

5077 Uppsatser om Cognitive Hearing Science - Sida 56 av 339

Vuxna dyslektikers informationsbeteende en undersökning av hur sex personer med dyslexi hanterar informationsproblem

The aim of this Masters thesis is to describe the information behaviour of six adults with dyslexia with focus on how they handle information problems. The data consists of literature and interviews with six persons with dyslexia. The theoretical framework used in this study is Anders Hektors theory about human information behaviour as well as concepts and theories from the library and information science field. Ten information activities are used to describe the informants information behaviour. Answers are sought to the following questions: · How do the informants describe their backgrounds and their reading- and writing disabilities? · What problems do the informants meet in the context of information in their everyday lives with reference to ten particular information activities? · How do the informants solve these problems? The study showed that the main problems for the informants appeared to be difficulties with reading and spelling, problems with the appearance of the information, lack of time and stress while reading and writing as well as problems with lack of awareness about dyslexia.

En undersökning om fördelarna och begränsningarna med internetbaserade operativsystem i molnet

Den här kandidatavhandlingen undersöker fördelarna och begränsningarna med Internetbaserade operativsystem i molnet, så kallade Internet OS, och hur IT-företag ser på ämnet. Internet OS är operativsystem som placerar sina resurser och processorkraft ute på Internet, ofta med hjälp av olika molnettjänster. Det finns problem och utmaningar med Internet OS. Dessa problem kan vara ett hinder för företag att överge de traditionella operativsystemen, som exempelvis Windows, och övergå till Internet OS. Det saknas undersökningar om IT-företag vill eller kan flytta sin verksamhet till molnet. Vi vill ge en tydligare bild och bidra med ny kunskap om företags syn på Internet OS. Arbetet har genomförts med en litteraturstudie som har fokuserats på vad den akademiska världen vet om Internet OS med fokus på Chrome OS. Litteraturstudie går in på fördelar och nackdelar, samt framtida visioner.

?Det är dags att bestämma var man ska.?

Studiens syfte var att få en djupare inblick i vilken betydelse högstadieelevers självkännedom, deras kunskaper om arbetslivet samt hur betydelsefulla personer påverkar deras val av gymnasieprogram. Syftet var även att ta reda på huruvida eleverna tänker på gymnasievalets betydelse för framtiden. En kvalitativ studie gjordes med sex elever i nionde klass som står inför gymnasievalet. Resultatet visade på brister gällande elevernas självkännedom samt deras kunskaper om arbetslivet. Eleverna påvisar tankar om framtiden men för en del är det inte lika tydligt. Samtliga elever har på ett eller annat sätt påverkats av närstående i samband med gymnasievalet.

De professionella och pedofilen : En kvalitativ studie av socionomers föreställningar och handlingsberedskap 

Although  ?naming and shaming? paedophiles are growing in Sweden, professionals working with the rehabilitation and treatment of paedophiles describe that the naming and shaming might not prevent child sex abuse. On the opposite naming and shaming alienates the perpetrator from any ordinary life. The alienation could lead them to only having other paedophiles as friends. Previous studies show that professionals are often distancing themselves from working with paedophiles, even if there is competence.

Att skapa ett enhetligt användargränssnitt : Användargränssnitt baserat på personametoden som koncept istället för empiri

Man's life has changed in many ways since technology made it?s entry for public at large. In response to this change the science of human-machine interaction was invented. It has in turn evolved into human-computer interaction. With this science the focus is on the customization of the system for the actual person who will use it.The thesis has been implemented in a telecom company's development department.

Upplevelsen av att delta i stödgrupp : Barn och ungdomar med en psykiskt sjuk förälder

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to study the experience of participation in support groups for children of mentally ill parents. The research questions dealt with how the children and the adolescents talked about the knowledge, that they believed having assimilated in the support groups. The knowledge concerned mental illness and the possible impact on children when having mentally ill parents. The research questions also dealt with how the children and the adolescents talked about the meaning of being in a group. Qualitative semi structured interviews were used in order to capture the respondents? subjective experiences.

KBT-gruppbehandling av bipolär sjukdom : En pilotstudie

Bipolar disorder is a chronic affective disorder, characterized by episodes of mania and depression. Previous studies have shown beneficial results for CBT in conjunction with pharmacotherapy over pharmacological treatment alone. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a CBT treatment in group for patients with bipolar disorder, run by Norrlands universitetssjukhus. The treatment group consisted of pharmacologically stabilized patients (n=12) who received group CBT. They were compared to a control group (n=5) who received pharmacological treatment only.


This thesis was rendered for the client HAGS Aneby AB that is a global leader in playground equipment. The goal of this project was to develop a seesaw that is available for children aged 5-12 years; both with and without disabilities. The project has aimed to develop a seesaw that fits everyone in the target group without looking specially adapted.Children with disabilities have difficulty using today's seesaws because they consist of only a seat and a handle on each side. It requires that the user has strong arms and legs and can sit up without support. HAGS Aneby AB would like to change this.To gain knowledge of the target group and on the different types of disabilities information was sought for on the internet including the RBU's and UNICEF's websites.

Krishantering : New York Citys hantering av terroristattacken mot World Trade Center

ABSTRACT?Crisis Management? New York Citys management of the terroristattack against World Trade Center?Essey in political science, C-level, at Karlstad University, by Sara Kringsberg.Spring 2006. Tutor: Susan MartonThe purpose of this essay is to study New York Citys management of a larger crisis and to see how states are coping with stress. It is important to study how states manage stress so that states can learn to cope with larger crisis. That is important for the survival of the state and the protection of its citizens.

DISA - En bra metod för tonårspojkar?

The DISA method is a universal program developed for teenage girls to prevent depression. The program includes cognitive behavioral techniques are suppose to change negative pattern of thinking, give practice of communication, strategies of problem solution and exercises to strengthen the social network. The purpose of this study is to find out how a group of teenage boys were affected by the DISA program and what factors that may have impacted the outcome. Material from three different studies have been used, a quantitative study in terms of data from self-assessment form CES-D, materials from two semi-structured focus group interviews with the boys and material from a questionnaire filled out by the boys on two occasions during the DISA method. The result of the CES-D indicates that the boys had less depressive symptoms after the final group meeting compared to the first group meeting and also a year later. Analysis of the material from focus group interviews and questionnaire have been made from a communication theory and systems theory perspective and indicate a shift to greater cohesion in the group and demonstrates that communication between the boy-group and group leaders had importance for the outcome.

Vetenskap och makt. En analys av två vetenskapliga paradigms skilda maktlogiker.

This essay analyse the relationships between scientific paradigms and different logics of power in the field of psychiatry, primarily in the fields of attention disorders of children and schizophrenia. In these two fields of psychiatric research and treatment, there exist two scientific paradigms, a biological/neuropsychiatric and a socialpsychological, working from different standpoints regarding questions of ontology, epistemology and theories of value. Drawing from Thomas Kuhns paradigmatic theory of science, and Michel Foucaults concept of power, this essay proposes that different paradigmatic standpoints gives rise to different logics of power. Relying on the concept of power/knowledge and different paradigmatic standpoints, the essay states that the biological/neuropsychiatric paradigm produces a biological individualising logic of power that fixes the individual to his/hers biological condition. This in contrast to the socialpsychological paradigm, which on the basis of its paradigmatic standpoints produces a social-group related logic of power.

Bedömning- en viktig uppgift för läraren : Hur fyra lärare beskriver sitt arbete med bedömning i skolans yngre åldrar

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Användbarhet - En studie av BTH:s webbplats

Sammanfattning Idag finns många interaktiva tjänster, till exempel publika webbtjänster. Dessa tjänster väljer användaren själv om han/hon vill använda sig av. Detta betyder att produkten bör vara enkel och behaglig att använda, annars tappar man användare och eventuella kunder. Det finns ett flertal teorier och guidelines för hur man gör en webbplats användbar. I denna rapport har vi valt att behandla de teorier som rör navigering och informationsstruktur och jämför dessa med Blekinge Tekniska Högskolas webbplats.

Vad har ni använt för texter? : Upplevd textanvändning i fyra olika undervisningskontexter

The goal with this thesis was to look at various aspects of how teachers and students perceived the use of various texts in the collective teaching context in which they are participants. The purpose with that was to provide insight into aspects of the didactic processes that the texts and the usage of them are part of and demonstrate aspects of both the conditions and the opportunities for teaching conducted within the surveyed education. The essay analysis is based on interviews with four teachers and twelve students in a total of four teaching contexts (within subjects: Swedish and SO/Religion) about texts they worked with during a selected period of work.The essay is based on a theory of Kathleen MacCormick and Torlaug Hoel Lökkengaard where reading and writing are described as both an individual cognitive process and a common cultural process, impossible to completely separate from each other. The students description of their use of the texts show how they are influenced by teachers culture of teaching, in turn, influenced by the curriculum. In relation to Wiksten Folkeryd, af Geijerstam and Edling research on students movability in texts in the Swedish school, the survey shows some of the aspects that enable students to develop a higher level of movability in texts within the subject Swedish.

Elektroniska tidskrifter - var, när, hur och i så fall varför?

An increasing number of scholarly publishers are beginning to make their journals available electronically. At the same time there is a growing amount of exclusively electronic journals freely accessible on the Internet. These are facts that librarians have to take into consideration.This master's thesis aims to describe the electronic journal and its role in Swedish academic libraries. In a review of current literature about electronic journals, the authors discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and their impact on scholars, publishers and libraries. To investigate the situation in Sweden, a questionnaire was sent out to 43 academic libraries.Questions were raised about the selection and acquisition of electronic journals, access, technology and economy.The results show that almost half of the 35 responding libraries offer electronic journals to their users.

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