

1686 Uppsatser om Client participation - Sida 46 av 113

Horisonter för samverkan. Om föräldrasamverkan i ett mångkulturellt område

In focus of this study lie students of an upper secondary school in a multicultural district, where more than 60 % of the students fail to reach the national goals for education. Since this particularly exposed group of students receives little attention during my studies in the Special Educational Teacher Programme, I have felt an ever growing urge to examine this group closer. As a basis for this study stands theories on how children and youths, in particular those of immigrant background, need holistic consistency and continuity in order to be able to build a positive development of identity. The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities of developing parent cooperation in a multicultural district, through finding out what teachers and parents expect and desire from parent cooperation. I also want to find out how parents and teachers think that a working parent cooperation affects the student.

Hur kan den interaktiva skrivtavlan fungera som ett stöd i matematiklärandet i F-3?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine which role public libraries play or could play within bibliotherapy. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five librarians who, in one way or another have experienced bibliotherapy activities. Further, we have interviewed two treatment assistants and one counsellor, who have cooperated with the librarians, to get their view. We have used the following research questions: Which bibliotherapeutic activities, if any, are pursued in public libraries in Sweden, and how do they look upon bibliotherapy? What role do public libraries play/could play within bibliotherapy? Ever since the term bibliotherapy was coined in the beginning of the twentieth century, the definition has been under debate. We have identified four main subjects of discussion.

Gapet mellan teori och praktik i pappersprototypande : en studie i diskrepans mellan det ideala arbetssättet akademin förespråkar och hur praktikern faktiskt arbetar

This study presents an alternate viewpoint to the strive to overcome the gap between research and practitioners within paper prototyping in interaction design. Earlier research identifies three aspects of this gap, which is:Practitioners being unaware of interaction design methods and theoriesPractitioners being aware, but choosing not to apply these methods and theories, due to time, budget and constraints of labourPractitioners and research having different perspective on similar design issuesOur study was done by carrying out qualitative interviews with interaction designers based on two digital design bureaus. One of the bureaus has an expressed link to research: the other has not. Our hypothesis is that the gap would manifest as a difference in work practice between the two bureaus.Our study shows that the two bureaus have similarities in work practice and that this work practice is based on scientific methods and theories, but is adapted to fit the client and/or the project. We conclude that the overcoming of the gap might not be necessary.

Ansvarsfrågan vid fuktspärrsarbete i våtutrymme

This final project is an investigation about the responsibility in rooms where the walls and floors are exposed or partly exposed to irrigation of water, as a bathroom, laundry room and WC. The cost for all water damage is valued for 5 000 000 000 SEK each year. How is this possible with all information about the problem and good materials? Who is responsible? Incites had been made in the subject throw reading reports and participation in courses about how to make a room mention above. Discussions have been made with workers in the trade of making the walls waterproof.The conclusion in the rapport is about who´s responsible for the damages and will pay the cost of the renovation. The responsibility is discussed between the contractor and the insurance company.

Children's influence and participation at the meal in preschool

I studien ?Barnets inflytande och delaktighet kring måltiden i förskolan? har vi undersökt barns delaktighet och inflytande kring måltiden på två olika förskolor och sedan jämfört dessa. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av sex stycken strukturerade observationer. Vi studerade hur de vuxna jobbade med delaktighet och inflytande med barnen. Vi studerade även hur barnens kommunikation var när de pratade med varandra och till de vuxna.

Relining ur ett beställarperspektiv

This report is focusing upon relining from a client?s point of view. Potential buyers are given a presentation of the different methods available today together with a general briefing describing the process. An important part of this report are the interviews that took place with already established customers. Property owners, managers, pipe cleaners, and project managers whom all been in contact with relining have answered the questions given along with their own thoughts and have also given recommendations of other persons to talk to.

Hjälpande makt : En studie om uppdraget som god man

This study illustrates how the power relation between the trustee and principals are experienced and maintained in proportion to the missions design. The main focus lies on understanding of how trustee perceives and applies the mission`s cornerstones and how power can be expressed in the relationship between trustees and principals. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with trustees whose principals were mentally disabled. The interviews were then analyzed with the support of Foucault's concept of discipline, knowledge, control, surveillance and reward/punishment and Tilly's theory of persistent inequality We have obtained an understanding of the complexity of the assignment regarding the mission`s cornerstones who goes into every other, and all respondents agreed that the cornerstones should be considered as a whole. We concluded that the trustee on the basis of the mission's design possesses a power that is necessary and important to have regarding the relation to his principal and its social network.

?Du kan göra skillnad i människors liv utan att ha en aning om det? : En kvalitativ studie om några socialsekreterares syn på suicidalitet

During 2010, 1446 people committed suicide in Sweden. Research shows that groups that are less favored in society have an increased risk of suicide. Social services often encounter groups of people that have a high risk of suicide, for instance welfare recipients or substance abusers. The purpose of this study was to shed light on how social workers talk about suicide and how this might affect interactions with suicidal clients. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm.

Aktiviteter och upplevelse av delaktighet hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom

Parkinsons sjukdom är en neurologisk sjukdom, som främst drabbar motorik, men även kan påverka psykosociala och kognitiva funktioner. Studiens syfte var att kartlägga aktiviteter och upplevd delaktighet hos en grupp personer med Parkinsons sjukdom (n = 10). En semistrukturerad intervju gjordes med genomgång av aktiviteter under ett dygn. Data analyserades utifrån aktivitets- och delaktighetsdomänerna i ICF. Jämförelse med tidigare forskningsresultat visade att personerna i den aktuella undersökningsgruppen ägnade mer tid åt personlig vård, men mindre tid åt vila och TV-tittande.

Smutsiga händer? USA:s samarbete med Iran 1953-1979

The hypocrisy of democracy is to help autocratic rulers to stay in power because it benefits their own country. This thesis examines how the United States of America justified their cooperation with the Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi during the period of 1953-1979, until he was overthrown by his own people. This case-study doesn´t make general conclusions about the US foreign policy towards other countries except Iran.The theoretical starting point for the empirical analysis is the political dilemma of dirty hands. With the analytical instrument, constructed with a normative analysis about the concept of dirty hands, it´s possible to discover which ethical discipline the American presidents had to uphold to justify their actions.There are three different aspects of their cooperation which are lifted in this thesis. The first one is about the circumstances that made them begin their cooperation, the second regards the features of the cooperation.

Camping : Vad, Vem & Varför!

What on earth do people see in camping? Why do they choose this compact living in their holiday? All that people in caravans who are put together in a camp site.The purpose of my study was to find out who and wy. My ethnographic study in a camp site with participation observations, interviews and analysis have results in facts that show why.The most common camper is the house owner with average income. And the choice of the camp site depend on the security and the service that the camp site offered. The camp site was controlled and the campers controlled each other.

Möjligheterna för teknikkonsultföretag att bidra till positiv indirekt miljöpåverkan : En studie hur teknikkonsultföretag kan genomföra fler miljörelaterade uppdrag

As the environmental requirements on businesses increase from various stakeholders, the incentives for businesses to work more with environmental issues also increase. Historically, the requirements were focusing on companies with direct emissions from operations. Lately, the environmental impacts that occur indirectly as results of corporate activities have become more topical. Companies and organizations that mainly offer services often have a greater indirect than direct environmental impact. This is because they are affecting third parties, which in turn have a direct environmental impact.

Det finns ju utrymme för tolkningar : En kvalitativ studie om handlingsutrymme i socialjoursverksamhet

The overall purpose of this essay was to provide a better understanding of the importance of discretion for social workers in direct social services. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: (1) How do social workers define and describe their discretion and their ability to independently accomplish their work? (2) How do social workers experience that workplace organization, policies and economic conditions interact with their discretion and (3) How do social workers experience that the interaction with the client can affect how they use their discretion in the individual case? The method used was qualitative interviews. The theoretical framework was Michael Lipskys (1980) Street-level bureaucracy and the four themes organization, professional role, skills and interaction.The results showed that the respondents, although they did not consider themselves to be affected by the economy still adapted to budget restrictions when they said that they were cost conscious in their work. This adjustment to budget framework could possibly be what made them not feel limited in their work.

Vann rätt låt? : Om röstning och röstningsmekanismer

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Handdockan i förskolan : Ett verktyg för att skapa lustfyllt lärande

The topic of this paper is puppets as an educational tool in preschool. The purpose of this paper is to examine the puppets potential as a tool for creating pleasurable learning in preschool. The method of collecting material for the essay has been qualitative research interviews with four informants. The prerequties for writing this essay has been good. There has been some literature on puppets and basis for my investigation, there have been informants with experience of puppets.

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