

1680 Uppsatser om Clinical training placement - Sida 41 av 112

Barns upplevelse av rädsla vid vård på sjukhus, samt hur sjuksköterskan kan minska densamma

When children are hospitalized they will face a new and unknown environment. Many children experience this situation as stressful and with fear. It is important that the nurse is aware of this fact in order to facilitate the hospitalization for the child. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fear that children feel when they are hospitalized, and to investigate the meaning of being well prepared for clinical examinations and procedures. The method used was a literature review.

Vision Enhancement System : Vilken betydelse har displayplaceringen?

At night, the visibility is reduced and the demands on the driver increase. A safety system that enables the driver to discover warmer objects in the surroundings when the visibility are reduced, such as the Vision Enhancement System (VES) contributes to safer night-time driving. Since the benefits of this system are established, it is of interest to investigate different design aspects. The VES display has in earlier studies been positioned in front of the driver but different display positions such as peripheral placement should be evaluated. The present simulator study is an investigation of the effects of different display positions inside the car.

Lungfibros hos hund : fallbeskrivningar, histopatologi samt analys av surfaktantproteiner

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic respiratory disease with an estimated incidence of 3-6 cases per 100 000 inhabitants in Sweden. There is no cure for the disease, which inevitably leads to death. A similar disease has been found among terrier dogs, with an especially high prevalence in the West Highland White Terrier (WHWT). Dogs with pulmonary fibrosis become lethargic with exercise intolerance, and in some cases they develop cough and respiratory distress. This thesis gives a brief review of the field of pulmonary fibrosis and presents a method for analyzing surfactant proteins in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) in the dog.

Förebyggande av smärta vid propofolinjektion : Jämförelse mellan lidokain och remifentanil

Propofol is an intravenously administered, hypnotic and short- acting pharmaceutical. One common sideeffect (>1:10) and therefore a disadvantage with propofol is the local pain that arise when the initial injection is given. Why the pain arise is not clearly understood. A majority of different pharmacological treatments, different doses and combinations, alternative administrations methods and physical interventions have been tried to reduce the pain when injection of propofol is given. One important task for the nurse is to relieve pain for patients.

Y-OQ 2.0 SR : En studie om behandlingens villkor och att tillämpa mätinstrument i behandling av ungdomar

The Youth Outcome Questionnaire 2.0 Self Report (Y-OQ 2.0 SR) has been implemented in residential treatment centre in the Municipality of Örebro as a result of the strive for a more evidence-based working approach within social work. This study aims to examine how personnel and adolescents describe the treatment/counseling and support and the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR in the units. The questions cover the values the personnel and adolescents ascribe to the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR, if the result from Y-OQ 2.0 SR is congruent with how the adolescents have been affected during the placement, which obstacles and/or possibilities emerge in the management of the instrument and if there are any indications that the Y-OQ 2.0 SR is advantageous or disadvantageous in the treatment process. The study has a qualitative approach; four interviews were carried out with adolescents and five with personnel. The result shows that structure is an important component in attaining a change in behaviour.

Från kunskapens öar till den ömsesidiga insiktens fastland

Från kunskapens öar till den ömsesidiga insiktens fastland Ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete för en personalutbildning med förankring i praktiken Anne Johansson Olsson Sammanfattning Denna uppsats redovisar ett utvecklingsarbete kring utformandet av en så kallad arbetsplatsanpassad utbildning. Arbetet bedrevs i samverkan mellan Transkulturellt Centrum (TC) i Stockholms Läns Landsting och Lina Hage samt Wasa vårdcentraler i Södertälje. Projektet syftade till att via inledande arbete, inventering av utbildningsbehov, utbildningsplanering, genomförande och utvärdering skapa en modell för en utbildning med fokus på vårdpersonalens möte med patienter som har erfarenhet av migration. Vårdcentralerna stod i början av 2007, i begrepp att inleda ett arbete med en delvis ny patientgrupp, asylsökande och nyanlända flyktingar samt anhöriginvandrare. Arbetet innebar ett förbättrat och utvidgat mottagande med erbjudande om hälsosamtal och till de asylsökande även en primärvård som motsvarade den övriga befolkningens.

Måltidsmönster, kost - och - medievanor bland överviktiga 15-åriga flickor och pojkar

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare equations used to calculate BMR to values of BMR obtained from measurements in order to determine the most suitable equation to be used on children and adolescents with CF.Design: The participants where children and adolescents with CF. Data was collected from the division of Clinical Nutrition at Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhus. Age, weight, height, BMI, BMR, FFM and FM was recorded from 27 measurements. BMR from the participants collected from the indirect respiratory calorimetry was compared to the results obtained from five equations used to obtain a calculated value of BMR.Results: Tverskayas equation was best correlated with the measured BMR for the whole group. The equation underestimated BMR for the participants with a measured BMR over 1400 kcal/24h and overestimated BMR for participants with a measured BMR under 1400 kcal/24h.

Vilken relation har fosterföräldrar till sina fosterbarn. : En kvalitativ studie av fosterföräldrarnas upplevelse av fosterföräldrauppdraget.

The purpose of this study is to explore the relations between foster parents and their foster children, what kind of motivation there is behind their involvement in foster children, how they experience the commission and what good parenting mean to them. The study is including eight foster parents. They have experience of both long and short placement of foster children. The results show that all these foster families have at least one child that they have a good relationship with. It is important to know that those children either have spent many years in foster families or arrived to foster families when they were very young or as infants.

Pilotutvärdering av KomHIT:

The study aimed to evaluate picture communication during clinical as-sessment and intervention procedures in paediatric care. As part of the project KomHIT (Augmentative communication in paediatric health care settings) care professionals at different care units were provided with education and designed pictorial supports. These consisted of appointment letters with pictorial support, visual schedules and communication boards with both general and specific vocabulary. Care professionals and parents to children with and without communication disabilities participated. Survey data from care professionals and parents at five care units was supplemented with qualitative data from an interview with a multiprofessional group at one of the care units.

Hur kan vårdpersonalens följsamhet av riktlinjer för handhygien ökas?

Bakgrund: När beslutet att flytta in på ett särskilt boende fattats förändras livssituationen för både den som drabbats av demens som för de anhöriga.Syftet: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att studera och beskriva anhörigas upplevelser i samband med att en person som drabbats av demens flyttar in på ett särskilt boende. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Litteratur­sökningarna gjordes i databaserna Medline och Cinahl efter relevanta artiklar. Sökord som användes var relatives, experience, caregivers burden, coping, dementia, nursing home, placement, decision, Sweden, family caregivers. Sexton vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.

Daglig verksamhet : En väg till arbete, eller ?

The purpose of this study was to examine two medium-sized municipalities are working to people with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to go from daily activities to a paid employment in the regular labor. Work is seen as a civil right and is a measure of participa-tion in society. The Swedish government believes that the work must be available to all that includes people with intellectual disabilities. Even so, daily activities, the contribution of LSS is increases the most. The daily activities will offer incentives, development, and community and shall contribute to people get access to work or studies.

Kan grad av degenerativ hjärnsjukdom prediceras med hjälp av mått på kognitiv försämring?

Can degree of degenerative brain disease be predicted with the help of measurements of cognitive deterioration?Alzheimer?s disease progresses through nerve cell break down in the brain and the simultaneous deterioration of the individual?s cognitive function. This disease is common among elderly persons. This thesis examines if the level of deterioration of cognitive function is associated with different biochemical and clinical markers for degenerative brain diseases. In addition, this thesis examines if the level of decline in cognitive functions vary between groups with different levels of degenerative brain disease.

Att skapa nya rum : Roomservice - en annan form av marknadsföring

Due to the technical development the enterprises of today are forced to creative thinking when it comes to marketing of their products. An example of one of these new methods are the development of product placement which has come to an interesting turn namely advertiser funded programming (AFP). Instead of the product just being a small part of the storyline it has become the story itself. The purpose of this study is to analyse how the advertiser funded tv-production Roomservice, a Swedish home styling program, communicates with it?s viewers as well as how they perceive the message.

Ledares syn på avhopp inom ungdomsishockey : En kvalitativ studie bland ledare i Norrbotten om vilka faktorer som påverkar avhopp

Dropout among youth players is a problem in Swedish icehockey. Leaders in youth hockey teams work closely with players on an almost everyday basis during season and have a big influence on players and their activities. This study aims to identify possible reasons for dropouts by interviewing coaches and leaders in icehockey clubs. A total of eight coaches and leaders in different ice hockey clubs were interviewed. Results show that the coaches highlight three reasons for early dropout; focus on competition, results and too much training in younger ages..

Kapsprickor och avverkningsaggregat

This study was made for the Swedish forest company Sveaskog because the sawmills they delivered timber to had noticed a high frequency of bucking splits in their products. Coworker Jim Edström at Sveaskog also wanted to know if there was a big difference between different felling heads. The purpose with this study has been to find out the amount of bucking splits and if there is any felling head brand that did a bigger damage that the others. The study was made in two steps, where the first part was a literary review to find out results and conclusions in earlier studies. The best measuring method to check bucking splits was the known ?trissmetoden?.

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