

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 44 av 112

Utbilda och forska är vi bra på - men att samverka? : En kritisk studie av Högskolan i Gävle och den tredje uppgiften

The cooperation between university and industry life in the region of Gävle is always a topic of importance. University and High schools have various roles to fulfill: except administrating the training and supporting research they should also - as a third role - contribute to cooperation between organizations, business companies and other associations. In addition to that, they should support individuals by local as well as regional development. The purpose of our paper is to make a critical review of the cooperation between the University of Gävle (HiG) and industry life until today and the consequences in order to encourage students to stay in the Gävle region during and after their period of studies.Initial we started with a preliminary inquiry with a questionnaire as a base for students in three programs at the Department of Economy; the program for Bachelor of Science, the program for estate agent and another economy program with direction estate economy. From this preliminary inquiry we got the picture of the way the students looked at the problem.

Livssituationen hos personer med bipolär sjukdom : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: När beslutet att flytta in på ett särskilt boende fattats förändras livssituationen för både den som drabbats av demens som för de anhöriga.Syftet: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att studera och beskriva anhörigas upplevelser i samband med att en person som drabbats av demens flyttar in på ett särskilt boende. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Litteratur­sökningarna gjordes i databaserna Medline och Cinahl efter relevanta artiklar. Sökord som användes var relatives, experience, caregivers burden, coping, dementia, nursing home, placement, decision, Sweden, family caregivers. Sexton vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Mångfald och interkulturell utveckling : En studie av två kulturverksamheter i Värmland

AbstractFor several years, the organic food sales have increased, and more are choosing to buyorganic food of more diverse causes. Unfortunately the sales have slowed down the past year,a lot depends on the Swedish economy has been in decline and it has led to more will checkone more time on the price. But even if the sale value has decreased, the amount of organicfood has increased, it is because many stores have their own organic brands and they can pushprices down.The internet has become a great help in our daily lives, we do most our business via theInternet. But now we are not just paying our bills through the Internet anymore, we shopclothes, movies, music and books too. E-commerce was become more serious last decade andhas grown every year that has passed.

Undervisning utan kursplan och betyg

Abstract My purpose of doing this study is to investigate the culture of delivering education in a strange combination of subjects labelled ?Language choice Swedish/English?. The activity however exists without curriculum, syllabus or certification. I want to put study the problem of delivering an educational activity without national certification. I will use a hermeneutic approach and render properly the headmaster?s, the teachers? and the students? views on the activity in one school.

Jämförelse mellan två tandvårdskliniker avseende progression och behandling av approximala kariesskador ? en journalstudie

Preventive measurements as well as clinical caries diagnostics are vital to retain a good dental health in the population. In order for optimal caries diagnostics radiographs are used. There is a great intra- and intervariation regarding cariesprogression. A large number of tools for cariesprevention at home or in the clinic are today used. The aim of this journal study was to compare the progression of carieslesions in the approximal area, diagnosed on radiographs, and preventive measures used to reduce cariesprogression between two examine dates on two dental clinics.

Läsförberedande arbetsböcker i förskoleklass och skola : Arbetsboken, en ö i havet

Workbooks are used and has been used for a long time in teaching context with younger children. Given that children start grade 1 after one year of preschool, I will in my study examine what type of activities that are presented in textbooks used for teaching younger children in pre-school and school grade 1. The purpose of the study is, through a selection of published skill-training materials investigate its pedagogical basic view related to reading and write form of education in pre-school and school grades 1. In line with the aim of the study and to answer the study questions, a qualitative text analysis and pictures analysis was carried out. The result shows that there are more similarities in content than the forms of the textbooks, there are assumptions about language as well as how images should be interpreted in a right way.

Mappningsstrategi på IKEA:s CDC-lager i Torsvik

This study has been assigned by Bengt Hellman who works at the logistic department at IKEA Torsvik just outside of Jönköping. The task has been to develop a new picking strategy for the Oversize area in the CDC-Warehouse. The reason why IKEA wants a new strategy is because they want to minimize the route length for the forklifts when collecting the orders.By evaluating the current strategies on other areas in the CDC-storehouse, study literature within this subject and look at restrictions for the storing of goods, we have analyzed how the Oversize area works today. We compared the gathered information, to how it should be done according to the literature to be able to work out a new functional strategy.Today, IKEA does not have a working strategy for the oversize area because of lack of time and because all the power has been put on other areas were sales rates are currently higher. This have led to lack of organisation at the Oversize area and items are just put were there is space without first analysing were it should be placed.The strategy that we have worked out and introduced to IKEA builds on easiness of understanding the layout, the employees shall know why an item is placed where it is.

Professionella som byter bransch : Hur vill de bli styrda?

The purpose of this study is to extend the understanding of how professionals in modern organisations want to be managed. We especially investigate professionals changing industries to describe if, and how, aprofessional in this situation is becoming a professional again after the change. This to find connections between intrinsic motivation and attitudes towards professionalism on one side, and applicable managerial methodson the other. Best practice in managing professionals is traditionally considered to be non-invasive methodologies such as indoctrination and training. Beyond that, operational-level management is usually considered to be bound to fail.The analysis suggests the following:? A professional changing industry will become professional again.? The driving force for becoming professional again is the strive for horisontal specialization, induced by higher education.? Management of professionals needs to account for the integrity of the horizontal specialization of the professional.

Rättspsykiatriska patienters upplevelse av vård och rehabilitering: en kartläggning utförd på en rättspsykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning i Helsingborg stad

Föreliggande arbete utfördes i Helsingborg. Forskningsansatsen var en kartläggning av vården hos målgruppen personer med diagnosen allvarlig psykisk störning dömda till rättspsykiatrisk vård. Syftet med studien var att undersöka och beskriva patienternas och personalens syn på vårdkvaliteten vid en rättspsykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning genom att utgå från patienternas uppfattning. Sammanlagt 26 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med båda grupperna samt fem intervjuer med personal inom socialförvaltningen. Resultaten visar på god samstämmighet och höga skattningar av rättspsykiatrisk personal och patienter där personalen genomsnittligen skattat något högre än patienterna.

Arbetsterapeuters informationssökningsbeteende: En intervjuundersökning vid en rehabiliteringsklinik

This thesis deals with the information-seeking behaviour of occupational therapists. Focus was on three different aspects of information-seeking behaviour. The purpose was to investigate how occupational therapists conceive of work-related information needs, their choice and use of formal and informal information sources and their use of the hospital library. Twelve interviews with occupational therapists were conducted at a rehabilitation clinic in a hospital. The theoretical frame consists of a general model of the information-seeking of professionals by Leckie, Pettigrew and Sylvain.

Var är göken? Översättning av japansk haiku

The topic of the present paper is to investigate and identify how two translators, Reginald Horace Blyth and David Landis Barnhill, differ in their translation of Japanese haikus by Matsuo Bashô to English. Three focal points of the study are; the translation of haiku rythm, the translation of kireji (a word for separating the haiku) and the translation of kigo (seasonal word). These three components are fundamental parts of Japanese haiku poetry and haiku experience, however there are no set rules on how to translate these haiku components to English. This study contains a comparative detailed analysis of five of Bashô´s haikus, in translation by Blyth and Barnhill. Sample haikus were selected from Blyth´s books A History of Haiku Vol.

Intern marknadsföring i turistföretag

The purpose of this thesis was to study managers in the tourism market who works with internal marketing towards their personnel. A case study with two tourism providers, Hotel La-ponia and Mix Ranch, was performed. The cases were based on personal interviews with the hotel manager at Hotel Laponia and with the owner of Mix Ranch. The research questions were based on why tourist providers use internal marketing and how tourist providers use internal marketing. The findings were that it was regarded as very important to have moti-vated, satisfied, and properly trained personnel in this business because they are the ones who have direct communication with the clients and they are an important issue to help the com-pany to success.

Sjuksköterskors attityder och kunskaper om trycksårsprevention

BACKGROUND: A Pressure ulcer means much suffering for many people. It also leads to big economical costs for the society. Therefore it?s of great importance to prevent pressure ulcers. If pressure ulcers are to be prevented nurses need to have sufficient knowledge about preventive strategies.

Konceptstudie av eltransmission för 8-hjulsdrivet fordon

SEP Modular Armoured Tactical System is the next generation of military vehicles developedby BAE Systems Hägglunds AB. At present time, BAE Systems Hägglunds AB aredeveloping a 6-wheel electrical hybrid and a conventional 8-wheel vehicle. The questionformulation was summarized as: ?In which ways can the electrical transmission in a hybriddriveline for SEP be designed, when the surrounding fixed interfaces are kept and the unity ofcomponents within SEP is maximized??. The purpose of this master thesis was to study avariety of concepts for hybrid propulsion.

Ljud i landskapsarkitektur : från buller till kvalitet

Landscape architects has many ways of transforming our cities and landscapes. Traditionally, most attention has been put to visual qualities. Pen and paper are well established as the way to present proposals and to analyse in the landscape architects profession and training. But are we perhaps missing out on other ways of seeing the landscape? The purpose of this paper is to present sound as a tool of transformation. Sound in public spaces has long been treated just as noise and therefore unwanted.

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