

1423 Uppsatser om City visions - Sida 13 av 95

Festivalturismens inverkan på destination och attraktion : En studie kring Storsjöyrans påverkan på Östersund

This essay will examine in which way festival tourism can affect the physical location of a festival and to operationalize this we implemented a case study of the music festival Storsjöyran. Storsjöyran is a Swedish music festival held annually in the city of Östersund and since the festival, with the accompanying festival week, attract up to 300 000 visitors annually, we wanted to see what impact the festival contributed to from a development perspective of the destination. The method for gathering data has consisted of both qualitative and quantitative approaches and the data was collected via interviews and questionnaires. We also presented various theories about festival tourism and destination development, as well as previous research on urban festivals. The conclusion is that Storsjöyran contributes to a variety of factors which can help Östersund to a destination development and increased tourism.

From elevator pitch to organizational vision - How does the personal idea become an outspoken organizational vision?

The purpose of this dissertation is to create an understanding of how a personal idea in the mind of an entrepreneur becomes an outspoken vision in one biotech company. More specifically, for what purpose the vision is used at different stages, how it is communicated, its content and what impact previous visions have on future vision work and in order to reach a deeper understanding of how vision develops over time and how it is used we have employed a qualitative approach based on a case study. The theoretical framework starts with the concept of vision and related concepts. Furthermore, the entrepreneur?s and manager?s usage of vision is examined.

Synen på arbetslösheten i Växjö stad under 1820-1860-talet

This study examines the view of the people, unemployed in the city of Växjö during the period from 1820 to 1860. The focuses are on the perspective in which these people where seen by the municipal executive board in the city of Växjö. The result of this study shows that the rulers had a conservative wiev of them who were unemployed. Usually, the meaning was that their situation was only caused by their own laziness. Starting ?Workinghouse? was the best way solving the problem with them who were unemployed, was the common opinion in the view of the rulers..

Tyck om Hedemora! : en sociotopundersökning för Hedemora stad

Hedemora is the oldest town in Dalarna; traditionally acting as an important junction for trade. Nowadays, the town is suffering from a declining population and a poor economy. Therefore, it is important to explore how to best spend the money needed for Hedemora to become an attractive city once again. "Sociotops" are public spaces that have been evaluated by their users and by city planners, both working together. The result in the sociotop investigation will be used as a basis for city planning and as a foundation for discussing how to make the town a nicer environment. The sociotop investigation attempts to answer the questions: What places are popular and why? And What places are disliked? I approached the questions by using questionnaires, by arranging public walks in the city and by holding group interviews with children, along with my own observations. The information I have gathered is most detailed for children and youth between the ages of seven and twenty years old.

EN KONTINENT I KRIS ? MIGRATION, INTEGRATION OCH INKLUDERING- En j?mf?rande studie av kommissionens handlingsplaner f?r integration i Europa

When migration to a country increases, the integration of the migrants becomes extra important for the host country?s society, economy and culture. In the last decade, Europe has faced several crises, such as the refugee crisis and the covid-19 pandemic, which has affected both migration and integration policy. The challenges that have characterized European society in recent years makes it interesting to study how the measures highlighted by the European Commission to integrate migrants has developed. Therefore, the paper aims to compare the Commission?s action plans for integration published in 2016 and 2020 based on the threat theory and the contact theory to see how both perspectives can contribute to understanding the differences between the years and which theory is best suited to understand the Commission?s current visions of integration.

Konstnärligt intrång : om att hävda sin rätt till plats i det offentliga stadsrummet

?Claiming the right to space? is an argument frequently used by street artists for justifying illegal art in the public space. The public city space as a room of democracy and right to free speech is by some people considered threatened by commercial interests, and street art has become a way to demonstrate disapproval towards this. Street art is illegal and often anonymously performed in our cities. It developed in the late 1970s from the urban graffiti scene in America, and has therefore a lot in common with the graffiti movement.

"Långsamhetens lov". Platsmarknadsföring av Slow Cities i Italien.

Vårt syfte är att identifiera och analysera hur koncepten Slow Food och Slow City kan användas för att marknadsföra en plats och öka dess attraktivitet. Fokus kommer att ligga på de marknadsföringsstrategier som platserna använder idag samt de strategier som kan bli aktuella i framtiden. Vi har funnit att de italienska städer vi studerat har en genomtänkt strategi och har gjort tydliga avvägningar i arbetet med sin platsmarknadsföring. De har tänkt långsiktigt vid implementeringen av koncepten och fokuserat på att marknadsföra sig internt hos stadens invånare. Städerna har resurser som är väl knutna till koncepten Slow Food och Slow City, men använder inte själva begreppen i sin externa marknadsföring.

Strategisk kommunikation inom franchising, en fallstudie av Gallerix

AbstractTitle: Strategic Communication within franchising, a case study of GallerixNumber of pages: 60 (65 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To find out, by doing a case study, how communication between the two parties in a franchising relationship works, and how communication can strengthen the concept and brand. By analysing the communication, identify strengths and weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement.Material/Method: Qualitative method by using interviewsMain results: The understanding of the concept and the relationship between franchiser and franchisees are vital for the success of the franchising chain. The main internal communication channel today is the Intranet, and more personal contacts and meetings are requested. The yearly meetings are appreciated by the franchisees, but the content of the meetings are of varied quality. The chains value words, which are important for how the brand is perceived by the customer, are slightly different from how the franchiser and the franchisees sees them.

Undersökning av avfallshantering i Stockholms innerstad

According to the European Union waste hierarchy, waste should first of all be minimized. Reuse and material and energy recycling come next. Lastly the waste should be thrown at the refuse tip. In the inner city of Stockholm waste handling can be done in various types of ways. The solutions vary as a result of the type of architecture of the building and its condition.

Där horisontellt möter vertikalt : en studie av hur fasaden och gatan påverkar upplevelsen av stadsrummet

This paper is about the facades and the streets impact on theexperience of the city and how architects can create cities forthe human kind with simple tools that makes a hugh difference forthe experience of urban space.As the cities are growing in a faster rate and as more people moveto the cities, they will also affect more people. The differentstructures that can be found in the cities therefore gets moreimportant and giving design to city structures also gets morecomplex because of our higher demands on urban functions andcontent. It?s difficult to evaluate the ultimate city structuresince all people experience their city in different ways, butarchitects still should be able to create urban spaces thatis suited for the human kind, just as we can create differentbiotopes for flora and fauna. Therefore there must be generalideas of what the human being experience as good or bad and theseshould be guidelines when designing urban space.Since urban space is something that most people experience everyday it doesn´t always have a clear impact on them.

Ikoner för barn : Om användandet av ikoner som skyltning på Stadsbibliotekets barnavdelning

The City Library has a problem getting children interested in reading. Futhermore, there are no clear signs to aid children to navigate themselves to books targeted to their age group. To solve this problem, this thesis aims to design signs that is both illustrative and informative.Of the images that were tested during the research, I would assume that children in such a wide age range requires the simplest level of abstraction from testing the three testing icons, since the second level of abstraction was not interesting enough for the kids. The third, nearphotorealistic level was most liked by the children who were in the city library more often and looked for books themselves..

Kristianstad Kommuns destinationsutveckling : Utvecklingen utifrån tre hållbara aspekter

The ongoing construction of Kristianstad is a trade mall in the city center, the City Hall and the railway station neighborhood is rebuilding, new residential projects are planned and "The healthy garden", "Accessibility for everyone" and "ERA-farms" are also current. Kristianstad has always a sustainable way of thinking in the background during the development and they are trying to meet all three perspective of sustainability: economical, ecological and social. The municipality seeks knowledge both by sharing their own and takes part in other municipalities in the development process..

From wheels to walking : exploring an alternative planning approach in Sub-Saharan countries - the case of the Axis in Nairobi, Kenya

Rapid urbanisation is putting strains on both the landscape and the city dwellers and the pressure on planning for sustainable and equitable cities is crucial. As many cities in Sub-Saharan Africa are expanding, city planning has trouble keeping up to meet the needs of the growing amount of urban dwellers. Many cities have also been planned with the cars in focus and the needs and comfort of the pedestrians have been overlooked. The capacity of institutions is limited due to centralized government and bureaucracy, as well as corruption. Planning is erratically implemented and it is difficult to know what will happen.

Centrumhandel i relation till externhandel : - en fallstudie om Strängnäs

In the 90's the establishment of external trade centers had a strong growth in Sweden, primarily in large and medium cities. Gradually took smaller towns by this development. In larger cities with larger and growing customer base than in small towns were not affected by the trade centers heavily, but in the smaller towns where the customer base was smaller, there was a risk that it created a negative competitive relationship between external trade center and trade in the citycenter. In some cases, competition is a positive development for both the citycenter and external trade areas, but in some cases there was a risk that the center became impoverished. In such situation there are theories that the different variety of different types of goods should be at the center and in external trade center could lead to a balanced trade relationship.

Art and Design City Helsingfors : En studie av stadsbyggnadsprojektet Arabiastranden

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera på vilket sätt stadsbyggnadsprojektet Arabiastranden i Helsingfors kan ses som ett exempel på en generell trend inom samhällsplaneringen. Denna trend handlar om att använda sig av varumärken och estetiska uttryck i den byggda miljön för att marknadsföra och konkurrera på en global marknad. Uppsatsens fallstudieområde är stadsbyggnadsprojektet och stadsdelen Arabiastranden, som representerar konst, historia och design i Helsingforsregionens ambition att uppnå ett varumärke som en ?Art and Design City?. Metoden är baserad på personliga intervjuer, guidning, föreläsningar, planeringsdokument och litteratur.

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