

6561 Uppsatser om Cinema studies - Sida 4 av 438

Kan Harry Potter-fandoms förstås som religiositet? : En analys av tre empiriska studier

The relationship between fandoms and religion has become an increasingly popular topic to study within the field of the sociology of religion. In previous studies, there have been different views concerning whether or not fandoms should be regarded as religious from a functional perspective. This issue is especially interesting considering the decreasing popularity of traditional religion in some aspects. The aim of this essay is to study how Harry Potter fandoms are described in previous studies. The study aims at discerning both the empirical data and how the data is interpreted. The material in this study consists of three previous studies about the communities centered around Harry Potter fandoms.

Portning av ett plugin till 3d-modelleringsprogram

This report describes the work and the results found when comparing three different 3d modeler applications. The programs are 3ds Max, Maya and Cinema 4D. The comparisons focus on the possibilities/the amount of freedom these programs interface offer to its plugins. The comparisons are made from the point of view of a tool for creating animations developed as a plugin for these modelers. This plugins demands on the system it is loaded into have been analyzed and from the results of this analysis a template have been created.

Motiverad? : en reviewstudie på motiverande samtal med fysisk aktivitet

AimThe aim of this study was to find out whether Motivational Interviewing can affect people to change their behaviour in form of increasing physical activity. What results do studies conducted at healthy adults using Motivational Interviewing with physical activity as an outcome present?MethodTo fulfil the aim of the study we chose a review process. During the research two data-bases were used, PUBMED and CSA. Studies including participants under the age of 18 or studies where the participants suffered from diseases were excluded.

Livskvalitet hos stomiopererade patienter : En litteraturstudie

AbstractThe aim of this literature review was to describe the quality of life in stoma patients after stomasurgery. Different combinations of the keywords ?stoma?, ?Quality of Life?, ?stomasurgery? were used when searching in the databases Medline, Cinahl, Academic Search Elite and PubMed. A total of nineteen articles were used in the result. Fifteen studies had comparing design and four studies had describing design.

Lite fräschare och mindre desperat - mottagandet av Wallanderfilmerna från Ystad

Uppsatsen behandlar mottagandet av Wallanderfilmerna från Ystad i svensk dags- och kvällspress. Den utgår teoretiskt från receptionsteorin såsom den presenterats av bl.a. Janet Staiger och behandlar främst filmerna "Innan frosten" (2005) och "Mastermind" (2005). Uppsatsen visar på och analyserar skillnaderna i mottagandet av de bägge filmerna och föreslår därefter några möjliga tolkningar av resultaten..

Vad är viktig kunskap i Samhällskunskap? : En analys av läraruppfattningar

Title: What is important knowledge in social studies- An analyse of opinions among teachers in social studiesThe aim of this paper is to increase the awareness about how teachers in Social studies think about goals and substance in the subject. I also want to get a picture about what kinds of problems teacher?s experiences when teaching Social studies. My expectations told me that Social studies are complex to teach, because it derives from several university disciplines such as Political science, Economics, Sociology, Law and Geography, which I believe makes the subject harder to define and what to give priority to. Finally, I want to increase the awareness, if it seems to be any fundamental essence in Social studies as a subject.To achieve my goals with this paper I have studied relevant literature about Social studies.

Surfplattor som studieverktyg : En artefakt för mediering

Swedish schools have during the last few years started to providing pupils in high school with tablet-computers. By doing interviews I examine how pupils in high school use tablet-computers in different ways and how that affect their studies. From a sociocultural perspective and with the concept of artefacts I analyze how suitable tablet-computers are for studies on this level of education. My results show that the tablet-computers are used as the pupils primary study tool. They are available to all pupils and can be used in most parts of their studies and this creates new opportonities in how to interact with collective knowledge and with other people.

Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii - underhållning eller propaganda?

I uppsatsen analyseras den amerikanska redigeringen av Elvis Presleys satellitsända tv-konsert ?Aloha from Hawaii? (Marty Pasetta, 1973) stilistiskt och kontextuellt. Syftet är att utreda huruvida sändningen enbart hade underhållningsmässiga motiv eller om man även kan se den som amerikansk, kulturimperialistisk propaganda. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är främst Daniel Dayans och Elihu Katzs forskning om media events och David Ludvigssons teorier om produktionsfaktorer inom dokumentärfilm. Även P.

Fältstudiers betydelse för stimulans, delaktighet och inflytande : En studie av hur elever och lärare i Vallentuna gymnasium värderar fältstudier

Schools inspections investigation has shown that most pedagogues are experiencing significant challenges to stimulate students and to invite students to participate and to influence the teaching structure and content. This study is based in the school inspections school questionnaire from 2013 which shows that Vallentuna high school results in two categories stimulation as well as participation and influence gets a low index value compared to all participating school units. Previous research has shown that the field studies creates greater amount of stimulation, increases students? participation and provide experience of a bigger influence. Careful preparations are also important and the right form of field studies.

"War is the province of men, Éowyn!" -En genusanalys om kvinnorna i filmtrilogin Lord of the Rings.

När man går på bio eller sitter hemma i soffan och ser på film tänker man sällan på filmens egentliga innehåll och symbolik. Man ser på filmen för att slappna av eller för att tänka på något annat. Syftet med denna uppsats är att framförallt analysera de kvinnliga karaktärerna i Lord of the Rings ur ett genusperspektiv och att höja medvetandet om dessa karaktärers roll i filmerna. Framför allt kommer fokus att ligga på de tre kvinnliga gestalterna som skildras. Jag har även valt att kortfattat behandla karaktären Rosa Kattum, som kontrast till de andra kvinnorna då hon skiljer sig från dem på ett för uppsatsens syfte intressant sätt..

Validering av ett livsmedelsfrekvensformulär för uppskattning av fullkornsintag hos svenska män och kvinnor

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

Mat, omsorg och tid : En kvalitativ studie om hemtjänstens syn på matproblem hos äldre

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

Ungdomars upplevelser av sina konsumtionsmöjligheter : En enkätundersökning i en sjundeklass

The object of this essay was about youth's experiences of their possibility of consumption. We also wanted to analyze if their possibility of consumption had a connection with their experience of happiness. Another part of the object was to see if there where any differences between girls and boys concerning the questions above. One of the issues we had was if the youth's money was enough for their needs of consumption. The method we used were a questionnaire, which we asked a class of 22 pupils to fill in.

Effekter av lågkolhydratkost vid diabetes typ 2 : En litteraturstudie

ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this review was to describe the effects of low carbohydrate diets in people with diabetes type 2. Methods: Review. An article search was made in the databases PubMed and Medline. The search resulted in 17 studies. After review and analysis of the studies main results five categories were highlighted; bloodsugar levels, HbA1c, weight, lipid levels and antidiabetic medications.

Ungdomar med mobiltelefoner i klassrummet - vad gör de?

AbstractPurpose/Aim: To describe in-classroom use of mobile phones amongst teenagers.Material/Method: The data was collected through as use of focus groups and field studies.Main results: The main findings confirm the findings of other studies on teens and mobile phones. Teens use their mobile phones for much more than just sending text messages and making calls, there are many different types of localized usages. There is also a strong emotional connection between the device, its content and the user.Keywords: mobile phone, teens, classroom, focus groups, observation, field studies, mobility..

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