

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 65 av 455

Case Pöyry Sweden AB : Miljöprestandaindikatorer för ett tjänsteföretag

The world's natural resources are constantly being reduced, which increases the pressure on companies to actively engage themselves in environmental activities. Meanwhile, stakeholders focus is being broadened and it is now important not only to supply a particular product or service but also show that they are actively pursuing an environmental agenda. Companies can use various tools to aid in environmental efforts, but also to demonstrate to the world that the company is actively engaged in environmental activities. One such tool is the environmental standard ISO14001 which provides the company with guidance and support on how the business must manage its environmental efforts. To show a business' progress in environmental performance, it is advantageous to use environmental performance indicators as they enable stakeholders to easily understand how the business works with environmental issues.Authors in the field explain that the environmental management system propagation is limited in service organizations.

Folkhälsa och välfärd - En litteraturbaserad studie om hälsans betydelse för ekonomisk tillväxt

The interest in the significance of public health for economic growth has increasedsteadily in recent years and a clarification of this connection may be of importance forthe status of public health. Aim: The aim of this literature based study is to describewhat previous research has shown in terms of the connection between public health andeconomic growth, focusing on high-income countries. Method: The study is based ontwelve scholarly articles retrieved from four scholarly databases. Result: The resultclarify that there is a positive long-term correlation between good public health andeconomic growth in high-income countries. Good health has a positive effect onproductivity, which leads to increased economic growth.

The Swedish forest industries' view on the future market potential of nanocellulose

General concerns about environmental issues may mean that the demand for bio-based products will increase. Opportunities that arise on markets, together with the declining demand for newsprint, may trigger firms in the Swedish forest industry to increase their development of new products. One product that has received a lot of attention during recent years (and is a contender) is nanocellulose. The purpose of this master thesis was to examine the Swedish forest industry?s view on the market potential of nanocellulose.

Det levande biblioteket ? retorik kring fördomar och möten. En argumentationsanalys i relation till folkbibliotekets mångfaldsuppdrag.

The living library started in Denmark at the festival of Roskilde in 2000. It was initiated by the youth organisation ?Stop volden? (?Stop the violence?). Since 2005 the idea of lending a human being who represents a prejudice has also become a practice in a few public libraries in Sweden. I found it interesting to analyse the living library in relation to the mission of diversity in the public library.

VARFÖR ERBJUDA POPULÄRMUSIK PÅ FOLKBIBLIOTEK? En studie av hur folkbiblioteken i Sverige och Danmark önskar tillhandahålla populärmusik och i vilka syften

This master thesis is written in the purpose to discover which attitudes the public libraries in Sweden and Denmark have towards offering popular music to their patrons, how they motivates their choices and why they make the choices they make. The essay focuses on the differences and similarities between the Swedish and Danish libraries and relates their attitudes to the Finnish researcher Sanna Taljas three discourses regarding music policies in libraries.We examined this by sending out a question sheet to public libraries in Sweden and Denmark, the questions were regarding popular music's place in the library and how they build up their music collection. The question sheets were sent out to a total of 116 libraries of which 46 were Danish.The conclusions we drew after our examination were that Danish and Swedish public libraries have a lot in common in the way they regard and distribute popular music in the public libraries. Both of the respondent groups puts user demand high on the priority list as well as having a collection that holds significant works of many genres..

?Det sitter i väggarna? : Vad har idéer om New public management för koppling till ledningsproblem inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn?

Vad det är som händer inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn är ett frågetecken, då vissa chefer blir ut- och inrullade i landstingens verksamheter. En vårdcentral har fått anlita konsultbolag för att kunna rekrytera en ny chef till sin verksamhet, då de misslyckat med rekryteringen själva. Idéer om New public management har börjat implementeras i landstingen, vilket betecknar den offentliga sektorns omvandling till att arbeta med företagiserade metoder gällande dess organisering och styrsätt. De nya arbetsmetoderna inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn har setts orsaka attitydproblem. Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för hur ledningsarbetet inom offentliga hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationer har kommit att påverkas av idéer om New public management.

Så gör vi gott för Norrland - : En kvalitativ studie av Norrmejeriers visuella kommunikation

In a time where information overload is a fact, well formulated messages is required and communication is a big contributing element for building strong brands. In the north of Sweden, Norrmejerier is one of the big actors with dominance on the dairy factor market. Through making milk products that lands in the consumers refridgerators, they are not only working for economical interest but also for improving the nature of the north of Sweden. Through visual communication, Norrmejerier shows the consumers a beneficial view of the north of Sweden which corresponds to the populations own impression of their part of the country. This contributes to a feeling of belonging that makes strong and loyal consuments. The feeling of belonging is also reflected in Norrmejeriers commercial movies, that uses the consumers conscience to make costumers. By two group interviews and a semiotic analysis of Norrmejeriers commercial movies, this study aims to examine how Norrmejerier uses qualities of the north of Sweden when building their brand.

Boken som aldrig tar slut En undersökning om urval och inköp av kulturtidskrifter på folkbibliotek.

The purpose of this Masters Thesis is to explore the process of selection that librarians face when selecting and acquiring cultural magazines to public libraries. The methods used are qualitative interviews and literary studies. A brief review is given of acquisition policies at public libraries and of cultural magazines and the important role they play in public libraries. Five interviews have been made at five public libraries to find out what factors affect the process of selection when it comes to cultural magazines. Two theories are used as a basis for the analysis of the result of the interviews and literary studies.

I sanningens ögonblick : berättelser om hur frontlinepersonal levererar service

 Titel: I sanningens ögonblick: berättelser om hur frontlinepersonal levererar service. Bakgrund: Service definieras som något som levereras men resulterar inte i ägande av något. Service levereras av frontlinepersonal till turister. Frontlinepersonalen har betydelse för hur servicen levereras. Jag har inte funnit någon detaljerad inventering vad serviceleveranser innehåller. Däremot finns det teorier som berättar hur företagsledningar ska leda personalen som levererar service.

Hållbar utveckling genom miljöbaserad offentlig upphandling? Miljökriterier i utvärdering av det ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga anbudet

SummaryEurope?s public authorities are influential consumers. If they spend their money on greener products and services they can make an important contribution to the work towards a sustainable development. Green public procurement can thereby significantly improve the take-up of new environmental technologies. Through the effects of economies of scale, production costs be lowered and better equip us to fight environmental problems.

Valfrihet genom kundval : en studie av kundvalsmodellen inom hemtjänsten

This essay is a qualitative study on quasimarkets in the field of home-help service. The main purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the function of costumers choice from elderly persons point of view. The quasimarket in home-help service of Solna stad has served as an example. The questions raised in the study concerned the elderly costumers opinion of the information about the different producers, what had influence on their choice, their attitude towards the freedom of choice, and their ability to act as consumers on a quasimarket.The method used was qualitative semi structured interviews. A majority of the elderly consumers appreciated the possibility to choose producer of home-help service.

Intelligenta Switchar

This master thesis has been carried out on behalf of Stoneridge Electronics AB and is an investigation ofhow intelligent switches can replace the traditionally used direct controlled switches. The concept ofintelligent switches is that the switches contain electronic identification components which, by connectingthem to a network, give the same function independent of the location of the switch. This infers anincreased flexibility and configurability which can be a great advantage in development, production andcustomization in the commercial vehicle industry. Especially in the current situation when commercialvehicle manufacturers provides more and more functions and dashboard configurations.LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a network protocol introduced in 1999. It is a simpler and lower costcomplement to CAN (Controller Area Network) and is adapted for applications where the demands forbandwidth are lower, for example reading sensors and switchers.

Hantera medborgarrelationer via Facebook : Karlstads kommuns kommunikation före, under och efter en kris

In the new media society, social media has become an important part of many organizations' daily lives. Organizations, whether public or private, must be where their audience is and many times, these can be found on social media channels like Facebook. Leading researchers in the fields of crisis communication and relationship management believe that social media is a great tool for managing relationships between an organization and its' public, whether it's before, during or after a crisis.The purpose of this study is to examine how the Karlstad municipality use Facebook to manage civic relations before, during and after a crisis. The municipality's approach will be compared to the citizens' experiences of the municipality's communication in different stages of a crisis.The theoretical framework used in this essay is the research on crisis communication and relationship management. How these two frameworks can be integrated with social media like Facebook, is an important part of understanding how the Karlstad municipality make use of Facebook to manage civic relations and communicate before, during and after a crisis.The empirical study consists of a qualitative interview, two qualitative content analysis and an online survey.

En jämförande analys av privat- och företagssidan gällande relationer och kundlojalitet på Swedbank i Sandviken

 Abstract  Titel: En jämförande analys av privat- och företagssidan gällande relationer och kundlojalitet på Swedbank i SandvikenNivå: D-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Karolin Karlström och Hanna Mattila                           Handledare: Aihie OsarenkhoeDatum: Januari 2011Syfte: Vårt syfte med studien är att studera skillnader i service vad gäller kundrelationer och kundlojalitet på privat- och företagsavdelningen på Swedbank i Sandviken. Vi undersöker om det förekommer skillnader mellan relationer och service till kunderna samt jämför lojaliteten mellan bank och kund på privat- respektive företagssidan. Studien har genomförts då vi författare inte funnit någon tidigare studie om jämförelser mellan privat- och företagssidan, dess service och relationer till kunder.Metod: En kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod har används i denna studie. Data till studien har insamlats genom intervjuer av medarbetare på kontoret i Sandviken, samt en enkätundersökning riktad mot kunderna. Data har analyserats med hjälp av statistikprogram och redovisats i form av tabell och en sammanställning av uttalanden från intervjuerna.Resultat & slutsats: Vi har uppmärksammat att ett fåtal skillnader förekommer mellan privat- och företagssidan gällande service på Swedbank i Sandviken.

Läsa och samtala : Vad betyder folkbibliotekets bokcirkel för användaren?

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the meaning the reading group of the public library has to a number of users. To fulfill the aim the following three questions have been formulated: 1) What do a number of users expect from the reading group of the public library? 2) Which approach/attitude or approaches/attitudes do a number of users have to reading and to talking about reading? 3) How do a number of users experience the ongoing reading group?The research is founded on qualitative interviews with five users that take part in three different reading groups in public libraries. The theories that are used is the theory of three so called strategies - the pragmatic, the traditionalistic, the emancipatory ? and the theory of flow.

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