
Jakten på den moraliska kompassen

En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av skolans grundläggande värden inom ämnet idrott och hälsa

AimThe purpose of this study isthat, from a student perspective, study how the implementation of the school's core values ??based curriculum context is experienced in school activities and the context of physical education.How do the students perceive the basic moral values ??in school activities and more specifically in physical education?Is there ethical aspects of physical education that can be linked to students' moral fostering and if so, how?MethodThe study's methodological approach is hermeneutic and data collection is therefor equalitative in nature. Through focus group interviews gathered material in which aimed to gain insight into students'subjectively experienced life-world in which their experiences, feelings and values ??were at the center. The investigation resulted in the execution of three focus group interviews with four students in each group from three different classes. In other words, participated and contributed twelve individuals to the study's results. Respondents' statements were analyzed and interpreted accordingly by the hermeneutic spiralmulti-step process (Stensmo 2002, p. 111).Results The results show that students experiencing fundamental values ??and values ??in different ways in groups. Basic values ??are difficult to put into words; students connect it mainly to rules, how to behave and common sense. The fundamental values such as solidarity, integrity and sanctity of human life as concepts are hard but also powerful. Furthermore, it appears that the situations the students in the focus groups described in relation to physical education as competitive element, cheating, teaching methods and activities may have an ethical dimension and impact on student moral reasoning.ConclusionThe study shows that students perceive value in the everyday activities in general but it is described as something unconsciously or granted. Value system itself is somewhat paradoxical. Based on the discussions in the focus groups, it can be concluded that based on the events and situations that students describe in relation to physical education, there is scope to implement and develop moral values ??by making didactic choices grounded in an ethical approach. Previous research also confirms this.


Emelie Hägg Sandberg

Lärosäte och institution

Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH/Institutionen för idrotts- och hälsovetenskap


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