

6824 Uppsatser om Commercial vs. public service - Sida 4 av 455

Samhällsinformation i Göteborg : en jämförande studie av förmedlare av samhällsinformation

The aim of this master's thesis is a comparative study on units for civic information in Göteborg. The study is based on a project currently in progress at the main public library in Göteborg. It is observed that according to the library's mission statement the library aims to become the most competent intermediary of civic information in Göteborg. This statement suggests a competitive strategy towards other intermediaries of civic information. The mission statement does, however, also state that their goal is to be obtained in cooperation with other intermediaries.

Musikwebb ? En undersökning med fokus på urval, service och digitalisering

The aim of this master thesis is to examine the attitudes among library staff regarding a music downloading service called Musikwebb, which is available in many Swedish public libraries. It focuses on the impact of Musikwebb on the process of music selection, the relationship between Musikwebb and the digital development in public libraries and what service Musikwebb offers its users. The gathering of material was executed through focus group interviews with library staff in four libraries. This empirical material we divided in three categories: Music selection, The Library and its digital services, and Library services. We use the results of Sanna Talja?s discourse analysis regarding the relationship between Music, Culture and the Library to analyze our material.

Bokförvaringsplats eller serviceinrättning? Direkt eller indirekt service på Göteborgs stadsbibliotek 1891-1960

This paper describes the development of direct and indirect service at the former Gothen­burg city library. This was during this period of time not the public library of the town, but a scientific library mostly serving the college, although also open to the public. Furthermore the services offered in Gothenburg are compared with those of the two old Swedish university libraries in Uppsala and Lund. The investigated direct serviceforms are "making material available", "guidance", and "localities". The indirect service areas are "the catalogue" and "the personnel and their competence".The conclusion is that the differences weren't that big and that Gothenburg city library was a modern library providing about the same services as you could find in Uppsala and Lund.

Arbetsmiljö och säkerhet på arbetsplatsen

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze youth community service in the Kalmar municipality. Our focus was on juvenile offenders and predecessor of public authorities. The juvenile offenders in our study have completed youth community service. A qualitative study was undertaken which include seven interviews. Our empirical data were compared and analyzed with previous research data.

Service till alla? : Folkbibliotekens roll i de små och medelstora företagens informationsförsörjning - en granskning av tre företagsserviceprojekt

The purpose of this study is to examine and explain why three Swedish public libraries failedin their ambition to act as information services for small and medium-sized firms (SMF). To support this purpose two major assumptions are made:1) Public libraries who plan to run this kind of "business" must act with the same means as "professional" services.2) The service must be adjusted to the information needs of the customer.Based on these assumptions sixteen factors which are crucial to the "success" for this kind of service are presented.Applied to the information services of Lidkoping, Sölvesborg and Västervik, these factors reveal a number of shortcomings and mistakes made by the libraries.To understand this result these information services are seen as parts of a traditional Swedish public "library-thought". It is shown that, fundamental ideas in the way the public libraries are defined, like the responsibility to act in a neutral and democratic way, also characterised the three information services.These ideas together with the opinion of SMF as a "rational" information-consumer resulted in information services who did not meet the information-needs and information-behaviour of SMF..

Revisorers skadeståndsansvar : En studie av vad som krävs för att revisorn ska bli skadeståndsskyldig

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze youth community service in the Kalmar municipality. Our focus was on juvenile offenders and predecessor of public authorities. The juvenile offenders in our study have completed youth community service. A qualitative study was undertaken which include seven interviews. Our empirical data were compared and analyzed with previous research data.

Det offentliga biblioteksväsendet i tredje rikets Tyskland

The thesis treats how the German public libraries originated and how they were affected by the Nazi era. It deals with how the library system began to cover the whole nation, and describes the struggle between public libraries and commercial and religious ditto. It also treats the weedings out and what happened to the staff and the stocks between 1933 and 1945.Furthermore it gives a picture of what books one could find in a German public library,and how these volumes were catalogued and classified. Moreover it describes how thelibraries managed during the Second World War, and ends by giving some topics fordiscussion and asks questions that additional research might be able to answer..

Privata markägares reflektioner med hänseende till den minskade röjningsaktiviteten : så kan skogsvårdsstyrelsen anpassa sitt arbete

This project was a request of Norrbodal´s Forestry Board, Västra Götaland. It was performed as a qualitative interview analysis of private forest owner?s deficient motivation regarding pre-commercial thinning. The purpose of the project is to investigate what the Forestry Board can do to motivate private forest owners to do more pre-commercial thinning. The results build upon 16 qualitative phone interviews with forest owners that have their forest within the district of Norrbodal. The owners are divided into two groups, the one who have performed the pre-commercial thinning and the one that has possible pre-commercial thinning needs on their properties according to the pre-commercial thinning analysis ,which is the result of a satellite analysis.

Den utan socker : En undersökning om skillnader mellan generationer då det gäller inställning, tillförlitlighet och påverkan av tv-reklam

The first company to send TV-commercial was the American company NBC, it was in the year of 1941. In Sweden, TV-commercials were first shown in 1987/88. TV 4 was the first channel to send commercial in Swedish television.TV has the advantage of showing both sound and picture, which makes TV the strongest channel of communication to mediate a message between a company and the consumer. Although TV-commercial is the most expensive choice to mediate a message, it is also the most effective one. (Persson, 1993)Almost everyone is exposed to TV-commercial daily.

Public service, om alla, för alla? : En studie kring generation Y:s minskade användande av public service

Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga och identifiera en yngre generations, 18 till 30 år, preferenser för konsumtion av etermedia (Tv) inom ramen för uppdraget om public service samt hur de väljer och värderar de tjänster som erbjuds inom Tv-branschen. Det som undersöks närmare är orsaken bakom den minskade användningen av de tjänster som SVT erbjuder gentemot de kommersiella kanalerna och vad denna generation efterfrågar av det utbud som existerar.En kvantitativ metod kommer att användas för undersökningen och de empiriska data som undersökningen grundar sig på kommer att erhållas genom en enkätundersökning som sker via Facebook samt Itslearning där sammanlagt 106 personer deltar. Resultatet analyseras sedan med hjälp av tidigare genomförd forskning och inom teoriområdena värdeskapande, Service Dominant Logic samt tjänsteutveckling.Resultaten visar att denna generation efterfrågar underhållning som främsta värdeskapande aktivitet, i första hand hos de kommersiella kanalerna. Public service anses inte erbjuda ett större utbud av värdeskapande program och visar sig vara den främsta orsaken till varför minskningen av public service sker. Under förutsättning att SVT skulle önska öka generation Y:s konsumtion av public service, så skulle ett genomförande av följande ändringar rekommenderas: en större fokusering mot ett ökat utbud kring underhållande program föreslås som förbättringar som public service kan genomföra och kan om det utförs korrekt attrahera fler individer från denna målgrupp.

Kund eller patient? ? Till kritik mot en marknadsanpassning av patientbemötandet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att, utifrån en analys om läkarprofessionens eventuellt förändrade syn på patientbemötandet - gällande både sin egen och patientens roll - kritisera och kontrastera New Public Management och Service Management angående marknadsanpassning av läkar- och patientrollen. Vi utgår från ett tolkande paradigm och använder oss av en kvalitativ metod. Vi kritiserar New Public Management och Service Management inom svensk sjukvård huvudsakligen utifrån Etienne Wengers teori om sociala grupper i samhället, men även utifrån Michel Foucaults och Jean Baudrillards teorier. Empirisk data presenteras tillsammans med teorin och tolkas utifrån teorin. Empirin härstammar från åtta intervjuer och en observation, men består även av sekundärdata i form av artiklar från läkarfackpress.

Digital eller mänsklig service åt användare av folkbibliotek? En diskursanalys av artiklar ur fyra svenska bibliotekstidskrifter 2003-2004.

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine the user service discourses in the field of public libraries that can be identified in four Swedish library journals. Also which underlying causes that control the discourses and the consequences of them are examined. Questions in this study are: which discourses can be found, what characterises them, what kind of different discourses concerning technology in society control the user service discourses and what are the consequences of them. The theoretical starting-point is Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes discourse theory. The method is text analytic.

Public service vs. kommersiela medier : En jämförelse av rekryteringsprocessen för radio- och TV- programledare inom underhållningsprogram.

Uppsatsen syftar till att belysa rekryteringsprocessen och kanalernas, Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Tele-vision, Mix Megapol och TV4, kriterier samt att få en bild över programledarens yrkesroll, utmärkande drag och erfarenhet av rekryteringen. Problemformuleringen består utav hur programledare väljs, utefter vilka kriterier, hur programledaren upplever sin yrkesroll och erfarenheter av rekrytering, samt vad som utmärker en programledare för underhållningsprogram inom radio och TV, public service och kommersiella medier. Vi har undersökt hur rekryteringsprocessen av programledare inom underhållning för rikstäckande radio och TV går till, och jämfört processen mellan public service och kommersiella medier. Detta såg vi som intressant, då det är en outforskad yrkesroll, som har en unik rekryteringsprocess och vi ansåg det vara tänkvärt att göra en jämförelse mellan kanalerna, public service och kommersiella medier. Under-sökningen består utav kvalitativa intervjuer med elva utvalda rekryterare och programledare i branschen.

Kulturpolitikers syn på folkbiblioteket ? en studie i Västerbottens inland.

The main purpose of this Master thesis is to illuminate the understanding of local politicians regarding the public libraries and the librarians. We argue that the local politicians´ opinions regarding public libraries and librarians influence the way they act and react in their roles as politicians.In order to achieve the aim of this thesis we focused on following questions:What are the opinions of the politicians:- regarding themselves in relation to the public library?- concerning public libraries in general and its functions especially in the municipalities of their own?- concerning the librarians and their work in a public function?What are the conclusions to be drawn regarding the politicians´ interest and commitment to public libraries in the politic daily-life of the municipalities? Our empiric material consists of qualitative interviews with six politicians elected in two municipalities in the interior of Västerbotten, a northern sparsely populated district. In order to distinguish the various opinions that emerge from the material, we apply a phenomenographic approach. The analysis result we present in three conceivable categories in order to express the different opinions.In general our study points at a positive and favourable attitude to the public library, and all the respondents assume that the municipality ought to offer this service.

NetSök : Internetvägledning för referensbibliotekarier

Internet has made information more easy to get, but also more difficult to retrieve. There is a need for information retrieval systems that assure accurate, reliable and up to date information. Quite a number of both commercial and non commercial search services has been developed on the Internet. We have made a qualitative study of one for-pay product in particular, NetS k, produced by BTJ (Bibliotekstj nst), Lund. It is a database that contains collected, evaluated and classified links, and is especially developed to suit public librarians in Sweden.

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