
Pilotutvärdering av KomHIT

The study aimed to evaluate picture communication during clinical as-sessment and intervention procedures in paediatric care. As part of the project KomHIT (Augmentative communication in paediatric health care settings) care professionals at different care units were provided with education and designed pictorial supports. These consisted of appointment letters with pictorial support, visual schedules and communication boards with both general and specific vocabulary. Care professionals and parents to children with and without communication disabilities participated. Survey data from care professionals and parents at five care units was supplemented with qualitative data from an interview with a multiprofessional group at one of the care units. The result showed that picture communication could help the child to participate, to understand what was about to happen, to talk and to ask questions and it could also reduce the child´s anxiety. The care professionals expressed that the picture communication material was a helpful tool, but did not fit all children or activities.


Magdalena Johansson Julia Wikholm

Lärosäte och institution

Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi


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