

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 14 av 95

Medeltid i samtid : Salvestaden en rekonstruktion i mellanlandet

The Middle Ages in contemporary time ? Salve City; a reconstruction in the Between Land is an essay dealing with the reconstruction of medieval Kalmar. The Salve City is a melting pot of such diverse fields as archaeology, pedagogies, reconstruction, historical tourism, regional development policy et cetera. Together, these parts form a space for research and mediation, business and pleasure, a place where commercialism and historical tourism can function alongside with history enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. Both pros and cons of the use of a reconstructed part of medieval Kalmar are debated..

Kvinnliga nätverk - ett sätt att göra skillnad? : En fallstudie på nätverket Q80 och dess mentor program

Sweden is known to be one of the world?s most equal countries. Nevertheless, out  of  Sweden?s 262 listed companies, only seven  of  them  has  a  female  president, which  is  equal  to  3,4  percent. To  counteract  these  numbers  there  are  several  possibilities.  One  arrangement  that  is  highly  controversial     is  affirmative  actions.  But  there  are  other  options,  for  instance  more  and  more female  networks  are  starting  to  rise  and  many  of  them  also  offers  a  mentoring  program  where  the  mentee  gets  the  opportunity  to  learn  from  someone  with  more  experience.The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  examine  what  difference  the  female  network  Q80,  with  focus  on  its  mentoring  program,  is  doing  for  the  mentee.  As  an  underlying  purpose  the  study  is  also  examining  what  visions  and  attitudes  the  management  and  the  mentors  is  communicating  within  Q80.  The  focus  is  mainly  on  the  visions  of  Q80,  menas  mentors  and  business  exceeding mentorship.  A  survey  has  been  carried  out  among  mentees  from  three  different  seats of mentoring  programs  where  they  have  answered  19  different  questions  regarding  their  time  as  a  mentee.  Furthermore  interviews  have  taken  place  with the management  of Q80  and  two  mentors.  The  results  are  analyzed  based  on  theories  about  gender,  women  in   management,  leadership,  mentoring  program  and  organizational structure.  The  result  shows  that  Q80i  as  a  source  of  inspiration  and  a  support  for  the  category  of  "career  women"  with  its  core  mission  to  strengthen  the  participation of  individuals  on  a  personal  level  more than  to  work  to  even  out  the  gap  in  the  Swedish  labor market.

Dagvattenhantering i den täta staden

This thesis adresses the subject of stormwater management and the problematic with stormwatermanagment and landuse in the compact city. The thesis research different solutions in stormwater managment and how to implement them in the context of the compact city. And at the same time preserve and make good recreaational places and keep quality green land per capita. The thesis also analyses risks and problems that could effect the environment with focus on stormwater managment and hov to minimize these problematic factors an create a good environment. In an urban context where the water has a natrual place, and is used as a asset.

City Sound Generator: Processen kring skapandet av ett interaktivt och generativt elektroakustiskt verk

Uppsatsen fokuserar på skapandeprocessen kring prototypen av det interaktiva och generativa elektroakustiska verket City Sound Generator. De konstnärliga beslut som togs under arbetsprocessen kommer att diskuteras i relation till rådande tekniska och konceptuella restriktioner, tidigare forskning samt andra kompositörers verk. Vidare kommer dessa beslutsreflektioner ligga till grund för en diskussion kring huruvida prototypens klingande resultat bör benämnas som musik eller inte..

Green-urban balance : a proposal for balancing green area preservation and urban development in the city of Uppsala

Rapid urbanization causes competition over land use between green area preservation and urban development in cities and greatly affects ecosystems as well as human well-being. This conflict is significant all around the world as many cities are now replacing existing green areas with new developments. The area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg in Uppsala is currently experiencing the same conflict, as the need that the city has for new housing represents a threat for the many valuable green areas that are in the site. The purpose of this project was to understand how the need of urban development and the preservation of green areas could be balanced. This understanding would thereafter be used to make a design proposal for the area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg.

Tecken på liv : mänskliga spår i staden

The City is filled with signs of life. It teems with human traces waiting to be discovered. Street art of different kinds prevails behind traffic signs, on posts and electrical boxes. Personally con-structed dogs guard roundabouts all around Sweden and small gardens spire underneath window ledges. In this work I want to identify these phenomena and find out what thoughts inspired these creations.

Event Marketing : Kulturnatten och City Art Link som marknadsföringsverktyg

Denna uppsats är resultatet av en undersökning av två kulturevenemang, Kulturnatten i Norrköping och City Art Link i Linköping. År 2009 arrangerades dessa kulturevenemang med en veckas mellanrum och visar vad respektive stad har att erbjuda inom kulur. Vi ville undersöka hur dessa evenemang skiljer sig åt och hur de används som marknadsföringsverktyg för de aktörer som deltar i evenemangen och även för städerna.Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka och analysera på vilket sätt två kulturevenemang i två städer kan skilja sig åt. De evenemang vi kommer att undersöka är Kulturnatten i Norrköping och City Art Link i Linköping. Vi kommer genom intervjuer att undersöka hur evenemangen fungerar och används.

Kvällens sista beställning: från Kungsgatan till akuten : En studie om effekten av Ansvarsfull alkoholservering på krogvåldet i centrala Karlstad

This thesis represents my individual final research in Societal Risk Management. The aim of the study is to research whether the method called Responsible Beverage Serving has had the desired effect of diminished alcohol-related violence in Karlstad City, after its implementation into the ordinary operational agenda for Karlstad district in the county of Wermland. According to the method, the alcohol-related damages as well as alcohol-related violence in a society can be reduced by refusing to serve minors and clients who are excessively intoxicated.In order to be able to reach the aim of the thesis, the subsequent questions must be answered;Has excessive drinking reduced in the bars and clubs in Karlstad City?Has it become more difficult for minors to be served alcohol in the bars and clubs in Karlstad City?Has the police reported amount of assaults outdoors diminished regarding the alcohol-related violence in Karlstad City?This research is an intervention study and uses a quasi-experimental design. The intervention itself is the method called Responsible Beverage Serving.

Från observation till förändring : en studie av Intersport i Falun city

Syftet med studien är att genom en deltagande observation på Intersport i Falun City skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som leder till att omsättningen hämmas. Vi har kommit fram till att det är kommunikationen och samarbetet som är de mest betydande faktorerna som påverkar omsättningen i butiken. Kundfokus och kunskap har även de en betydande roll men vi tror inte att den är lika stor. Vi anser att om kommunikation och samarbete förbättras kan personalen tillsammans behandla de problem som dyker upp och kundfokus och kunskapen följer med..

Bokföringsbrott i svenska mikroföretag. : Vilka faktorer påverkar brottets svårighetsgrad?

The purpose of this master thesis is to study the correlation and meaning of current ideas and practice at the public library of Gothenburg. This was done by comparing the visions and ideas expressed by the library through the library plan, with how the daily practice looks. For the theoretical framework organizational theory is used and research data was collected both from public documents and through observations. The public library of Gothenburg were chosen for the study because of it's newly renovated facilities. The idea is that these facilities make a suitable study object of the current ideas and priorities of the public Swedish library in general.The results show that the public library practice in Sweden still rests on the original public library ideas such as offering information for free and treating every user as equal.

Coco Beach from city dump to paradise : a design proposal for a public beach in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Sub Saharan Africa has during the last decade become the world?s fastest urbanizing region. This change is concentrated to a few metropolitan areas one of them being Dar es Salaam, the largest city of Tanzania. Since the 1960s Dar es Salaam has grown from being a relatively small coastal city of approximately 300 000 people to become a bustling urban centre of four million inhabitants. This development has had a major impact on the city structure, which in turn has affected people?s welfare and the surrounding environment. One such consequence is the detrimental loss of urban vegetation and open areas in the city.

BEMÖTAS-principen : sju tillvägagångssätt för att främja integration genom fysisk planering

The thesis is about integration in the city and how integration can be improved through physical planning. Segregation can result in changing peoples? prerequisites in our society. Opportunities in life become dependent on what area of the city you live in or where you grew up. Integration denotes acceptance for all people, while different cultural and ethnic identities are preserved at the same conditions for everyone.

Toxoplasma gondii hos katt : prevalens, symptom och smittvägar

The thesis is about integration in the city and how integration can be improved through physical planning. Segregation can result in changing peoples? prerequisites in our society. Opportunities in life become dependent on what area of the city you live in or where you grew up. Integration denotes acceptance for all people, while different cultural and ethnic identities are preserved at the same conditions for everyone.

Mot ett befolkat Brunkebergstorg

Stockholms stad har i vision city ett antal konkreta utvecklingsmål för stadens utveckling fram till 2030. Bland annat betonas vikten av en större funktionsblandning, fler verksamheter med längre öppettider och en större mängd nattbefolkning i city. Som ett steg i vision citys riktning omvandlas inom kort Swedbanks huvudkontor på Brunkebergstorg till hotell, samtidigt som en renovering av Brunkebergstorg är aktuell.Uppsatsens syfte är att söka svar på hur Stockholms stad genom fysisk planering kan öka antalet besökare över hela dygnet på Brunkebergstorg och därmed öka nattbefolkningen i Stockholms city. Tillvägagångssättet utmärks till största del av litteraturstudier av forskningslitteratur inom stadsplanering, stadsliv och stadshistoria samt intervjuer och en platsanalys av Brunkebergstorg. Resultatet av litteraturstudierna presenteras som strategier vilka kan användas inom stadsplanering för att skapa ett befolkat offentligt rum.

Hur mår dagens skolbarn? : En studie av skolbarns hälsa inom Umeå kommun.

The purpose of this survey was to map out the health pf some of the 11 and 12 years old children in the city of Umeå, as well as to find out what factors intend to influense the children´s health. A questionnaire was distributed in four 6th grade classes whitin the municipality of Umeå. Two of the schools were located in the city while two were located in near villages. This selection was decided in order to map out diffrences in health related to the children´s home environment. 80 pupils took part of this study.

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