

4666 Uppsatser om Children with defective vision - Sida 1 av 312

"Se mig för här är jag..." : Pedagogers syn på synsinnets betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande i förskolan.

AbstractThe signification of the eyesight for children?s development and learning- how do pedagogues support and stimulate Children with defective vision in their development and learning in pre-school?These issues are based on my purpose of the field survey investigations, where I have interviewed three pedagogues and also performed an observation.My main conclusion and results describe that the vision is the high-powered engine in children?s development and learning. It also tells us that those around the children are very important for optimum development and learning, especially when it comes to supporting and stimulating Children with defective vision in their necessities. Our other senses are a compensation to make it easier for Children with defective visions in their lives. But all our senses are equally important for Children with defective vision as they are for seeing children in their development and learning with their whole body in pre-school.Keywords:Eyesight, Children with defective vision, development and learning in pre-school, pedagogues, pedagogical support and stimulation.

Punktskrift. En studie över hur punktskriftslåntagarnas behov tillgodoses på Talboks- och punktskriftsbiblioteket: med en historisk tillbakablick

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how Braille users needs are satisfied by The Library of Talking Books and Braille TPB. The other issues are: How do some of the library workers at TPB experience that the needs of Braille users are satisfied? Is it possible to make the service better in the future for Braille users and in that case, how? The study is based upon interviews with five persons, who have defective vision and read Braille. I have also interviewed two employees at TPB who have defective vision. To build up a complete background presentation of the subject I have chosen a book about hermeneutic interpretation to understand how historic facts influence the function of the subject today and in the future.

När naturen leker : hur barnets relation till naturen framställs i filmen ?Granne med Totoro?

The landscape architect is similar to the moviemaker in that they both want to mediate an experience with their creations. The landscape architect designs playgrounds and the moviemaker makes movies for children, but how does the relationship between children and nature look like in the landscape formed by the movie maker?s fantasy? The purpose with this thesis is to study how the relationship between child and nature is depicted in a movie as a medium, by analysing ?My neighbour Totoro?, a Japanese animated movie from 1988 by Hayao Miyazaki. The analysis consists of two combined analyses, Experiential Landscape Analysis and Gordon Cullen?s Serial Vision, both of which analyse the relationship between a human being and her environment as well as the emotional changes that occur as she moves in it.

Hur en entreprenör kommunicerar sin vision : En kvalitativ studie genomförd inom privat förskoleverksamhet

The purpose of this thesis is to describe how an entrepreneur and leader, transmits a vision through communication. Furthermore what kind of feedback the leader finds that he/she acquire. We want to study how entrepreneurship and leadership appears at a private preschool and how the entrepreneur and leader use it to communicate his/her vision.This thesis is based on qualitative method using one in-depth interview with CEO at Helianthus AB, documents and one observation at a parental meeting. The theories of which this study is based on consist of entrepreneurship, transformational and transactional leadership, vision and communication. The theories used in this thesis regard entrepreneurship, transformational and transactional leadership, vision and communication.Our study strengthened the assumption that our respondent is an entrepreneur and leader according to chosen theories.

Inkludering av barn med särskilda behov : En studie om pedagogers tankar och syn om inkludering

In today's preschool teachers should strive for us to have an inclusive preschool regardless of background, knowledge, culture. The conditions that everyone should have the right to education. Therefore the purpose of this study to enhance the understanding of the informants' views and thoughts regarding the inclusion of children with special needs. My study focused generally on children with special needs, but not against any particular diagnosis or a particular area related to children with special needs. To get answers to my questions I used qualitative interviews.

From elevator pitch to organizational vision - How does the personal idea become an outspoken organizational vision?

The purpose of this dissertation is to create an understanding of how a personal idea in the mind of an entrepreneur becomes an outspoken vision in one biotech company. More specifically, for what purpose the vision is used at different stages, how it is communicated, its content and what impact previous visions have on future vision work and in order to reach a deeper understanding of how vision develops over time and how it is used we have employed a qualitative approach based on a case study. The theoretical framework starts with the concept of vision and related concepts. Furthermore, the entrepreneur?s and manager?s usage of vision is examined.

Visionen & Entreprenören : Framtiden för det framgångsrika entreprenörsföretaget

Leaders have many tools in their toolbox when it comes to managing their firms, assuring that they are moving in the right direction. One of these tools is vision. Vision can be a powerful tool for steering a company. But to be able to use it fully, you must also understand how vision is best conveyed to employees and followers. If you understand the vision as a tool, you can fully utilize it.

Kartläggning av barn och ungdomar med cochleaimplantat (CI) med avseende på kombinerad syn ? hörselskada eller dövblindhet, diagnos rörande deras syn- hörselnedsättning samt frekvensen för uni- respektive bilateralt CI hos dessa barn och ungdomar

BackgroundThe opportunity for cochlear implantation has now extended beyond children who are only deaf or hard of hearing. Children who are deaf blind from birth or early in life are receiving implants, but very limited research has been done for this population, and this raises important issues. AimThe aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hearing and vision impairment or deaf blindness in children with Cochlear Implants in Sweden and to investigate the diagnoses issues among these groups of subjects. Material and MethodSubjects with an age between 1-18 years were ascertained through multiple sources and almost complete ascertainment was achieved.ResultsA total of 77 subjects with a referring diagnosis of combined hearing and vision disorder or deaf blindness were ascertained. Out of those, 30 subjects were excluded.

Från ord till handling- spridning och förankring av en vision

Problem: Hur kan en organisation arbeta för att individerna i organisationen ska ta till sig den uttalade visionen på ett sådant sätt att den faktiskt påverkar det dagliga arbetet? Syfte: Vårt syfte är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar spridningen och förankringen av visionen hos medarbetarna i organisationen Metod: Studien baseras på djupintervjuer med respondenter på två fallföretag, Bilen AB och Ljuset AB. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att belysa begreppet vision. Resultat: Det går att spåra en vision i en organisation utifrån den metod vi har valt. En vision har ingen kraft i sig själv, utan måste ges liv av företagsledningen.

Framtidens barnbibliotek - Verksamhet och visioner

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the theories and visions of five futuristic projects at children's libraries in Sweden and Denmark to investigate if these projects have approaches that are significantly different from today's best practices of the libraries and the current theories behind the children's sections.More specific questions are also asked:Are the projects taking advantage of the children's perspective or is it the adult vision of children's needs that is governing?Are the projects promoting collaborations with other actors, thereby facilitating a future development of the children's library by others than librarians?The comparisons reveal that new methods and tools are beeing developed, while the traditional ambitions and views on children and children's needs are essentially unchanged. The role of the library as a social room and meeting place has increased, while its role as a place for finding and transferring information has been challenged by Internet and home computers. The library can still compete as a public place offering relevant contents and assistance by attentive, well-educated adults.In conclusion, the futuristic projects are expected to promote greater variations between children's libraries, by presenting literature, media and information in many different and more innovative ways. Such greater diversity and multiplicity would allow the libraries to market themselves with a clearer message in order to compete with other (commercial) activities for children..

Från rätt till röst En diskursanalys av samtalet kring barnkonventionen i Sverige och Sydafrika

In this thesis the positioning of children and adults in the context of children?s rights in SouthAfrica and Sweden are examined. With theoretical terms as children in vulnerability and adults incharge the analysis examines how South Africa and Sweden has been using the UN children?sconvention to empower children and for what consequences in the positioning of children that hasshown. And that adults are positioned as a powerful group with a responsibilty of protectingchildren.

Television eller ?tell-lie-vision?* : En kvalitativ studie om barns tevekonsumering och deras egna tankar omkring den.

This examination intends to find out what thoughts children in around 12 years of age thinks about their own television consumption. To examine this, the questions in issue is: ?What does the children watch on television?? ?Why do they watch the programs they do?? ?How do the children speak about their own consumption?? ?What does the children learn from TV?? ?Are the children concious of the impressions they take from TV?? ?Do they speak critical about TV?? ?Is there anything indicating on some kind of influence from the childrens television consumption?? .To answer these questions I have chose to hold qualitative interviews, to let the children?s own thoughts be the foundation of the examination. The theories in this examine are that the person who does the consumption from different forms of television takes the information personally out of her own reality. Meaning that the person watching is the judge of how she applies the information to herself.

Leken : En studie om kommunikation i fantasilekar

The aim of this study was to examine how children in the age of 5 are communicating in play at the preschool and how their fantasy games are different from each other. In this study, I have gained a greater insight on how to control children's imagination games.My approach has been the observation of three fun times where I also used me out of a voice recorder to record children's voices when their children are communicating with each other during the time of play at the preschool.The results of my study showed that children's fantasy games based on children's past experiences in which children use different themes and characters. The children's communication activities are different from each other. Children have different themes but the deck is based on imagination and communication.Fantasy games that children perform is rooted in the experiences that children get through to experience and see the reality.

En studie om ensamkommande barns situation

In this study the semi structured interview method was used to explore what kind of knowledge one In State Authority: The Migration Board, and three Non Governmental Organisations: Red Cross, Save the Children and ISS- International Social Service have about the situation for separated children. Another purpose in this study was to explore if people who are close to the children are working for the best of the children and if their cases were treated with legal security. The result shows that the children?s cases are not treated with legal security and some of the children suffer psychologically from separations from the families and other children need new families because they were maltreated. The result also shows that there are signs that separated children are discriminated compared to children with a Swedish background..

Den viktiga barnlitteraturen : Om förskollärares uppfattningar kring normkritisk barnlitteratur

The purpose of this study is to find out what preschool teachers think about antisocial children's literature. Based on five qualitative interviews with teachers at a preschool that works with a standard critical approach. In order to fulfill my purpose with this study, I focused on how these teachers felt that it was important to use the standard critical children's literature in preschool. I wanted to find out what the teachers' thoughts were on the concept of standard critical children's literature and how and whether they use it in their daily activities. When I analyzed the results of my interviews I used the queer theories that include standard critical pedagogy and literature in preschool.

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