

430 Uppsatser om Command guidance - Sida 17 av 29

Databaser i molnet : En prestanda utvärdering

AbstractAs a developer of database-driven applications you will be faced with difficult choices, when it comes to choosing database, server and programming language. For the result to be satisfactory it requires the different techniques to interact well with each other and also fulfill performance expectations. This is even more important when the application is deployed to the cloud and the response time plays a major role.This paper evaluates different databases and their performance. To test the databases there was an application made in the server script language PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor and it was deployed to Windows Azure cloud platform. The test applications task is to call and load databases by controlled requests which creates, reads, updates and deletes data in an relatively large extent.The results shows that locale databases or databases in the same data center as the server generates the fastest response.

Ändring av befintligt ridhus : Gävle Fältrittklubb

In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.

Möjligheter och hinder inom palliativ vård i hemmet : upplevelser ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: The need for palliative care at home hasincreased in recent years as more people wish to die in their own homes. Toperform good palliative care by addressing patients' needs and desires of lifecare requires a better understanding of how nurses experience palliative careat home. Aim: The aim of the study was todescribe nurses experiences of caring for patients in palliative care in homecare. Method: The method was asystematic literature review and the article search resulted in elevenqualitative articles. An inductive qualitative approach was used where nursesdifferent experiences was identified. Results: Our results are reportedunder two themes:Opportunities and Barriers. Palliative carein home care experiencedby nurses in variousways in which personalgrowth, experience, guidance,trustful communication, cooperation and self-knowledgewas opportunies thatemerged. Barriers experienced by nurseswas ineffective communication,lack of time and abuseof power in palliative care at home.

Säg är det möjligt för studie- och yrkesvägledare att motverka traditionella könsmönster?

Säg är det möjligt att motverka traditionella könsmönster,trots strukturer som formar oss så att vi omedvetet styrs att väljautbildningar som leder till könstraditionella yrkesval? Att få kunskaper om ochge redskap för ett praktikorienterat jämställdhetsarbete i studie- ochyrkesvägledning är syftet med denna aktionsforskningsstudie. De vägledare som deltar har intresseför och kunskap om genusvetenskapliga perspektiv och kan ses som goda exempel. Vägledarnadeltar genom två intervjutillfällen och en månads fokusering på uppdraget attmotverka traditionella könsmönster. De använder olika metoder och berättar ompositiva, neutrala, obekväma, häftiga och negativa reaktioner från sökande.

Anden nu och då : En jämförande studie av pneumatologin i Kyrkans Tidnings Eftertanke och pneumatologin i Luthers lilla katekes och Luthers stora katekes

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and compare pneumatology in Eftertanke in Kyrkans Tidning, in a Swedish evangelical Lutheran context, with pneumatology in Luthers Small Catechism and Luther's Large Catechism. Through a descriptive, inductive and hermenutical approach the essay intends to answer two main questions regarding how these sources 1) describe the character features and 2) the function of the Spirit. The conclusions of this essay show that the character features of the Spirit in Eftertanke differ from the catechisms in describing the Spirit with words connected to nature and life, while the catechisms only describe the Spirit as holy. The discussion that follows implies that the Spirit in the catechisms is depicted as more personal whereas Eftertanke depicts the Spirit more as an impersonal force. There are similarities in how both the catechisms and Eftertanke depict a dialectic relationship between human beings and the Spirit. However, they differ in function: in Eftertanke the Spirit is foremost a giver of life and a creator of positive emotions as well as a giver of guidance, while in the catechisms the Spirit is foremost a sanctifier.

Omvalet : En studie kring orsaker och påverkande faktorer för elever som gör omval på gymnasiet

The reason why this study has been made is the fact that a substantial part of students in the upper secondary school changes their field of study, during or after their first year. The aim of this study is to find out the reasons behind such changes as well as finding out the affecting factors. The study has been made in two steps, first quantitatively by a poll study and the second step is qualitative by interviews. This research has been made in both private schools and municipal schools, with the ambition to search for differences between these two separate school forms. The study shows that no general differences can be found in a comparison between them.

Kan ett spel lära ut Lean Thinking

In relation to the development of IT-products it is very important that the software supplier is aware not only of the target group but also the field of application. Usability should characterize the whole IT-design process as, in relation to this context, design includes more than merely those aspects which are visible to and thus can be interpreted by the naked eye. The study examines the specific qualities and properties that substantiate the usability and the demands that a customer rightfully expects from an IT-product. The user and the customer are highlighted in the same context in order to demonstrate that it is through the customer that an IT-product is defined as being useful. Thus, from this perspective, the user and customer can be considered as being the same person.

Allas bibliotek? En fallstudie om tillgänglighet utifrån exemplet Sundsvalls stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the accessibility for persons with disabilities to service, materials, and the library building in one Swedish public library, and also to see what guides the development of accessibility at this library. In order to do this we have studied guidelines and political documents to se how this library responds to them. To our case study, data have also been collected by qualitative interviews, and observation of what this library offers impaired persons at the library?s web site, in special materials, facilities, and the functionality of the library building.

"Ingen människa är bara en diagnos" : ADHD-diagnosens betydelse inom familjehemsvård ur socialsekreterares perspektiv.

The aim of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of how the ADHD-diagnosis affects their work with children and youths living in foster care and how it affects the individuals and families themselves. The study is built upon five qualitative interviews and the results are analyzed through a theoretical framework that constitutes ADHD as not only the symptoms and the medical disorder but also as a social phenomenon where the disorder is socially constructed by the current society, norms, and knowledge. The study shows that the social workers? do not rely on the sole ADHD-diagnosis in the understanding and guidance of the children and their foster parents, but rather see the individual needs of each children.

A Strategic Decision-Making Model for Supply Chain - A Void to be Filled

Many researchers emphasize the increasing strategic importance of supply chain management, but there is still a lack of concrete guidance for managers faced with strategic decisions in supply chain. Within decision-making theories, the rational decision-making model is the most commonly used. This because of its suitable foundation, enabling a structure to the complex decision process. The rational decision-making model is today not developed to include the aspects of strategic decision-making made in supply chain. The purpose of this research is to adjust a structured rational decision-making model, making it applicable for strategic decision-making in supply chain.

Ekonomiprogrammet 2011 - vad och för vem? : - En textanalys av gymnasieskolors broschyrer

Med avstamp i debatten kring gymnasieskolors marknadsföring och information gentemot elever, tog denna studie sin form. Studie- och yrkesvägledning är en profession som har att förhålla sig till hur information i gymnasieskolors broschyrer kan relateras till stödinsatser för elever som står inför ett gymnasieval. Syftet var att utifrån ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv belysa hur gymnasieskolors information i broschyrer 2011 kan relateras till elevers valhandlingar och marknadsföring av gymnasieutbildning. Genom tillämpning av en textanalytisk modell med fokus på en ideationell samt interpersonell struktur analyserades 52 broschyrer från gymnasieskolor som erbjuder Ekonomiprogrammet 2011 inom Stockholms Läns samverkansavtal. Resultat visade att vissa skolor inte följer statliga rekommendationer för hur Ekonomiprogrammet bör beskrivas gentemot elever samt att det definieras relativt olika i broschyrerna.

Vara eller icke vara : Studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamhet, ur ett elev och professionsperspektiv

Studie- och yrkesvägledningenhar de senaste åren varit utsatt för politisk debatt. Många experter, forskare och politiker har uttalat kritik kring verksamheten, framförallt för att granskningar visat att engagemanget kring området varit bristfälligt på skolorna. Utredningar har gjorts, projektarbeten har satts igång och rekommendationer har getts ut, allt för att öka måluppfyllelsen enligt områdets styrdokument. Syftet med studien är att granska problematiken från skolans eget perspektiv, genom att dokumentera röster från skolans insida. Elever, lärare och studie- och yrkesvägledare har genom enkäter fått uttala sig om sina personliga erfarenheter, uppfattningar och preferenser angående verksamhetsområdet.

Kassaflödesanalyser - En undersökning av kassaflödesanalysens användning i förhållande till det tidsperspektiv som styr företagens agerande.

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate potential associations between usage of the cash flow statement report and time perspective in which companies? acts and set goals. Method: Our approach is quantitative, using empirical data summarized in a statistical procedure. The result is thereafter analysed through the developed analysis model from which conclusion is drawn. Results: We have in the investigation stated that the usage of the cash flow statement report varies depending on the time perspective in which companies? acts.

Balansera Mera : Balanserad styrning i Vellinge kommun

AbstractDuring the last decade the public sector has been influenced by new ways of measuring performance and governing, taking inspiration from the private sector. The Swedish municipal community Vellinge has since 2004 adopted ?The Balanced Scorecard? by Kaplan & Norton, measuring not only the financial parts but also other, important factors. The adoption took place since the Swedish government applied new demands on county councils and municipal communities through ?God ekonomisk hushållning?.

"Man vill veta hur det går i skolan"

In the fall 2011 a new grading scale will be implemented in the Swedish school. A government bill suggests a change of the scale from a three- to a six-point scale. The students will also be graded from the sixth class instead of today?s eighth. From the first year of the compulsory school the pupil will get a written judgment.

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