

1922 Uppsatser om Commodity industry - Sida 42 av 129

Innovera eller stagnera! : Öppen innovation inom tillverkande små och medelstora företag i Småland

Titel: Innovate or Stagnate! ? Open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized businesses in Småland.The purpose of the study is that, from a leadership perspective (innovationmanagement), create a better understanding of open innovation in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises. The study therefore intends to contribute to the understanding of how open innovation processes leads to greater innovation in manufacturing small and medium sized businesses.We have used a qualitative research method and adopted an abductiveapproach. We made interpretations and created meaning based on our research results.Our theoretical framework is based primarily on Chesbroughs (2003) research on open innovation. Based on this model, we have selected a number of other theories, which we perceived as prerequisites for small andmedium sized companies in open innovation processes.

Profitability and competitiveness of grain handling at farm level

The Swedish agricultural sector is currently experiencing substantial structural changes, where the number of agricultural enterprises continuously decreases and the average farm size increases. In order to maintain competitiveness, it is important to be aware and adapt to changes concerning the surroundings of the company (Johnson et al., 2011). Agricultural commodity prices sharply fluctuate on the global market in recent years, affecting the profitability of farmers. High volatility market requires tools to reduce price variations and increases the need of decision-making (Bouder & Beth, 2003). Farm-based grain handling facilities increases the sale options regarding agricultural commodities; a flexible strategy to get additional compensation for the storing the grain produced on the farm (Edling, 2002; Edwards, 2013).

Entreprenören i servicebranschen

Sammanfattning (for english: scroll down) Titel: Entreprenören i servicebranschen Seminariedatum: 2007-05-31, 2007-06-01 Kurs: SMT302 Kandidatuppsats 10p Författare: Jimmy Heijel, Lars Jacobsson, Fredrik Svensson Handledare: Elin Bommenel, Carl R. Hellberg Nyckelord: Entreprenören, serviceentreprenören, servicebranschen, service management, kontrollens lokalisering, innovationsförmåga, riskhantering, prestationsbehov och intuition. Syfte: Att med utgångspunkt i entreprenörers vedertagna egenskaper identifiera beskriva och analysera egenskaper som särskiljer entreprenörer i serviceverksamheter. Metod: Arbetet genom uppsatsen har följt ett kvalitativt angreppssätt där en deduktiv ansats använts. Två intervjuer har gjorts med entreprenörer verksamma i näringslivet.

Återföring av växtnäringsämnen från avloppsvatten till åkermark : en bedömning av intresset för nya näringsrika produkter

Sewage sludge contains plant nutrients and has earlier been utilised as fertilizer to cropland. Unfortunately not only plant nutrients but also heavy metals, pathogens and organic contaminants tend to accumulate in sludge. The suitability to use sewage sludge in agriculture has therefore been subject to several discussions over the years. The Swedish food industry does no longer accept sludge as fertiliser for Swedish producers. In 1999 the Swedish parliament accepted several objectives for environmental protection. In order to prevent environmental pollution and further exploitation of the earth crust, one of these objectives confirm that phosphorous from sewage shall be recirculated to arable land.

Samarbete i byggprocessen : entreprenörens förväntningar på byggherren

Everywhere you look in today?s society many kinds of people are constantly interacting with each other. Especially in large groups of people working together, the phenomenon is even greater. In the construction industry there are many kinds of parts that need to come together in order to get sustainable and successful results. Therefore the relationship between the contractor and the construction client must be at its best.

"Blackness" och "Womanism" : Hur gestaltar Maya Angelous poesi den afroamerikanska språkkulturen samt kvinnan?

Invandrade kvinnor i Handels. Föreställningar om arbetskraftsinvandrade kvinnor i Handelsnytt 1961-1976. (Immigrant women in Handels. Conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt 1961-1976).The primary purpose of this thesis is to analyze the written conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt, a Swedish Trade Union magazine. The analyses of the conceptions are based on theoretical categories of class, gender and ethnicity.

"The Never Ending Story" : Sårbarhet och kamp för överlevnad i Olofströms kommun

The world around us is shrinking and globalization and capitalism are processes affecting the world. Global trends, like outsourcing and relocation of firms to low-cost countries, have become more common. This creates a huge vulnerability in the municipalities that today are concentrated around a single large company. One of these is Olofström which today is one of the most vulnerable municipalities in Sweden and whose survival today lies in the hand of the company ?Volvo Cars Corporation?.

The effect of new raw materials on pellet prices

As demand for renewable energy is increasing rapidly, the market for biomass pellets is expected to continue to grow in the near future. Most of the new raw materials that are discussed for pellet production have one thing in common; the production costs will increase compared to using traditional raw materials such as sawdust and planer shavings. The aim of this thesis is to investigate to what degree increased use of new raw materials for pellet production will affect the general pellet prices in Sweden and to survey what plans Swedish pellet producers have concerning new raw materials. To investigate the raw material situation of the Swedish pellet producers an industry survey was performed. Literature studies were also made on previous research in the subject field. Calculations of the production costs for pellets were done for the raw materials sawdust, wet sawmill chips and energy wood respectively. New raw materials are already used by the large-scale pellet producers in Sweden.

Förutsättning och fördelar att införa kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001

The ISO 9000-series is a set of quality standards created by the International Organization for Standardization. The series is intended to provide guidance to companies in the process of deploying an effective quality management system. The series includes the requirements standard ISO 9001. This standard contains requirements on how a quality management system should be designed and how companies generally must work with quality issues. When a quality management system is introduced, if wanted, a quality certification can be implemented.

Mode på nätet : En studie om hur nätbutiker marknadsför sig genom bloggar och andra sociala medier

This thesis examines how online fashion retailers utilize blogs and other social media in their marketing process. The study is focused on internet retailer Nelly and how they make use of fashion blogger Kenza in their marketing. Drawing on Kawamura?s fashion-ology theory, the study emphasizes the new role of the fashion bloggers in the fashion system, and illustrates their consumption power vis-a-vis the retailers, the consumers, each other and the whole industry as such.    .

Robin Hood och Hemtjänsten : En förstudie om Företagshälsovårdens arbete med arbetsmiljöfrågor inom hemtjänstbranschen

Occupational Health Service (OHS) has an important role in society. It is designed to prevent illness and strengthen the health of workers. OHS operations and development are currently being studied at the School of Technology and Health at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. One of the industries studied is the home maker service. During the 2010s were such employees one of the most ill groups in Sweden.This master's thesis in occupational environment development and change management focus on examining the special knowledge an OHS and its clients in one home maker service need to strengthen the workers of the industry and find out how the interaction between OHS and home maker service works and how it could be evolved.A qualitative study was conducted in a Swedish city on the basis of an organizational perspective.

Hallbyggnadsteknik - en effektivisering av småhusproduktion

Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka om det är möjligt att överföra hallbyggnadsteknik till produktion av småhus för att sänka produktionskostnaderna. Studien visar att hallbyggnadsteknik enkelt går att överföra till en villa. Dessutom blir det billigare att bygga klimatskalet med vårt byggsystem jämfört med ett traditionellt prefabricerat småhus. Genom detta system kan den totala byggkostnaden för villan i jämförelsen sänkas med 3-10 % beroende på vilket fasadmaterial som väljs..

Det nya svenska låtskaparundret

Major changes have occurred in the music industry the last twenty years which can betraced to various reasons like technological and economical problems. Meanwhile, theSwedish songwriters have had incredible success on the international music scene when itcome sto songs with commercial impact. Their success has been very present in the lastfew years and during the writing of this essay, we see no evidence that they shoulddecrease.The purpose of this paper is to analyze and clarify the factors behind the internationalsuccess of Swedish-produced music has had in recent years. We will also show theimportance of the success that characterized the 90?s and how it affects Swedishsongwriters success today. .

Det sociala ansvaret i skapandet av skönhetsidealen

Kandidatarbetet undersöker och diskuterar frågeställningen "Vilket socialt ansvar har jag som grafisk formgivare i skapandet av skönhetsidealen?". Kandidatarbetet fokuserar på att skapa en diskussion kring ämnet skönhetsideal, hur dessa påverkar unga kvinnor samt vilka möjligheter det finns för att bryta samhällsnormer och göra en förändring, en större skillnad. Utifrån mitt forskringsresultatet kring skönhetshistorian och dess utveckling under åren, har jag skapat en produktion i form av modeillustrationer. Jag tycker inte att samhället inser hur kraftfullt påverkade vi har blivit av media och modebranschen under de senaste åren. Även de som inte är intresserade av mode och skönhet. Vi som jobbar inom medie- och reklambranschen är den tredje statsmakten.

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