

2062 Uppsatser om Church Growth Movement - Sida 3 av 138

Ulf Ekmans konversion till Katolska kyrkan i svensk dagspress : Diskussion utifrån ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons a religious minority leader has to convert to a larger religious group and how the leader chooses to communicate this event in certain daily press. In March 2014 the leader and founder of the Christian and charismatic movement ?Livets Ord? (Words of Life), Ulf Ekman, announced his decision converting to the Roman Catholic Church after a 10 year long process of thinking. The communications of Ekman?s linguistic language in the articles are discussed through two discourse analyzing perspective, Laclau & Mouffe?s and Fairclough?s.

På jakt efter miljörörelsens sångtradition

Is there a specific tradition of songs within the swedish environmental movement? What kinds of music has been performed in different situations and what does it mean to the movement and its inner life? The essay deals with a town meeting and action against plans of establishing passenger flights at a former military airport in Uppsala, looking at the action as a performance and as a ritual. The second part of the essay is built on interviews of three veterans of the movement's organisations one of which is as a singer-songwriter originally active in the peace movement of the 60's. The paper is about the songs and the situations in which they were sung, concluding that there is, the limited material considered, little evidence of considerable transfer of songs within the movement, though some coherence exists. The connection to between environmental movement and the swedish radical music movement of the 70's is also slightly mentioned.

Holdningskampen 1940 - 1942 och dess fortsättning : Med betoning på  kyrkans roll som sammanhållande faktor under ockupationen av Norge

During the period of occupation of Norway between the years 1940-1945 the National Lutheran Church took the responsibility of supporting the Norweigans in their ideological battle against the Nazis. This was a period named Holdningskampen in Norwegian history. One person to remember was Eivind Berggrav, bishop in Oslo diocese. He was the one responsible for the theological document of importance Kirkens Grunn that became important as a document against the Nazis and the small percentage of Christians that related to the naziinspired-church. Berggrav was also one of the founders of Den Midlertidlige Kirkeledelsen, the organisation responsible for the non-nazified churches.

Där taket är högt och trösklarna låga : En religionssociologisk studie av hur Universitetskyrkans verksamhet framställs i tre svenska studenttidningar

The aim of this essay is to study how the University Church is represented in student newspapers. By conducting an inductive thematic analysis on sixteen articles chosen from newspapers distributed by the student union at three Swedish universities, the main purpose of the study is to further understand the role and function of the University Church in a contemporary Swedish context. Three themes emerging from the initial step of the thematic analysis were chosen for further analysis: (1) a secularized church?, (2) provocation and (3) reasons to seek out the University Church. The themes were then highlighted by two theoretical perspectives: Mark Chaves? theory of internal secularization and a theoretical framework developed by Anders Bäckström with the aim to explain the role of the church as a welfare agent in Sweden.The study shows that the University Church is portrayed as both an ambiguous and complex organization.

Markion Markions Kristendom

This essay describes Marcion, his life, religion and achievements. He was active 120 ? 160and was a leading christian gnostics or a christian extreme paulinist.Marcion regarded himself as the only true interpreter of christianity. He meant that theCreator God was the jews God, while the Superior God of Love and Grace, was the Father ofJesus and God for all people and Gods.Marcions church grew very fast. It was united, widespread with canon and liturgy around 150AD.

"När som en krigsman i hans här ...": en queerläsning av tidig svensk pingströrelse

The aim of this essay is to do a queer reading of the early Swedish pentecostal movement, with a special focus on the women within the movement. The main empirical material is Gustaf Emil Söderholms Den svenska pingstväckelsens historia part I and II, published 1927 and 1928, in addition to this a selection of articles from the Swedish pentecostal magazine Evangelii Härold has been used. The theoretical framework consists of Judith Butler's concepts of heterosexual matrix and performativity, as well as interpellation, and of Adrienne Rich's concept of a lesbian continuum. The analysis shows that the evangelist role, as well as the charismatic practices of the movement, made it possible for women to take the position as leader and teacher of congregations, and thereby take up a male subject position. The role as evangelist also made possible a life outside of the heterosexual norm, within the lesbian continuum..

The Zeitgeist Movement : ?Allt kanske inte är som mamma och pappa sa?? EN SOCIALPSYKOLOGISK STUDIE MED FOKUS PÅ ETT ANTAL DELTAGARE I THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT

This study´s focus was a group of participants of a social movement called The Zeitgeist Movement. The purpose of this study was to understand and convey what causes participants of this movement to engage despite that the prevailing culture teaches them otherwise.With qualitative methodology of participatory observation and semi-structured interviews with ten participants, our objective has been to answer the following questions: What are the driving forces that make these people act, which approach do they have to ?reality? and how do they relate to it, and what are the potential consequences with this approach?The study has shown that their critical and questioning attitude towards their perception of reality and their social constructivist view of it lead to conflicts between them and their fellowmen. The data was then analyzed with Alfred Schütz phenomenological theories in synthesis with Zygmunt Baumans critical societal analysis and theories.The study's focus was on the Gothenburg chapter of the Swedish Zeitgeist Movement. We did not make any comparisons with other national or international chapters of the movement..

Växande tankesätt : en studie av tillväxtmotiv och tillväxtstrategier i småföretag

Background: Today small business firms represent a considerable part of swedish economy, and the number of small firms has steadily increased the last ten years in relation to the total employment. The fact that there are firms willing to grow, it ought to be interesting observing their motives of growth, and what kind of strategies that can be identifiable in these firms. Purpose: To examine the motives of growth in small business firms, and to study which growth strategies the firms use when expanding their business. Realization: The study is accomplished through telephone interviews with six small business firms in the province of Jönköping. The firms contain between 10-49 employees.

Kyrka, teologi och samhälle En studie av Stanley Hauerwas och Max L. Stackhouse

The discussion concerning what role the church and theology should have in a modern, western society is a question that is ongoing in Sweden as well as in other countries. The present; American theologians Stanley Hauerwas and Max L. Stackhouse have different ideas concerning the identity of the church and theology as well as their relation to the society they are in. This essay surveys their views on the church and the theology and how they should relate to the society. Hauerwas focuses his theology on the church, and the first part of the essay deals with his view on what makes a church, how it differs from the rest of the world and what the church?s calling is.

Hur påverkar rörelse barns prestation i skolan?   How does movement affect children?s performance in school? : How does movement affect children?s performance in school?

This report is a qualitative interview study which central content enlightens how movement and sports effects children?s performance in school. With the help of five different teachers in three different schools questions like; how does movement effect the performance of children in school? Have been answered.Lots of research and litterateur shows that children is doing better physical and mental, the concentration level is improved and the performance in school is better when exposed to more movement, also there are less conflicts and the students gets better motor skills.Comparison with the ?Bunkefloproject? has been done, which was a project in the south of Sweden where they let the children have physical education every day and then they examined how this effected their performance in school. With this basis this report will examine the teachers view on the subject.The result shows that the teachers think that there should be more movement in the daily schedule for the children because they seam to be more happy and concentrates better after movement.

Är mormonrörelsen en religiös sekt? : en analys utifrån sektteorier om mormonernas organisation och tro

My aim for this essay is to investigate if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a religious sect, on the basis of literature and information about the Mormons organisation and their religious standpoints. My conclusion is that Mormon Church is a religious sect. Their organisation has several sect characteristics according to sect definitions; see for example Göran Gustafsson (2000), Mikael Rothstein (1997) and Bryan R. Wilson (1970). Other researchers in religious studies think that the Mormon Church is not a sect but a cult.

Frälsningssynen inom kristendomens tre inriktningar : En kvalitativ studie

According to the directives of Lgr11, learning about Christianity should be an important part of religious education in secondary school (7th-9th grade) in Sweden. A school teacher must therefore have good knowledge of the field and of different aspects of the beliefs of the various Christian traditions.This essay is about how salvation is conceived of by two members of the laity in each of three different Christian traditions: the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of Sweden (which is Lutheran). As a theoretical perspective for my analysis, I have chosen the official views of salvation of these three churches. That is to say, views of the members of the laity have been compared with the official views of the respective churches. It is thus a very limited qualitative study aiming at finding out how the views of the laity conform to the official creed concerning salvation and whether there are any differences here between the churches.

Hälsoeffekter av djur inom äldrevården

Mainstream contemporary phenomenology understands the phenomenology of movement and dance through ?the lived body? of Merleau-Ponty. This paper rather suggests a phenomenology of movement and dance based on an understanding through ?the danced body? with ability to meta-feeling. It is here argued that we need to use a phenomenology of dance to understand the phenomenon of movement whatsoever.

Att skapa enhetlighet - En tillsyn av en tillsynsmyndighet.

My problem comes out of the bigger question ?why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?? I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious organization is in a horror movie it's the Catholic church that gets to act as church and religion. I have chosen the following problem: How is the Catholic church presented in the horror movies The Exorcist and The Rite, and how can one understand these presentations from a role theoretic perspective?Since role theory has it's background in the world of the theater with it's actors and roles, it came naturally to use role theory, and specifically Goffmans dramatic model. I've used this model in a film analysis of the movies.

Filmmusik : En grund djupdykning i filmmusikens värld

The future of Christianity is something that has been, and still is, discussed all over the world. Atthe first sight it can look like this religion, that has former been so big all over Europe, isdiminishing. More and more people are leaving the church and the church-benches are very seldomfilled. In our society it is the individual that is important and the moral life is changing. But, this donot still have to be the end of Christianity, which some people believe.

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