

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 46 av 112

Resursskola, berättigad skolform eller tvivelaktig placering? : -en studie ur elevperspektiv.

The purpose of this report is to investigate teachers views of whether pupils with Asperger Syndrome, autistic symptoms or ADHD shall go in ordinary classes or special groups. The study tells you about what difficulties these pupils often have, what adjustments they need in their schoolsituation and the positive and negative effects of joining a special group.A teacher for special needs, two teachers in special groups and two teachers in ordinary classes have been intervjued and earlier made researches have been studied.The conclusions of this study are that the decision of whether a pupil shall go in a normal class or a special group must be made individually. Most pupils who are capable to profit from the training in a normal class and pass their examination, shall go in a normal class. The greater part of the recommended adjustments are possible to do in a normal class. But it requires more resourses and teachers with better knowledges about theese handicaps..

Product Displacement : -  En studie om dess effekter

Syfte: Syfte med uppsatsen är att öka vår kunskap om product displacement samt att utreda den påverkan product displacement har på mottagaren sett ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Pararellt undersöks om fenomenet kan vara en fördel eller nackdel i marknadskommunikationen. Utgångspunkten i utredningen är att varumärkesinnehavare själva använder sig av product displacement.Metod: Denna studie har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats. Metodvalet har sin utgångspunkt i den bristande teorin då fenomenet product displacement är ett nytt begrepp sett ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Undersökningen bygger på tjugo kvalitativa intervjuer med mottagare av product displacement samt två respondenter med yrkesanknytning inom marknadsföring.Avgränsningar: Denna uppsats behandlar endast product displacements effekter på mottagaren som i vårt fall är begränsat till studenter i ålder 20-25 år.

Palliativ vård i hemmet - närståendes erfarenheter

Abstract Background: More and more people receiving palliative care in the home, leading to increased responsibility for the next of kin. Being a caregiver and at the same time next of kin is a complex situation for everyone involved. Next of kin´s everyday life changes drastically when everything revolves around the one who is seriously ill.Aim: To describe next of kin´s experiences of being caregivers to a palliative sick person at home. Method: A literature review in which eleven qualitative scientific articles were analyzed and summarized. Results: The results revealed three themes; experience of support, experience of changes in life and experience of strategies.

Djursjukskötarens roll i rehabiliteringen av inneliggande patienter på hästsjukhus

Veterinary hospital care and advanced veterinary services are rapidly growing industries. As of January 1, 2010, veterinary nursing became a licensed vocation, the title of veterinary nurse became protected, and the act regulating competence among the professions of the veterinary field was extended. These changes, along with increased demands and expectations from owners, have given rise to greater demands on the staff's qualifications and have increased the need for well-educated staff with expertise in several different areas. The aim of this study was to find out what the licensed veterinary nurse can do in terms of rehabilitation for the hospitalized equine patient suffering from orthopedic injury. This has been carried out through qualitative interviews with veterinary surgeons experienced in treating such patients, and also by reviewing the relevant literature.

Effekter av sjuksköterskeledda interventioner i undervisning av äldre patienter med hjärtsvikt : en litteraturstudie

Patients with heart failure have a high mortality and often readmits to hospital care, due to a lack of compliance in the treatment plan. Patient education on self-care provided by nurses is important in improving patient and clinical outcomes.The aim of this study was to describe effects of nurse led interventions of patient education for elderly patients with heart failure. Literature study based on nine quantitative scientific articles. The results shows that different nurse led interventions of patient education with patients with heart failure had positive effects on self-care management, quality of life, health related quality of life and hospital care. E-mail reminder to community nurses and telephone education shows to be the most effective patient education interventions.

En studie av coachers syn på framgångsrik coachning

Studiens syfte är att kartlägga begreppet coachning samt att undersöka vilka faktorer som utmärker framgångsrik coachning ur coachernas egna synpunkter. Grunden till undersökningen är att allt fler företag använder sig av coachning då dagens förändringstakt är snabb inom arbetslivet och i samhället. Coachning härstammar från den positiva psykologins rörelse och omfattar numera flera underarter såsom chefscoachning, karriärcoachning, relations- coachning. En kvalitativ personintervju gjordes med 19 stycken coacher och resultatet visade att de mest framgångsrika faktorerna för god coachning var personkemi, att inge förtroende, att vara närvarande, empati, lyhördhet och att kunna ställa kraftfulla frågor. Egenskaper som lyftes fram var självkänsla, självförtroende, att få bättre balans i livet, att hitta sig själv och att sätta gränser.Key words: Coaching, coach, personal growth, self-training.

Ungas syn på integration : En kvalitativ studie om invandrarungdomars syn på integration

The aim of this essay was to acquire an enhanced knowledge about young immigrants? point of view of integration. During a former practical training semester I became interested in what the young immigrants thought about their own integration, what their conception was about this issue. I found that it had different meaning to different persons, to some it meant assimilation, to others it meant being able to interact with the opposite gender. To examine this I used interviews and interviewed an amount of young immigrants in different stages of their studies in Swedish.

Passivhus, detaljutformning och dess köldbryggor

Along with rising energy prices and increasing awareness of environmental issues, the criteria for buildings energy performance have been sharpened through the years. Today, ?passive house? and ?low energy house? are commonly used phrases in the construction industry and is expected to become increasingly common in the future.For houses with well-insulated building envelope the importance of well constructed details increases when minimizing the heat losses. Examples of these details are floor-wall junction and window openings in the wall. In such connections thermal bridges occur, which means that heat more easily is transported out of the building, compared to the rest of the building envelope.This report deals with detail solutions around windows and a comparison between a traditional slab and a foundation from Koljern consisting of foam glass.

Psykofysiologisk utvärdering av strategiträning och stresshantering inom golfputtning

I föreliggande uppsats var syftet att i en mixad design med kontroll- och behandlingsgrupp, undersöka om psykofysiologisk strategiträning kan hjälpa individer att hantera stress samt förbättra sin prestationsförmåga i pressade situationer inom golfputtning. Strategiträningen innefattade en kombination av andning-, rörelse och kognitivt beteende. Resultatparametrar var a) fingertemperatur som indikerar förändringar i det sympatiska nervsystemet och b) ett protokoll som mätte prestationsdata. Data har analyserats med hjälp av ANOVA ?repeated measures? i SPSS.Huvudresultatet visar signifikant fingertemperaturskillnad mellan behandlings- och kontrollgruppen.

Fobibehandling.com : en pilotstudie av behandlingseffekt och deltagarupplevelse av en Internetbaserad behandling för specifik fobi.

This pilot study investigates possible treatment effects and participants' experience in an internet-based treatment of specicfic phobia. Changes in self-reported phobic fear were examined in a series of case studies and changes in attitudes towards avoidance and approach strategies were examined at group level. Seventeen DSM-IV diagnosed patients with specific phobia participated and 10 out of these completed the treatment.The results show that 80 % of the completing participants were clinically improved after the treatment and that the completing participants were significantly more negative towards avoidance strategies after the treatment. The evaluation of the disposition and user-friendliness of the treatment showed that the participants' overall view of the treatment was positive. The main advantage perceived was the flexible nature of the treatment, while the main disadvantages were the high level of motivation and discipline required from the participants.

Strong is the new... : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska fitnessbloggar

The purpose of this thesisis to examine the female body ideal of the Swedish fitness blogs and how it is reproduced. To answer the research question five of the most read female fitness blogs were chosen for a critical discourse analysis. The results show that pictures is an important communication event. The ideal is reproduced by representing bodies with desirable attributes in environments and poses that communicates positive feelings. There is a dialectic relation between picture and text in each published post.

Framtagandet av ett företags visuella produktidentitet

Aqeri has since the past year a new profile with name and logotype, which has createda need for an updated visual product identity. The company is a leading developer,producer and distributer of IT products suitable for extreme environments in industry,defense and vehicles. This new profile with the different segments has together with aproduct identity from two companies resulted in that they have no clear designidentity on their products. From this background the aim of this research is todetermine how a development of a design identity is done to implement it to Aqeri.The design identity can be defined as a product?s identity visualized through its formor appearance which defines what the product is.

The RECK gene and invasive cancer development : the significance of RECK in angiogenesis and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases

The RECK gene is a relatively new discovered gene with important implications for cancer research. The research has been primarily concentrated on the human gene with the ultimate aim to identify the invasive characteristics. Up regulated RECK is linked to significantly prolonged survival rates in patients with severe forms of malignancies. RECK is normally expressed in all cells of the body and has an important role in the balance between destructive and constructive features of the extracellular matrix. The RECK protein is a membrane-bound glycoprotein that inhibit matrix metalloproteinases which has the function of breaking down the ECM. There is a significant correlation between RECK gene expression and the formation of new vessels, presumably via the mediation of VEGF which is an important and powerful inducer of angiogenesis.

"Asperger är en del av mig, men jag är inte en del av Asperger" : Ungdomar om hur diagnosen Asperger syndrom har påverkat deras liv

Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka hur, ungdomar diagnostiserade med Asperger syndrom, ser på sina liv i relation till diagnosen, och möjliga konsekvenser av diagnostiseringen. I detta syfte genomfördes öppna djupintervjuer med sex individer boende i Skåne, samtliga i åldern 16 - 34 år.Diagnosens påverkan varierade från individ till individ. Två intervjupersoner hade mer eller mindre identifierat sig med diagnosen och upplevde att diagnosen förbättrat deras livssituation. Två intervjupersoner ifrågasatte sin diagnos, och uppgav att diagnosen inte förbättrat deras liv och, för en av de båda, dessutom försämrat livet, i form av kraftigare missbruk och ökat självskadebeteende. De två övriga intervjupersonerna undvek att tala om diagnosens inverkan på deras liv, och höll sig främst neutrala till diagnosen under intervjun..

"Magkänsla" i mötet med en värld av vetenskap - Delar av sjuksköterskans kliniska blick

Klinisk blick är en term som frekvent återkommer under sjuksköterskeutbildningen och i klinisk verksamhet. Den återfinns ofta i samband med klinisk bedömning och somen övergripande beskrivning av en patient. Endast antydda betydelser har framkommit och då tätt knutna till andra termer och processer. Syftet med studien var attundersöka komponenterna intuition och tyst kunskap som delar i sjuksköterskans kliniska blick. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 17 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades.

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