

4374 Uppsatser om Common sense - Sida 34 av 292


Mental illness is today the leading cause of long-term sick leave and insomnia, anxiety, depression and burnout are among the most common conditions. The aim of the study was to investigate the stability of these conditions and how this is influenced by gender and age, as well as the extent to which these states are risk factors for each other. The participants were a random sample (n = 2336) from the general population in the age of 18-79 years. The results showed that stable illness was more common among women than men, and that stable illness decreased with aging. The stability itself was not affected by gender or age. Relations between the conditions were bidirectional and they constitute major risk factors for each other (odds ratios, OK = 2.37 to 6.46). The largest risk factor for a condition is, however, previous occurrence of the same problem. Previous burnout was found to be a significantly larger risk factor for future burnout than previous insomnia for future insomnia (OK = 9.63 and 5.74, respectively). The results suggest that insomnia, anxiety, depression and burnout, despite their differences, are similar regarding symptoms and underlying causes. The importance of early interventions to prevent comorbid conditions which are more complicated and more difficult to treat is emphasized..

Jakten på den moraliska kompassen : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av skolans grundläggande värden inom ämnet idrott och hälsa

AimThe purpose of this study isthat, from a student perspective, study how the implementation of the school's core values ??based curriculum context is experienced in school activities and the context of physical education.How do the students perceive the basic moral values ??in school activities and more specifically in physical education?Is there ethical aspects of physical education that can be linked to students' moral fostering and if so, how?MethodThe study's methodological approach is hermeneutic and data collection is therefor equalitative in nature. Through focus group interviews gathered material in which aimed to gain insight into students'subjectively experienced life-world in which their experiences, feelings and values ??were at the center. The investigation resulted in the execution of three focus group interviews with four students in each group from three different classes.

Beyond Smart : A Quest for the Humane

Where is technology heading? And how will our behaviors towards these new innovations look? This project questions the direction of ?beyond smart? products, through scenarios within our everyday life. The work is both critical and speculative. Speculative in the sense that it is speculating in how a future scenario with ?beyond smart? products would look like.

Effektiviseringspotential inom projekt

The work is performed at Forsmark Group AB as a final step in the Bachelor ofScience program in nuclear engineering at the University of Uppsala in 2013.The work is part of an ongoing process of streamlining project system model FKA.Streamlining the project model is an important aspect that affects all largecompanies that somehow have a project governing body when there is muchfinancial resources to save. Although the quality of the projects is positivelyaffected by efficiencyThe aim is to find possible common weaknesses and strengths of the project systemby interviewing a number of project managers, and using the systems in placeexamine the model.As part of the work also includes examining what project managers have to adjust tothe newly implemented system VPMM, and other newly introduced elements thathave been added to improve the efficiency in the futureProject System is a complex system that is influenced by many different parametersand participating individuals' attitude and personality. But then small changes in themodel could have major economic consequences.The thesis has generated results that show common weaknesses among the variousprojects and their project managers' general opinions about the project model. It alsopresents some possible solutions based on own thoughts and those interviewedobjects suggestions and comments..

Tough Guys Don't Cry : en diskursiv och semiotisk medieanalys av gråt och maskulinitet

My intention with this essay has been to examine how men?s tears are portrayed in three chosen films and what their crying does to their masculinity. In my analysis I have used the concept of hegemonic masculinity. I have worked from the assumption that in our culture men?s crying is problematic in some sense.

Behandlingsmetoder vid hopparknä: en litteraturstudie

Jumper´s knee is a common overuse injury due to repetitive microtrauma to the patellar tendon. It is especially common among athletes who are involved in sporting activities that involve jumping or fast running. The term jumper´s knee was adopted after Blazina published his original paper in 1973. Its pathology can be considered as a partial or total rupture of the patellar tendon in one of its three insertions. The aim of this literature study was to review the methods used to treat this condition and the results obtained focusing on pain relief and returning to previous sport or level of activity.

Virtuellt ledarskap i näringslivet: Hur affärssimulering kan skapa kompetens, samsyn, och ökad ekonomisk förståelse i en organisation

The purpose of this thesis has been to explore the topic of business simulation from a theoretical foundation in social constructivism and theories concerning leadership as the management of meaning. The most important findings are that business simulation can be used for strategical leadership by management to create a common vision in the organisation members, which affects their perception of the business and the decisions and actions they make, which in turn can lead to a more efficient organisation that becomes better at meeting set goals. This can be viewed in different ways from different theoretical viewpoints: as inducing targeted changes in mental models to create changes in decision making and actions; as a secondary socialization process where the vision of management is externalized as a business simulation that is in turn internalized by the organisation members that participate in the business simulation, or as a way to frame and define the reality of the organisational members which creates a shared reference point against which a feeling of organisation and direction can emerge. In the future, business simulations may become increasingly used by organizations to create a common vision or to communicate a new decision to the organization members..

Social bokmärkeshantering på webben ? en översikt över webbplatser med användardefinierad taggning

The aim of this thesis is to examine collaborative tagging as a potential asset to libraries by a review of 10 social bookmarking sites and their features, and a discussion of these features? possible use when the environment changes from the web to a library. Previous research on collaborative tagging is presented, as well as overviews of social bookmarking, folksonomies and the concept of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. The study itself is presented as a walkthrough of common features and how they work, followed by a schematic overview of which sites have which features. Finally each site is presented in a more detailed manner.

Bröstcancer och sexualitet : patienters upplevelser och sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt

For a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, there can be many negative things that effects her life. It is a great shock that changes her life and can include a sense of lost femininity and a decreased sexual desire which can be both physical and psychological. The basis of this literature review is from 17 scientific articles which evaluate the changes in cancer patient's body image and sexuality during their illness and treatment. This study illustrates patient's experience of the nursing and difficulties which obstructs the nurse from talking about sexuality whit the patient. The study also showed that the patient had a desire to discuss these sexuality issues with a nurse..

Trygghetsskapande design av Mörby stadspark :

The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how to design a urban space so that it is experienced safe and how to implement this at an actual site. Knowledge on the subject has been gathered through litterature studies and interviews with experts. Through an analysis of the site with surroundings and studies of projects with similar problems, practical actions have been observed. Part taking in the municipalities planning process has given insight in the projekt as an whole and the interests of different parties. There are many different opinions about what the word safety means. It is a feeling depending on situation, that is affecting our daily behaviour.

Som att flyga utan fallskärm. En systematisk litteraturstudie av faktorer som kan gynna respektive hindra den nyutbildade sjuksköterskans utveckling

The aim of this study was to illuminate critical factors that facilitate respectively obstruct the novice nurse's development during her first year in the profession. The method used was a systematic literature review according to Goodman's model. The 8 qualitative scientific articles were scrutinized by using a form developed by Pedersen and Sigling (2002). The result shows that cognitive factors, stress, social factors as well as affective factors are critical during the novice nurse's first professional year. The results are related to Antonovsky's concept sense of coherence..

Informationsöverflöd : En studie av hur erfarna Internetanvändare hanterar informationsmängden på nätet

AbstractPurpose/Aim: In my essay I study the use of Internet with information overload as my perspective. I compare two age groups in order to find out whether there is a difference between generations in how they use the Internet and experience the vast amount of information that is found on the net.Material/Method: I gather information from six frequent World Wide Web users to find out whether they are experiencing information overload when using the Internet in their spare time and how they structure and make sense of the vast amount of information that is found on the net. I use semi-structured interviews to gather qualitative, not quantitative, material for my study. I have also used literature and websites on information overload, the Internet, and connected themes in order to get a broader picture of the subject and help me analyse the material.Main results: The main results of my study are that frequent Internet users do not feel that they suffer from the vast amount of information found on the World Wide Web. They rather enjoy it and if they have heard the term information overload they assume that it does not apply to their use of the Internet.

Ultraljudsundersökning av buken på vuxna nötkreatur :

Ultrasound is still a relatively new method for the diagnosis of abdominal conditions in cattle. The objective of this study is to evaluate ultrasound as a diagnostic tool for the common diseases affecting high-producing dairy cattle, for example traumatic reticuloperitonitis, right- and left displacement of the abomasum, fatty liver, wound infections and abscesses. This paper is a combined litterature study and a report of the results from ultrasound examinations of bovine patients at the ruminant clinic at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The study includes two healthy cows from the ruminant clinic, and seven patients with abdominal related diseases. The examinations were made with a 2-6 MHz curvilinear transducer and both the right and left sides of the abdomen were scanned.

Erosionsskydd i strandzoner :

Erosion in coastal areas is a common problem all around the world. The range of the problem depends on several factors, i.e. type of bed-rock and soil, wind and wave climate. Another factor is whether the area is of high interest, i.e. if the area is important for tourism and recreation, if there are houses and other buildings close to the shoreline or if it is a site of special scientific interest.

Mutor och bestickning - vad säger lagen, vad säger moralen?

What is a bribe? Sweden has a strict legal provision in how to handle crimes of corruption in comparison to the rest of the world. In spite of the strict law companies seem to have problems understanding the differences between what is legal and what is illegal. Bribery and corruption are not only counter-acted within the law but are also a frowned upon socially and morally. The common thought is that to accept a bribe is more corrupt than to offer one.

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