.
Användandet av mobila enheter med appsystem och appars fackmannamässiga potential inom byggbranshen
Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones are quite common in this day. The author of this thesis wanted to know how common these mobile devices are in the building industry and how they are used and what potential an app could have. The author thus conducted an investigation on this matter, mainly in the form of interviews.Answers given by the interviews were then used as a basis to survey the usage of mobile devices and the usage of different kinds of apps. An investigation of different apps with the potential to be used by professionals in the building industry has been carried through. Apps which manage such things as scanning documents, measuring distances and handle communication.