

430 Uppsatser om Command guidance - Sida 16 av 29

Kommunala avskrivningar

In 1985 the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions published a paper on recommended depreciation time on capital assets for the public sector. This paper should only be seen as guidance, but many municipals use it without any further investigations. Swedish municipals are not like private companies; one very distinguished difference is that they are not allowed to make any profit. The municipals in Sweden are regulated by the constitution law which means that they can not go bankrupt. The public and the private sector have different legislations that result in different ways on how they for example treat depreciations.

Faktorer som bidrar till användning av pedagogisk handledning, En studie av två stadsdelar

Abstrakt Jacobsson, Liselott & Thiborg, Jenny (2012) Faktorer som bidrar till användningen av pedagogisk handledning En studie av två stadsdelar (Contributing factors for the use of guidance A study of two districts) Specialpedagogik Skolutveckling och ledarskap Lärande och samhälle Malmö högskola Vilka faktorer bidrar till användning av pedagogisk handledning i skolor? Syftet med vårt arbete är att studera två stadsdelar med olika förutsättningar för att utröna faktorer som bidrar till den pedagogiska handledningens användande. Den teoretiska referensram vi använt oss av är systemteorin. Vi valde en kvalitativ datainsamling och utförde 12 halvstrukturerade intervjuer med rektorer och pedagoger. Informanterna har alla erfarenhet av pedagogisk handledning i någon form.

Konstruktion och utprövning av datorbaserat test för intonation och rytm : Icke-språklig Testning Av Prosodi - ITAP

Generally prosody is described as the rhythmic, dynamic and melodic features of language. Prosody is further often described as suprasegmental, since its properties go beyond vowels and consonants, which are segmental characteristics of language. A relationship between prosody and music has been noticed and described for several decades. At present, there are several studies proving relationship between prosodic and musical abilities. The aim of the present study was to construct a test for prosodic non-linguistic perception and production regarding intonation and rhythm. The test was tried out on 16 children with typical language development aged 4;6-7;6 years. Before testing of ITAP each participant were asked about musical experience.

Effekter av instruktion på transversus abdominis vid stabiliseringövningar

AimThe aim of this study was to evaluate the activity recorded with electromyography (EMG) fine-wire electrodes, in transversus abdominis (TrA) and rectus abdominis (RA) while performing various stabilization exercises, and to investigate how the level of activation was affected by specific instructionsMethodTen physically active women (27.1 ± 5.5year, 1.74 ± 0.05 m, 67.1 ± 8.6 kg) performed six different stabilization exercises (four lying supine with bent knees and hips and two in four point kneeling). They performed two sets of exercises, the first without and the second with specific instructions. The specific instruction was ?abdominal hollowing to activate? TrA. The fine-wire electrodes were inserted bilateral into TrA and RA with an injection needle with guidance from an ultrasound.

Comparative analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings produced using Suspension and Solution Precursor Feedstock

The research work performed in this thesis has been carried out at the Production Tech-nology Centre where the Thermal Spray research group of University West has its work-shop and labs.This research work has been performed in collaboration with the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, India.First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my supervisors Dr. Nicolaie Markocsan and Dr. Nicholas Curry for their guidance, great support and valuable suggestions without which this work could not have been possible. I would also like to thanks Prof. Per Nylén for keeping faith in me and providing me an opportunity to work at PTC, which is a great place to perform research.

Omval på gymnasiet

Genom praktiska och teoretiska studier på studie- och yrkesvägledarprogrammet har vi kunnat se en ökning av de elever som gör ett omval efter ett år på gymnasiet. Syftet med undersökningen var att se bidragande orsaker till att ett eventuellt omval sker. En kvalitativ studie har gjorts genom intervjuer med fem elever som gått ett år på sitt omvalda gymnasieprogram. Detta resultat har ställts i relation till Linda. S Gottfredsons teori kring begreppen begränsningar och kompromisser i studievalet samt SCCT-teorin där fokus ligger på självskattning.

Hur hanterar sjuksköterskor stress i arbetet? : En litteraturöversikt

Background: The nursing profession involves meetings and situations which can be stressful. The work environment can cause additional stress in the form of time pressure, lack of support from colleagues, management or disgruntled family members and patients. This places the nurse in a position that requires a sharpened ability to handle stress. It can become overwhelming and unmanageable and cause a serious threat to the nurse's health and wellbeing. To handle stress the nurses uses different coping strategies.Aim: The aim of the review was to gain a better understanding of how nurses deal with occupational stress.Method: A systematic literature overview study based on eleven articles, including both qualitative and quantitative studies.Results: Nurses deal with stress in different ways based on their own resources.

Ekologiska perenner - Lokalt och globalt : En Intervju- och Litteraturstudie

AbstractThe customer demand for ecological products has increased in recent years, within the garden industry this mainly concerns herbs and other edible plants. The organic trend is increasing and more people are aware of the environment and want to take responsibility for it through their purchases for their garden as well.In this essay the aim is to investigate customer demand and the possibility of selling organicperennial plants in eight garden centres on the Åland islands and in Gävle/Sandviken. I include two garden centres with an organic profile to get a wider point of view. I investigate the global market for organic perennials and look further into existing certification standards on the Swedish market today.The methods I have been using are interviews and a literature study.The study shows that the experienced demand for organic perennials is small in both of myinvestigated groups. The biggest motivation for starting to sell organic perennials would be to find a supplier of these plants and that more customer would ask for them.

Media som spåtant? En studie av tidningarnas förutsägelser under Asienkrisen

This is a study of predictions made by the press during the financial crisis in Asia in the autumn of 1997. The study includes a qualitative, quantitative and comparative analysis of the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Industri. In the last chapter a quantitative analysis of the newspaper Finanstidningen, that today no longer exists, has also been made for comparative reasons. A theoretical framework is also set in the study to explain how the predictions can affect the economy. The quantitative analysis shows that 2/3 of the texts in the traditional morning papers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet included predictions about the crisis from an Asian or global perspective, while only 1/3 of the texts in the financial newspapers Dagens Industri and Finanstidningen included such predictions.

Förslag på riskklassificeringsmodell av ekologiskt kontrollerade aktörer : En jämförelse med andra länders ekologiska kontroll

In order to facilitate trade between EU members, the European Committee has created regulations that will govern supervision of organic products. Every regulatory agency shall, according to the European Committees regulations, carry out a risk classification of each organic producer they regulate. This study for The National Food Administration compares regulation of Swedish organic products with other countries, and aims to produce a simplified model based on risk that can be the beginning of the risk classification model that Sweden in the current situation don?t have. The thesis is based on three questions: 1) What criteria should we use for assigning organic food producers? 2) How do selected European countries and frontrunners rate organic producers and what can Sweden learn from them? 3) How might a national classification model of organic production look in order to ensure an equivalent level of regulation and prevent competition among private inspection bodies? A review of information gathered from the different countries gave differing results.

Ett gott bemötande : Nyanställd vårdpersonals upplevelse av bemötandet vid arbetsintroduktionen

Att vara nyanställd är inte alltid förenat med glädje, bra självkänsla och trygghet, mycket av detta hänger på att bli bemött på ett trevligt och förtroendeingovande sätt. Efter att ha intervjuat nyanställd vårpersonal i kommunal verksamhet har detta visat sig vara än tydligare. Svårigheter i att ge ett gott bemötande kan förebyggas genom att säkerställa att övrig personal vet vad verksamheten förväntar sig att ge en nyanställd under arbetsintroduktionen och på så vis skapa trygghet för den som skall introduceras med även för den befintliga personalen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur den nyanställda vårdpersonalen har upplevt att de blivit bemötta under sin arbetsintroduktion och hur dett bemötande kan ha kommit att påverka deras självkänsla för fortsatt anställning. Utifrån Martin Bubers dialogpedagogik, Erving Goffmans teorier om interkationsritualer och George Herbert Meads teorier om symbolisk interaktionism har resultatet av studien analyserats.

Har antalet någon betydelse?

Under vår undersökning har vi tagit del av en artikel och tre rapporter som på olika sätt granskar studie- och yrkesvägledningen inom grundskolan. I granskningen av studie- och yrkesvägledningen enligt rapporterna framkommer det bland annat att antal skolor och antalet elever som en studie- och yrkesvägledare ansvarar för kan påverka kvaliteten på vägledningssamtalet. För att bilda oss en egen uppfattning om det som framgår valde vi att undersöka vilken uppfattning respondenterna har om det som lyfts upp i rapporterna. Syftet med undersökningen var att se om huruvida antalet elever påverkar kvaliteten på vägledningssamtalet samt vilka andra faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten på vägledningssamtalet. Vi valde den kvantitativa metoden och webbenkäter som undersökningsmetod för att besvara våra frågor.

Skolbiblioteket på friskolorna : en studie av friskolorna i Lunds kommun med fokus på de verksamhetsansvarigas inställning

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the opinion about school libraries among principals at the independent schools in the municipality of Lund. In order to fulfil my purpose I used a qualitative method with an introductory questionnaire, which gave background material to the interviews. All seven principals answered the questionnaire and five of them agreed to participate in an interview. Another two interviews were made with two informants, this material was included in the background material. As theoretical framework I have used literature about the school library development, the role of the principal for development and David V.

PLASTHANTERINGEN I SVERIGE En kvalitativ studie om storstadskommunernas plasthantering utifr?n EU:s Plastdirektiv (EU) 2019/904

The aim of this essay is to examine the handling of plastic waste on a local level in the three municipalities of Gothenburg, Malm? and Stockholm. This is achieved with the help of guidance within the theory of Multi-level Governance. By applying the EU directive 2019/904, about disposable plastic, and examining the global plastic problem, the efforts to promote sustainable use, and recycling of plastic, is analyzed. The method involves a qualitative content analysis, where the 2022 waste plans of the three municipalities, ?Sveriges handlingsplan f?r plast? by the Government Office, and the 2019/904 EU directive constitutes the base of the study.

Kommunikations- besluts- och informationsflöden i byggprocessen

Construction projects are organized in different shapes and disturbances in the information flow in these processes can lead to problems, such as delays and/or a lower quality. Therefore, a well-functioning interaction between actors and a well thought out-communication at an early stage is of crucial importance. The main question is "How does the communication of decision and information flow in the building process and what barriers and opportunities can be observed?". This diploma work has been written with guidance from Bjerking AB and to answer this question, a collection of empirical data conducted via semi-structured interviews.

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