

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 20 av 86

Vision Nollenergihus : Energiförsörjning av passivhus med sol- och vindenergi

Climate change is the modern society?s common issue. The developed countries areconsuming more than what is sustainable, and the climate change due to the use offossil fuels can be seen clearly. EU has specified goals, in order to stop furtherdamage, which demand that every member state have to reduce its energyconsumption by 20 % before 2020 and 50 % before 2050, relative to 1995.The Swedish government uses a number of instruments to encourage reduction in theusage of energy, but every individual has to contribute to reach the goals.With increasing energy price the cost of living is going up. A lot of people are lookingfor ways to save energy and not be affected as much by the increasing price.Investments for insulation, replacement of windows and replacing old heating systemfor a new efficient heat pump is getting more and more common.This thesis is about investigating the possibilities in becoming independent from buyingenergy for households.

Planering info?r ett stigande hav : en kvalitativ studie om hur Stockholms stads politiker och planerare fo?rha?ller sig till klimatanpassning info?r ho?gre havsniva?er

Uppva?rmningen av klimatet resulterar i att havsniva?n stiger globalt. Detta riskerar att fa? omfattande sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska konsekvenser, i synnerhet fo?r omra?den som angra?nsar mot kusten. I Sverige har kommunerna planmonopol och fo?rva?ntas ta ett stort ansvar fo?r klimatanpassning.

Våga fråga: Faktorer som påverkar psykologisk trygghet i team

This thesis aims to further study the interpersonal risk taking within groups and thereby the importance of a climate promoting a reflective behavior. The increased demand in complexity and exposure towards teamwork leads to increased call for knowledge integration, which can be explained as the ability to integrate the collective knowledge within the group. We have therefor identified a need for better understanding what makes a group more effective. Key factors for self-estimated effective collaboration have been shown to be a group's reflective behavior and ability to coordinate the skills that each individual possesses. These factors are greatly affected by the psychological safety within the team.

Tätning eller ventilering mot fukt på kalla vindsutrymmen

This study was done regarding whether sealing or ventilation is the best solution to prevent moisture on cold attics. The authors of this report addressed the problem with moisture in attics when they started their cooperation with Peab.The methods included interviews with people, database research, and calculations of a project in Akersberga north of Stockholm. The conclusion is based on interviews and other information as they are analyzed in relation to the house of reference. The focus of this report is on problems with moisture in the attics known as cold attics.The background of the problem with moisture is that today?s slabs are usually insulated to save energy and that the attics nearly gives the climate as the outdoor climate.

Effekter av en idrottspsykologisk utbildningsintervention för friidrottstränare : med fokus på tränares förhållningssätt och ungdomars motivation och upplevelse av tävlingsnervositet

Abstract Aim: Since there is a lack of research based educational interventions concerning the relationship between coaches and young athletes, the aim of this study was to implement and examine the effects of sport psychology intervention for coaches in a track and field club. The research questions were: What are the effects of an educational intervention for coaches, with focus on a motivational climate, on: A) the coaches´ coaching approach B) their athletes´ goal orientation and C) their athletes´ perceived competitive anxiety?Method: The coach education stretched over two months and consisted of four two-hour lessons with focus on motivational climate, goal orientation and sport anxiety. Six coaches (three females, three males), aged 38-52 (M=44.33 years, SD=4.84) and their 59 athletes (27 males and 32 females) aged 12-14 (M=13.10 years, SD=0.82), participated in the study. A control group of 35 athletes (10 males and 25 females), of the same age (M=13.46 years, SD=0.70) and with similar demographic data, was also recruited.

Stöpt i kulspruteolja en litteratursociologisk studie av den unglitterära tidskriften 40-tal och dess idéklimat.

This masters thesis is a study of the ideas brought forward in the literary magazine 40-tal. The methodology involves the adaptation of a literary sociological perspective where the ideas of the young literary avantgarde in the magazine 40-tal interplays with the established philosophy of the Swedish society during the period 1944-47. The main purpose has been to examine 40-tal as a product of supreme individuality that originates a unique climate of ideas which exceeds the involved collaborators individual writings. I have thereby related my analysis to the Marxist oriented theories of Raymond Williams. This has been done in order to see how the external pressure of the social structure and the market acts together with the internal pressure of keeping up with the times and how this affects the individual authors and the process of creating.

Pedagogiska miljöer kan skapas överallt på skolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare ser på samspelet mellan lärande och miljö i Svenska skolor i Thailand

It is extremely important that the construction of the environment where children and youngsters spend the majority of their days supports the progress of their mentality. That is why I in this study will investigate what a certain amount of teachers consider of the interplay between learning and environment and how they thought a satisfactory environment structure eras of learning and also what the teachers consider to be missing at this point.The schools where I gathered my material are located in Thailand but they use the Swedish curriculum as a starting point and the students at these schools are mostly Swedish speaking.An important element that I came across was the impact of the surrounding on how to shape and use the environment as a tool in the teaching. Thailand?s climate is different than the Swedish climate; I want to investigate if that has any effect in the teaching.The educational environment in schools includes not only the classrooms but also every other space closely connected. Earlier scientific research as well as those people that I used as objects for interviews agrees regarding the fact that a suitable and stimulating environment are one of the most impact on how well children learn.

Växtanvändning i krävande miljöer : en studie i sydvästra skåne

Vegetation is a much appreciated element in our outdoor environment that has many advantages as well for the climate as for people?s health. However in some types of environments vegetation may be problematic. Especially in urban areas with limited space, solid surfaces, pollutions, and warm and dry climate. In these environments vegetations may have difficulty surviving and moreover it may have a negative impact on the environment around it.

Arbetsklimatet på militärhögskolan Karlberg : Finns det skillnader i upplevelser/erfarenheter mellan män och kvinnor på officersprogrammet i kullen 07-10 vad gäller härskartekniker?

This study focuses the gendered relations of the Military Academy of Karlberg. More specific the study is investigating the experiences among young women and men cadets of suppression techniques. The purpose of the study is to get more knowledge about the work climate and suppression techniques at the officers? training program 2007/2010. The research questions employed for the study were:- Do the women and men officer students/cadets have any experiences of master suppressiontechniques at the officers? training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques occur at the officer?s training program?- What kind of master suppression techniques do women experience?- What kind of master suppression techniques do men experience?The study is a survey and data were retrieved by a questionnaire sent out to the participants.

Energieffektiva bostäder i Kurdistan - Förslag på bostadshus i den kurdiska delen av Irak

Staden Sulaymaniyah ligger i den kurdiska delen av Irak och har på senare år utvecklats då många valt att flytta från landsbygden till den centrala delen av staden. Nybyggandet sker under tidspress och långsiktigt hållbara lösningar prioriteras inte. Målet är att ta fram ett hus som är anpassat för majoriteten av befolkningen och samtidigt få ett bra och energieffektivt inomhusklimat. En faktainsamling genomfördes för att ge bakgrundsinformation till projektet. Vidare gjordes en planlösning till huset i AutoCAD vilken har använts som grund till utformningen av huset och smarta lösningar.

Att tårta en politiker ? Hot mot demokratin eller bara lite vaniljvisp i örat?

Title: Att tårta en politiker - hot mot demokratin eller bara lite vaniljvisp i örat?Number of pages: 35Authors: Maja Larsson & Josefin WetterbergTutor: Marina GhersettiCourse: JournalistikgranskningPeriod: Fall 2013University: University of Gothenburg, Dept. of journalism, media and communicationPurpose/aim: Our main purpose with this study is to examine and describe the reporting of two similar events, two pieings of well-known politicians in Sweden. The first incident, took place the 17th of April 2001, whereas the second pieing is more recent, 5th November 2013. We aim to understand the differences between these two with knowledge of the political climate in Sweden, but also by journalistic and scientific tools, such as framing theory and CDA.Material/Method: In order to fulfill the purpose of this study we have chosen to use a qualitative method of content analyzes, the critical discourse analyzes, combined with framing theory.

Utvärdering av åtgärdskartor för bostadsrättsföreningar : ett verktyg för val energieffektiviseringsåtgärder

The municipality in Uppsala has set up goals for the future work concerning climate-and energy issues. As one way to achieve these goals the municipality started aproject called Uppsala climate protocol. During one of the project meetings anabatement map was presented. The map showed what savings in carbon dioxide andmarginal costs for different actions can be made. Statistics show that 40 % of thepopulation in Uppsala lives in a condominium.

Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : Undersökning av lönsamheten med energieffektivare ventilation

This thesis is based on a case study for the real estate manager Mimer in Västerås. Mimer provides a great deal of this city?s rental apartments. Many of their buildings have ventilation systems with a type of heat-recovery called ?heatpipe?.

County Branding : En studie i kommuners marknadsföring mot företag

There is a mutual dependency between the business world and the country?s municipalities. The municipalities are dependent on the companies to create work and tax income while the companies are dependent on the municipalities they are located in to provide good infrastructure among other things.Apart from this the municipalities can work activly with creating a strong brand in the eyes of the companies and many researchers in marketing agree that marketing of places will be more common in the future. Marketing of municipalities is however still a rather new and unexplored area and it is uncertain how and to what extent the municipalities work with this.The thesis is formulated:How are the municipalities working to market towards companies and is it possible to make out any positive change from these marketing efforts?The goal of this study is:Our goal is to examine how the view of marketing of places differs from different municipalities in the Stockholm region, how some of these municipalities work with this and how far they have come in this work.

Organisationskommunikation i praktiken En kommunikationsgranskning på Arkivator Falköping AB

The goal of this Masters thesis is to examine how people at the production department of Arkivator Falköping AB perceive the internal organisational communication transfer and exchange of information, by means of a communication audit. The objectives are also to characterise the communication climate and the respondents satisfaction with the internal organisational communication within the organisation. The results of the study are compared with the companys information policy and with previous research in organisational communication. Answers from different demographic groups within the population are compared. The communication audit was conducted using a modified and added version of a questionnaire originally compiled by the International Communications Association.

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