

1286 Uppsatser om Climate calculation - Sida 19 av 86

Miljöbyggnad i ombyggnadsprocessen : Miljöcertifiering av Jakobsbergsskolan i Kristinehamn

Climate change is an increasingly widely known concept. In the EU the construction sector is responsible for more than a third of the carbon dioxide emissions and 40 % of the total energy use. In Sweden, measures have been taken to prevent this climate change. By 16 targets, three of which can be linked to the construction sector, Sweden will reduce the negative trend. None of the three goals with relation to the construction sector will however be achieved before 2020.

EU som global aktör : En fallstudie av klimatförhandlingarna i Köpenhamn

This essay examines the European Union?s (EU) ability to play a leading role as a global actor on the world stage in international relations. Specifically, this essay studies the EU?s role of negotiator in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.  This essay also analyzes explanations for this role. Research is based on case studies, with conclusions drawn using an inductive approach.

Motivationsklimat, målinriktning och självkänsla inom CrossFit

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var undersöka sambanden mellan motivationsklimat, målinriktning och självkänsla inom CrossFit jämfört med konditionsbaserad gruppträning. Vidare undersöktes om Modellen för sambandet mellan motivationsklimat, individuella skillnader, och känsla och motivation kunde appliceras inom CrossFit. I studien deltog sammanlagt 95 deltagare, både CrossFitutövare (N=45) och deltagare inom konditionsbaserad gruppträning (N=50) från sydvästra Sverige. I studien användes Perceived Motivational Climate in Sports Questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ-2), Achievement Goals Questionnaire for Sports (AGQ-S) samt Physical Self Perception Profile-R (PSPP-R). Resultatet visade en signifikant skillnad i uppgiftsorienterat klimat och självkänsla mellan CrossFitutövare och deltagare i konditionsbaserad gruppträning.

Klimatflyktingar, en fråga om samarbete? : En studie om internationellt samarbete i kontexten klimatflyktingar

I takt med att de globala klimatförändringarna fortsätter kommer konsekvenserna bli allt mer ödesdigra. Vissa av dessa konsekvenser förbises ofta i den globala debatten och i världspolitikens inflytelserika kretsar. Uppskattningar gör gällande att så många som 200 miljoner människor blivit förskjutna som en konsekvens av klimatförändringarna. Detta aktualiserar frågan om klimatflyktingar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera varför det internationella samarbetet gällande klimatflyktingar kan betraktas som begränsat.

En analys av sa?ljklimatet i komplexa business-to-business relationer : En utredande nula?gesanalys i kontrast till Insight Selling

The thesis aims to describe the current sales climate in the context of complex sales in business-to-business. The purpose is to increase the clients knowledge of sales and test the clients hypothesis that the sales climate is changing from Solution Selling to Insight Selling, further the thesis aims to contribute to the scientific debate of sales. Solution Selling is characterized, as the name suggest, by selling of solution to the customers needs. With Insight Selling the seller has a provocative approach towards the customer and the seller is searching for customers in the need of change. This is a qualitative study conducted with eight interviews and one focus group.

Effektiv lagerstyrning genom tillförlitlig prognostisering : Effective inventory control through reliable forecasting

This study was done regarding whether sealing or ventilation is the best solution to prevent moisture on cold attics. The authors of this report addressed the problem with moisture in attics when they started their cooperation with Peab.The methods included interviews with people, database research, and calculations of a project in Akersberga north of Stockholm. The conclusion is based on interviews and other information as they are analyzed in relation to the house of reference. The focus of this report is on problems with moisture in the attics known as cold attics.The background of the problem with moisture is that today?s slabs are usually insulated to save energy and that the attics nearly gives the climate as the outdoor climate.

Medarbetares uppfattning av säkerhetsklimatet: Skillnader utifrån anställningsår och anställningsform avseende ledningens och arbetsgruppens säkerhetsarbete

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad mellan de som varit anställd få respektive många år samt mellan de som arbetade dagtid och de som arbetade skift gällande uppfattningen av säkerhetsklimatet avseende både ledningen säkerhetsarbete och arbetsgruppens säkerhetsarbete på ett bruk inom massa- och pappersindustrin. Totalt deltog 92 medarbetarna i studien och dessa fick besvara frågeformuläret, Nordic Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50). Resultatet visade att de som arbetat många år uppfattade både ledningens och arbetsgruppens säkerhetsarbete som bättre än de som arbetat få år. Det visade sig även att de som arbetade dagtid uppfattade, om än bara i närheten till signifikant, ledningens säkerhetsarbete bättre än de som arbetade skift. Att ha en förståelse kring att det finns skillnader i uppfattningen av säkerhetsklimatet och vad dessa kan bero på kan vara av vikt för att skapa ett bättre säkerhetsarbete på företaget, något som diskuteras i uppsatsen..

Tillämpning av nya beräkningsmetoder för branddimensionering av  träkonstruktioner - analyser och jämförelser

To build high-rise buildings made of timber has for long been limited by national laws, due to the lack of knowledge in engineering solutions. Frame structures made of wood has for a long time been associated with major fire hazards and consequently lower safety and this connection is still being made today. The increased environmental awareness in recent years has contributed to the exploitation of indigenous building materials, including wood from our own Swedish forests and has become increasingly common. Increased knowledge about how structures behave in fire and how they can be protected in order to achieve safe timber structures has resulted in a growing interest in these structures in the construction industry. Research in the area is constantly updated and new laws allow any number of storeys in wooden buildings in Sweden as long as the performance requirements are fulfilled.The main part of this work has involved calculations of the fire resistance and load bearing capacity of floor and wall constructions.

Rening av lakvatten vid deponin Degermyran i Skellefteå kommun : Utvärdering av nuvarande reningseffekt och simulering av mängden bildat lakvatten under 2000-talets klimatförändringar

At Degermyran landfill, situated in the municipal Skellefteå, a leachate treatment system was installed in 2005. One of the aims of this study was to investigate how well the treatment system works by using data from chemical measurements made on the leachate before and after treatment. Further this study had the purpose of investigating how the predicted climate changes of the 21st century will affect the amount of leachate generated at Degermyran by using a modified version of Thornthwaites water balance model. The treatment system has the ability of reducing manganese by 90 %, nitrogen by 73 % och TOC by 79 %. By the turn of this century the amount of precipitation that percolates the waste at Degermyran will be between 254 and 298 mm, depending on the amount of greenhouse gases that will be released in the future to come.

Hot och risker med dricksvattenförsörjning : Förutsättningari tid och rum för bevarande av Sundsvalls och Timrås dricksvattenförsörjning

This study describes what impact activity within Wifstas, Matfors,Grönstas and Nolbys water protection areas have on the quality of the drinkingwater. It considers the use of the area, environmentally dangerous activitiesin the past and present, the geology?s part, what harm hydroelectric power damsmay cause if they break and how climate change might affect the area in thefuture. It also takes into consideration activities outside the waterprotection areas which might have a suspected impact on the water quality. Theresults of the study are that pollution from infrastructure such as roads, orwastewater from treatment plants may cause occasional contamination of thedrinking water, foremost due to flooding.

Mångfaldens Jakobsberg : En plats för alla

The municipality in Uppsala has set up goals for the future work concerning climate-and energy issues. As one way to achieve these goals the municipality started aproject called Uppsala climate protocol. During one of the project meetings anabatement map was presented. The map showed what savings in carbon dioxide andmarginal costs for different actions can be made. Statistics show that 40 % of thepopulation in Uppsala lives in a condominium.

Fuktsäkert byggande : Sjönära bostäder i Östra Hamnen i Västerås

Housing construction very close to the lake Mälaren has become very popular today. One potential problem with these houses is the influence of the sea climate. Unprotected buildings are affected by strong winds and precipitation. So for that reason, it is very important to make an accurate climate investigation and use it for decision-making during the planning of the new settlement.It is very important with a good moisture protection regarding pelting rain, that is the combination of wind and rain. This is more important for buildings close to a lake, as this location normally means a higher exposure to wind.

Nollenergihus i Borlänge : Är det möjligt med biomassa, solenergi och vindkraft?

This report is of technical character and treats how to plan a small building in Borlänge, Sweden.The technical components that have been treated in the report are the construction, foundation,installations and thermic abilities of the house. In addition to planning this house the report alsocontains a part that deepens in net zero energy buildings. The purpose of the report is toinvestigate if the house in Borlänge can be constructed to meet net zero energy buildingdemands.Energy efficient houses such as passive- and net zero energy houses are showing more frequenton the market in Sweden. Ongoing climate changes and growing consciousness about theenvironment in society have contributed to that the environment is a well discussed topic. Toconsume small amounts of energy and at the same time produce local energy is thereforesomething that lies in the future and future houses.

Energianalys mellan programmen IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) och Enorm

An increase interest of new methods and tools has begun to grow in the real estate business, this new trend causes an increase in new programs that aim to simplify processes of energy-efficiency and environmental issues.After consulting with Björn Alsmark from Bjerking AB, an architect and engineering company, we made a decision that the Degree Project is going to examine the program IES (Integrated Environmental Solutions) with some integrations from Revit Architecture application.To be able to examine IES, we got access to a completed project from Bjerking. The project is a nursery school in Uppsala. An application has been handed in from Bjerking to make this project to a Green Building-certificated project. According to Bjerking own calculations (with the energy-calculation program Enorm), the consumption of energy of the nursery school is 48 percent lesser than required by BBR.An evaluation of IES and Enorm has been made with an aim to compare these two programs and find out if IES is an appropriate program to replace Enorm. Does Enorm or IES come up to BBR´s recommendations?The Degree Project cover 15 ECT, that required several adjusting and delimitations, and the study sketch ended with a literature study.After finishing the study sketch the modeling of the nursery school began.

Beräkningsverktyg för plattformar till seriekompenseringsanläggningar

ABB is one of the world?s leading engineering companies in power and automation technologiesand their solutions improve performance while lowering environmental impacts for energycompanies and industries. ABB FACTS designs equipment and plants for series and phasecompensation.This thesis has been performed at ABB FACTS on the Mechanical Design (DM) department inVästerås, Sweden. The purpose of the thesis was to develop and design calculations andsimulation tools for ABB FACTS?s standard series capacitor platforms.

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