

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 21 av 86

Klimatförändringarna i nyhetsdiskursen : En kritisk diskursanalys av klimatrapporteringen i Dagens Nyheter och New York Times

Titel: Klimatförändringarna i nyhetsdiskursen Antal sidor: 47 Författare: Emelie Sahlström & Sofia Öström Handledare: Ulrika Olausson Kurs: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap CPeriod: HT 2010Universitet: Avdelningen för Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Institutionen för humaniora, utbildning och samhällsvetenskap, Örebro universitetSyfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om och i så fall hur klimatförändringarna i nyhetsdiskursen i New York Times och Dagens Nyheter har likheter, respektive skiljer sig åt. Vi undersöker också om klimatrapporteringarna är uppbyggda genom nationella eller globala identitet, om något ansvar utkrävs samt vilka som tillskrivs detta ansvar och om det finns en vetenskaplig säkerhet eller osäkerhet gentemot klimatförändringarna. Utifrån dessa har vi i slutdiskussionen diskuterat hur resultaten kan kopplas till USA:s och Sveriges klimatpolitik.Teorier: Teorierna är relaterad och presenteras i relation till tidigare forskning. De teorier som används i denna uppsats är, ansvarsutkrävande, vetenskaplig säkerhet och osäkerhet samt identitet. Metod och material: För att uppfylla syftet använde vi en kritisk diskursanalys samt mikro- och makronivåerna. Vi har analyserat 8 artiklar från New York Times och 9 artiklar från Dagens Nyheter.Resultat: Resultaten visar att DN och NYT, som Europa och USA står mot varandra i klimathanteringen.

Modellerade och uppmätta kväveflöden i energiskog som bevattnas med avloppsvatten

The aim of this essay was to study the nitrogen flow in two willowplantations, at different locations in the south of Sweden, that wereirrigated with sewage. The study was also performed to compare thedifferences in nitrogen flows between two years, 1998 and 1999. The studywas made in three parts. First, the denitrification activity was measuredusing the acetylen inhibition method. Second the nitrogen flow, as well asthe water- and heat flows, were modeled through the SOIL-SOILN-modelThird; the nitrogen flow was calculated to compare with the results fromthe model.The results from the measurements were then compared with the resultsfrom the SOILN-simulations to detect differences in the denitrificationrate.

Närproducerat : Attityder och definitioner bland Uppsalastudenter

From an environmental and climate perspective we are becoming more and more aware of what we eat. Consumers want to know how their food is produced and where it is coming from. A term commonly used in this discussion is local produce. At this time, there is no clear definition of the term and a wide range of definitions can be found. However, despite this lack of definition, the term is often being used by producers, traders and consumers..


AbstractOur world is facing new challenges depending on the climate changes. The UN panel of climate changes has determined that the human race is responsible for the changes, but also that we have the opportunity to reduce the effects. This demands that the information reaches out to the public which means that the school system carries major responsibility to this type of questions. This also means that the teachers have to be observant, and give the questions the attention which is needed. The purpose of this essay is to see if this awareness exists today among active teachers and teacher students and if the perspective differs among them, but also their opinions is in agreement with the course plan in the subject.

Effekter av "Billigaste väg" för Stora Enso Skogs transportverksamhet :

Transportation constitutes a large part of the forest industry's raw material costs. Transport also contributes a significant proportion of the carbon dioxide emissions. In order to reduce both the cost and environmental impact different types of decision support are required. These, in turn, require extensive information about the road network and correct information on road path selection and transport distances. In the development of national road data base for forestry (SNVDB) a road selection application has been included.

CSR och lönsamhet i tre dimensioner : Praktiska exempel, Economic Value Added och tidigare forskning

Title: CSR and profitability in three dimensions ? practical examples, Economic Value Added and previous researchAuthors: Linda-Marie Emilsson & Martina Classon Subject: Business AdministrationDate: 2011-05-26Mentor: Krister BredmarProblem description: Scientists have for a very long time disagreed about whether or not companies should work with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and if there is any correlation between CSR and profitability. There are mainly three different views according the correlation: CSR have a neutral impact on financial performance, CSR have a positive impact on profitability and CSR have a negative impact on profitability. One of the reasons behind the disagreement is the complexity measuring CSR. Scientist claims that EVA is a measure that can be used to measure the correlation between CSR and profitability.        Purpose: The intention with our essay is to find out if there is any correlation between CSR and profitability.

Klimatkabinett : Komponenter och konstruktion

This report describes the construction of a climate-cabinet for testing of HV-cards (High Voltage) produced at VG Scienta. The main part of the report describes all the different components of the cabinet. The most important parts are a PID regulator from Eurotherm model 2408, a solid state contactor (SSC), a thermocouple, a finned resistor from DBK and different fans. The report even includes the connection between components by cable wiring, isolation, grounding, fuses and shaping of metal goods.As the cabinet also communicates with a computer, the report includes the solution of the data communication using the software iTools from Eurotherm. The communication part includes information about a converter that converts EIA422 to USB.The cabinet was produced at a company, called VG Scienta, in Uppsala during the spring 2010.

Pellets - en framtidsmarknad?

With higher prices for oil and increased focus on fossil fuels impact on the environment the heating sector are searching for alternative fuels. Pellets are a quite new product whose production has risen exponential in recent years. Today there are small-, medium-and large-scale users, where the large-scale consumers are the heating sector. The heating sector is mainly using oil to cover the increased demand during cold periods. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of pellets if it would replace thermal power plants oil and coal. The study will also analyze the economic impact a conversion would mean for a heating plant and if the pellet is a reasonable substitute. 2008 statistics from the Swedish district heating association were analyzed and a calculation was performed to determine how many tons of pellets is needed to replace coal and oil.

Redesign of an existing apartment block in Kv Preussen to passive house

Passive houses are a relatively new concept in Sweden and by that it is meant a house without a traditional heating system. The most acknowledged passive house project is the terrace houses in Lindås, Gothenburg, which we have used as a reference. This project concerns a square apartment block. So far, no square apartment block has been built as a passive house in Sweden.The common opinion in the construction industry is that it is not economical to build extremely energy efficient houses. With Peab as commissioner our task was to investigate if that is true, if regarding the construction of a multi storey house as a passive houseMidroc, now owned by Peab, constructed in the block of Preussen in Jönköping during 2004-2005 four houses, with 132 apartments distributed on seven floors.

Energiförbrukning för putsade, odränerade träregelväggar i fuktigt respektive torrt tillstånd

In recent years, moisture damages have been noticed in rendered, undrained stud walls. The design is built on the principle one-stage tightening which means that there is no air gap in the construction. The damages have occurred when water has permeated through the rendering in leaking connections and fittings for windows, doors, canopies, balconies, terraces and awnings. Behind the plaster carrier, which consists of either polystyrene or rigid mineral wool, plasterboard has often been used as a wind protection barrier. In many cases the wind protection barrier and the underlying wooden studs have been exposed to mould and in some cases even rot.

Nötköttsproduktion i Västerbotten

Beef production in Sweden has traditionally been about rearing of dairy calves to slaughter. With reduced number of dairy cows and accordingly less dairy calves for slaughter, there has been a need for new forms of beef production in Sweden. In Västerbotten there are good conditions for beef production with a high feeding level of roughage due to favourable climate. The aim of this thesis is to, through interviews with ten farmers with beef production in Västerbotten, study what and with how much they feed their animals and link the results to production level. The thesis begins with a literature review where the general feeding standards and feeding recommendations for beef cows and growing cattle are examined.

Det moderna risksamhället: En studie om klimatrisker inom kommunal krisberedskap

Klimatförändringarna är numera ett fenomen vi inte kan bortse ifrån. De sker här och nu och det råder mer eller mindre gemensam vetenskaplig konsensus om att så är fallet. Med klimatförändringarna kommer risker vi i nuläget har väldigt svårt att förutse och förhålla oss till och därmed påverkas integrationen av dessa i den kommunala krisberedskapen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer det är som påverkar integrationen av klimatrisker inom den kommunala krisberedskapen. Resultatet är baserat på ett antal intervjuer som har genomförts med personer inom kommun och kommunfullmäktige.

Solenergi : en lönsam investering för ett lantbruk?

A possible way to reduce pollution and slow down the process of global warming is to increase the usage of renewable energy sources. One of these renewable energy sources is solar power. With the aid of solar panels and solar cells the energy from the sun can be transformed into both heating and electricity. The requirement to use the sun in this fashion is a suitable surface, for example a big roof, an angle between 40-60 degrees and that the surface should be exposed to the south. Almost every farm meets these requirements.

Flygets framtid : Från problem till möjligheter

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the airline industry and its part in the mobile community. Further on, to investigate the factors that throughout history are having an impact on the airline industry and have lead to the condition of today. Through this information we are outlining the future of the airline industry.This essay has been written in a qualitative approach. The empirical gathering has been made through interviews based on open discussions between the interviewers and respondents. We started out with creating a theoretical pre-understanding and continued by comparing how well these theories matched the reality.The gathering of the theoretical material was chosen on the basis how well it matches the subject of our essay.

Hegemoniska diskurser i gymnasieskolans verksamhetssystem och betydelsen av dessa för gymnasisters utvecklande av demokratisk kompetens: : En diskursanalytiskt inspirerad studie från ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv med fokus på hegemoniska struktu

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how a bank?s features and internal factors have affected its choice of method in calculating the capital requirement.Theoretical and Empirical Method: The research strategy of this study has been of a qualitative nature with a deductive approach. The choice of method was depth interviews with respondents from a targeted sample of Swedish banks. These respondents were chosen based on the knowledge they possess as key employees in the capital requirement process and their involvement in choosing their banks? method for calculating the capital requirement.

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