

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 37 av 95

Att planera för tillväxt : med utgångspunkt i Lund och Köpenhamn

Politiska och ekonomiska svängningar samt geografiska förutsättningar präglar stadens fysiska planering samt dess uttryck och form. För Lund och Köpenhamns räkning har planeringsprocessen under drygt femtio år tillbaka skett utifrån ett antal plandokument, upprättade för att kontrollera stadens utveckling. Studier av dessa dokument visar hur städerna fysiskt brett ut sig i landskapet samt argumenteringen kring denna tillväxt. Under 50- och 60-talen bredde städerna ut sig för att kunna erbjuda fler och bättre bostäder under devisen ?välfärd åt alla?.

Ett lyckat recept - Internt fokus vid varumärkning av en stad

Vi har i vår uppsats undersökt de interna intressenternas betydelse vid varumärkning av en stad. För att utreda vårt syfte har vi valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av en fallstudie där vi studerat Kristianstads profilering. Vi har dragit slutsatserna att de interna intressenterna är avgörande för att en lyckad varumärkning ska kunna äga rum. Vi har identifierat två kristiska faktorer för att få de interna intressenternas stöd, dessa är delaktighet och förankringsarbete..

Konflikt och konsensus : En studie av den keltiska religionens förändring under den romerska kolonisationen

In this essay I investigate how the Roman colonization (around 50 BC to 400 AD) affected the Celtic religion. I inquire which operators that were behind these changes and under what circumstances they happened. I take a closer look on three places in Gaul and one place and one area in Britain. In my study of these places I see that it was the elite of the Celtic societies who together and under pressure from Rome made these changes. The religion and gods did not change; instead the ritual ceremonies changed to fit into something that Rome thought was right.

Vegetationsbekämpning i dräneringsdiken inom ett järnvägsområde i Västra Götalandsregionen

My purpose with this thesis has been tostudy the intersection between Landscapearchitecture and Land Art. They both relateto the landscape in some way whetherit is to the urban landscape or thenatural landscape.What tangent points are there betweenthese two subjects, and can you learnsomething of the artists approach to thelandscape?Land Art is an art movement that began inthe late 60?s, what links are there to thecurrent landscape?Last summer, I travelled around the U.S.for a month and visited the three classicLand Art projects. Lightning Field in NewMexico, by Walter De Maria, Sun Tunnels inUtah, by Nancy Holt and the Spiral Jetty,also in Utah, by Robert Smithson.The sites where visited from half a day upto 24 hours and was described and analyzedwith text and photographs.To visit these sites has been crucial formy thesis and will affect my future workas a landscape architect. The use of themethod has been a thought of mine for along time, particularly to analyze ordescribe a landscape with images.

Effektivare transporter med samdistribution

Växande städer ökar kraven på hur väl godstrafiken fungerar ihop med den övriga trafiken. I Linköping är antalet lastplatser litet i förhållande till antalet leveransadresser och antalet distributörer i innerstaden. Följden blir trängsel och därmed trängselkostnader. Det lokala nätverket för transportörer i Linköping har därför tagit initiativet till projektet SAMLIC - S amordnad varudistribution till Linköpings city. Målet med SAMLIC är att skapa ett ekonomiskt och logistiskt effektivt distributionssystem som är uthålligt och miljöanpassat.Medverkande i projektet är Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut, nätverket för transporter i Linköping city, Citysamverkansgruppen, Arbetsgruppen Innerstadens transporter, Svensk Biogas och Linköpings Universitet.Syftet med rapporten är att utarbeta förslag till ett fungerande samordnat distributionssystem i Linköpings innerstad, dels på kort sikt, dels på lång sikt.

Från vision till verklighet

De flesta företag har visioner. En visions syfte är att fungera som en kompass som vägleder individer och grupper så att de lättare kan fokusera på företagens mål. Visioner har en förmåga att inge hopp om en bättre framtid, en framtid som är tillräckligt attraktiv att den anses vara värd hårt arbete för att en dag nå dit. Visioner ska fungera som en bas i företaget för att påminna om vad som är viktigt i organisationen, hur den bör relatera till omgivningen och hur intressenter ska bemötas. Tidigare studier visar att nästan alla anställda vid företag har svårt att förstå eller är helt omedvetna om företagets vision.

Partiet som utflöde av samhället : En argumentationsanalys av det nyuppkomna partiet Feministiskt Initiativ

This thesis is a study of Parties as an outflow of societal changes where the aim has been to find out how parties are affected by societal changes and how they justify to new party formation. This is done by using a theory called Parties as an outflow of societal changes which is a theory developed by Swedish researchers in Political Science. To confirm the theory it is necessary to do an argumentation analysis of one external developed party?s electoral program. In this case the party selected is Feminist Initiative which brings a different view on how the society of Sweden should look like.Selected parts of the argumentative analysis will be examined with the purpose to give a perspective on how Feminist Initiative values the changes in society and how they describe their role as a new party.The main question of this study is; Are new parties an outflow of societal changes? The basic arguments includes that along with societal changes in Western Europe also changes the view of a representative democracy in which political parties play a central role.

Fallstudie: en analys av Kungens Kurva utifrån Huddinge kommuns vision för vidare utveckling av området

In this thesis, a case study of Kungens Kurva in Stockholm is made. The municipality of Huddinge has designated the area, which is an external shopping-center, as one of its key development areas in the future. The municipality has established a future vision for the area, which extends until 2030. The vision claims, inter alia, that Kungens Kurva along with Skärholmen will become a vibrant suburb. How well the values and aims of the vision are met in the current area situation is discussed in the case study by a number of analysis that carries out the existing structures and characters of the area.

Fostran till frihet

Abstract Before the choice of upper secondary school in the ninth grade, young people need to have knowledge of themselves and the world. In this tough choice, the parents are the main support. The supporting role, which are their thoughts on how much they influence in their children?s choice of study? Based on these issues, we seek the answer to the question; which vision have the parents on their involvement in their children's choice of upper secondary school? Which visions have the parents on the impact on their children's upper secondary school? Do the parents think that the children's upbringing has influenced their choices? Young people's career decisions take place in interaction with their parents and with very different cultural, economic, social and symbolic capital. The concepts are Pierre Bourdieu's theory that intends to be our toolbox for this thesis.

Förra säsongen, hur gjorde vi då? : en studie om hur ett säsongsbaserat företag tar tillvara på anställdas kunskap och blir en lärande organisation

The purpose of this study is to describe if and how a seasonal based company named SkiStar, learns through the exchange of experience and knowledge. We have analyzed gathered qualitative and empirical data to explore this subject. We conducted three semi-structured group interviews with employees from the SkiStarshop division. They described their routines and procedures in SkiStarshop. The collected data was processed and analyzed through our theoretical framework.

Lärares val : En studie om undervisningsformer ur lärarperspektiv

The background to this study is an interest for teacher?s thoughts about choices and teachingmethods and motives for these choices. A question is about the meaning of professional experience and the importance of choices in teachingmethods according to the teachers. The purpose of the study is thru a qualitative study examine teacher?s thoughts and statements about choices of teachingmethods to shed a light on different teachingmethods in early years in school.

Två sidor av samma mynt : ?Pedagogikens mervärde för det utvecklande ledarskapet?

The transformational leadership and the Swedish Armed Forces? basic outlook on pedagogy are two factors that affect a Swedish military officer. The author has identified a need of understanding the process of personal development. An understanding that couldn?t be supplied by the transformational leadership but that was found in the Swedish Armed Forces? basic outlook on pedagogy.

En undersökning och utvärdering av ledningssystem : Ett delprojekt i ett förändringsarbete

In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.

Att surfa på den demokratiska vågen En studie av e-demokrati och e-förvaltning ur ett demokratiperspektiv på regional nivå

Lately information- and communication technology (ICT) has been seen as an important tool to vitalize democracy. What kind of democracy it generates is however debateable. The objective with this thesis is therefore to examine what democratic ideal that dominates the use of ICT in Region Skåne and Västra Götalandsregionen and what kind of citizenship it brings. The two case studies were chosen because the Swedish regional level is facing a reorganization with democratic ambitions which in relation to ICT is fairly unexplored. To fulfil the objective there are two perspectives; e-democracy and e-administration, which are defined and integrated with democratic theory including Premfors´ "Fast, Strong and Thin" democratic ideals and Marshall´s three citizenship rights.

Kvinnliga och manliga mellanchefer uppfattning om effektivt ledarskapsbeteende

The society today is full of new changes within the companies and their middle chiefs. Middle chief?s visions have changed during recent years. The female chiefs have grown in numbers, and because of that people have started to focus on whether there are any similarities or differences between the female and male leadership behaviors. The essay is about similarities and differences between female and male middle chief?s idea about effective leadership behavior.Our analysis is based on a qualitative study, where we have made four interviews with four chiefs in industrial companies.

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